Ottawa Built Heritage Advisory Committee Comité consultatif sur le patrimoine bâti d’Ottawa MINUTES 10 PROCÈS-VERBAL 10 Thursday, 1 September 2011, 6:00 p.m. le jeudi, 1 septembre 2011, 18 h Colonel By Room, 110 Laurier Avenue West Salle Colonel By, 110, avenue Laurier ouest Present/Présents: C. Mulholland (Chair/Président), E. Eagen (Vice-Chair/Vice-présidente), J. Doutriaux, V. Sahni, S. Whamond, E. Zdansky Absent / Absents A. Fyfe (regrets/excuses), P. Maheu DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST DÉCLARATIONS D’INTÉRÊT Member S. Whamond declared a conflict of interest with respect to Agenda Item 2 concerning 9 Rosedale Avenue. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES RATIFICATION DES PROCÈS-VERBAUX Minutes 8 of the Ottawa Built Heritage Advisory Committee of 4 August 2011 were confirmed. The committee considered proposed amendments to its Minutes of 6 May 2010. Moved by Jérôme Doutriaux: That, pursuant to section 1(2) of the Procedure By-law (being By-law no. 2007-104), the Ottawa Built Heritage Advisory Committee suspend the Rules of Procedure for the purposes of considering an amendment at today’s meeting to the committee’s previously approved minutes of 6 May 2010. CARRIED Moved by Jérôme Doutriaux: That the Ottawa Built Heritage Advisory Committee approve the following corrections to the Minutes of its 6 May 2010 meeting: * Item 1 (ACS2010-ICS-PGM-0090), page 3, paragraph 8: “….She told members of OBHAC that she fears the sightlines from her veranda will be completely blocked by the large wall on the west side of the proposed development….” – change ‘west’ to ‘east’ * Item 1 (ACS2010-ICS-PGM-0090), page 3, paragraph 11: “…Members had a discussion on the east west wall of the proposed new construction, and agreed that …” - change ‘west’ to ‘east’ CARRIED Minutes 40 of 6 May 2010 were confirmed as amended. PRESENTATION PRÉSENTATION 1. PRE-CONSULTATION: 22 CLEMOW AVENUE CONSULTATION PRÉALABLE : 22, AVENUE CLEMOW CAPITAL / CAPITALE (17) Barry Hobin, Barry J. Hobin and Associates Architects Inc. provided a presentation and background documentation with respect to the proposal for 22 Clemow Avenue that included: a Plan of survey; a Cultural Heritage Impact Statement; context photos; the site and floor plans; and , three-dimensional streetscape images. He felt that pre-consultation with Ottawa Built Heritage Advisory Committee would be beneficial given that a proposal to establish a Heritage Conservation District (HCD) including this address would be before Council shortly and that applications for both consent and minor variances have been filed for 20, 22 and 24 Clemow. He noted that once the HCD is legally in place, a second formal submission would be made. A copy of the documentation provided by Mr. Hobin is held on file pursuant to the City’s Records Retention and Disposition By-law. The committee’s main concern was that the third floor of the proposed design reads as too massive and needs to be softened. Some members also expressed concerns about the proposed setback and at-grade garage approach. Action: Chair Mulholland to compile and submit comments to Mr. Hobin (within 10 days of this meeting if possible) on behalf of the committee. 2. MEMO FROM STAFF WITH RESPECT TO 9 ROSEDALE AVENUE NOTE DE SERVICE DU PERSONNEL CONCERNANT 9, AVENUE ROSEDALE CAPITAL/CAPITALE (17) Member Whamond declared a Conflict of Interest on this matter due to the nature of his employment and the subject area in question. He left the room for the duration of discussion on this item. As a follow-up to the discussion that occurred on this subject at the Ottawa Built Heritage Advisory Committee (OBHAC) meeting of 4 August 2011, the committee received the above-noted memorandum dated 24 August 2011 from Sally Coutts, Heritage Planner. She submitted an updated Heritage Survey and Evaluation Form that reflected the information presented to the committee at its August 4th meeting. She indicated that heritage staff did not feel the additional information was sufficient to increase their original scoring of 5.5/9. She asked OBHAC to review the Heritage Survey Form and make a recommendation regarding the significance of the house at 9 Rosedale Avenue, as per the public request they had considered on August 4th. A copy of the memo is held on file pursuant to the City’s Records Retention and Disposition By-law. The committee heard the following delegations: Michael Lynch disagreed with staff’s scoring of the property, suggesting the contextual value is considerable because of its placement just outside the buffer zone of the Rideau Canal corridor, a designated world heritage site. He asked the committee to consider this unique setting and relationship and to recommend the contextual value of the heritage evaluation be increased sufficiently to warrant protection of the property. A copy of Mr. Lynch’s more detailed comments is held on file pursuant to the City’s Records Retention and Disposition By-law. David Jeanes, Heritage Ottawa disagreed with staff’s scoring of the property in terms of historical value, suggesting that greater significance should have been given to the previous owner, W. Frank Jones, Manager