Report Template


9.         ZONING - 5670 Carp Road

Zonage - 5670, chemin carp






That Council approve an amendment to the former Township of West Carleton Zoning By-Law to change the zoning of 5670 Carp Road from RU-Rural to I-# Institutional Exception #, as shown in Document 1 and as detailed in Document 3.





Que le Conseil approuve une modification au Règlement de zonage de l’ancien Canton de West Carleton en vue de changer le zonage du 5670, chemin Carp de RU-rural à I-# institutionnel assorti d’une exception #, tel qu’il est indiqué dans le document 1 et expliqué en détail dans le document 3.






1.                  Deputy City Manager, Planning and Growth Management report dated 11 May 2005 (ACS2005-PGM-APR-0130).


2.         Extract of Draft Minutes, 24 May 2005.

Report to/Rapport au :


Planning and Environment Committee

Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement


and Council / et au Conseil


11 May 2005 / le 11 mai 2005


Submitted by/Soumis par :  Ned Lathrop, Deputy City Manager / Directeur municipal adjoint

Planning and Growth Management / Urbanisme et Gestion de la croissance  


Contact Person/Personne ressource : Grant Lindsay, Manager / Gestionnaire

Development Approvals / Approbation des demandes d'aménagement

(613) 580-2424 x13242,


West Carleton (5)

Ref N°: ACS2005-PGM-APR-0130




ZONING - 5670 Carp Road (FILE NO. D02-02-05-0021)




ZONAGE - 5670, chemin carp





That the Planning and Environment Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to the former Township of West Carleton Zoning By-Law to change the zoning of 5670 Carp Road from RU-Rural to I-# Institutional Exception # , as shown in Document 1 and as detailed in Document 3.




Que le Comité de l’urbanisme et de l’environnement recommande au Conseil d’approuver une modification au Règlement de zonage de l’ancien Canton de West Carleton en vue de changer le zonage du 5670, chemin Carp de RU-rural à I-# institutionnel assorti d’une exception #, tel qu’il est indiqué dans le document 1 et expliqué en détail dans le document 3.




The subject property, the City's Kinburn Client Service Centre, is located on the south east corner of Kinburn Side Road and Carp Road.  The site is approximately 4 hectares in size and is adjacent to rural residential and agricultural lands.


On December 15, 2004 City Council authorized staff to initiate a process under a Public Private Partnership (P3) for the design, construction and operation of a twin ice pad at this location.  As a result of this decision, an amendment to the former Township By-law to permit the development of an arena complex, is required.




The property is designated "General Rural Area" in the City Council Approved Official Plan and former Region of Ottawa-Carleton Official Plan and "Marginal Resource" in the former Township of West Carleton Official Plan. 


The policies of the Official Plans encourage the focus of new development and community activity be within recognized Villages, however opportunities for development, particularly for the purposes of provision of municipal facilities and services may be permitted in the General Rural Area.  This development can also be seen as a complimentary extension to the existing use and community investment already made in the site. 


The site is currently zoned Rural (RU).  An institutional exception zone is proposed.  The Zoning By-law amendment would permit the construction and operation of the new ice arena facilities and permit uses accessory thereto such as public space for meeting halls, trade shows, recreation programming, corporate meeting space, fitness facilities, medical clinic, day-care, farmers market, office space, pro shop/skate sharpening, restaurant, recreational facilities such as soccer/baseball/softball as well as municipal uses such as administrative, emergency and protective services offices and library facilities.


It is noted that although an array of uses would be permitted by the proposed implementing Zoning By-law amendment, not all uses are contemplated for development as part of the P3 initiative.  The intent of the amendment is to allow the P3 partnership to be developed in a viable and sustainable manner and allow for future municipal facilities to be developed at a later date should the City identify specific needs.




No negative impacts are anticipated to the adjacent or immediate uses.


Employment opportunities will be created as well as the addition of much needed recreational facilities, that will support the rural economy in this section of the city.




