2.             cultural capitals of canada 2008 award – grant application


prix capitales culturelles du canada 2008: demande de financement



committee recommendation


That Council approve the motion attached as Document 1 supporting the City’s application to the Cultural Capitals of Canada program.



recommandation du comité


Que le Conseil approuve la motion ci-jointe comme document 1, portant que la Ville accorde le soutien financier nécessaire pour accompagner la demande de suvention dans le cadre du programme des Prix capitales culturelles du Canada.




1.       Deputy City Manager, Community and Protective Services report dated 10 February 2006 (ACS2006-CPS-CSF-0003).

Report to/Rapport au:


Health, Recreation and Social Services Committee

Comité de la santé, des loisirs et des services sociaux


and Council / et au Conseil


10 February 2006/le 10 février 2006


Submitted by/Soumis par:

Steve Kanellakos, Deputy City Manager/Directeur municipal adjoint,

Community and Protective Services/Services communautaires et de protection 


Contact Person/Personne ressource: Colleen Hendrick, Director / Directrice

Cultural Services and Community Funding / Services culturels et financement communautaire

(613) 580-2424 x24366, colleen.hendrick@ottawa.ca



City Wide/Portée générale

Ref N°: ACS2006-CPS-CSF-0003




Cultural Capitals of Canada 2008 Award: Grant Application







That the Health, Recreation and Social Services Committee recommend that Council approve the motion attached as Document 1 supporting the City’s application to the Cultural Capitals of Canada program.





Que le Comité de la santé, des loisirs et des services sociaux recommande au Conseil d’approuver la motion ci‑jointe comme document 1, portant que la Ville accorde le soutien financier nécessaire pour accompagner la demande de subvention dans le cadre du programme des Prix capitales culturelles du Canada.





In 2002, the Department of Canadian Heritage introduced the Cultural Capitals of Canada national award program. On an annual basis several municipalities are recognized and awarded funds for their commitment and promotion of culture in their community. 


Selected municipalities are provided with contributory funding in two project categories “celebratory” and “legacy-building” activities.  The funds allow municipalities to develop a year- long program of activities that highlight culture as well as integrate the arts, culture and heritage into community planning.


Ottawa is eligible to apply for a “Level 1” award for municipalities with a total population over 125,000.  Only one designation at Level 1 is awarded annually, for 75% of total eligible costs up to a maximum of $2M.  The Department proposes to commit $666,000 from the Major Partnerships Cultural Facility Fund (authority approved by Council as part of the 2006 budget) and aligned capital items within the Cultural Services and Community Funding Branch that can be targeted towards the application.  If Ottawa’s application is successful this commitment could result in federal funding of $2 Million yielding an overall project enveloped of $2.6 M.  


The program application requires that participating municipalities attach a copy of a Motion passed by Council authorizing the application and committing a specific amount of municipal funds if the application is successful.  The Motion is attached as Document 1.




En 2002, le ministère du Patrimoine canadien lançait le programme des Prix des capitales culturelles du Canada. Plusieurs municipalités sont sélectionnées chaque année et se voient attribuer des fonds pour appuyer leur engagement envers la promotion de la culture dans leur collectivité.


Les municipalités retenues reçoivent une contribution de financement dans deux catégories de projets, à savoir les activités pour « célébrer les arts et la culture » et celles qui « constituent un legs durable en la matière ». Ces fonds permettent aux municipalités d’élaborer un plan d’activités, étalées sur l’année, pour célébrer la culture et intégrer les arts, la culture et le patrimoine dans la planification communautaire.


Ottawa est admissible à la subvention de « niveau 1 » accordée aux municipalités de plus de 125 000 habitants. Une seule subvention de niveau 1 est attribuée chaque année , pour un montant de 75 % des coûts admissibles totaux jusqu'à un maximum de 2 000 000 $. Le service propose d’affecter 666 000 $ du programme de financement des projets d’immobilisations majeures dans l'infrastructure culturelle (approuvé par le Conseil dans le budget 2006) ainsi que les éléments de capital alignés de Services culturels et financement communautaire qui peuvent être consacrés à la demande. Si la demande d’Ottawa était retenue, cet engagement pourrait se traduire par un financement fédéral de 2 millions de dollars, ce qui donnerait une enveloppe de projet d’un montant total de 2,6 millions.


