5.             ZONING – 2740 DUNROBIN ROAD (FILE NO. D02-02-07-0060)





COMMITTEE recommendation


That Council approve an amendment to the former City of Kanata March Rural Zoning By-law to change the zoning of 2740 Dunrobin Road from ER-5 Special Estate Residential 5 to C-s (H) Rural Commercial Exception Holding Zone and C-t (H) Rural Commercial Exception Holding Zone as shown in Document 1 and as detailed in Document 2  


Recommandation du Comité


Que le Conseil approuve une modification au Règlement de zonage rural de March de l’ancienne Ville de Kanata en vue de changer la désignation de zonage du 2740, chemin Dunrobin de ER-5, Zone de domaines résidentiels spéciale 5, à C-s (H), Zone commerciale rurale assortie d’une exception et à aménagement différé, et à C-t (H), Zone commerciale rurale assortie d’une exception et à aménagement différé, tel qu’il est indiqué dans le document 1 et expliqué en détail dans le document 2.










1.                  Deputy City Manager's report Planning, Transit and the Environment dated 08 November 2007 (ACS2007-PTE-APR-0212).


Report to/Rapport au :


Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee

Comité d'agriculture et des questions rurales


and Council / et au Conseil


08 November 2007 / le 08 novembre 2007


Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager/Directrice municipale adjointe,

Planning, Transit and the Environment/Urbanisme, Transport en commun et Environnement


Contact Person/Personne Ressource : Grant Lindsay, Manager / Gestionnaire, Development Approvals / Approbation des demandes d'aménagement

(613) 580-2424, 13242  Grant.Lindsay@ottawa.ca


West Carleton-March (5)

Ref N°: ACS2007-PTE-APR-0000212




ZONING - 2740 Dunrobin Road (FILE NO. D02-02-07-0060)




ZONAGE - 2740, chemin dunrobin





That the  recommend Council approve an amendment to the former City of Kanata March Rural Zoning By-law to change the zoning of 2740 Dunrobin Road from ER-5 Special Estate Residential 5 to C-s (H) Rural Commercial Exception Holding Zone and C-t (H) Rural Commercial Exception Holding Zone as shown in Document 1 and as detailed in Document 2   




Que le Comité de l’agriculture et des affaires rurales recommande au Conseil d’approuver une modification au Règlement de zonage rural de March de l’ancienne Ville de Kanata en vue de changer la désignation de zonage du 2740, chemin Dunrobin de ER-5, Zone de domaines résidentiels spéciale 5, à C-s (H), Zone commerciale rurale assortie d’une exception et à aménagement différé, et à C-t (H), Zone commerciale rurale assortie d’une exception et à aménagement différé, tel qu’il est indiqué dans le document 1 et expliqué en détail dans le document 2.





The subject property is located in close proximity to the Village of Dunrobin south of Thomas A. Dolan Parkway on the east side of Dunrobin Road.


The property has an area of four hectares; however, the proposed Zoning By-law amendment is restricted to an area of 0.85 hectares having 83.12 metres of frontage along Dunrobin Road.  Of the total frontage, 78.62 metres has a one foot reserve registered against the property which restricts access to Dunrobin Road (see Document 4....................).  The remnant parcel is approximately 3.2 hectares in size and there are no current proposals for development of this land.


The subject lands are vacant.  To the south of the subject property is a public storage facility, to the west (across Dunrobin Road) a restaurant/cafe, to the north a single detached residence (Thomas A. Dolan Parkway), and to the east, vacant lands.  The Village of Dunrobin lies directly north of Thomas A. Dolan Parkway.


The Zoning By-law amendment application for the subject site requests two commercial zones, exception provisions, as well as the addition of a new definition. 




