Ottawa Board of Health Conseil de santé d’Ottawa MINUTES 25 / PROCÈS-VERBAL 25 Monday, November 17, 2014, 5 p.m. le lundi 17 novembre 2014, 17 h Champlain Room, 110 Laurier Avenue West Salle Champlain, 110, avenue Laurier Ouest Contact for the Ottawa Board of Health Personne-ressource pour le Conseil de santé d'Ottawa : Gillian Connelly, 613-580-2424, ext./poste 21544 Board Members/Membres du Conseil : Councillor/conseillère D. Holmes (Chair/présidente), Dr./Dr A. Kapur (Vice-Chair/vice-président), Councillor/conseiller D. Chernushenko, Councillor/conseiller K. Egli, Councillor/conseiller M. Fleury, Dr./Dre M. Fullerton, Councillor/conseillère K. Hobbs, T. Hutchinson, M. Keeley, G. Richer, Councillor/conseiller S. Qadri The Ottawa Board of Health met in the Champlain Room, 110 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, on November 17, 2014 beginning at 5:00 p.m. The Chair, Diane Holmes, presided over the meeting. 1. ANNOUNCEMENTS/CEREMONIAL ACTIVITIES Mr. Paul Dewar, M.P. for Ottawa Centre, presented a certificate of recognition to Chair Diane Holmes, for her contributions as Board Chair and her 30-year contribution to politics as a councillor with the City of Ottawa and the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton. 2. ROLL CALL Councillors Fleury and Hobbs and Member Kapur were absent from the meeting. 3. REGRETS Councillors Fleury and Hobbs and Member Kapur sent their regrets. 4. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST (INCLUDING THOSE ORIGINALLY ARISING FROM PRIOR MEETINGS) No declarations of interest were filed. 5. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Minutes 24 – Board of Health meeting of September 15, 2014 CONFIRMED 6. COMMUNICATIONS Six communication items listed in Appendix 1 RECEIVED, with the following motions: MOTION 25/01 Communication Item 1 Moved by Member Keeley That the Chair of the Board of Health write a letter in support of the motion included in Communication Item #1 dated August 29, 2014 to the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care. CARRIED MOTION 25/02 Communication Item 4 Moved by Member Keeley That the Chair of the Board of Health write a letter to the Minister Responsible for the Poverty Reduction Strategy/Deputy Premier in support of Communication Item #4, the letter written by the Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Health Unit dated October 1, 2014, specifically endorsing that the Province of Ontario introduce clear implementation and investment plans to ensure the goals of the new Poverty Reduction Strategy are achieved. CARRIED 7. MOTION TO INTRODUCE REPORTS MOTION 25/03 Moved by Member Keeley That the Medical Officer of Health Verbal Report; Update on Ottawa Public Health’s Ebola Virus Disease (Ebola) Preparedness Measures; Let’s Clear the Air: an Update on the Renewed Strategy for a Smoke-Free Ottawa; Moving Forward on Active Transportation in Ottawa Report; Transparent Reporting Practices Report; Q3 Update: Ottawa Board of Health Public Health Funding and Accountability Agreement – Indicators; 2014 Operating Budget Q3- Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit Status Report; and Delegation of Authority – Contracts Awarded for the Period of July 1 to September 30, 2014 be received and considered. CARRIED 8. MEDICAL OFFICER OF HEALTH VERBAL REPORT ACS2014-OPH-MOH-0005 Dr. Isra Levy, Medical Officer of Health provided the Board with an update on recent events. Dr. Levy recognized Chair Holmes for her leadership of the Board and thanked the Board for their stewardship over the last four years. Following the Medical Officer of Health Update, Dr. Levy took questions from Board members. This discussion lasted approximately 5 minutes. Following the discussion, the report recommendation was then put to the Board. That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive this report for information. RECEIVED 9. UPDATE ON OTTAWA PUBLIC HEALTH’S EBOLA VIRUS DISEASE (EBOLA) PREPAREDNESS MEASURES ACS2014-OPH-EHP-0006 Dr. Vera Etches, Deputy Medical Officer of Health, spoke to a PowerPoint presentation, which served to provide the Board with context on this report and took questions from Board members. This discussion lasted approximately 10 minutes. Following the discussion, the report recommendation was then put to the Board. That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive this report for information. RECEIVED 10. LET’S CLEAR THE AIR: AN UPDATE ON THE RENEWED STRATEGY FOR A SMOKE-FREE OTTAWA ACS2014-OPH-HPDP-0008 Sherry Nigro, Manager, Health Promotion Disease Prevention, spoke to a PowerPoint presentation, which served to provide the Board with context on this report. One client, Brad