4.             ZONING - 1 CLEGG STREET






Committee recommendation


That Council approve an amendment to the former City of Ottawa Zoning By-law to change the zoning of 1 Clegg Street from R5B Low-rise Apartment zone to R5B - exception as detailed in Document 2.



Recommandation du Comité


Que le Conseil approuve une modification au Règlement de zonage de l’ancienne Ville d’Ottawa, de manière à faire passer le zonage du 1, rue Clegg de R5B – Petits immeubles d’appartements à R5B – exception, tel qu’exposé en détail dans le Document 2.








1.                  Deputy City Manager's report Planning, Transit and the Environment dated
7 December 2006 (ACS2007-PTE-APR-0012).


Report to/Rapport au :


Planning and Environment Committee

Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement


and Council / et au Conseil


07 December 2006 / le 07 décembre 2006


Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager/Directrice municipale adjointe

Planning, Transit and the Environment/ Urbanisme, Transport en commun et Environnement


Contact Person/Personne Ressource : Grant Lindsay, Manager / Gestionnaire, Development Approvals / Approbation des demandes d'aménagement

(613) 580-2424, 13242  Grant.Lindsay@ottawa.ca


Capital (17)

Ref N°: ACS2007-PTE-APR-0012




ZONING - 1 CLEGG STREET (D02-02-05-0093)




ZONAGE - 1, rue clegg





That the Planning and Environment Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to the former City of Ottawa Zoning By-law to change the zoning of 1 Clegg Street from R5B Low-rise Apartment zone to R5B - exception as detailed in Document 2.





Que le Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement recommande au Conseil d’approuver une modification au Règlement de zonage de l’ancienne Ville d’Ottawa, de manière à faire passer le zonage du 1, rue Clegg de R5B – Petits immeubles d’appartements à R5B – exception, tel qu’exposé en détail dans le Document 2.





The subject property, 1 Clegg Street, is located on the northeast corner of Clegg Street and Echo Drive. The property has a width of 16 metres, a depth of 25 metres, and contains a two and half storey building with three dwelling units. The neighbourhood contains a mix of single detached dwellings, duplexes, triplexes and low-rise apartment buildings.

The property was previously severed from the property known as 5 Clegg Street in 1989 and classified as a planned unit development, meaning that both 1 and 5 Clegg Street are to be treated as one lot for Zoning By‑law purposes.  


Proposed Development


The Owners of 1 Clegg Street had proposed an additional dwelling unit within a new mansard roof addition on top of the existing building that was approved by the Committee of Adjustment in December 2003. The Committee's approval was followed by an appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) resulting in dismissal of the variances required to allow the addition. However, the Ontario Municipal Board decision noted that architecturally what is proposed is an improvement to the existing dwelling and that the matter may be considered by way of an application for a Zoning By-law amendment in order to determine if a site specific zoning can address the issues this proposal raises.


The issues that were brought before the Board that had significantly influenced the decision were that the original Minor Variance application that the Department had reviewed indicated only three dwelling units, when in fact the existing building had four units and that this increase resulted in additional requirements, most notably parking, that were not addressed by the applicant at that time. Staff also had reviewed the application based on a triplex being converted to a fourplex, however at the OMB hearing it was confirmed that the existing building was a non-conforming fourplex and the resulting variances would result in a five unit apartment building, not a fourplex as originally requested.


This report addresses the issues resulting from the proposed mansard roof addition and recommends approval of the Zoning By-law amendment to allow a third storey and additional unit permitting a total of four dwelling units in the existing building.





The proposed Zoning By-law amendment is considered to be consistent with the policies of the Official Plan. The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment complies with the strategic directions of the Official Plan as they pertain to Managing Growth within the Urban Area (Section 2.2.3) and meets development criteria to be considered for proposals in the General Urban Area Designation (Section 3.6.1) and the Compatibility and Community Design Section (Section 2.5.1).


Official Plan


The subject property is designated General Urban Area in the Official Plan. This designation permits the development of a full range of housing types to meet the needs of all ages, incomes and life circumstances. The proposal meets the Official Plan’s goal of intensification as it represents an opportunity to add a housing unit to a serviced, central location.

