Report to/Rapport au:


Community and Protective Services Committee

Comité des services communautaires et de protection


and Council / et au Conseil


February 15, 2012 / le 15 février, 2012


Submitted by/Soumis par :

Steve Kanellakos, Deputy City Manager / Directeur municipal adjoint

City Operations / Opérations municipales


Contact Person/Personne-ressource : Colleen Hendrick, Manager / Gestionnaire

Strategic Community Initiatives / Initiatives stratégiques communautaire

613-580-2424 x24366,



City Wide / À l’échelle de la ville

Ref N°: ACS2012-COS-CSS-0003








mise à jour sur la transition du Cadre de développement communautaire (CDC) et allocation de fonds au centre de ressources et de santé communautaires du sud-eST D’OTTAWA




That Community and Protective Services Committee recommend that Council Approve the new direction of the Community Development Framework (CDF) model outlined in this report, including the allocation of the annual funding of $255,000 for the community development activities outlined this report to the South East Ottawa Community Health and Resource Centre, acting as the lead community partner for the Coalition of Community Health and Resource Centres, subject to the South East Ottawa Community Health and Resource Centre entering into a contribution agreement with the City that satisfies the requirements of the Community Funding Framework Policy – Phase II that was approved by City Council on February 8, 2006.


Recommandation du rapport


Que le Comité des services communautaires et d’urgence et au Conseil recommande au Conseil d’approuver la nouvelle orientation du modèle de Cadre stratégique sur le développement communautaire précisée dans le présent rapport. Celle-ci prévoit l’allocation annuelle de 255 000 $ pour les activités de développement communautaire énoncées dans le présent rapport, au Centre de santé et de ressources communautaire du Sud-Est d’Ottawa – qui agit à titre de principal partenaire communautaire de la Coalition des centres de ressources et de santé communautaires –, et ce, sous réserve que le Centre de ressources et de santé communautaires du Sud-Est d’Ottawa ait conclu un accord de contribution avec la Ville respectant les exigences du cadre stratégique sur le financement communautaire – Phase II tel qu’approuvé par le Conseil municipal le 8 février 2006.


Executive Summary


The Community Development Framework (CDF) has been in existence for three years.  During this time, it has developed into a dynamic service delivery model supporting five of Ottawa’s more vulnerable neighbourhoods.  The purpose of this report is to provide a brief update on the model, highlighting accomplishments and proposed next steps, as well as to seek approval for the process to allocate funding previously approved by Council to support this new model. 

Since late 2008, more than 200 neighbourhood residents, service providers, Councillors and other partners have built the foundational elements that need to exist in order to achieve success in community change initiatives.  This includes building relationships, trust, identifying needs and priorities, developing action plans and building hope and momentum for change.  

This effort has also resulted in a broad range of outcomes including new community gardens, tenants’ associations, program offerings, play structures, safety audits, service alignments, access to fresh produce, increased youth employment opportunities, and much more.  In three years, the City’s investment in CDF has leveraged over $600 thousand in additional investments in the five neighbourhoods, equivalent to over one dollar contributed for every dollar invested by the City.



The CDF was created in 2008 as a new approach to working that supports a strategic, focused and coordinated alignment of services and resources in neighbourhoods.  In June of 2008, Council approved the Community Development Framework approach (ACS2008-CPS-DCM-0003). 


The selection of the first neighbourhoods within which to test this new approach was informed by the University of Ottawa’s Ottawa Neighbourhood Study, which divided the city of Ottawa into 97 neighbourhoods, complete with demographic profiles of each based on social and health outcomes.  The neighbourhood selection process was based on empirical data analysis using key indicators such as health, socio-economic status, and school readiness.  Other considerations included crime rates, demography, existing neighbourhood mobilization, and the City and Community Health and Resource Centres’ capacity to partner in this community development initiative.  A consultation process with internal and community partners was undertaken to obtain feedback and flag additional considerations regarding neighbourhood selection.  The final selection of neighbourhoods was presented to Council in November 2008 (Report #ACS2008-C0S-DCM-0011) and include Carlington, Bayshore, Overbrook-McArthur, West Centretown, and South East Ottawa. 