The subject lands are designated "General Rural Area" within the Official Plan.  This designation contains a variety of land uses, such as farms, rural housing, wood lots and forests, small industiresindustries, golf courses, and in many places, small clusters of residential and commercial development.  The intent of this designation is to accommodate a variety of land uses that are appropriate for a rural location and a limited amount of residential development where such development will not preclude continued agricultural and non-residential uses.


Existing Zoning


The property is zoned ER-5 Special Estate Residential 5 by the former City of Kanata Zoning By-law No. 74-79 (Rural Kanata).  The ER zone permits a single detached dwelling; agricutural uses and management uses exclusively devoted to conserving or managing the natural attributes of the area, market gardening, keeping of livestock of all kinds; uses associated with the processing of produce from agricultural land or gardens, tillage of the soil, the breeding, raising or grazing of livestock of all kinds, the raising of poultry and the production of poultry products, dairy farming, the growing of food for human consumption or for the feeding of livestock, the keeping of bees; reforestation or wood lot management.  Any agricultural operation involving the keeping of livestock or poultry shall be required to be in compliance with the Agricultural Code of Practice.


The special provision (5) for this zone requires the completion of a Wetland Impact Statement.


"no site plan apporval shall be granted for any of the permitted uses including but not limited to : buildings, parking areas and aisles; that would be located on land within 120 meters from the boundary of a Provincially Significant Wetland unless a Wetland Impact Statement (WIS) has been undertaken by the owner"    


The subject area is approximately 600 metres away from the Provincially Significant Wetland.  A WIS is not necessary as there are no wetland related issues for this site.




As a result of the technical circulation, issues have been raised with respect to a longstanding issue of contaminated soil and groundwater at the intersection of Thomas Dolan Parkway and Dunrobin Road.  Concern has been raised that the water-taking typical to a car wash may have a detrimental effect by possibly influencing the extent of the plume of contamination. Further concerns were raised as to the quantity of ground water required for the car wash, depth of the well and how wastewater will be handled. 


A hydrogeological overview prepared for this application regarding the suitability of the car wash on this site was provided by the applicant as evidence to its claim as an environmentally sensitive car wash.  It is noted that the applicant will be required to submit a full Hydrogeological and Terrain analysis of the site to support a car wash use.


The technical circulation has also identified future intersection improvements for the area and a significant realignment of Dunrobin Road at the intersection of Thomas Dolan Parkway.  Design continues on the project.  Utility relocations are scheduled to occur this fall (2007) with potential for minor associated road works as well.


Purpose of Zoning By-law Amendment


The applicant wishes to rezone a portion of his overall land holding (0.85 hectares) to accommodate two separate commercial zones with their accompanying exception provisions.  Both zones will permit an environmentally sensitive car wash, a new location for the Dunrobin Veterinary ClinincClinic, and an automobile dealership.  A holding symbol will be placed on both commercial zones and may only be removed when a full Hydrogeological and Terrain analysis of the site has been completed to the satisfaction of the City of Ottawa (see Document 2).  With respect to the automobile dealership, there is no definition for this use included in the former Rural Kanata Zoning By-law 74-79.  The former West Carleton By-law 266 of 1981, which applies to the Village of Dunrobin, includes a comprehensive definition for automobile dealership.  This has been reviewed and is considered to be an appropriate and therefore for the sake of clarity has been included in the bylaw.  The subject area will be rezoned to C-s (H) Rural Commercial Exception Holding Zone and C-t (H) Rural Commercial Exception Holding Zone as shown on Document 1 and detailed in Document 2.......................  Consent applications have been filed to sever the two proposed commercial zones creating two new lots while retaining the remainder of the original parcel. 


Planning Rationale


The subject application has been examined pursuant to the provisions of the Official Plan and applicable policies have been satisfied. 


Section 3.7.2. of the Official Plan sets out the objectives and policies for a mix of rural uses permitted in the General Rural Area.  There are specific policies that must be addressed when considering non-agricultural uses in a General Rural Area.  General Rural Areas are designated on Schedule A with the intent to provide the following:


a)      A location for those non-agricultural uses that, due to their land requirements or the nature of their of their operation, would not be more appropriately located within urban or Village locations.

b)      For a limited amount of residential and other rural and tourist service use that do not conflict with a) above. 


