Report to/Rapport au :


Planning and Environment Committee

Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement


and Council / et au Conseil


27 June 2005 / le 27 juin 2005


Submitted by/Soumis par : Ned Lathrop, Deputy City Manager/Directeur municipal adjoint,

Planning and Growth Management / Urbanisme et Gestion de la croissance 


Contact Person/Personne ressource : Grant Lindsay, Manager / Gestionnaire

Development Approvals / Approbation des demandes d'aménagement

(613) 580-2424 x13242,


Alta Vista (18)

Ref N°: ACS2005-PGM-APR-0170













That the Planning and Environment Committee recommend Council:


1.         Approve and adopt an amendment to the former City of Ottawa Official Plan for 1420 and part of 1450 Riverside Drive, part of Terminal Avenue and part of Riverside Drive, to amend Schedule A - Land Use from “Traditional Industrial Area” to “Residential Area” as detailed in Document 2:


2.         Approve an amendment to the former City of Ottawa Zoning By-Law as shown in Documents 1 and 3 for 1420 and part of 1450 Riverside Drive, part of Terminal Avenue and part of Riverside Drive, to change the zoning from “IG F(1.0) – General Industrial Zone” to “I1 – Minor Institutional Zone”.




Que le Comité de l’urbanisme et de l’environnement recommande ce qui suit au Conseil :


1.         Approuver et adopter une modification au Plan officiel de l’ancienne Ville d’Ottawa en ce qui concerne le 1420 et une partie du 1450, promenade Riverside, une partie de l’avenue Terminal et une partie de la promenade Riverside, de manière à modifier l’annexe A – Utilisation du sol, qui passerait de « zone industrielle traditionnelle » à « zone résidentielle », tel qu’exposé en détail dans le Document 2 ;


2.         Approuver une modification au Règlement de zonage de l’ancienne Ville d’Ottawa, tel que décrit dans les Documents 1 et 3, pour le 1420 et une partie du 1450, promenade Riverside, une partie de l’avenue Terminal et une partie de la promenade Riverside, de manière à faire passer le zonage de « IG F(1.0) – zone industrielle générale » à  « I1 – zone de petites institutions ».




The subject property is known as 1420 and part of 1450 Riverside Drive, part of Terminal Avenue and part of Riverside Drive, as shown on Documents 1 and 3.  The site is located on the west side of Riverside Drive, north of Industrial Avenue, and is encircled by Terminal Avenue.  The site originally consisted of two properties owned by the National Capital Commission (NCC) that were separated by the Terminal Road on-ramp from Riverside Drive, which was owned by the City of Ottawa.  The on-ramp bisects the property at approximately one-third the distance onto the property, in an east-west direction.  This on-ramp section of Terminal Avenue has been closed however it remains in use under a lease arrangement between the City and the NCC.  This lease expires December 2005.  The closure of the on-ramp formed part of a series of land-exchanges between the NCC and the City.  The site is approximately 17 600 square metre in area, it is ‘tear-shaped’ and it is vacant, except for three clusters of mature trees, situated at the northern edge of the property and on either side of the now closed Terminal Road on-ramp.  A stormsewer bisects the north part of the parcel and it is protected by a nine-metre easement in favour of the City.  Adjacent to the north and south of the site, past Terminal Avenue and Industrial Avenue, are additional parcels of vacant land owned by the National Capital Commission.  To the east, across Riverside Drive is the main Canada Post depot and the lands known as the ‘Train Lands’.  West of the site, past Terminal Avenue is the CNR rail line and the OC Transpo Transitway.


Official Plan and Zoning:


The site is designated ‘Mixed Use Centre’ on Schedule B in the City Council Approved Official Plan.  This designation applies to lands that have been identified as strategic locations on the rapid-transit network and lie adjacent to major roads.  Development within this designation is intended to take advantage of the opportunities offered by transit for both internal and external commuting and ease of access on foot and by bicycle.  As the name implies, a mix of uses including commercial, office, institutional and ecclesiastical facilities are permitted within this designation.


