4.         ZONING - 164 MAIN STREET







Committee recommendation


(This application is subject to Bill 51)


That Council approve an amendment to the former City of Ottawa Zoning By-law to change the zoning of 164 Main Street from an R3J Converted House/Townhouse Zone to a CN6 [xxx] F(3.5) H(14.0)-exception, a  Neighbourhood Linear Commercial Zone with exceptions to permit a 4 storey mixed use building as detailed in Document 2 and shown in Document 3.




Recommandation du Comité


(Cette demande est assujettie au Projet de loi 51)


Que le Conseil approuve une modification au règlement de zonage de l’ancienne Ville d’Ottawa, de manière à faire passer le zonage du 164, rue Main de R3J Maison transformée/Maison en rangée à CN6 [xxx] F(3.5) H(14.0)-exception, une zone de rue commerçante de quartier avec exceptions, tel qu’exposé en détail dans le document 2 et illustré dans le document 3.






1.      Deputy City Manager's report Planning, Transit and the Environment dated
27 June 2007 (ACS2007-PTE-APR-0145).


Report to/Rapport au :


Planning and Environment Committee

Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement


and Council / et au Conseil


27 June 2007 / le 27 juin 2007


Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager /

Directrice municipale adjointe,

Planning, Transit and the Environment / Urbanisme, Transport en commun et Environnement


Contact Person/Personne Ressource : Grant Lindsay, Manager / Gestionnaire, Development Approvals / Approbation des demandes d'aménagement

(613) 580-2424, 13242  Grant.Lindsay@ottawa.ca


Capital (17)

Ref N°: ACS2007-PTE-APR-0145




ZONING - 164 Main Street




ZONAGE - 164 rue main





That the Planning and Environment Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to the former City of Ottawa Zoning By-law to change the zoning of 164 Main Street from an R3J Converted House/Townhouse Zone to a CN6 [xxx] F(3.5) H(14.0)-exception, a  Neighbourhood Linear Commercial Zone with exceptions as detailed in Document 2 and shown in Document 3.




Que le Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement recommande au Conseil d’approuver une modification au règlement de zonage de l’ancienne Ville d’Ottawa, de manière à faire passer le zonage du 164, rue Main de R3J Maison transformée/Maison en rangée à CN6 [xxx] F(3.5) H(14.0)-exception, une zone de rue commerçante de quartier avec exceptions, tel qu’exposé en détail dans le document 2 et illustré dans le document 3.





The subject property, 164 Main Street, is on the west side of Main Street, south of the Queensway and east of the Rideau Canal.  The site was previously part of the abutting Immaculata High School property to the north and is across the street from Saint Paul University. Immediately adjacent to the west and south is a residential neighbourhood zoned R3J, a Converted house/Townhouse Zone.  Various housing types are in proximity, from detached houses to low-rise rental apartments and medium scale buildings with large open spaces are located to the north and east.  The site is currently vacant and has a frontage of 10.34 metres, is irregularly shaped and has a total area of approximately 304 square metres.  


Purpose of Zoning Amendment


The purpose of the amendment is to rezone the subject property from a Converted House/Townhouse Zone (R3J) to a Neighbourhood Linear Commercial Zone (CN) with a floor space index of 3.5 and a height limit of 14.0 metres.  In addition, the applicant is requesting no on-site parking requirements. The subject property was recently zoned from Institutional to R3J, a Converted House/Townhouse Sub-Zone matching the abutting residential neighbourhood.  However, after further consultation with the community, the applicant is now proposing a four‑storey building that will consist of a public arcade leading into commercial space and three residential units above, one unit per storey, with no on-site requirements for parking.  The proposed building would have a 1.0 metre front yard setback, a 7.5 metre rear yard, 0.8 metres side yards and a height of approximately 13.5 metres above grade.





The proposed Zoning By-law amendment is consistent with the policies of the City’s Official Plan. The proposed land use and intensity in the recommended zoning advance the strategic directions and development criteria of the Official Plan as they pertain to Mainstreets Designation (Section 3.6.3), the Compatibility and Community Design Section (2.5.1) as well as Walking, Cycling, Transit Policies (4.3) and Compatibility (4.11). The following is a discussion of the proposed amendment as it pertains to the above noted policies.


