JOINT MEETING Finance and Economic Development Committee and Governance Renewal Sub-Committee DISPOSITION 1 Friday, 6 July 2012 Note: 1. Unless otherwise indicated, Council will be requested to consider all items at its meeting of 11 July 2012 in Joint Finance and Economic Development Committee and Governance Renewal Sub-Committee Report 1. CITY MANAGER’S OFFICE CITY CLERK AND SOLICITOR DEPARTMENT 1. LOBBYIST REGISTRY - UPDATE ACS2012-CMR-CCB-0033 CITY-WIDE 1. That the Joint Meeting of the Governance Renewal Sub-Committee and the Finance and Economic Development Committee recommends that Council approve the establishment of a Lobbyist Registry, including the Lobbyist Code of Conduct, as described in this report, and as amended by the following, to come into effect on September 1, 2012. a) That the Lobbyist Registry By-law be amended to require disclosure by not-for-profit groups / organizations when communicating regarding a financial interest, where that not-for-profit group / organization has paid staff; b) That the definition of “grass-roots communication” in Subsection 1(4) and the provision related to the authority to grant an exemption for a grassroots lobbying campaign, specifically Section 5 (Grassroots Exemption Period), be removed from the draft Lobbyist Registry By-law; c) That the following be added to the list of exemptions in Section 4: “(11) communications directly related to those City-initiated consultative meetings and processes where an individual is participating as a stakeholder.” d) That the definition of “Communication” in the Lobbyist Registry By-law be amended to read: “Communication” means any substantive form of communication including a formal meeting, email, letter, phone call, or meaningful dialogue or exchange that materially advances a matter that is defined as lobbying, whether in a formal or in an informal setting. e) That subsection 1(5) of the draft Lobbyist Registry By-law be amended to remove the last sentence, as follows: “These communications can take place at any time, in both a formal and informal setting”. 2. That the Joint Meeting of the Governance Renewal Sub-Committee and the Finance and Economic Development Committee receive the definition of a Community Association as described in this report. 3. That staff be directed to amend the Employee Code of Conduct to incorporate the provisions related to lobbying and disclosure as described in this report. CARRIED, as amended DIRECTIONS TO STAFF: 1. That the Integrity Commissioner bring forward recommendations with respect to Councillors’ voluntary self-disclosure when a report comes forward on an annual review of the operations of the Lobbyist Registry. 2. That staff put in place a method for registered lobbyists to be fully identifiable. 3. That staff ensure that all registered lobbyist activities are clearly identifiable to the general public. (i.e. use of clear, plain language) 4. That staff look into the possibility of items within the electronic lobbyist registry having links to the status/process of the particular Planning projects/files to which they relate and vice versa. 5. That staff bring forward, for the Council meeting, a motion to address concerns with respect to lobbying on broad public policy issues. 6. That the Deputy City Clerk provide members of Council with screen shots from the Lobbyist Registry development site in order to give some sense of the registration process and the type of information that will be captured therein. 2. INTEGRITY COMMISSIONER ACS2012-CMR-CCB-0034 CITY-WIDE That the Joint Meeting of the Governance Renewal Sub-Committee and the Finance and Economic Development Committee recommend that Council approve the roles, responsibilities and selection process for the position of Integrity Commissioner for the City of Ottawa, including that the Integrity Commissioner also be the City’s Meetings Investigator and the Lobbyist Registrar, as described in this report. CARRIED DIRECTION TO STAFF: That staff be directed to bring forward information with respect to a potential salary cap for the position of Integrity Commissioner. 3. ADVISORY COMMITTEE RENEWAL TO SUPPORT COUNCIL’S TERM OF COUNCIL PRIORITIES ACS2012-CMR-CCB-0032 CITY-WIDE That the Joint Meeting of the Governance Renewal Sub-Committee and the Finance and Economic Development Committee table this report for consideration at a subsequent Joint Meeting of the Finance and Economic Development Committee and the Governance Renewal Sub-Committee, to be held on 30 August 2012: CARRIED 1. At its meeting of 30 August 2012, that the Joint Meeting of the Finance and Economic Development Committee and the Governance Renewal Sub-Committee recommend Council approve the following: A) The revised structure for Advisory Committees, as outlined in this report, as follows: i. Accessibility Advisory Committee ii. Arts, Culture, Heritage and Recreation Advisory Committee iii. Community Services Advisory Committee iv. Environmental Stewardship Advisory Committee v. French Language Services Advisory Committee B) The establishment of a Built Heritage Sub-Committee, reporting to Planning Committee, composed of four (4) Members of Council and three (3) citizen members as described in this report. C) The establishment of a Seniors Round Table as described in this report. 2. That the City Clerk and Solicitor Department be directed to implement the revisions to the Advisory Committee structure as outlined above, including a new recruitment process for relevant citizen members. 3. The selection panels for the Advisory Committees and Built Heritage Sub Committee as outlined in the report. 4. The Terms of Reference related to the new Advisory Committee structure found in Documents 1-6. 5. That the City Clerk and Solicitor be directed to revise the relevant administrative policies to reflect Council’s approved changes and submit revised By-laws to Council for approval where required. TABLED CORPORATE SERVICES AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AGENDA 56 19 SEPTEMBER 2006 ii COMITÉ DES SERVICES ORGANISATIONNELS ET DU DÉVELOPPEMENT ÉCONOMIQUE ORDRE DU JOUR 56 LE 19 SEPTEMBRE 2006 PAGE FINANCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AND GOVERNANCE RENEWAL SUB-COMMITTEE JOINT DISPOSITION 1 6 JULY 2012 ii