A Zoning By-law amendment is required where any of the following uses are proposed in the General Rural Areas.


a)      Other new non-residential uses that would not be better located within a Village and which are in keeping with the rural character or those uses that meet the needs of the travelling public, such as a restaurant, gas station, motel, retail of up to 1 000 square metres gross leasibleleaseable area or similar use.


When considering an application to amend the zoning by-law to permit a new use identified above, the following matters must be considered.


a)      The use would not be better located in a Village or the urban area.


The applicant seeks approval for an Animal Hospital, Automobile Dealership and a Automobile Washing Establishment.  Typically village commercial uses operate on lot areas averaging 1 800 to 2 000 square metres and cater to the local community day to day services.  The uses requrested require land parcels that are not consistent with the fabric of a village.  A car wash and car sales establishment operate more efficiently on larger lots and serve the travelling public and in the case of the animal hospital it is proposed to serve the greater rural community.  Further, the uses located in the vicinity of the subject property are made up of a mixed use cluster of commercial, light industrial and residential uses.  The introduction of the proposed uses would not negatively impact on the adjacent lands nor does it limit the potential expansion of the village boundary.


The other consideration somewhat unique to this circumstance is the relationship of this site to  the surronding area.  While not within the Village boundary this proposal is located in a somewhat developed area with existing mixed uses in immediate proximity.  The development proposed is not inconsistent with the existing development.


Consent applications have been filed to sever the property into three separate parcels of land as well as to create a right-of-way for shared access purposes. The two parcels subject to the proposed commercial zones are shown on Document 4 (Draft Reference Plan) as Part 2 and 3 while the shared access is shown as Part 4 and 5. Part 3 represents the retained parcel. 

Consent applications have been filed concurrently with the zoning amendment. The  configuration of the lots to be severed will based on the area proposed by the two commercial zones. As stated previously in this report, there exists a one foot reserve  along a majority of the frontage (78.6 metres) of the subject property. This reserve has been established to address safety issues with the Dunrobin/Thomas A. Dolan intersection which is located north of the subject site.   The frontage not subject to the reserve (4.5 meters) along with an additional 4.5 meters from the adjacent property (Blue Heron Storage) will serve as a shared access for the proposed commercial zones and the existing storage company.  Given the nature of the current situtaltion at the Dunrobin/Thomas A. Dolan intersection, shared access is welcomed however, a Transportation Brief to support the a future site plan application will be required to ensure there is no negative impact on the current situatation. 


Proposed Zoning


It is proposed to rezone a portion (0.85 hectares) of the applicants overall land holding to permit an animal hospital, an automobile dealership and an automobile washing establishment.  Two separate zones with identical uses will be established with the intent of severing each zone into individual parcels.  The property will be rezoned from ER-5 Special Estate Residential 5 to C-s (H) Rural Commercial Exception Holding and C-t (H) Rural Commercial Exception Holding. In addition an excemption from Section 5.5 a) of the General Building Provisions to address public road frontage and the addition of a new definition to Section 2-Definitions for an Automobile Dealership is requested.


Concurrent Applications: Consent File #  D08-01-07/B-00280-281



Zoning By-law OR Details of Proposed Zoning 


Discussion of issues and analysis of appropriateness and terms of the proposed zoning 





Identify issues as applicable - Wetland Impact Statement, Environment Impact Statement, Site Contamination issues, Natural Environment area lands, etc. and detail mitigation, studies, input from Conservation authority, etc.The special provision (5) in the current zoning (ER-5) for this zone requires the completion of a Wetland Impact Statement.  As the area subject of the zoning amendment is approximately 600 metres away from the Provincially Significant Wetland, a WIS will not be required.