Mainstreet Designation (Section 3.6.3)


The subject property is designated Traditional Mainstreet in the Official Plan with surrounding lands designated General Urban Area. Official Plan Section 3.6.3 identifies Mainstreets as offering the most significant opportunity for intensification through compact forms of mixed use and pedestrian oriented development. Underutilized lands on Mainstreets are intended to undergo significant change and renewal over time and each mainstreet will have a distinctive character. It is the intent of the Official Plan that intensification focus on Mixed Use Centres and Mainstreets to support the public transit system, to create an essential community focus, to allow minimum travel and to minimize disruption in existing stable neighbourhoods. Such development will provide for improved access by foot, cycle, transit and automobile by clustering a broad mix of uses that include retail, commercial, offices and residential. Redevelopment will be encouraged by considering increased height and density in accordance with sections 2.5.1 and 4.11 of the Official Plan


The site is currently situated on the edge of an existing low-rise residential neighbourhood to the south with institutional lands to the north and across Main Street to the east.  

The existing zoning would permit a duplex on the site and require parking to be provided by adding a garage to the front of the building or providing a laneway in a side yard with parking in either the side yard or rear yard. However, the current zoning matching that in the adjacent residential area does not satisfy the current Official Plan requirements for Mainstreets. This was due to the initial Council Approved Official Plan which designated lands along Main Street as General Urban Area. After further consultation, Council re-designated Main Street as a Mainstreet to reflect the community’s desire to have this area develop into a vibrant mixed use pedestrian oriented area. 


The proposal to rezone the site to a Neighbourhood Linear Commercial Zone is consistent with the Mainstreet policies and contributes to the envisioned future of Main Street supported by the local Community Association and reflected in the Official Plan. Development policies for Mainstreets encourage reduced parking rates and discourage the placement of parking areas between a primary building and the street. The proposal consisting of a walk up apartment above an arcade in front of commercial uses at grade will add housing along the street in a building format that is conducive to the desired mainstreet character and land use mix for the neighbourhood.  The proposal will foster a small scale mixed use residential development along Main Street and begin to establish a desirable density to support local commercial development. The increase in height is also supported in the Official Plan for Mainstreets as a minimum height equivalent to minimum storeys is recommended in circumstances such as this, with four to six storeys being viewed as desirable.


Compatibility and Community Design Section (2.5.1)


The Compatibility of Development sub-section sets out policies for the review of intensification and infill development applications. The proposed amendment will allow for a built form that is different from that found on the abutting low-profile residential properties to the south and west and the large institutional spaces to the north and east. The proposal is consistent with the factors pertaining to: creating places with their own identity; defining quality public and private spaces; creating safe, accessible places which are easy to get to, and move through; respecting the character of the existing area; giving consideration to the ease of adaptability over time and the creation of variety and choice; and respecting natural processes and features and promoting environmental sustainability.  The policies for a more detailed development proposal review will be applied through the Site Plan Control application required following this amendment.


The Zoning By-law amendment utilizes the availability of on street parking as this portion of Main Street is not yet fully developed and allows for the front and rear yards to be designed for amenity spaces as opposed to parking. Although the proposed four-storey massing is a different scale and intensity than the adjacent properties, the site is at the edge of the existing neighbourhood and the proposed development represents the type of development envisioned by members of the Old Ottawa East Community Association and the Official Plan. This project will begin a gradual change in the urban fabric, as buildings along Main Street will be redeveloped to be moderately taller and closer together with complimentary uses that increase pedestrian activity on the street.


Walking, Cycling, Transit Policies (4.3)


The proposed development contributes to the Walking, Cycling and Transit Policies of the Official Plan as it promotes walking, cycling and increased transit usage.  The proposed building has convenient and direct access to transit stops along Main Street with access to transit routes numbers 5 and 16. In addition, the proposed development is intended to incorporate pedestrian friendly weather protected elements between the entrances of the building and the street. The Official Plan allows the City to reduce parking requirements for uses where the need for on-site parking can be balanced with efforts to reduce reliance on the automobile. In this case, the proposed building will be close to the street with well connected entrances from different parts of the building to the sidewalk. Given the number of proposed dwelling units, the modest size of proposed commercial space, access to transit routes and availability of on street parking, the Department is confident that not requiring parking for this development will not negatively impact on the neighbourhood and streetscape but rather initiate a building form and mass that is envisioned for Main Street. It should also be noted that the Department is not advocating that all developments along Main Street not provide parking. Rather, in circumstances where the intensity of uses is minimal as a result of a constrained property boundary, reduced parking requirements can be considered where the parking generated can be accommodated without significant impacts.