The site is designated ‘Traditional Industrial Area’ on Schedule A in the former City of Ottawa Official Plan.  This designation permits a mix of low-density traditional industrial type uses intended to serve the City’s office, commercial and technological sectors.  Development within this designation includes uses such as manufacturing, warehouse, distribution, transportation and construction uses.


The subject property is currently zoned ‘IG F(1.0)’, a General Industrial Zone.  The intent of this zone is to increase the viability of industrial lands by permitting a broad range of industrial uses, while limiting non-industrial uses to those supportive of the industrial function of the zone.




The National Capital Commission and the prospective purchaser,have entered into an agreement of purchase and sale for the site.  The Purchaser proposes to develop a community centre and place of worship on the subject property.  They have advised that the Jamatkhana Centre is a community cultural and social centre incorporating a place of worship for members of the Ismaili community.  The proposed use is considered an institutional land use with characteristics that combine the features of a place of worship and a community centre.


To accommodate the proposed development, the applicant has submitted applications to change the land use designation of the parcel within the former City of Ottawa Official Plan from ‘Traditional Industrial Area’ to ‘Residential Area’ and to change the zoning from ‘IG F(1.0) General Industrial Zone’ to ‘I1 – Minor Institutional Zone’.  No exceptions to the I1 zone are proposed.  Although institutional uses, which include the proposed community centre and place of worship, are not permitted uses within the designation of the former City of Ottawa Official Plan and the Zoning By-law, the uses are permitted within the ‘Mixed Use Centre’ designation of the City Council Approved Official Plan.  The applications therefore are limited to requested changes to the former City of Ottawa Official Plan and the Zoning By-law.


In support of their proposal to amend the Official Plan and zoning, the applicant has prepared a conceptual site plan illustrating the proposed layout of the site.  As noted in Document 5, the conceptual site plan indicates that the proposed 2 600 square metre building has been situated within the north part of the site with the parking lot being situated within the south part of the site.  The City’s storm sewer separates the building from the parking lot area.


The proposed building has been situated in accordance with the setback provisions of the I1 Zone.  It is a two-storey structure with the main entrance to the building facing south, accessed by a passenger drop-off area and a landscaped traffic island in the foreground to the building.  The parking lot, comprising approximately two-thirds of the site, is situated primarily south of the stormsewer.  The number of parking spaces provided is 270 spaces, exceeding the minimum required 260 parking spaces.  The applicant proposes two accesses to serve the site, consisting of a right-in-right-out intersection with Riverside Drive and a full movement intersection with Terminal Avenue.  Of the three clusters of mature trees that exist on the property, as noted on the plan the majority of trees within the north part of the site will be retained however only some of the trees along the former on-ramp are proposed to be retained.  Site development details such as tree preservation, landscaping and access will be examined through the Site Plan Control Process.


The applicant has indicated that they will shortly be submitting an application for Site Plan Control.  The Site Plan Control application will consist of the submission of detailed site development, landscaping, engineering and servicing information.




City Council Approved Official Plan


The proposed development and requested rezoning conforms to the ‘Mixed Use Area’ designation that applies to the site as set out in the Urban Area Land Use Schedule B of the City Council Approved Official Plan.  Lands having this designation are intended to contain development that is both locally and regionally oriented, take advantage of the opportunities offered by transit, and contribute to the diversity of land use in the immediate area and foster the creation of vibrant centers of activity.  The type of development encouraged within this designation includes offices, secondary and post-secondary schools, hotels, hospitals, large institutional buildings, community recreation and leisure centres, daycare centers, retail uses, services, high and medium-density residential uses and mixed use developments containing combinations of uses.  The requested zoning change meets the intent of the strategic directions in the City Council Approved Official Plan for managing growth in the city, in that the proposal to rezone the lands for institutional purposes occurs within the urban area, utilizes existing services and transportation, and meets community needs for the provision of institutional facilities.