Beattie, Modern Niagara, registered to speak on his successful experience with Ottawa Public Health’s smoking cessation services targeted to the construction industry. Two delegates registered to speak to the report. Carol McDonald, Ottawa Council on Smoking or Health, spoke to a PowerPoint presentation and took questions from Board members. This was followed by Rob Cunningham, Senior Policy Analyst, Canadian Cancer Society, who spoke to the Board and took questions from Board members. This discussion lasted approximately 25 minutes. Following the discussion, the report recommendation was then put to the Board. That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive this report for information. RECEIVED, with the following direction for staff: At the first Board of Health Meeting to take place after the month of February, as part of the Medical Officer of Health Verbal Report, an update be provided on the actions taken by Toronto Public Health and the Provincial government in relation to the recommendations outlined in the Toronto Public Health report entitled E-cigarettes in Toronto, dated August 1, 2014, which the Toronto Board of Health approved at their meeting on August 18, 2014. 11. MOVING FORWARD ON ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION IN OTTAWA ACS2014-OPH-HPDP-0009 Sherry Nigro, Manager, Health Promotion Disease Prevention, and Inge Roosendaal, Program Development Officer, Strategic Support Branch, spoke to a PowerPoint presentation, which served to provide the Board with context for this report. Ms. Nigro and Ms. Roosendaal then took questions from Board members. This discussion lasted approximately 15 minutes. Following the discussion, the report recommendations were put before the Board and were CARRIED, as amended by Motion 25/04. 1. Approve that the Chair of the Board write a letter to the Premier of Ontario, with a copy to all local Members of Provincial Parliament, in support of Bill 31, Transportation Statute Law Amendment Act (Making Ontario’s Roads Safer), 2014; 2. Approve that the Chair of the Board write a letter to the Provincial Minister of Transportation, with a copy to all Ontario Boards of Health, recommending that the provincial government amend the Highway Traffic Act in respect of speed limits to allow municipalities to set their own default speed limits (unsigned); or in the alternative, to set alternative default speed limits with limited signage (gateway signs) at the entrances to residential communities; and 3. Direct Ottawa Public Health staff to identify opportunities to increase the safety of active transportation users around Ottawa schools, and that this information be shared with City partners for their consideration as part of the City’s ongoing implementation of the Ottawa Pedestrian Plan and Ottawa Cycling Plan. CARRIED, as amended 12. TRANSPARENT REPORTING PRACTICES ACS2014-OPH-EHP-0007 Dr. Vera Etches, Deputy Medical Officer of Health, provided a verbal presentation, which served to provide the Board with context on this report. Following the verbal presentation, the report recommendations were put before the Board and were CARRIED, as amended by Motion 25/05. Motion 25/05 Moved by Member Keeley WHEREAS the Medical Officer of Health recently received a letter dated November 14, 2014 from the Interim Chief Medical Officer of Health that includes detailed expectations to improve disclosure of information to the public; AND WHEREAS the Interim Chief Medical Officer of Health has requested the Medical Officer of Health complete a Public Health Unit Transparency Plan Reporting Template that is attached to the letter and submit it to the attention of the Chief Medical Officer of Health by December 1, 2014; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Report Recommendations be replaced with the following recommendations: That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit: 1. Direct staff to forward this report to the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care; 2. Receive for information the letter dated November 14, 2014 from the Chief Medical Officer of Health to Medical Officers of Health regarding infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) Lapse Transparency Reporting? and that this letter be included in the report as supporting document 2;  3. Direct the Medical Officer of Health to complete and submit to the Chief Medical Officer of Health the Public Health Unit Transparency Plan Reporting Template; 4. Direct staff to review implications and possible requirement s for associated one-time funding through the 2015 Program-Based Grants budget submission process; and 5. Report back about transparency reporting in relation to the forthcoming changes to Ontario Public Health Standards. CARRIED, as amended At 6:55 p.m., Member Keeley moved a motion to extend the meeting. MOTION 25/06 Moved by Member Keeley That the Board of Health approve that the meeting time be extended past 7:00 p.m. pursuant to Subsection 8.