In the past three years, the initiative has brought together funders, community organizations, residents, researchers and City service providers in the five neighbourhoods to share information, strategize, and work collaboratively to leverage opportunities to support residents.  The process in each neighbourhood began with the formation of local neighbourhood committees comprised of service providers, residents, and led by the Community Health and Resource Centre in each neighbourhood.  These groups undertook an assessment of community assets and issues to develop an action plan for the neighbourhood.  Together, residents and supporting organizations worked towards the achievement of their action plans. 


Accomplishments (2008 – 2011)

Since late 2008, more than 200 neighbourhood residents, service providers, Councillors, and other partners built the foundation for success in this community change initiative.  This includes building relationships, trust, identifying needs and priorities, developing action plans and building hope and momentum for change.  

This community development program has also resulted in a broad range of concrete outcomes listed below.  In addition, in three years, the partnership has leveraged over $600, 000 in additional investments in the five neighbourhoods.

The following section presents a summary of some of the key neighbourhood outcomes.


1.      West Centretown

·         Residents, service providers, City staff and the local Councillor, worked together to build two play structures for neighbourhood children. More than $10,000 was raised by the community which then leveraged over $59,000 from the Let Them Be Kids Foundation, as well as capital funding dollars from the City and the Ottawa Community Housing Corporation (OCHC).  Over $69,000 was raised for these neighbourhood play structures.

·         Swim programming was offered to children through the provision of a City funding grant.  Arrangements were made between the partners to walk the children back and forth to Plant Pool.

  • Plant Pool Recreation Association provided summer recreation programming for local youth and children.
  • A Focus on Youth summer program through the Ottawa Carleton District School Board was established in a local primary school where teens were hired to work with children on summer programming. 
  • A community safety audit was conducted in Rochester Heights and the recommendations are now being implemented.
  • The program in the West Centretown neighbourhood is being expanded to include more residents, and a seniors building in Rochester Heights.


Rochester Heights Play Structure Build


August 28, 2010



“The Community Development Framework is also important for this community because it is an older community in need of repair but it is still beautiful, and it gave the residents the opportunity to identify the problem areas.   Rochester Heights is 35 years old.   Many voices of residents were previously feeling unheard and they were given a forum.   The Framework allowed for problem solving with many opinions, insights and public services explored.  We are now following a written plan as we begin changing our neighborhood for the better.   This is the first step of many, with lots yet to be done.”

Rochester Heights resident


2.       Overbrook-McArthur

·         A tenants’ council was initiated with the assistance of service providers and staff from the Ottawa Community Housing Corporation (OCH). Residents at 255 Donald Street established three sub-committees (Safety, Social Activities and Services) to improve everyday life in their community.

·         Service providers (OCH, Options Bytown and Overbrook Forbes Community Resource Centre) collaborated to coordinate their service hours at 255 Donald St. to increase onsite support Monday to Friday each week.

·         Service providers have been holding regular “Community Chats” on a wide array of topics, weekly coffee chat times, and occasional Resource Fairs to meet the needs of residents.

·         CDF is currently expanding to include the Lola and Queen Mary areas of Overbrook and have begun surveying the residents of this new area to identify priorities.


Spring Clean the Capital in Overbrook


May 2010



“After two years of inactivity, a survey was conducted in 2009, with the support of the CDF partners, to determine tenants’ needs.  From the meetings with tenants to the implementation of activities like changing the entrance doors, painting the lounge of the building, replacing the carpets in the hallways with tiles, lot of change occurred at 255 Donald.  I found myself capable of voicing my opinion by saying that all tenants should feel safe, supported and treated respectfully.  Finally, I would like to thank all those who always advocate for a better life in my neighbourhood, especially the CDF partners who are working towards turning 255 Donald into a safer and nicer place for us to live in.” 

Overbrook Resident



3.      Bayshore

  • Residents drafted a proposal to renovate an existing City owned field house.  City staff made modifications to the field house, installed a water fountain, and repaired the basketball court and sidewalks, which created increased ownership on the part of local teens and residents as a whole.
  • With the support of the former City Councillor and ongoing support from the current Councillor, a sub-group was struck to address the need for a local fresh produce/grocery store. The former local Councillor, residents, City staff and Community Health and Resource Centre (CHRC) staff  and the University of Ottawa worked together to identify immediate and longer-term solutions.  An Ottawa Farmers Market was piloted at the Bayshore Shopping Centre from August – October 2011.   Vendors expressed an interest in continuing with the site.  The sub-group continues to work towards creating access all year around to affordable and fresh produce. 
  • A resident-led PACE car program was introduced (sticker decals placed on cars of drivers who commit to drive only the speed limit in their neighbourhoods to bring down the speed of others) – in response to a stated priority of residents related to traffic safety.
  • A multicultural group has been established to share talents and cultures, and together built a community quilt from the “Bayshore Mosiac program”.