Former Regional Official Plan


The subject lands are designated 'General Urban Area' in the former Regional Official Plan.  The policy framework for urban areas permits communities to be mixed, diverse and adaptable to changing needs, wherever possible shopping, services and community facilities shall be in locations which are easily accessible by walking, cycling, and transit as well as by automobile.  The Plan permits a wide range of residential, commercial, industrial and institutional uses.  In particular, policy 3.6.1.provides for areas within 'General Urban Areas' are to be used primarily for residential purposes, and the shopping services and community facilities required to meet day-to-day needs.  The change in zoning of the subject lands for institutional purposes is in conformity with these policies.


Former City of Ottawa Official Plan


The subject property is designated ‘Traditional Industrial Area’ on Schedule A within the Official Plan of the former City of Ottawa.  The ‘Traditional Industrial Area’ designation permits a mix of low-density, traditional industrial type uses intended to serve the City’s office, commercial and technological sectors.  Uses within this designation are considered to be medium and heavy type industrial uses that have the potential for operations that produce noise, fumes or their activity is visually dominant.  Development within this designation includes uses such as manufacturing, warehouse, distribution, transportation and construction uses.  Institutional uses such as the proposed community cultural centre incorporating a place of worship is not a use permitted within this designation.


Of the land classifications within the former City of Ottawa Official Plan, institutional uses such as that being proposed by the applications are permitted within the ‘Residential Area’ designation.  The 'Residential Area' policies permit various residential and non-residential uses including institutional uses.  The subject property forms part of a larger area, extending to the east and including the ‘Train Lands’, that is in transition from an area reserved for traditional industrial uses to one oriented to commercial office space, retail, residential, and mixed use developments.  This change is reflected through the policy direction of the new City Council Approved Official Plan.  Amending the former City of Ottawa Official Plan to establish a ‘Residential Area’ designation is consistent with the ‘Mixed Use Area’ designation established by Schedule A of the new City Council Approved Official Plan for the site.


Zoning By-Law Amendment


The applicant is requesting an ‘I1 Zone’ to allow the proposed community cultural center incorporating a place of worship.  In support of the applications, the applicant has provided a conceptual site plan (Document 5) for the proposed development of the site.  The plan is based upon the performance standards of the I1 Zone.  No exceptions to performance standards are being requested.  The requested rezoning of the subject property to the I1 Zone, as shown in Document 3, implements the Official Plan Amendment, is acceptable and will promote a development that is appropriate and desirable at this location with little impact on uses in proximity to the property.  The provision of parking for parishioners of the facility within the site would satisfy the by-law requirement for parking.  Further, the proximity to transit facilities provides the opportunity for parishioners to utilize transit as an alternative to automobile use.


Traffic And Site Access Considerations


The applicant has submitted a traffic overview for their proposal.  Two accesses are proposed to serve the site, consisting of a right-in-right-out intersection with Riverside Drive and a full movement intersection with Terminal Avenue.  A full movement intersection cannot be realized until such time as improvements to the road network such as the construction of the intersection of Terminal and Industrial have been realized.  The report identifies that use of the facility will occur early a.m. and late p.m., and concludes that the traffic impact of the development on the road system will be negligible.