of the Ottawa Dairy. He also felt the scoring for the contextual value could be increased because the house supports the character and values of the area. Mr. Jeanes indicated that Heritage Ottawa would support the creation of a Heritage Conservation District, even were it to include just that block of Rosedale Avenue. Michael Patenaude provided some historical details about 9 Rosedale Avenue and suggested the City of Ottawa and the National Capital Commission should work together to bring that type of history to the forefront. He felt that staff should have scored the historical value of the property higher. He spoke in support of the creation of a Heritage Conservation District (HCD) for Old Ottawa South in the vicinity of Rosedale Avenue and Colonel By Drive and offered to apply for heritage designation for his own home on Colonel By Drive to participate in this potential HCD. He suggested that demolition of 9 Rosedale would permanently deface the streetscape and might end the chance for such a heritage designation. A copy of more detailed comments submitted by Mr. Patenaude and Rhonda Francis is held on file pursuant to the City’s Records Retention and Disposition By-law. Lydia Oak restated her original position, as presented to OBHAC on August 4th, that 9 Rosedale should be designated. She suggested the property’s contextual value is significant, noting its relationship to the Rideau Canal, its prominence as a community landmark and gateway to Rosedale Avenue, and a 100-125-year old tree located on its lot. She remarked that several neighbours have expressed interest in working toward a HCD and will work with their community association and anyone else willing to move that forward. Ms. Oak submitted written correspondence to the committee on 30 and 31 August (the latter submitted jointly with her husband Brian Oak), copies of which are held on file pursuant to the City’s Records Retention and Disposition By-law. Maggie Asher Biesterfeld spoke in opposition to the demolition of 9 Rosedale Avenue. William Price, Secretary and Board Member, Heritage Ottawa proposed that OBHAC recommend a Heritage Conservation District study be initiated for the area, which could lead to the implementation of an interim control bylaw on development for the area in question while it is being reviewed. In addition to the comments submitted by the aforementioned delegations, the committee received the following correspondence on this matter: Emails from: * Lydia Oak on behalf of Alex Rankin * Ann d. Sharp dated 26 August 2011 * Gurneen Sidhu dated 29 August 2011 * Joy Large dated 29 August 2011 * Karen Smith and Bob Irvine dated 29 August 2011 * Edward Mexiner-Ruzylo dated 29 August 2011 * Evelyn Stein dated 30 August 2011 * Lynne Eagan dated 30 August 2011 * Don Westwood dated 30 August 2011 * Chris Black dated 30 August 2011 * Michaël Gazier & Tania Claes received on August 30 * Kathleen Marsman dated 31 August 2011 * Randy Ervin dated 31 August 2011 * Dorothy Rogers dated 31 August 2011 * Kathy Krywicki dated 1 September 2011 * Brendan McCoy, OSWatch Co-Chair, Old Ottawa South Community Association Inc. (OSCA) dated 1 September 2011. After considering the information and comments provided by both residents and staff, the committee did not feel the house met the criteria to warrant heritage designation under the Ontario Heritage Act. However, the committee felt that the general area in question has heritage value and considered whether the implementation of a Heritage Overlay or the creation of a Heritage Conservation District would be appropriate tools to achieve an adequate level of protection. They felt that an analysis of the two options would be beneficial and passed the following motion. Moved by Jérôme Doutriaux: That the Ottawa Built Heritage Advisory Committee (OBHAC) recommend the Planning Committee recommend Council direct staff to prepare an analysis, to be completed and reported back to the OBHAC within three months of approval of this recommendation by Council, on the feasibility of the creation of a Heritage Conservation District or the implementation of a Heritage Overlay. CARRIED Action: The committee will prepare and submit a report to the Planning Committee and Council for consideration with respect to the above-noted motion. OTHER BUSINESS AUTRES QUESTIONS Lesley Collins, Heritage Planner, advised there would be a community meeting on September 28, 2011 with respect to the Briarcliffe Heritage Conservation District project. She indicated further details would be sent to OBHAC members. INQUIRIES DEMANDES DE RENSEIGNEMENTS Committee members inquired about the status of the City’s Advisory Committees and Boards Recruitment process, asking when new members would be appointed. Melody Duffenais, Committee Coordinator, indicated the process was still on hold and that no further details were available at this time. ADJOURNMENT LEVÉE DE LA SÉANCE The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Committee Coordinator Chair OTTAWA BUILT HERITAGE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES 10 1 SEPTEMBER 2011 5 COMITÉ CONSULTATIF SUR LE PATRIMOINE BÂTI D’OTTAWA PROCÈS-VERBAL 10 LE 1 SEPTEMBRE 2011