1.         ZONING – 5965 renaud road


ZONAGE - 5965, chemin renaud



Committee recommendation


(This application is subject to Bill 51)


That Council approve an amendment to the former Gloucester Zoning By-law to change the zoning of part of 5965 Renaud Road from Rs1 - Residential  Single Dwelling, OS - Open Space, Rs2 - Residential Single Dwelling, Fg - Future Growth and Ra2 - Medium Density Apartment to OS - Open Space, OS(E'X') - Open Space Exception 'X', Rs2(E'Y') - Residential Single Dwelling Exception'Y', Ra2(E'XX') - Medium Density Apartment Exception 'XX' and Constraint Area 1, OS(E'Z') - Open Space Exception 'Z' and Constraint Area 1, Rs1 - Residential Single Dwelling, Rs1 - Residential Single Dwelling and Constraint Area 1 and Rc2(E48) - Mixed Residential Dwellings Exception 48 as shown in Document 1 and as detailed in Document 2.



Recommandation du Comité


(Cette demande est assujettie au projet de loi 51)


Que le Conseil approuve une modification du Règlement de zonage de l'ancienne Ville de Gloucester afin de changer le zonage d'une partie du terrain situé au 5965 du chemin Renaud de Rs1 (zone résidentielle unifamiliale), OS (aire ouverte), Rs2 (zone résidentielle unifamiliale), Fg (zone de croissance future) et Ra2 (zone d'appartements à densité moyenne), à OS (aire ouverte), OS(E'X') (aire ouverte avec exception X), Rs2(E'Y') (zone résidentielle unifamiliale avec exception Y), Ra2(E'XX') (zone d'appartements à densité moyenne avec exception XX et secteur de contrainte 1), OS(E'Z') (aire ouverte avec exception Z et secteur de contrainte 1), Rs1 (zone résidentielle unifamiliale), Rs1 (zone résidentielle unifamiliale et secteur de contrainte 1) et Rc2(E48) (zone résidentielle mixte avec exception 48), tel que le montre le document 1 et que le décrit en détail le document 2.






1.      Deputy City Manager's report Planning, Transit and the Environment dated
9 May 2007 (ACS2007-PTE-APR-0102).


Report to/Rapport au :


Planning and Environment Committee

Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement


and Council / et au Conseil


09 May 2007 / le 09 mai 2007


Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager /

Directrice municipale adjointe,

Planning, Transit and the Environment / Urbanisme, Transport en commun

et Environnement


Contact Person/Personne ressource : Karen Currie, Manager / Gestionnaire, Development Approvals / Approbation des demandes d'aménagement

(613) 580-2424, 28310  Karen.Currie@ottawa.ca


Innes (2)

Ref N°: ACS2007-PTE-APR-0102




ZONING - 5965 Renaud Road (FILE NO. D02-02-07-0018)




ZONAGE - 5965, chemin Renaud




That the  recommend Council approve an amendment to the former Gloucester Zoning By-law to change the zoning of part of 5965 Renaud Road from Rs1 - Residential  Single Dwelling, OS - Open Space, Rs2 - Residential Single Dwelling, Fg - Future Growth and Ra2 - Medium Density Apartment to OS - Open Space, OS(E'X') - Open Space Exception 'X', Rs2(E'Y') - Residential Single Dwelling Exception'Y', Ra2(E'XX') - Medium Density Apartment Exception 'XX' and Constraint Area 1, OS(E'Z') - Open Space Exception 'Z' and Constraint Area 1, Rs1 - Residential Single Dwelling, Rs1 - Residential Single Dwelling and Constraint Area 1 and Rc2(E48) - Mixed Residential Dwellings Exception 48 as shown in Document 1 and as detailed in Document 2.