As part of the examination of the traffic overview, City staff have identified some issues in regard to site access relative to improvements to be undertaken to the Terminal/Industrial intersection and Industrial Avenue.  Staff have concluded that restrictions on site access are necessary due to existing operational conditions, construction schedule, and future projections for the area roads.  Due to the land exchanges between the City and the NCC, the City is proposing to proceed this year with limited improvements to Industrial Avenue and Terminal Avenue subject to available funding.  Regardless, access to the site from Riverside Drive will therefore be limited to a right-in movement only due to heavy volumes on Riverside Drive, as is the case for the existing on-ramp.  Further, a road widening from the subject property along Riverside Drive (and along Industrial Avenue) has been determined to be necessary to effect a future dedicated right-turn lane onto Industrial Avenue.  Access for the site will also be limited along Terminal Avenue to right-out movement only.  Although modifications are to occur to Industrial Avenue (including the shift westwards and the realignment of the intersection of Industrial Avenue with Terminal Avenue), the initial planned improvements do not go to the extent to permit a full movements access from the site along Terminal Avenue.  To enable a full movement access to/from the site, utilizing Industrial Avenue as proposed within the conceptual site plan, further roadway modifications would be required on Terminal Avenue at Industrial Avenue.  The applicant will have to consider the access restrictions, the required road widenings along Riverside, Industrial and Terminal, in their preparation of the formal site plan.  In support of the foregoing, the applicant will be required to submit a detailed Traffic Impact Study as opposed to the overview which was submitted for this application.  It is at the Site Plan Control stage of the planning approvals process that issues such as obtaining road widenings, timing for construction, and ultimate access will be determined.



Notice of this application was carried out in accordance with the City’s Public Notification and Consultation Policy.  Information signs were posted on-site indicating the nature of the applications.  The Ward Councillor is aware of the two applications.  A comment from the community association opposing the proposed change was received.  Comments have been received from the public objecting to the proposal.  Seven enquiries from the public requesting information was received.  Details of the notification and consultation process are highlighted in Document 6.







This application was processed by the "On Time Decision Date" established for the processing of Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications.



Document 1      Location Map

Document 2      Proposed Official Plan Amendment

Document 3      Zoning Schedule

Document 4      Explanatory Note

Document 5      Conceptual Site Plan

Document 6      Consultation Details




Department of Corporate Services, Secretariat Services to notify the applicant/planner Lloyd Phillips & Associates Ltd., Attn. Lloyd Phillips, 14 Woodlawn Avenue, Ottawa, ON K1S 2S9, the owner National Capital Commission c/o Capital Planning/Real Asset Management Attn. Curry Wood, 40 Elgin Street, Suite 202, Ottawa, ON K1P 1C7, the lawyer McCarthy Tetrault LLP Attn. Michael Polowin, 40 Elgin Street, Suite 1400, Ottawa, ON K1P 5K6, the traffic engineer Delcan Corporation Attn. Ronald Jack, 1223 Michael Street, Suite 100, Ottawa, ON K1J 7T2, the surveyor Fairhall Moffatt & Woodland, Attn. David Woodlands 235 Terence Mathews Cr., Kanata, ON K2M 2B3, All Signs, 8692 Russell Road, Navan, ON  K4B 1J1, and the Program Manager, Assessment, Department of Corporate Services of City Council’s decision.


Planning and Growth Management Department to prepare the implementing by-law, forward to Legal Services Branch and undertake the statutory notification.


Corporate Services Department, Legal Services Branch to forward the implementing by-law to City Council.




LOCATION MAP                                                                                                         Document 1


PROPOSED OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT                                                            Document 2



Official Plan Amendment /Modifications due Plan directeur


To the Official Plan of the Former City of Ottawa.









Land use

Utilisation du sol







The Statement of Components…………………………………………………………. i








Introductory Statement……………………………………………………………………2

Details of the Amendment…………………………………………………………...……2








PART A - THE PREAMBLE, introduces the actual Amendment but does not constitute part of Amendment No. X to the former City of Ottawa Official Plan.


PART B - THE AMENDMENT, consisting of the following text and map attached as Schedule “A” constitutes the actual Amendment No. X to the former City of Ottawa Official Plan.





1.0    Purpose


The subject property, comprised of 1420 Riverside Drive, part of 1450 Riverside Drive, part of Terminal Avenue and part of Riverside Drive, as shown on Schedule “A”, is presently designated ‘Traditional Industrial Area’ within the former City of Ottawa Official Plan.  The purpose of Amendment No. X is to amend the land use designation for the subject property from ‘Traditional Industrial Area’ to ‘Residential Area’, as shown on Schedule “A”.