The City supports intensification and infill development throughout the urban area, including areas designated General Urban Area. Section 2.2.3 Managing Growth Within the Urban Area states that intensification is to occur along a continuum, from expansion of an existing use to large-scale redevelopment of an area.


The proposal represents a modest example of residential intensification on the lower end of this continuum. The Department is satisfied that the triplex house, converted into a fourplex is of an appropriate scale and intensity that is compatible with the surrounding community. The conversion of the existing triplex to a fourplex, through an addition of mansard roof, increases the density on the site at a very modest rate without significant alterations to the physical characteristics of the neighbourhood.


Compatibility and Community Design


The policies in the Compatibility of Development Section of the Official Plan require that the City ensure, when reviewing development applications for intensification, that there is compatibility with the pattern of the surrounding area in terms of height, setback from the street and distance between buildings.  Where the height, building mass, proportion, street setback and distance between buildings varies from the norm in the area, the proposed design may compensate for this variation through its treatment of other characteristics common to the surrounding area, including the materials, textures and colours used in wall treatments; the articulation of facades; the size, shape and location of doors and windows; the treatment of parking facilities and the location of garages; the form of the roof shape; landscape treatments; and other architectural or design features where appropriate. 


Based on the elevations that have been provided, the expansion of the existing triplex to include an additional unit within a mansard roof addition conforms to this policy and will be a suitable fit within the community.  The existing two and a half storey triplex is lower than many other buildings in the neighbourhood and even with the proposed mansard roof addition will be within typical heights found in the area and within the height limit requirements of the Zoning By-law. In terms of façade treatment and materials, the proposed elevations maintain the architectural characteristics of the existing dwelling by respecting existing building proportions and window openings.


Affordable Housing


The proposed development provides an additional rental unit in the community. Affordable and appropriate housing for all residents is the fundamental building block of a healthy, liveable community. The policies of the Official Plan contribute to improving the supply of affordable rental housing by promoting the development of rental housing through such means as infill construction and the adaptive re-use of buildings.


The proposed rezoning supports development in an area that is already well serviced by existing infrastructure and services. The subject property is located in an area that is within walking distance from bus routes, pathway systems, and is in reasonable proximity to various amenities.

Also, as the site is already serviced by existing infrastructure, the proposal to allow one additional unit supports the Official Plan's infill and intensification policies of utilizing existing services within the urban boundary.  The addition of one dwelling unit will not create any noticeable or significant increase in traffic intensity or demand on infrastructure that cannot already be accommodated. 


Details of Proposed Zoning


The Department is recommending that the R5B, low-rise apartment zoning be amended to include the exceptions required to accommodate the proposed addition. The recommended modifications to the R5B Zone to allow the proposed third storey and additional dwelling unit will provide the following yards which respect the existing building setbacks from the surrounding lot lines. The requested setbacks would be as follows:


1. A southerly corner side yard of 1.65 metres whereas the By-law requires 3.0 metres;

2. A northerly interior side yard of 0.85 metres whereas the By-law requires 1.2 metres;

3. A rear yard of 4.95 metres whereas the by-law would require 6.5 metres; and

4. One parking space in the front yard abutting Echo Drive with a maximum width of 2.6 metres and length of 5.0 metres.


The request for relief for the side yards and the rear yard reflect the existing building footprint on which the unit and mansard roof would be accommodated. The requested parking space in the front yard is required for the additional unit and is being recommended to alleviate concerns from neighbours regarding parking conflicts currently occurring in the parking area abutting the neighbouring single detached dwelling on Clegg Street. The Department is also recommending that the parking space not exceed a width of 2.6 metres and a length of 5.0 metres to prevent excessive paving in the front yard and maintain the landscaped edge along Echo Drive and Colonel By Drive.




The Department is satisfied that the objectives set out in the Official Plan related to residential uses and intensification have been met. The additional rental unit will contribute to a mix and variety of dwelling unit types in the urban area as contemplated in the Official Plan. One additional unit within a mansard roof addition is a modest increase in density for the neighbourhood with minimal impact in terms of scale, traffic and intensity.