Bayshore Celebration of Success


January 11, 2011



“The Bayshore mosaic is the root program that we can refine and use as leverage to rally our community to come together and help us cut through the social barriers so we can become like our sister communities in Ottawa.  We are various groups in body but one in spirit. That spirit is the tool that will help us to create and maintain a positive change in our city.  After all we are all connected.”

Bayshore resident speaking about his experience at the Community Forum



4.      Carlington

·         City staff worked with the local CHRC and City Councillor to install a TV and other equipment in a common area of the local community centre to create a safe meeting space for youth and adults. 

·         Open gym and resident-led darts nights have begun for adults. Hip hop classes were reintroduced in the neighbourhood.

·         A youth employment fair and a community resource fair were held to raise awareness of summer job opportunities and available services. 

·         A resident-led Glee Club was initiated, drawing on the musical talents of residents and groups already in the neighbourhood.  This Glee Club was recently featured on the CBC.

·         Ottawa Police Service initiated a targeted community policing program in response to resident concerns.

·         A Resident Council and mentorship program is beginning for residents to build engagement and leadership.

·         A successful leadership retreat for youth was offered in the fall of 2011 to increase youth involvement in the CDF, and more youth group activities are planned for early 2012.


CBC Radio interview with two residents of Carlington about the Caldwell Glee Club on February 25, 2011:  


Caldwell Glee Club


February 25, 2011





5.      South East Ottawa: No Community Left Behind

  • With the leadership of the local Councillor, a new pavilion opened in Ledbury Park with City staff and residents working together to organize and plan programming.
  • A new play structure was developed in Confederation Court with the support of the local Councillor and local residents.

·         The five sub-neighbourhoods are each conducting weekly or bi-weekly ‘Dinner and Chats’ or breakfast chats to provide opportunities for neighbours to meet, share food, hear guest speakers or discuss topics of interest. 

·         In both, Russell Heights and Banff / Ledbury, active Youth Councils are setting up events and creating and sharing newsletters.


Fruit and Vegetable Program in Heatherington


January 27, 2012



“The Fruit and Vegetable Program is an important resident led initiative.  Who knows the community needs more than the people living in the community?  This program makes sure that people have the opportunity to have healthy food.  The community feel comfortable attending and receiving the goods knowing that those serving them are mostly in the same boat and understand their needs.  The volunteers have the opportunity to see that their labour is not in vain.  Working together, this program enhances the feeling of bonding, of belonging and acceptance in the community.  A program like this should be in every community - it feeds the body, satisfies the soul and lifts the spirit.  What more can we ask for?”

Resident of 1455 Heatherington and Volunteer lead of the Fruit and Vegetable Program


Partnership Outcomes


Part of what makes the CDF different from other community change initiatives is the focus on working together on both neighbourhood and organizational change at the same time.  Some of the partnership achievements have included:


·         Two Learning Forums, one in 2009 and one in 2011, were held to learn about community development and the model as well as provide input into the model/approach.  Between the two forums, approximately 500 residents, community partners and City staff participated. 

·         City staff worked diligently to build capacity to more quickly and collaboratively provide service to residents in neighbourhoods.  Staff across service areas are actively engaged in each of the neighbourhood steering tables in order to respond to neighbourhood priorities in a timely and efficient manner. 

·         City staff meet together as the Municipal Services Table to build collaboration and coordination of services across the Corporation.

  • The program’s funding partners (City, Community Foundation of Ottawa, United Way, Ottawa Community Housing, Trillium Foundation and private businesses) have invested more than $1 million in the five CDF neighbourhoods.
  • A new Community Action Grant program is being piloted through a partnership between the City and the United Way.  This funding program will provide small grants (max. $2000) for resident-based community engagement activities throughout the year.
  • A group of service provider partners developed a model for resident leadership capacity building across city neighbourhoods.  This group hosted a resident “community talks” forum in August 2010 with the support of the City, United Way and others. Funding is being sought from funding partners in order to pilot the program in the spring.