2.0    Location


The site is located on the west side of Riverside Drive, north of Industrial Avenue, and is encircled by Terminal Avenue.  The site is approximately 17 600 square metre in area, is ‘tear-shaped’ and is vacant, except for clusters of trees.  A storm sewer bisects the north part of the parcel and it is protected by an easement in favour of the City.  Adjacent to the north and south of the site, past Terminal Avenue and Industrial Avenue, are additional parcels of vacant land owned by the National Capital Commission (NCC).  To the east, across Riverside Drive is a three-storey office building occupied by Canada Post Corporation and the lands known as the ‘Train Lands’.  West of the site, past Terminal Avenue is the CNR rail line and the OC Transpo Transitway.



3.0    Basis


3.1    Background


The site originally consisted of two properties owned by the NCC that were separated by the Terminal Road on-ramp from Riverside Drive, which was owned by the City of Ottawa.  The on-ramp bisects the lands approximately at one-third the distance onto the property, in an east-west direction.  This section of Terminal Avenue has been closed however it remains in use due to a lease arrangement between the City and the NCC, which expires December 2005.  The closure of the on-ramp formed part of a series of land-swaps between the NCC and the City.



3.2    Context of Amendment


The Aga Khan Foundation has entered into an agreement of Purchase And Sale with the NCC for the site.  The Aga Khan Foundation is requesting to change the land use designation of the subject property within the former City of Ottawa Official Plan from ‘Traditional Industrial Area’ to ‘Residential Area’ and to change the zoning from ‘General Industrial Zone to ‘I1 – Minor Institutional Zone’ to allow the development of the site for a community cultural and social centre incorporating a place of worship for members of the Ismaili community.  Although institutional uses, which include the proposed community centre and place of worship, are not permitted uses within the designation of the former City of Ottawa Official Plan and the Zoning By-law, the uses are permitted within the ‘Mixed Use Centre’ designation of the City Council Approved Official Plan.  The required amendment to the Official Plan therefore is limited to the requested change to the former City of Ottawa Official Plan.





1.0    The Introductory Statement


All of this part of the document entitled Part B - The Amendment, consisting of the following text and schedule included as Schedule "A", constitutes Amendment No. X to the Official Plan of former City of Ottawa.


2.0    Details of Amendment


2.1       To amend Schedule A – Land Use Schedule of the former City of Ottawa Official Plan for lands known as 1420 Riverside Drive, part of 1450 Riverside Drive, part of Terminal Avenue and part of Riverside Drive from “Traditional Industrial Area” designation to “Residential Area” designation, as shown in the attached Schedule “A”.






ZONING SCHEDULE                                                                                                  Document 3


EXPLANATORY NOTE                                                                                               Document 4




By-law Number ______ amends Zoning By-law, 1998, the former City of Ottawa's Comprehensive Zoning By-law.  This amendment affects 1420 Riverside Drive, part of 1450 Riverside Drive, part of Terminal Avenue and part of Riverside Drive, having a lot area of approximately 17 600 square metres.  The site is shown on the attached location map.  The site is vacant, contains clusters of trees, and a closed road.  The applicant requests to change the zoning of the site to permit a cultural center including a place of worship.


Current Zoning


The current zoning is ‘IG F(1.0) – General Industrial Zone.  The purpose of the zone is to maintain the function of large areas of traditional industrial lands for a mix of industrial uses, at a low density; to increase the viability of traditional industrial lands by permitting a broad range of industrial uses, while limiting the amount and type of non-industrial uses to those that are supportive of the industrial function of the zone; and, to ensure that only light and medium industrial uses are located in areas designated in the Official Plan as Traditional Industrial.  This zone allows a number of uses such as a building materials yard, dry cleaning plant, garden nursery, light industrial uses, storage yard and warehouse.  The F(1.0) is a provision that allows a maximum floor space index of 1.0 times the lot area of a property, thereby establishing the maximum permitted gross floor area of a building.