The proposed Zoning By-law amendment will have no adverse effects on the rural community.  The impact of the proposed uses will be minimal on surrounding rural land uses.






Notice of this application was carried out in accordance with the City's Public Notification and Consultation Policy.  The Ward Councillor is aware of this application and the staff recommendation.  As a result of the public notification a number of concerns were raised (see Document......... 3.....................).








This application was processed by the "On Time Decision Date" established for the processing of Zoning By-law amendment applications.


The application was not processed by the "On Time Decision Date" established for the processing of Zoning By-law amendments due to the complexity of issues raised with respect to the consent application.  [CHOOSE APPROPRIATE WORDING - workload volumes, resourcing issues, the complexity of the issues associated with ...].




Document 1      Location Map

Document 2      Details of Recommended Zoning (which may include map)

Document 3      Consultation Details

Document 4      Draft Reference PlanMunicipal Environmental Evaluation Process Check list (on file with the City Clerk) – [OLD OTTAWA ONLY] [IF APPLICABLE]






City Clerk’s Branch, Committee and Council Services to notify the owner, Michael Davies, Richbeck Holdings Ltd., 164 Robertson Road, Ottawa, Ont. K2H 5Z1INSERT OWNER'S NAME, ADDRESS, CITY, POSTAL CODE), applicant, Novatech Engineering Consultants, Attention Stephen Dykstra, 240 Michael Cowpland Drive, Ottawa, Ont. K2M 1P6INSERT APPLICANT'S NAME, ADDRESS, CITY, POSTAL CODE), OttawaScene.com, 174 Colonnade Road, Unit #33, Ottawa, ON  K2E 7J5, Ghislain Lamarche, Program Manager, Assessment, Financial Services Branch (Mail Code:  26‑76) of City Council’s decision.


Planning, Transit and the Environment Department to prepare the implementing by-law, forward to Legal Services Branch and undertake the statutory notification.


Legal Services Branch to forward the implementing by-law to City Council.


LOCATION MAP                                                                                                  DOCUMENT 1




DETAILS OF RECOMMENDED ZONING                                                       DOCUMENT 2


Schedule A of By-law 74-79 to be amended to show that the subject lands shown on Document 1 will be rezoned from ER-5 to C-s (H), C-t (H), as follows:


1. Area A lands to be rezoned from ER-5 to C-s (H):


Despite subsection 13.1 or anything else in By-law 74-79 to the contrary, the land zoned C-s is subject to the following:


a) Permitted Uses


Animal Hospital

Automobile Dealership

Automobile Washing Establishment


b) For the lands zoned C-s that are subject to the holding provisions denoted by the holding (H) symbol identified on Schedule A, the holding symbol, which relates specifically to the Automobile Washing Establishment use, may only be removed when the following conditions have been fulfilled to the satisfaction of the Director, Planning Branch:


  1. That the owner prepare a Hydrogeological and Terrain Analysis to the satisfaction of the City and Ministry of Environment requirements.


  1. Prior to the lifting if the holding (H) symbol, only the Animal Hospital and Automobile Dealership uses are permitted on the lands zoned C-s.



c) Zone Requirements


Lot Area (minimum):                    4000 square metres

Lot Frontage (minimum):              0 metres

Lot Coverage (maximum):             refer to Section 5.25

Front Yard (minimum):                10 metres

Side Yard (minimum):                   3 metres

Rear Yard (minimum)                  10 metres

Height (maximum):                       10 metres


d) Concealed or enclosed storage only, as defined by By-law 74-79, shall be permitted.


e) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 5.5, the lot shall be exempt from Section 5.5 (a).


f) For the lands zoned C-s, AUTOMOBILE DEALERSHIP means a place where new or used passenger or family vehicles such as cars, vans, motorcycles and trucks, are leased, rented, sold or auctioned at retail.  Accessory uses may include enclosed and/or exterior showroom and areas for display; automobile service; automotive parts sales/distribution; automobile body and structural work and painting; storage and parking areas for vehicles which are for lease, rent, sale or auction and for those being serviced by the dealership; office space; and restricted eating establishment.