Selon le formulaire de candidature, les municipalités participantes doivent présenter copie d’une résolution du Conseil pour autoriser la demande et confirmer l'affectation de fonds si la proposition de la municipalité est retenue. Cette motion est jointe à la présente comme document 1.






Since the inception of the program, 80+ municipalities have applied. The following municipalities have been awarded grants:





Vancouver, BC

Red Deer, AB

Thunder Bay, ON

Caraquet, NB

Riviere-du-Loup, QC

Regina, SK

Kelowna, BC

Owen Sound, ON

Powell River, BC

Lethbridge, Canmore, Drumheller, and Crowsnest Pass, AB and Fernie, BC

Toronto, ON

Victoria, BC

Algonquins of Pikwakanagan, ON

Annapolis Royal, NS

Saint-Jean-Port-Joli, QC


A particular strength for Ottawa’s application is Council’s approval of the Ottawa 20/20 - Arts & Heritage Plan.  This plan represents “a vision, a blueprint and a community building initiative”and it will form the foundation for the Cultural Capitals of Canada funding application.   The celebratory activities and legacy-building projects will advance the objectives and support the strategic directions of these plans as well as the strategic framework and will be built around “Access to Culture.”


To be successful, a municipality must demonstrate its commitment to the arts and culture through past achievements and design an ambitious, yet realistic, program of activities.  With a Cultural Capitals of Canada designation, the City of Ottawa has an opportunity to invest further more in our arts, culture and heritage and to continue to increase and improve cultural services.


The expected impact of Cultural Capitals of Canada funding will be demonstrated through:


The Department of Canadian Heritage will announce the awards in the fall of 2007. 





The Cultural Services Division established an internal working team to coordinate the completion of the detailed submission and to ensure compliance with the application requirements. The application will reflect the directions contained within the Ottawa 20/20 - Arts & Heritage Plan, which is based on extensive community consultation. The application will identify the celebratory and legacy-building activities.


During these initial stages, targeted community organizations and strategic partners have been involved in developing the high level project plans and providing letters of endorsement.  Preliminary -discussions have taken place with the Arts, Heritage & Cultural Advisory Committee, Ottawa Tourism, Ottawa Museums Network, and Arts Ottawa East and several Business Improvement Areas Associations.


A Steering Committee will be developed with membership from the arts, culture and heritage community, business community, Council and municipal staff.





The City of Ottawa’s 2006 Council-approved capital budget includes the required municipal funds. Funds have been identified as follows:


a)      $350,000 in the Major Partnerships Cultural Facility Fund for the Cultural Capitals of Canada 2008 Award; and


b)      $316,000 in aligned capital items within the Cultural Services and Community Funding Branch that can be targeted towards the Cultural Capitals of Canada 2008 Award proposal budget





Document 1-      Motion Supporting the City’s application to the Cultural Capitals of Canada Program





Cultural Services Division to file application with the Cultural Capitals of Canada program to meet the March 15, 2006 deadline.


Document 1


Whereas the Cultural Capitals of Canada national arts and culture funding program was announced by the Minister of Canadian Heritage on May 31, 2002; and,


Whereas the objective of the Cultural Capitals of Canada program is to promote the arts and culture in Canadian municipalities through recognition of excellence and support for special activities that celebrate the arts and integrate them into overall community planning; and,

Whereas the City of Ottawa is eligible to submit a proposal, detailing a year long program for 2008 to celebrate and build a legacy for the arts and culture, for 75 percent of total eligible costs up to a maximum of $2M; and,


Whereas the required municipal contribution of $666,000 has been committed within the 2006 municipal capital budget to the City’s Cultural Capitals of Canada 2008 Award proposal; and,


Whereas the 2008 Cultural Capitals of Canada application package must be submitted to Canadian Heritage by March 15, 2006; and,


Whereas the 2008 Cultural Capitals of Canada application package must include a Council motion that commits required municipal funds in the event the proposal is successful for 2008 and, furthermore, authorizes the City’s application; and


Whereas the designation of Ottawa as a Cultural Capital of Canada will enable greater investment in arts and culture, will increase and improve cultural services and, will strengthen connections with other communities through shared cultural experiences.


Therefore that the Health, Recreation and Social Services Committee and Council commit the required existing municipal funds for 2008 in the amount of $666,000 and direct the Cultural Services staff to submit an application to the Cultural Capitals of Canada program on or before the March 15, 2006 deadline.