Proposed Zoning and Compatibility (Section 4.11)


The site is zoned, R3J in the former City of Ottawa Zoning By-law 1998.  The Department is recommending that subject lands be rezoned to a CN Zone with exceptions for alternative setbacks and no requirement to provide parking. The alternative standards established in the exception have been developed to correspond with the concept site plan submitted for initial review with this amendment. These include a front yard setback of 1.0 metre whereas the CN zone does not typically have any front yard setback and a side yard requirement of 0.8 metres be provided. The Department is also recommending that the massing be limited to a floor space index of 3.5 and a height limit of 14.0 metres that would have the effect of the limiting the proposal to four storeys above grade and ensuring building articulation along the northerly side yard. 




The Department is satisfied that the objectives set out in the Official Plan related to Mainstreet development have been met. The proposed re-zoning supports development on a Mainstreet that is in an early transitional state. The subject property is located in an area that is within walking distance from bus routes, pathway systems, and is in reasonable proximity to various amenities. Also, as the site is already serviced by existing infrastructure on an existing Mainstreet, the proposal to allow a moderate scale mixed use development supports the Official Plan's infill and intensification policies that direct the most intensive infill and redevelopment to designated Mainstreets and Mixed Use Centres. The addition of a building with this mix and scale will begin to establish a built pattern conducive to the design objectives for pedestrian oriented mixed use neighbourhoods.





Notice of this application was carried out in accordance with the City's Public Notification and Consultation Policy.   


The Ward Councillor is aware of this application and is in support of the staff recommendation.










This application was processed by the "On Time Decision Date" established for the processing of Zoning By-law amendment applications.





Document 1      Location Map

Document 2      Details of Recommended zoning

Document 3      Concept Plan and Perspective

Document 4      Consultation Details




City Clerk’s Branch, Secretariat Services to notify the owner, Nicolas Ibrahim, 491 Pleasant Park Road, Ottawa Ontario K1H 5M9, applicant, Pawel Fiett, Atelier 292 Architect, 292 Main Street, Ottawa Ontario, K1S 1E1, OttawaScene.com, 174 Colonnade Road, Unit #33, Ottawa, ON  K2E 7J5, Ghislain Lamarche, Program Manager, Assessment, Financial Services Branch (Mail Code:  26-76) of City Council’s decision.


Planning, Transit and the Environment Department to prepare the implementing by-law, forward to Legal Services Branch and undertake the statutory notification.


Legal Services Branch to forward the implementing by-law to City Council.

LOCATION MAP                                                                                                  DOCUMENT 1



DETAILS OF RECOMMENDED ZONING                                                       DOCUMENT 2


Details of Recommended Zoning:


The subject lands will be rezoned from R3J to CN6 [xxx] F(3.5) H(14.0), and will be subject to the following provisions:


Despite anything to the contrary in By-law 93-98, for the lands zoned CN6 [xxx] F (3.5) H(14.0):


(i)                  no on-site parking is required;

(ii)                the minimum front yard setback is 1.0 metres;

(iii)               the minimum southerly side yard setback is 0.8 metres;

(iv)              the minimum northerly side yard setback is 0.8 metres;



CONCEPT PLAN AND PERSPECTIVE                                                          DOCUMENT 3




CONSULTATION DETAILS                                                                                DOCUMENT 4




Notification and public consultation was undertaken in accordance with the Public Notification and Public Consultation Policy approved by City Council for Zoning By-law amendments. 




No objections were received from the public regarding this application.


One comment was received from the public regarding this application. A resident indicated that there were drainage and basement flooding problems to the south that may be impacted from the removal of a large tree and the redevelopment of this property.


Staff indicated that a storm water management report would be required at the time of site plan control to ensure that storm water run off from the site is controlled and directed to the City road allowance.



The Councillor is aware of the application and the staff recommendation.



The Old Ottawa East Community Association is aware of the application and did not submit any written comment regarding this application. However, it is staff’s understanding that this application originated following consultation with the Community Association.