·    Crime Prevention Ottawa and Ottawa Police Services are leading a workgroup focused on Safety and Security that meets regularly to address city wide issues.  Participants also include Ottawa Community Housing Corporation and City Bylaw Services.  They focus on problem addresses and are working on creating tools and resources for neighbourhood residents and service providers to use when faced with problem addresses.  The group is also working on exploring how to encourage and increase resident reporting of crime within neighbourhoods.

·    The academic and research partners developed various assessment and evaluation tools to support the program.  This work is being integrated into the newly formed Ottawa Neighbourhoods Social Capital Forum group which is working collaboratively to develop common evaluation tools/methodology for partner agencies and neighbourhoods across Ottawa.

·    The academic and research partners also worked with City staff and stakeholders to create a new and improved neighbourhood survey, based upon lessons learned in 2009.

·    The City has committed $250K annually to support the evolution and sustainability of CDF.

·    In response to the City’s commitment, the Community Foundation of Ottawa has committed $65K annually for the next 2 years to support neighbourhood activities.

·    The United Way has committed $20K annually towards Community Action Grants and has received an application which is currently under review for the resident leadership capacity building project.

·    The City has developed a CDF collaborative online web community.  Community developers are being trained and neighbourhood web pages are now live.  Community developers are beginning to engage their local partners to use the site.

·      The Youth Futures program, sponsored through Community and Social Services Department, was very successful in providing over 50 youth, predominantly from CDF neighbourhoods, with leadership training, exposure to post secondary education and summer work experience.  This program is being expanded under the leadership of Ottawa Community Housing.

·      The City has leveraged the United Way’s support for the CDF impact evaluation to take place in 2012.

·      All CDF partners assisted with a process evaluation of CDF in the winter of 2010/2011. This process evaluation, as phase 1 of an overall evaluation, is informing the future of the CDF model. 


Evolving to Better Meet Needs


Best practice research in community development indicates that evaluation and course adjustment, especially 3-5 years into complex community initiatives, is critical to successful growth and sustainability of these initiatives.  In 2010, the City commissioned a process evaluation of the CDF model to assess the implementation of it to date.  This process evaluation was undertaken in the winter of 2010/11 by external consultants familiar with community development.


The evaluation was undertaken to identify any adjustments that might be needed to further build on the progress of the model.  It was not looking at goals and outcomes achieved within the program, but rather how the ‘process’ was working for those involved at both the systems and neighbourhood levels.  A full “outcome evaluation” is planned for 2012. 


The external evaluation team used a highly participatory approach to conduct the process evaluation.  The methodology included a document review, a series of focus groups and key informant interviews with participation by over 200 stakeholders, groups and partners.


The process evaluation confirmed strong community commitment for the program, as well as a desire to simplify the model and make it more resident and community focused.  As a result, a proposed new direction has been created and reviewed with partners and is described below. 


“This is one of the best examples of community development work I have ever seen! We’re thrilled to have provided a lead role in bringing community partners together for this amazing project”

Executive Director, Somerset West CHC


The key elements of the new CDF direction are:

  • Shared ownership with closer connection to the community;
  • Fewer meeting groups – a more streamlined model;
  • An independent secretariat function;
  • Greater focus on neighbourhood action plans and resident engagement; and
  • A city-wide approach. 


The Coalition of Community Health and Resource Centres (CHRC) will coordinate the new direction of this community development program, bring partners together and foster the ongoing success and sustainability of the program. 


The new model will contain the following components:


i)                    One Steering Committee


The new model includes a Steering Committee which will act as the primary central table of the program going forward.  It will be comprised of the Community Health and Resource Centre (CHRC) Coalition members (Executive Directors of each CHRC) and the members from Ottawa Police Service, Ottawa Community Housing, United Way, Community Foundation, University of Ottawa, Ottawa Carleton District School Board and the City.  The Steering Committee will be co-chaired with one chair from the CHRC Coalition and the other from one of the partner agencies on the Committee.  The committee will be co-chaired by Leslie McDiarmid, Executive Director, South East Ottawa CHC and Jo-Anne Poirier, Chief Executive Officer, Ottawa Community Housing.  Please refer to Appendix 1 for a list of the committee members. 


ii)                  Secretariat 


The new model will be supported by an external independent “Secretariat” body that will report to, and be directed by, the Steering Committee which is sponsored by the CHRC Coalition.


iii)                Neighbourhood Steering Groups 


Neighbourhood steering groups will continue to exist as currently structured with a renewed focus on their action plans and ensuring mechanisms are in place for continuous resident connection and participation.  