2. Area B lands to be rezoned from ER-5 to C-t (H):


 Despite subsection 13.1 or anything else in By-law 74-79 to the contrary, the land zoned C-t is subject to the following:


a) Permitted Uses


Animal Hospital

Automobile Dealership

Automobile Washing Establishment 


b) For the lands zoned C-t that are subject to the holding provisions denoted by the holding (H) symbol identified on Schedule A, the holding symbol, which relates specifically to the Automobile Washing Establishment use, may only be removed when the following conditions have been fulfilled to the satisfaction of the Director, Planning Branch:



i.    That the owner prepare a Hydrogeological and Terrain Analysis to the satisfaction of the City and Ministry of Environment requirements.


ii.    Prior to the lifting if the holding (H) symbol, only the Animal Hospital and Automobile Dealership uses are permitted on the lands zoned C-s.  



c) Zone Requirements


Lot Area (minimum):                    4000 square metres

Lot Frontage (minimum):              4.5 metres

Lot Coverage (maximum):             refer to Section 5.25

Front Yard (minimum):                 10 metres

Side Yard (minimum):                   3 metres

Rear Yard (minimum)                   10 metres

Height (maximum):                        10 metres


c) Concealed or enclosed storage only, as defined by By-law 74-79, shall be permitted.


d) For the lands zoned C-t, AUTOMOBILE DEALERSHIP means a place where new or used passenger or family vehicles such as cars, vans, motorcycles and trucks, are leased, rented, sold or auctioned at retail.  Accessory uses may include enclosed and/or exterior showroom and areas for display; automobile service; automotive parts sales/distribution; automobile body and structural work and painting; storage and parking areas for vehicles which are for lease, rent, sale or auction and for those being serviced by the dealership; office space; and restricted eating establishment.


3. Area C lands will be the subject of a text change to the to ER-5 zone.  The following provision will be added to the ER-5 zone:


a)      Lot Area New Lot (minimum):  3 hectares



CONSULTATION DETAILS                                                                                DOCUMENT 3




Notification and public consultation was undertaken in accordance with the Public Notification and Public Consultation Policy approved by City Council for Zoning By-law amendments.  As a result of the Public Notification the following concerns were raised.   [INSERT NUMBER OF PUBLIC MEETINGS] public meetings were also held in the community.







We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated July 9, 2007.  My husband and I are the owners of 161 Porcupine Trail, Dunrobin; the property adjacent to 2740 Dunrobin Road.  My husband and I are interested finding out more and seeing the Site Plan for this zoning by-law amendment proposal.  Your letter talked about a consent and granting of an easement for access purposes.  Would this easement take place off of Dunrobin Road or Thomas Dolan? What kind of a buffer zone will there be for the adjacent existing residential properties?  Right now there is a line of trees which runs along side Thomas Dolan across the street from my house.  Will those trees remain in place?




The owner is requesting that two lots be severed from the main parcel.  Access to the lots will be via a shared easement with the adjacent lands to the south (Blue Heron Storage).  The two lots will have frontage on Dunrobin and are approximately 4000 sq metres in area.  These lots are the subject of the rezoning.  The retained lands will remain as estate residential special exception.   We understand that currently there are no plans to develop the retained parcel (fronting on Thomas Dolan).  As for the lots to be rezoned, no decision will be made until the consent has been reviewed.  To date no site plan application has been filed with the City.  With respect to the treeline, that grouping of trees is located on a separate parcel not subject of this application.  The treeline is located on 2750 Dunrobin Road.