Proposed Zoning


The recommended zoning is the ‘I1 – Minor Institutional Zone’.  The purpose of this zone is to permit a range of neighbourhood-serving, emergency, and institutional uses to be located in areas designated Residential Area and Central Area in the (former City of Ottawa) Official Plan, to minimize the impact on these areas by ensuring that institutional uses are located in close proximity to residential uses, are minor; are conveniently located so as to serve the needs of the community; and, are of a scale and intensity that is compatible with neighbourhood character; and impose regulations that ensure that these institutional uses are located in a manner which is compatible with adjacent land uses.  This zone allows a number of uses including a community center, cultural, social and counseling center, day care, library, place of worship, and school.  The proposed zoning change is to accommodate a cultural centre including a place of worship.


For further information on the amendment, please contact David Loker at 580-2424 ext. 21234.


CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN                                                                                        Document 5


CONSULTATION DETAILS                                                                                       Document 6




Notification and public consultation was undertaken in accordance with the Public Notification and Public Consultation Policy approved by City Council for Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments.  Seven enquiries with a request for information were received from the public.  A number of objections to the proposal were received citing reasons including loss of greenspace, impact on traffic and road network within the area, insufficient parking, road closure process, and pedestrian access.  No public meetings were held in the community in which staff attended.




1.         Development of the parcel will result in loss of trees and green space.




At present the lands are zoned to permit development.  Regardless of the type of development, whether as industrial or institutional purposes, some loss of greenspace and/or trees would result.  Tree preservation and landscaping in general are details that will be addressed through the Site Plan Control process.



2.         Allowing access from the property onto Riverside Drive will result in an increase in traffic within the area.  The vehicular traffic on these major access roads at most times of the day is very heavy and at rush hours, at times, both Riverside and Industrial can be totally jammed.  The isolation of the proposed location in the midst of an industrial area creates serious concerns for the safety of those frequenting the community centre or the place of worship in that whether they arrive by bus, by vehicle or on foot they will encounter traffic.  Further, slow vehicles exiting onto Riverside will result in slowing the flow of traffic and/or cause accidents.




The applicant indicates on the conceptual site plan a proposed right-in/right-out along Riverside Drive.  As noted within the report, Staff have examined the issue of access along Riverside Drive and determined that access to the site along Riverside will be limited to a right-in only as is the case for the existing on-ramp.  Through Site Plan Control the issue of vehicular and pedestrian access, improvements to roadways, and timing for works will be examined in detail.



3.         Traffic Study did not fully take into account the context of the whole ‘Mixed Use Centre’ and the associated and expected growth in pedestrian, cycling and vehicle traffic.  The proposed community centre would be expected and encouraged to use public transit, yet there are no apparent provision for bus stops indicated in the submission.




Staff are satisfied with the level of information contained within the Traffic Overview for the purposes of this land use proposal.  Some of the conclusions of the report were not supported by Staff and as a result it is recommended that access to Riverside Drive be restricted.  It is anticipated that the applicant will address issues raised through the comments received on the conceptual site plan, including landscaping, pedestrian connections, bus stops, road widenings, provision of parking, etc. as part of their preparation of the formal site plan to be submitted as part of the Site Plan Control process.  The applicant will be required to submit a detailed Traffic Impact Study in support of the Site Plan application, which will address these issues.



4.         The closing of the Terminal Avenue on-ramp did not seem to follow the normal procedure for street closing.




The street closing for the subject on-ramp was completed in accordance with the City of Ottawa procedures.