Que le Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement recommande au Conseil d'approuver une modification du Règlement de zonage de l'ancienne Ville de Gloucester afin de changer le zonage d'une partie du terrain situé au 5965 du chemin Renaud de Rs1 (zone résidentielle unifamiliale), OS (aire ouverte), Rs2 (zone résidentielle unifamiliale), Fg (zone de croissance future) et Ra2 (zone d'appartements à densité moyenne), à OS (aire ouverte), OS(E'X') (aire ouverte avec exception X), Rs2(E'Y') (zone résidentielle unifamiliale avec exception Y), Ra2(E'XX') (zone d'appartements à densité moyenne avec exception XX et secteur de contrainte 1), OS(E'Z') (aire ouverte avec exception Z et secteur de contrainte 1), Rs1 (zone résidentielle unifamiliale), Rs1 (zone résidentielle unifamiliale et secteur de contrainte 1) et Rc2(E48) (zone résidentielle mixte avec exception 48), tel que le montre le document 1 et que le décrit en détail le document 2.





The subject lands form part of a draft plan of subdivision at the westerly edge of the Orleans Community, north of Renaud Road, and south of Navan Road.  The site is currently vacant farmland with some fill stored on it.  Mud Creek is adjacent to the westerly lot line, separating this parcel from the Greenbelt. There are some trees along the westerly lot line adjacent to the creek and an old fence row.  To the north side of the site is the location of the future Transitway Station and the Blackburn Hamlet By-Pass.  There is also a Hydro One Corridor that runs east/ west at the north end of the property.  The National Capital Commission (NCC) owns and leases out farm land immediately west of the subject lands.


The original subdivision application predated the latest East Urban Community, Community Design Plan, and was draft approved and rezoned in 2005 to permit a park, single detached homes, town homes and stacked town homes. Upon submission of additional information, discussions were held with the applicant, the Conservation Authority and the National Capital Commission and it was determined that a setback and buffer area of 15 metres from the top of bank of the watercourse would be required to address the fisheries habitat concerns and creek meander belt issues.  In addition, through the initial preparation of the engineering design it became apparent, based on the soils and servicing of the development, that the proposed homes at the south west side of the subdivision would have grade raise restrictions, such that they would sit fairly high above grade - requiring about six to eight stairs to the front door.  Given those limitations, the developer requested that the park site be relocated and the former parkland be allowed to develop for homes. 


Purpose of Zoning Amendment


The requested changes are as a result of the redesign of the subdivision to relocate the park and provide a buffer adjacent to Mud Creek.  There are additional road layout and relotting changes that require the proposed draft plan of subdivision to be rezoned.  As a result of more detailed design work on the multiple residential development it is apparent that the Ra2 zone needs refinement. 


Existing Zoning


The existing zoning pursuant to the 2005 Zoning By-law amendment reflected the draft plan of subdivision previously approved.  There is an Fg - Future Growth zone on the north side of the subdivision abutting the hydro corridor and adjacent to that zone is the Ra2 - Medium Density Apartment zone that permits row dwellings, stacked townhouses and apartment dwellings. There is an OS - Open Space zone on the southeast portion of the site to permit the community park and the City-owned pump station.  The balance of the property is currently zoned Rs1 and Rs2, both of which are Residential Single Dwelling zones. Document 3 identifies the existing zones.

Proposed Zoning


The request would rezone the open space to single family residential, single-family residential to open space, amend the front and rear yards for some of the single-family lots, and alter the extent and some of the provisions of the medium density apartment zone. The buffer adjacent to Mud Creek will be zoned to an Open Space exception to prohibit buildings.  The Constraint Area 1 overlay will also be placed on that Open Space buffer as well as the on the rear portion of the lots backing onto Mud Creek. The Open Space exception zone proposed for the Forest Valley Pump Station would recognize the reduced setbacks to the proposed adjacent residential zone.  The lands in the Hydro One Corridor that are not required for the purpose of the Transitway or the Blackburn Hamlet By-pass will be rezoned to the same zone as the medium density housing Ra2 so that they may be used for parking for the adjacent proposed apartments or stacked townhome blocks.





The Official Plan designates the subject lands as General Urban which contemplates development of parkland, and all forms of residential development. The Official Plan also recognizes that constraint lands adjacent to watercourses need to be respected as do watercourses with identified fisheries habitat.