The proposed new model is simplified, has fewer ongoing meeting groups and envisions the work of the community development program being formed around ad hoc issue-focused work groups.  In this manner, the new model is a responsive structure to ensure that meetings happen efficiently and with focus.  Key funding and academic partners will engage via the neighbourhood tables or through these time-limited work groups in order to maximize time and contribution.


iv)                A City-wide Focus


The new model also recognizes that community development work is occurring across the city in many neighbourhoods, not just initial neighbourhoods.  This includes initiatives such as the OCH “Healthy Communities”, United Way’s “Strong Neighbourhoods”, Crime Prevention Ottawa sponsored neighbourhoods (i.e. Together for Vanier), and other efforts undertaken by community developers across the City.  Moving forward, the work in the current five neighbourhoods will complement and leverage the success of these other community development initiatives in order to support resident-led community activities across the city.  The new community development model will be more flexible in order to expand to more than the five initial neighbourhoods in order to address emerging issues, as needed. To ensure support and investment will continue to be targeted to communities that need it most, the Steering Committee, facilitated by the CHRC coalition, will develop a process to bring the CDF to those neighbourhoods that can benefit from it the most.


The proposed new direction represents an evolution of this complex community initiative that provides clearer outcomes, more timely responses, greater collaboration and increased resident involvement. 


The new program direction has been endorsed by existing community partners and stakeholders and upon approval by Committee and Council, the Steering Committee will oversee its implementation.  One concern was identified that taking a city-wide approach could spread resources too thin.  It is important to note that going forward it is recommended that the allocation of funds contributed by the City be managed by the program’s Steering Committee, facilitated by the CHRC Coalition.  The resources available for program will continue to be limited, but the intent will continue to be to share and leverage resources in ways that result in the greatest impact for neighbourhoods that can benefit the most. 


In 2011, City Council approved $250, 000 per year to sustain CDF achievements and outcomes in Ottawa’s neighbourhoods.  Council also approved a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) as part of the 2012 operating budget, bringing the total budget envelope to $255, 000.  City staff propose that the allocation of this budget be made to the South East Ottawa Community Health Centre who has been appointed by the CHRC Coalition, as the new model’s community lead organization.  The distribution of the funds by the South East Ottawa Community Health Centre in accordance with directions received from the CHRC Coalition would ensure that the focus of the resources continue to address important priorities in priority neighbourhoods and emerging priorities in new neighbourhoods, as well as build organizational capacity to sustain the community development efforts.  


The City contribution of $255, 000 to South East Ottawa Community Health Centre will be applied to core operating costs related to the community development secretariat function (including coordination of information and communication; supporting partnerships; promotion, planning, staffing and administration, and leveraging additional resources); allocation of funds to priority neighbourhoods; resident leadership development; impact evaluation and capacity building.


City staff will monitor deliverables and outcomes through contractual requirements as per the Council approved Community Funding Framework Policy (ACS2006-CPS-CSF-0001).


Role of the City

Moving forward in the new direction, the City continues to be a key partner in the approach to neighbourhoods. The commitment of the City to the community development program remains firm and strong.  The new model allows the City to focus to a greater extent on identifying ways of working within and across City services to better support client services on the ground.  In 2012, the City will step out of the lead role and take on an enhanced collaborative partner role focussed on the City’s service response.  With Committee and Council’s approval of the new direction, City staff will be able to focus on building an effective municipal service response in neighbourhoods that need it most.  In this way, City staff will move forward on Council’s Strategic Priority of Building Healthy and Caring Community. 


City staff will continue to be active at neighbourhood groups, and those City Staff will focus on the necessary internal collaboration and coordination of City services and policies in order to meet neighbourhood identified outcomes.


2012 Evaluation

It is recognized by all partners that implementing an outcome evaluation framework for program is a priority in 2012.  The CDF partnership has developed an evaluation framework and is exploring how to best collaborate and coordinate with existing community-based evaluation initiatives. The United Way has expressed interest in working with the new Steering Committee to move forward an evaluation in 2012.   