5.         Insufficient lands were retained by the City as part of the road closure and land exchanges with the NCC, to construct the modified intersection of Terminal and Industrial, for the provision of a turning lane on southbound Riverside Drive, for sidewalks to meet current planning guidelines, or for any possible bus stop locations.  The closing of the on-ramp will divert traffic to other areas and will increase pressure on the road network.




The street closing application for the Terminal Avenue on-ramp was limited to those lands associated with the right-of-way.  Further, the series of land exchanges between the City and the NCC did not include lands noted above along Riverside Drive, Terminal Avenue or Industrial Avenue.  As part of the future Site Plan Control process, necessary road widenings will be secured.  In addition, road works identified as part of the approvals for the ‘Train Land’ Subdivision include provision for the reconstruction of Industrial Avenue and the intersection of Terminal/Industrial when warrants are met, and corresponding contribution of monies by the developer at a future date.  In the short-term, minor modifications to both the intersection of Terminal/Industrial and to Industrial Avenue west of the Riverside Drive intersection are required to address today’s operational needs.  Road works related to the phased ‘Train Lands’ development are longer-term considerations, and improvements to the road network will be constructed when warranted through the development of the ‘Train Lands’.  Current traffic counts on the on-ramp indicated a low volume of traffic utilizing the on-ramp during peak hour conditions.  Operational Staff indicated that removing the on-ramp could be accommodated within the existing network.



6.         The hours of use indicated in the Traffic Report do not seem to be consistent with those posted for other similar community centres and places of worship, and traffic studies of actual similar places should be done to confirm the contribution to peak traffic levels.  There could also be traffic restrictions and safety concerns with in-an-out turning events to Riverside Drive, a major road with 4450 vph volumes.




The hours of operation noted within the Traffic Overview originate from the applicant.  Regarding proposed right-in/right-out access, restrictions on access to Riverside Drive are recommended.



7.         For the type of use being considered, the allowed occupant load is quite high and the on-site parking levels of 1 space per 10 square metres may not be adequate, particularly for special times of worship and community events.  Where there is any overload need for parking, the site does not have adequate pedestrian linkages to any adjacent lands where overload parking may be available.




Within the Zoning Bylaw the standard parking provision for a place of worship is 1 parking space per 10 square metres.  The applicant has not identified a need for parking in excess of the minimum requirement, and has proceeded with the conceptual site plan on this basis.  However the applicant did note that there would be a few times within a year that attendance is anticipated to exceed available parking.  To address this shortfall, the applicant indicated that alternative arrangements to on-site parking to address potential excess demand is available through car-pooling, bussing and mass transit.




Councillor Peter Hume is aware of the applications.



The Alta Vista Drive Residents Community Association provided a series of comments in regard to the applications.


1          The Association notes that when it was agreed to close the present right-hand turn lane from Riverside Drive South onto Terminal Avenue, it was agreed that this right hand turn possibility would remain and would be made via Industrial Avenue to Terminal Avenue.  The concept site plan does not accommodate this and hence must be changed.  The drawing shows a concrete pillar blocking such turns and even suggests that the present road encroaches on the property.  This too must be changed to respect the agreements on the present road closure.  Further, the Association recommends there also should be a right hand turn lane on Riverside South near Industrial to permit cars to properly queue and make the right hand turn.




The City did not retain a right-of-way over the former on-ramp.  A right-hand turn lane to enable vehicular movement from Riverside Drive onto Industrial Avenue and onto Terminal Avenue, is part of future road works.  In regard to access onto their site, the applicant proposes to use access controls such as a barrier to prevent cut-through traffic.



2.         The Association does not agree with a right-out onto Riverside Drive as proposed on the Site Plan, as this turning movement with cause confusion between cars wishing to make a right hand turn from Riverside Drive onto Industrial Avenue and those vehicles trying to access this site.  Further, the site is close to the Railway Bridge and visibility is limited, as well as, vehicles weave among lanes in this section of Riverside Drive so that a right-out access would be very hazardous.




Staff recommends a right-in only movement onto the site from Riverside Drive.