Details of Proposed Zoning


The revised subdivision layout and the proposed zoning recognizes the constraints to land use as a result of Mud Creek and brings them in line with the intent of the Provincial Policy Statement and the Official Plan.  There will be limitations on development to protect against flood and erosion hazards and the fish habitat will be protected by a buffer area.  The proposed Open Space exception zone for that buffer will be at one point under 15 metres in depth but the majority of the zoned area will be greater than 15 metres from the back of the proposed lots to the top of bank of the creek.  The exception zone will prohibit buildings and through the subdivision process the limitations on access are being further refined.  In addition, the Constraint Area 1 overlay provision will also be applied to these buffer lands.  This will have the effect of requiring additional studies for any development proposal in that area.  This overlay will also be applied to the single detached lots backing onto the buffer area.  This will ensure that current or future development will be in accordance with approved engineering studies which demonstrate that the slope and creek bank is stable.


The Open Space zone for the proposed new location of the Park, will allow for any nature of park development.


The Open Space exception zone for the Forest Valley Pump station will allow for a reduced side yard setback adjacent to residential zones. The pump station has been constructed with an approved minor variance to recognize setbacks based on the original draft approved subdivision. The relocation of the park to the west and north side of the pump station results in a residential lot proposed to the east side of the pump station. The zone provisions require a setback for the buildings to the lot line if they are adjacent to a residential zone.

The proposal to reduce the front and rear yards in the Rs2(E'Y') zone are as a result of the provision of the buffer strip adjacent to Mud Creek and to maintain the number of units in the development. The proposed 4.5-metre front yard setback should still allow for parking in driveways compliant with the parking provisions under the Zoning By-law. The reduction in rear yard setback from seven to six metres will also require a reduction in the size of the diameter of the private amenity area.  This change will allow for the continued provision of a range of housing types at a density appropriate for the area as is contemplated in both the Official Plan and the Provincial Policy Statement.


There are four lots on the north-westerly side of the subdivision that are proposed to be rezoned from the Medium Density Apartment zone to the Residential Single Dwelling exception zone. Although these lands would have a reduction in density, the density of the adjacent block could be increased by allowing parking in the Hydro Corridor. The lands owned by the developer in the Hydro One Corridor are proposed to be rezoned from the Future Growth zone to the Medium Density Residential zone to allow - through a site plan approval process and with the consent of Hydro One - its use as a parking lot for the proposed abutting stacked townhouses.


The Draft Plan approved in 2005 had 111 single detached lots and one block of approximately two hectares for medium density residential development for an estimated 160 units total.  The current proposal has approximately 157 units, 100 single detached lots and about 57 medium density residential units.  Allowing for the parking associated with the stacked townhomes or apartments to be within the Hydro Corridor assists in maintaining the unit count for the development, but does decrease the net residential density below the zoning requirements of a minimum of 60 units per hectare.  Based on the  preliminary discussions for the site plans the density will actually be under 40 units per hectare over the area to be zoned Ra2.  The lowest individual block density for the row dwellings is just over 32 units per hectare.  An exception zone to the Ra2 zone would address this change as well as two other minor changes relating to the amenity area reduction and an increase to the permitted projection of porches and balconies into a street yard for the proposed row dwellings.  The maximum residential density in the Ra2 zone is 120 units per hectare which will remain and allow for the possibility of higher density development as well.


There are two incomplete lots near the entrance to the subdivision that will require consolidation to develop.  They are proposed to be rezoned to match the zoning on the existing draft approved and zoned subdivision to the east.  That zoning will be Rc2(E48) - Mixed Residential Dwelling zone.  




Staff recommends support of the requested Zoning By-law amendment as it mirrors the changes to the draft plan of subdivision.  Those changes to the subdivision and the affiliated Zoning By‑law are more consistent with the intent of the Official Plan and Provincial Policy Statement regarding the protection of fisheries habitat and watercourses, unstable soils and residential development.





Fisheries habitat protection, erosion and bank stability of Mud Creek are concerns that had been expressed by the Conservation Authority, the NCC and the City. The rezoning of the buffer area adjacent to the creek addresses those concerns with appropriate land use controls.  The subdivision process will further address those concerns.





Notice of this application was carried out in accordance with the City's Public Notification and Consultation Policy. The Ward Councillor is aware of this application and the staff recommendation. The City did not receive any negative comments or opposition to this application.










This application was processed by the "On Time Decision Date" established for the processing of Zoning By-law amendment applications.