We have no problem with the zoning amendment but feel the drainage of water along Dunrobin Road should be evaluated and improved.  Spring runoff now collects in a larger low area along both sides of Dunrobin Road opposite the subject site.  This is becoming a problem for us who live farther down the road. We would like to bring to the City’s attention, that since the storage units and house has been built next door to our properties I have had trouble with water in my basement.  We have been told that on the old March rural maps identified a ditch along here that has been covered over/ never dug.  It is like a creek in front of the storage units at the highway.  Could you please have a city engineer come out and look at this problem and perhaps it could be attended to while the new site is being constructed.         




Staff have met with the individuals on site to discuss the current concerns with drainage along Dunrobin Road.  With respect to the proposed rezoning, any development resulting from the approved uses will require a grading and drainage plan that deals with all on-site stormwater to the satisfaction of the City of Ottawa.




I’m not positive that the Dunrobin is quite ready for two veterinary clinics yet but there is one sure way to find out if the market will support them.  But is duplication of service the best form of commercial development at this stage, where many other services are lacking.




According to the applicant the owner of the existing veterinary clinic operation in Dunrobin is looking at the possibility of relocating to this site. 

















No comment






The March Rural Community Association is not opposed to a rezoning to "commercial", but we are opposed to one of the proposed uses.  The major concern of our community association is the planned car wash.  It is difficult to imagine how a car wash in a rural area, with high vulnerability hydrogeology, can be "environmentally sensitive". We would need to know a lot more about this proposed business before we could support it. Essentially a car wash concentrates all the road and car pollutants into one place. The Dunrobin area already has water issues and this would simply make it worse. There are many urban car washes not far away so there no pressing need for a nearby rural car wash and the resulting pollution that it will cause to local aquifers.  During previous inquiries with the City I was unable to obtain any "standards" for car washes so we are skeptical that this car wash is any different other than calling itself "environmentally sensitive". Therefore we are completely opposed to this use!


With regard to the Veterinary Clinic, our only question is whether the existing veterinary clinic across the street will be affected negatively or will this be moved to the new location?




The applicant’s consultant has provide comments to the City with respect to suitability of the subject site for use as a proposed car wash facility, from a preliminary hydrogeological point of view. The comments are provided based on existing available hydrogeological information for the site area, and in particular the results of a previous hydrogeological investigation carried out for the site by Kollaard Associate Inc.

It is noted that a holding zone designation will be put in place until such time as a full Hydrogeological and Terrain Analysis of the site is prepared which demonstrates that a car wash use can be supported.





The Constance and Buchams Bay Community Association are registered as an interested party for all zoning and variance applications in Ward 5 and as a result are notified on all of them (there are lots). Historically, the CBBCA has only taken a position where it is clear that we can speak for the overwhelming majority of residents. As a result we have not intervened on any zoning or variance application in the past.


We have received a Zoning Amendment Proposal to put a car wash, Veterinary Clinic, and used car lot on the north side of the Blue Heron Storage at 2740 Dunrobin Rd.


In my opinion this significantly increases the probability of an accident as southbound vehicles negotiate the curve on Dunrobin at Thomas Dolan and find that traffic has stopped. I think we should object to this development until such time as visibility or flow at the intersection are improved.




Access to the proposed commercial zones will be via a shared laneway utilizing a portion of the   already established Blue Heron Storage operation.  A Transportation Brief to support future site plan applications on the proposed commercial sites will be required to ensure there are no impacts on the current situation.  Of note as part of the intersection improvements for the area there is a significant realignment planned for Dunrobin Road at the intersection of Thomas Dolan Parkway.  Utility relocations are scheduled to occur this year (2007) with potential for minor associated road works as well.  


No comments received.      

REFERENCE PLAN                                                                                              DOCUMENT 4

Page: 9
 [U1]If there are a number of comments/concerns, please list each comment separately along with the corresponding response. 

If there are a small number of related comments, please summarize them and provide one response.

Page: 9
 [U2]Insert comments from public meeting

Page: 9
 [U3]Insert our response