Specific event open air fire permit

Before you begin

A specific event open air fire permit allows a not-for-profit community organization or a religious institution to conduct campfires for cultural, religious or recreational specific events that are normally not allowed in designated no burn areas of the city.


$64.41 (tax included)

Note: payment is required only after site inspection.


15-20 business days


  • Community, not-for-profit organization
  • Religious institution

What you need

  • Confirm all individual dates for when you plan to have a fire
    • Additional dates cannot be added after permit is issued
  • Letter of permission from the property owner.
    • Printed on a legitimate letterhead with owner/executive contact information
    • Details in the letter must match the information on the application form:
      • Date and time of event
      • Address/location
      • Name of the organization
      • Purpose


  1. Complete the Specific event open air fire permit application form
  2. Sign the application form (physically or electronically)
  3. Attach the 2 (two) completed documents and send to SpecificEventFire@ottawa.ca:
    1. signed application form
    2. letter of permission from the property owner

What's next

Site inspection

A Fire Prevention Officer (FPO) will contact you to schedule a site inspection. After inspection, the form must be signed by the FPO to proceed with payment.


Following the inspection, Ottawa Fire Services will contact you and provide instructions for payment.



Response time: 1-2 business days