Document 1      Location Map

Document 2      Details of Recommended zoning

Document 3      Existing Zones





City Clerk’s Branch, Secretariat Services to notify the owner, William D. Buchanan, Manager Planning, DCR Phoenix Development Corporation, 18 Bentley Ave. Ottawa ON K2E 6T8, OttawaScene.com, 174 Colonnade Road, Unit #33, Ottawa, ON  K2E 7J5, Ghislain Lamarche, Program Manager, Assessment, Financial Services Branch (Mail Code:  26-76) of City Council’s decision.


Planning, Transit and the Environment Department to prepare the implementing by-law, forward to Legal Services Branch and undertake the statutory notification.


Legal Services Branch to forward the implementing by-law to City Council.

LOCATION MAP                                                                                                  DOCUMENT 1



DETAILS OF RECOMMENDED ZONING                                                       DOCUMENT 2


1.         Create a new Rs2 exception zone, Rs2(E'Y'), including the following site specific exceptions:

(a) a reduced front yard from 5 metres to 4.5 metres;

(b) a reduced rear yard from 7 metres to 6 metres;

(c) a reduced private amenity area from 7 metres to 6 metres in diameter.


2.         Create a new OS exception zone, OS(E'X'), including the following site specific exception:

(a) a reduced building line for an interior side yard abutting a residential zone boundary from 10 metres to 6 metres.


3.         Create another new OS exception zone, OS(E'Z'), including the following site specific exception:

(a)  a prohibition on all buildings as well as the permitted conditional uses "Retail uses and restaurant - take-out”


4.         Create another new Ra2 exception zone, Ra2(E'XX'), including the following site specific exception:

(a) the minimum net residential density will be reduced from 60 units per hectare to 35units per hectare, and such net residential density will be based on the total combined area of all lots or blocks within the R2a(E'XX') zone;

(b) a reduced amenity area requirements for row dwellings from 90 m2 for a dwelling unit having 3 bedrooms to 70 m2;

(c) a reduced amenity area requirements for row dwellings from 100 m2 for a dwelling unit having more than 3 bedrooms to 90 m2;

(d) to increase the allowable permitted projections for covered steps and balconies from 1.2 m to 1.8 m, but not closer than 3.0m from lot line in a Street yard or an Exterior side yard.


5.         The Constraint Area 1 overlay will be placed on the lands as shown in Document 1.  It will extend 7 metres into the rear yard of the lots backing onto the OS(E'Z') zone.


6.         The subject lands are to be rezoned as follows:


Area A

For the relocated Park Block, the zoning will change from Rs1- Residential Single Dwelling to OS - Open Space.


Area B

For the former park block the zoning will change from OS - Open Space to Rs1 - Residential Single Dwelling



Area C1

Rs2 - Residential Single Dwelling to Rs2(E'Y') - Residential Single Dwelling Exception 'Y'.  This would affect 11 lots fronting on Street 4.


Area C2

Rs1 - Residential Single Dwelling to Rs2(E'Y') - Residential Single Dwelling Exception 'Y'.  This would affect 15 lots fronting on Street 1, and 3 lots fronting on Street 3.


Area D

The Forest Valley Pump Station zone will change from OS - Open Space to OS(E'X') - Open Space Exception 'X'.


Area E

Ra2 - Medium Density Apartment zone will be rezoned to Rs1 - Residential Single Dwelling and Constraint Area 1.


Area F

Rs1 - Residential Single Dwelling to  Rc2(E48) - Mixed Residential Dwelling zone.


Area G1

Fg - Future Growth to OS(E'Z') - Open Space Exception 'Z' and Constraint Area 1.


Area G2

Ra2 - Medium Density Apartment to OS(E'Z') - Open Space Exception 'Z' and Constraint Area 1.


Area G3

Rs1 - Residential Single Dwelling to OS(E'Z') - Open Space Exception 'Z' and Constraint Area 1.


Area H

Fg - Future Growth to Ra2(E'XX') - Medium Density Apartment Exception 'XX' zone and Constraint Area 1.


Area I

Ra2 - Medium Density Apartment zone to Ra2(E'XX') - Medium Density Apartment Exception 'XX' zone and Constraint Area 1.



EXISTING ZONES                                                                                                DOCUMENT 3