Notice of this application was carried out in accordance with the City’s Public Notification and Consultation Policy. Information signs were posted on-site indicating the nature of the application.  The Ward Councillor is aware of this application and the staff recommendation.


One objection from the public was received by telephone from the Carp Residents Association.  


At the request of the Ward Councillor, a Community Information and Comment Session was held on April 5, 2005 at the Kinburn Client Service Centre.  Notification of the meeting was mailed to adjacent landowners and the Ward 5 Community Associations. Notification was also advertised in the West Carleton Review.


No objections to the proposed Zoning By-law amendment were offered, however concerns with the design and the operational side of the proposed use were raised.  A number of concerns have been raised with regard to stormwater drainage, the disposal of ice from the resurfacing of the ice pads and traffic impacts on Kinburn Side Road and Carp Road. 


A summary of responses to the notification/circulation/information meeting are provided in Document 4. 








This application was processed by the "On Time Decision Date" established for the processing of Zoning By-Law Amendment applications.




Document 1      Location Map

Document 2      Explanatory Note

Document 3      Details of Recommended Zoning

Document 4      Consultation Details




Corporate Services Department, Secretariat Services to notify the owner City of Ottawa applicant, Community Protective Services, Parks and Recreation Branch, c/o Paul Landry, 8th, Floor 100 Constellation, Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1), All Signs, 8692 Russell Road, Navan, ON  K4B 1J1, and the Program Manager, Assessment, Department of Corporate Services of City Council’s decision.


Planning and Growth Management Department to prepare the implementing by-law, forward to Legal Services Branch and undertake the statutory notification.


Corporate Services Department, Legal Services Branch to forward the implementing by-law to City Council.


LOCATION MAP                                                                                                         Document 1


EXPLANATORY NOTE                                                                                               Document 2


By-law Number 2004-  amends Zoning By-law 266-1981 of the former Township of West Carleton.  The amendment affects the property at 5670 Carp Road, which is located on the southeast corner of Kinburn Side Road and Carp Road. 


The application is to rezone the subject property from RU-Rural to I-# Institutional Exception #.  The amendment will permit ice arenas, recreational facilities, municipal services and associated uses. 


For further information please, contact Jeff Ostafichuk at 580-2424 ext. 31329.  



DETAILS OF RECOMMENDED ZONING                                                              Document 3


The property at 5670 Carp Road is to be rezoned from RU-Rural to an I-Institutional zone with and exception.  The exception will permit the following uses that are not permitted in the standard I zone.


Residential Uses:


Not permitted


Non-Residential Uses:



Meeting Halls

Trade Shows

Corporate Meeting Space

Fitness Facilities


Farmers Market

Office Space



Recreational Facilities

Municipal Offices


Police Station

Paramedic Post

Medical Clinic


The exception will also include the following parking requirements that are not currently part of the standard I zone:


A facility that includes an arena or arenas and two or more permitted uses requires an overall parking rate of 100 spaces per ice pad.


Permitted uses that are not part of a larger facility as noted above require the following parking rates:


arena                            100 spaces per ice pad;

recreational facility        30 spaces per playing field;

restaurant                     1 space per 15.0 square metres of net floor area or portion thereof designed for use by the public;

office                            1 space per 20.0 square metres of net floor area or portion thereof;

medical clinic                the greater of 4 per practitioner or 1 per 10 square metres of net floor area or portion thereof;

meeting halls,    corporate meeting space, fitness facilities, trade shows and farmers market

                                    1 space per 9.0 square metres of net floor area or portion thereof;

pro shop                       1 space per 20.0 square metres of net floor area or portion thereof;

paramedic post 2 spaces per bay door of the paramedic post building;

police station                1 space per 20.0 square metres of net floor area or portion thereof;

daycare                        1 space for each 50 square metres of gross floor area.


Building Height (maximum): 16.0 metres




CONSULTATION DETAILS                                                                                       Document 4





Notification and public consultation was undertaken in accordance with the Public Notification and Public Consultation Policy approved by City Council for Zoning By-law Amendments.  One information and comment session was held on April 5, 2005, in the community. 