(1)(c) of the Procedural By-law. CARRIED 13. Q3 UPDATE: OTTAWA BOARD OF HEALTH PUBLIC HEALTH FUNDING AND ACCOUNTABILITY AGREEMENT – INDICATORS ACS2014-OPH-IQS-0014 Ms. Esther Moghadam, Deputy Director and Chief Nursing Officer, Health Promotion and System Support Branch, answered questions from Board members to provide context to this report. Following the discussion, the report recommendations were then put to the Board. That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit: 1. Receive for information the 2013 year-end results validated by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, as outlined in Document 1; 2. Approve the 2014-2016 Public Health Funding and Accountability Agreement health promotion baselines and targets, as outlined in Table 1 of Document 2; 3. Receive for information the preliminary 2014 third quarter year-to-date (Q3 YTD) health promotion and health protection indicator results, as outlined in Tables 1 and 2 of Document 2; 4. Approve that the Public Health Funding and Accountability Agreement be signed by the Medical Officer of Health, on behalf of the Chair of the Board of Health; and 5. Direct staff to submit this report, supporting documents and Public Health Funding and Accountability Agreement signed by the Medical Officer of Health to the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. CARRIED, with the following motion: Motion 25/07 Moved by Member Keeley WHEREAS the long range financial plan for Ottawa Public Health will require additional funding to sustain current programming; AND WHEREAS Ottawa Public Health is seeking additional information from the provincial government regarding provincial funding formulas for Ontario Public Health Units, specifically the funding formula for Ottawa Public Health in relation to other local health units; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chair of the Ottawa Board of Health write a letter to the Ontario Minister of Health requesting detailed information on the funding formulas for Ontario Public Health Units, beyond the per capita funding. CARRIED 14. 2014 OPERATING BUDGET Q3- BOARD OF HEALTH FOR THE CITY OF OTTAWA HEALTH UNIT STATUS REPORT ACS2014-OPH-IQS-0015 That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive this report for information. RECEIVED 15. DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY – CONTRACTS AWARDED FOR THE PERIOD OF JULY 1 TO SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 ACS2014-OPH-IQS-0016 That the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit receive this report for information. RECEIVED 16. MOTION TO ADOPT REPORTS MOTION 25/08 Moved by Member Keeley That the Medical Officer of Health Verbal Report; Update on Ottawa Public Health’s Ebola Virus Disease (Ebola) Preparedness Measures; Let’s Clear the Air: an Update on the Renewed Strategy for a Smoke-Free Ottawa; Moving Forward on Active Transportation in Ottawa Report; Transparent Reporting Practices Report; Q3 Update: Ottawa Board of Health Public Health Funding and Accountability Agreement – Indicators; 2014 Operating Budget Q3- Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit Status Report; and Delegation of Authority – Contracts Awarded for the Period of July 1 to September 30, 2014 be received and adopted. CARRIED 17. MOTIONS OF WHICH NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN PREVIOUSLY There were no motions which notice had been given previously. 18. MOTIONS REQUIRING SUSPENSION OF THE RULES There were no motions requiring suspension of the rules. 19. NOTICES OF MOTION (FOR CONSIDERATION AT SUBSEQUENT MEETING) There were no motions which notice had been given previously. 20. INFORMATION PREVIOUSLY DISTRIBUTED There was no information previously distributed. 21. CONFIRMATION BY-LAW MOTION 25/09 Moved by Member Keeley That by-law no. 2014-5 be read and passed: A by-law of the Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit to confirm the proceedings of the Ottawa Board of Health at its meeting of November 17, 2014. CARRIED 22. INQUIRIES There were no inquiries. 23. OTHER BUSINESS There was no other business. 24. ADJOURNMENT The Board adjourned the meeting at 7:20 p.m. NEXT MEETING Regular Meeting Monday, January 19, 2015 – 5:00 p.m. – Champlain Room BOARD SECRETARY BOARD CHAIR OTTAWA BOARD OF HEALTH CONSEIL DE SANTÉ D’OTTAWA MINUTES 25 PROCÈS-VERBAL 25 NOVEMBER 17, 2014 17 NOVEMBRE 2014