The community development program discussed in this report is a collaborative and coordinated approach to working within our corporation, with our community partners, and with residents to affect real and lasting change in neighbourhoods.  Great momentum exists to continue the collaboration, connections, relationships, resource leveraging, and partnerships towards supporting residents in city neighbourhoods where extra, focused attention is needed.


For the past three years, the CDF has been building partnerships and generating action with residents in five city neighbourhoods.  As we move into the next year of program, a review of the approach and process has identified some improvements that can be taken to further advance the community development program, expand its scope and ensure its sustainability. 



With the move to a city-wide focus, the new model enables greater flexibility and opens the potential to support rural communities where priority needs are identified. 



Over 200 participants including neighourhood groups and partners and a variety of community organizations were consulted over the past year in the development of a new direction for CDF. The various tables and organizations consulted included:


·           Neighbourhood Tables (Bayshore, Somerset West, South East Ottawa, Overbrook-McArthur, Carlington)

·           Coalition of Community Health and Resource Centres

·           South East Ottawa Centre for a Healthy Community

·           Community Developer Coalition

·           Coalition of Community Houses

·           United Way/Centraide

·           Community Foundation of Ottawa

·           Ottawa Police Service

·           Ottawa Community Housing Corporation

·           University of Ottawa

·           Carleton University

·           City Councillors

·           City of Ottawa staff


The process evaluation confirmed strong community commitment for the community development program, as well as a desire to simplify the model and make it more resident and community focused.  As a result, a proposed new direction has been created and reviewed with partners and is described in this report. 


Staff has provided updates to the Poverty Issues and the Health and Social Services Advisory Committees in the past year.


Comments by the Ward Councillor(s)





There are no legal impediments to the implementation of the recommendation in this report.




No risks have been identified as funding will be managed according to current policies and directions.    




There are no financial implications with the report recommendations. The base budget of $255,000 for the Community Development Framework is included in the 2012 operating budget within the Community Agency Service Branch. 




As a community initiative, the community development model works with partners and residents from across the city of Ottawa.   The Equity and Inclusion Lens is used by staff working on the program to ensure inclusion and accessibility is considered throughout the work.


Technology Implications


There are no technology implications associated with this report.


City Strategic Plan


The community development program supports the direction of Building Healthy and Caring Community.




Document 1:               Membership of CDF Steering Committee



Staff will implement the directions of Council and work with Legal Counsel in the Corporate Development and Environmental Law Branch of the City Clerk and Solicitor Department with respect to the preparation and execution of the contribution agreement described in the report recommendation.




Membership of CDF Steering Committee:


Leslie McDiarmid, Executive Director, South-East Ottawa CHC – Co-chair

Jo-Anne Poirier, Chief Executive Officer, Ottawa Community Housing – Co-chair


Michael Allen, President and CEO, United Way

Michael Birmingham, Executive Director, Carlington CHC

Charles Bordeleau, Deputy Chief, Ottawa Police Services

Catherine Dubois, Executive Director, Overbrook-Forbes CRC

Executive Director, Lowertown CRC

Clara Freire, Manager, Client Service Strategies, City of Ottawa

Carole Gagnon, Vice-President, Community Services,United Way

Michael Gervais, Executive Director, Vanier CRC

David Gibson, Executive Director, Sandy Hill CHC

Brian Gilligan, Executive Director, Community Development, Ottawa Community Housing

Colleen Hendrick, Senior Manager, Strategic Community Initiatives, City of Ottawa

Anita James, Director, Grants and Community Initiatives, Community Foundation of Ottawa

Cathy Jordan, Executive Director, Western Ottawa CRC

Steve Kanellakos, Deputy City Manager, City Operations

Renee Ladouceur-Beauchamp, Executive Director, Eastern Ottawa CRC

Wanda MacDonald, Executive Director, Pinecrest-Queensway CHC

Jack McCarthy, Executive Director, Somerset West CHC

Suzanne O’Byrne, Executive Director, Hunt Club-Riverside CRC

Luc Ouellette, Executive Director, Orleans-Cumberland CRC

Walter Piovesan, Associate Director of Education, Ottawa Carleton District School Board

Simone Thibault, Executive Director, Centretown CRC

To Be Determined, University of Ottawa

Sandy Wooley, Executive Director, Nepean, Rideau and Osgoode CRC