[U7] [U8] Staff have received one objection to the proposed zoning amendment.





Comments received can generally be summarized as follows.




The Hydrogeology Investigation report does not mention how the ice from ice resurfacing will be dealt with.      



This matter is not noted in a hydrogeology report rather detailed stormwater and operational plans will address this matter.  These studies will be submitted at the site plan application stage.




The Hydrogeology Investigation report anticipates that a water treatment system will be required i.e. reverse osmosis.  The report does not offer any further details on the system and the expenses of operating such.




The need for a treatment system has been identified and will be costed and implemented in any project development proposal accepted by the City.  We suggest that the treatment system will be for drinking water only.  Treatment is not required for water used for ice resurfacing.




There are concerns with the current situation of stormwater drainage.




Pre-existing drainage concerns may be present in the vicinity of the subject site.  The development of this facility will not necessarily correct pre-existing off site problems.  However, the stormwater management plan for this site will ensure that drainage from the development is managed effectively and that current concerns are not exacerbated.




Has the City looked at the impacts of additional traffic from the proposed development.  Will traffic signals be required at the Kinburn Side Road and Carp Road intersections.




A Traffic Impact Study has been undertaken.  No signals are identified as being required at Kinburn Side Road and Carp Road this time.  However, paved shoulders will have to be implemented proximate to the site entrance(s).    





The Councillor is in full support of the application.






One objection was received by telephone from the Carp Residents Association.  The Community Association noted that the facility was not located in a village or near a village that would allow for easy pedestrian access.  The facility would be better located in a village on a smaller site which would allow for other means of access than the automobile.




Although, the Official Plan encourages the focus of growth to occur in villages and urban areas a community facility particularly of this sort on a site with an established community use may be permitted.


A number of technical studies were undertaken to support this development, including a traffic analysis.  Even if located in a Village it is arguable that such a facility would be automobile dependent.  The traffic analysis demonstrated that impacts are negligible within implemented improvements.




The Environmental Advisory Committee has advised that they have no objections at this time.   The Committee requests an opportunity to review the site plan and any other technical studies within their mandate.

ZONING - 5670 Carp Road

Zonage - 5670, chemin carp

ACS2005-PGM-APR-0130                                                          west carleton (5)


Chair Hume began by reading a statement required under the Planning Act, which advised that anyone who intended to appeal this proposed Zoning By-law Amendment to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB), must either voice their objections at the public meeting, or submit their comments in writing prior to the amendment being adopted by City Council. Failure to do so could result in refusal/dismissal of the appeal by the OMB.


Murray Chown, Novatech, on behalf of the applicant (City of Ottawa), was present in support of the recommendation contained in departmental report dated 11 May 2005.  The Committee approved the recommendation.


That the Planning and Environment Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to the former Township of West Carleton Zoning By-Law to change the zoning of 5670 Carp Road from RU-Rural to I-# Institutional Exception # , as shown in Document 1 and as detailed in Document 3.




 [U1]For applications that do not require a map

 [U2]Should include general background, purpose of zoning, amendment, existing zoning and proposed zoning , headings are optional.

 [U3]Summarize the implications and end with…The impact of the rezoning application is viewed as negligible or provide comments.  If recommendation is for refusal, tie this back into planning rationale.


 [U4]If there are objections or significant comment…

 [U5]Include the documents that are applicable to this report


 [U6]This document may include a map

 [U7]Summarize the public notification and consultation undertaken.

 [U8]Provide details of any public meeting(s).

 [U9]If there are a number of comments/concerns, please list each comment separately along with the corresponding response. 

If there are a small number of related comments, please summarize them and provide one response.

 [U10]If a petition was received, please summarize the issue(s) raised, and the number of people who signed the petition

 [U11]Insert our response

 [U12]Insert Councillor’s comments

 [U13]Insert our response

 [U14]Insert Community Organization Comments

 [U15]Insert our response

 [U16]Insert Advisory Committee comments