Notice of this application was carried out in accordance with the City's Public Notification and Consultation Policy. The Ward Councillor is aware of this application and the staff recommendation.










The application was not processed by the "On Time Decision Date" established for the processing of Zoning By-law amendments due to delays requested by the applicant and later rescheduling of Planning and Environment Committee Meetings to accommodate the recent municipal election.





Document 1      Location Map

Document 2      Details of Recommended Zoning

Document 3      Consultation Details

Document 4      Proposed Elevations





Corporate Services Department, City Clerk’s Branch, Secretariat Services to notify the owner, Ms. Johanne Kieran, 3886 Stonecrest Road, Woodlawn Ontario K0A 3M0, applicant, J.E. Ironside Consulting Ltd. 2055 Prince of Wales Drive, Nepean Ontario K2E 7A4, Signs.ca, 866 Campbell Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K2A 2C5, Ghislain Lamarche, Program Manager, Assessment, Financial Services Branch (Mail Code:  26-76) of City Council’s decision.


Planning, Transit and the Environment Department to prepare the implementing by-law, forward to Legal Services Branch and undertake the statutory notification.


Corporate Services Department, Legal Services Branch to forward the implementing by-law to City Council

LOCATION MAP                                                                                                  DOCUMENT 1


DETAILS OF RECOMMENDED ZONING                                                       DOCUMENT 2


The following zoning change will be made to the property shown on Document 1:


Change the Zoning from R5B to R5B[xxx] with the following exceptions:


1. To permit a southerly corner side yard of 1.65 metres

2. To permit a northerly interior side yard of 0.85 metres

3. To permit an easterly rear yard of 4.95 metres

4. To permit one parking space in the front yard abutting Echo Drive with a width not to exceed 2.6 metres and a length not to exceed 5.2 metres.


CONSULTATION DETAILS                                                                                DOCUMENT 3




Notification and public consultation was undertaken in accordance with the Public Notification and Public Consultation Policy approved by City Council for Zoning By-law amendments. 




  1. The existing building already illegally contains four dwelling units; this proposal could actually result in five units.


  1. The additional storey will reduce sunlight and increase shadowing on neighbouring properties. 


  1. No reduction in parking should be granted because the area already has a deficiency of on street parking spaces.


  1. Approval of this project will likely lead to a snowball effect in the neighbourhood as other rental property owners will start increasing the number of dwellings in their buildings resulting in a significant increase of residential density in the area.


Response to Comments


  1. The Department has reviewed the existing application based on a total of four dwelling units in the existing building and the recommended Zoning By-law amendment provides provisions for up to a maximum of four units. The applicant has submitted floor plans to illustrate how the four units will be provided and the Department is satisfied four units can be functionally integrated into the existing building and site.


  1. The existing triplex is a currently two and half storey high building and the addition will be provided within a new mansard roof as illustrated in Document 4. As with any increase to the height of a building mass there will be some blockage of sunlight and views from and onto adjacent residences. In reviewing the application the Department finds that architecturally, the addition meets the intent of the compatibility section in the Official Plan and does not constitute over development of the site. The height of the proposed mansard roof is within the height limits prescribed in the Zoning By-law and will not be viewed as out of scale with existing homes in this neighbourhood.


  1. The Department is recommending that Council permit one additional parking space in the front yard. The dimension of the space is limited to accommodate one car only and to maintain the landscaped character of the homes fronting onto Echo Drive. The reason for permitting this space is to alleviate concerns raised by residents who have objected to any reductions in parking on the site and to provide a parking space in another yard away from the property at 5 Clegg Street who currently provides a parking easement for the benefit of the subject property.


  1. The Department reviews each development application on its own merits and approval of one application should not create a “snowball” effect that will alter the character of a neighbourhood. The current recommendation is based on the size of the existing dwelling, the character of the existing neighbourhood and the design of the mansard roof addition that will contain the unit.  The review of additional development applications in this area will be based on how each proposal responds to the existing community context and the policies in the Official Plan as well as other site-specific issues that may arise.


PROPOSED ELEVATIONS                                                                                  DOCUMENT 4



East Elevation                                                               North Elevation



South Elevation                                                 West Elevation                                    




Site Plan