motion - subvention à la société de saint-vincent de paul






That Council approve that funding in the form of a grant in the amount of $890.00 be allocated from the City-Wide Capital Reserve Fund to reimburse the SVPS to offset the building permit fees paid to the City for the rehabilitation of the drop-in centre.





Que le Conseil approuve le versement à la Société St-Vincent de Paul, d’un montant de 890 $ sous la forme d’une subvention provenant du Fonds de réserve pour immobilisations de la Ville d’Ottawa, afin de compenser cet organisme pour les frais d’obtention de permis de construire payés à la Ville pour la réfection de la halte-accueil.






1.                  Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee report dated 9 March 2007 (ACS2007-CRS-CSE-0002).

2.                  Extract of Draft Minute, 6 March 2007.


Report to/Rapport au :


Council / Conseil


9 March 2007 / le 9 mars 2007


Submitted by/Soumis par : Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee

Comité des services organisationnels et du développement économique


Contact Person/Personne ressource : Diane Blais, Coordinator,Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee / Coordonatrice, Comité des services organisationnels et du développement économique

City Clerk’s Branch/Direction du greffe

(613) 580-2424 x28091, Diane.Blais@ottawa.ca



Ref N°: ACS2007-CRS-CSE-0002








motion - subvention à la société de saint-vincent de paul





That the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee recommend Council approve that funding in the form of a grant in the amount of $890.00 be allocated from the City-Wide Capital Reserve Fund to reimburse the SVPS to offset the building permit fees paid to the City for the rehabilitation of the drop-in centre.




Que le Comité des services organisationnels et du développement économique recommande au Conseil d’approuver le versement à la Société St-Vincent de Paul, d’un montant de 890 $ sous la forme d’une subvention provenant du Fonds de réserve pour immobilisations de la Ville d’Ottawa, afin de compenser cet organisme pour les frais d’obtention de permis de construire payés à la Ville pour la réfection de la halte-accueil.





At its meeting of 6 March 2007, the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee considered and approved the following motion, put forward by Councillor Maria McRae on behalf of Councillor George Bédard: 


WHEREAS the Ottawa 20/20 Vision and the Official Plan describe a “Caring and Inclusive City” and a “City of distinct liveable communities” and that charitable organizations such as the St. Vincent de Paul Society (SVPS) have, for a number of years, provides services to the poor and marginalized citizens to improve the quality of life for these citizens;


AND WHEREAS the SVPS has operated, in partnership with the Centre Espoir Sophie, a drop-in centre at 145 Murray Street, Ottawa, for marginalized women and that the building requires renovations to continue to operate in this capacity;


AND WHEREAS the SVPS and the Centre Espoir Sophie receive very little funding assistance from the City and have obtained partial funding to renovate the building and continue to seek more funding to commence renovations;


AND WHEREAS the SVPS has requested the City provide a grant to offset the building permit fees for applications A06-008062 and A06-008561, totally $890.00;


AND WHEREAS on July 1, 2005, new legislation, the Building Code Statue Law Amendment Ac, 2002, and Ontario Regulation 305/03 took effect, which necessitated changes related to the collection of building permit fees in that these fees must cover those costs associated with servicing building permits and enforcing the Act and Code and more particularly, be revenue neutral;


AND WHEREAS surplus revenues no longer can be generated and relied upon for offsetting waivers or reimbursements of fees in support of various construction projects by charitable and non-profit organizations;


AND WHEREAS if Council wishes to support requests for grants to offset building permit fees, it is necessary to fund the offset from the City-Wide Capital Reserve Fund;


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that funding in the form of a grant in the amount of $890.00 be allocated from the City-Wide Capital Reserve Fund to reimburse the SVPS to offset the building permit fees paid to the City for the rehabilitation of the drop-in centre.










Should Council approve the recommendation, the sum of $890.00 will be drawn from the City-Wide Capital Reserve Fund.





The Planning, Transit and the Environment Department to process the remittance request. 


Corporate Services Department, Financial Services to prepare the payment to the Société de St. Vincent de Paul and adjust accounts accordingly.



motion - subvention à la société de saint-vincent de paul


Moved by Councillor M. McRae


That the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee approve the addition of this item for consideration by the Committee at today’s meeting pursuant to Section 81(3) of the Procedure By-law.




Councillor McRae introduced this item, noting that she was moving the motion on behalf of Councillor Bédard. 


Responding to questions from Councillor Bloess, Councillor McRae indicated Councillor Bédard wished to have Committee deal with the motion at the current meeting because the St. Vincent de Paul Society needed to have their building permit issued as soon as possible and she confirmed the amount requested.


Moved by Councillor M. McRae


WHEREAS the Ottawa 20/20 Vision and the Official Plan describe a “Caring and Inclusive City” and a “City of distinct liveable communities” and that charitable organizations such as the St. Vincent de Paul Society (SVPS) have, for a number of years, provides services to the poor and marginalized citizens to improve the quality of life for these citizens;


AND WHEREAS the SVPS has operated, in partnership with the Centre Espoir Sophie, a drop-in centre at 145 Murray Street, Ottawa, for marginalized women and that the building requires renovations to continue to operate in this capacity;


AND WHEREAS the SVPS and the Centre Espoir Sophie receive very little funding assistance from the City and have obtained partial funding to renovate the building and continue to seek more funding to commence renovations;


AND WHEREAS the SVPS has requested the City provide a grant to offset the building permit fees for applications A06-008062 and A06-008561, totally $890.00;


AND WHEREAS on July 1, 2005, new legislation, the Building Code Statue Law Amendment Ac, 2002, and Ontario Regulation 305/03 took effect, which necessitated changes related to the collection of building permit fees in that these fees must cover those costs associated with servicing building permits and enforcing the Act and Code and more particularly, be revenue neutral;


AND WHEREAS surplus revenues no longer can be generated and relied upon for offsetting waivers or reimbursements of fees in support of various construction projects by charitable and non-profit organizations;


AND WHEREAS if Council wishes to support requests for grants to offset building permit fees, it is necessary to fund the offset from the City-Wide Capital Reserve Fund;


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that funding in the form of a grant in the amount of $890.00 be allocated from the City-Wide Capital Reserve Fund to reimburse the SVPS to offset the building permit fees paid to the City for the rehabilitation of the drop-in centre.

