60 Sweetnam DRIVE - Zoning and Site Plan - Ontario Municipal Board hearing


ACS2007-CMO-LEG-00                         STITTSVILLE-KANATA WEST/OUEST


Tim Marc, Senior Legal Counsel, recalled the history of the application and Council’s previous decision on the matter.  He noted a pre-hearing occurred in early December 2007 with a second scheduled for January 25, 2008.  A full hearing is planned to commence on May 12, 2008.  With respect to options, he advised Committee could do nothing that would lead legal counsel to defend the existing commercial zoning on the site.  Conversely, Committee could recommend to Council a zoning other than commercial.


Moved by P. Feltmate:


That the meeting of the Planning and Environment Committee move In Camera pursuant to Section 13(1) f) of the Procedure By-law to receive advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.




The meeting resumed in open session and Committee heard from public delegations.


Doug Kelly, Soloway Wright, explained that after Council’s original decision, the applicant did undertake additional architectural work to make the project increasingly compatible with the Community.


Ted Fobert, FoTenn Consultants, stressed the original application was supported by staff and this Committee, but was turned down by Council.  Subsequently, a site plan application was filed in October 2007, including all necessary studies and a Landscape Plan.  The original proposal called for four buildings with eight units each at the corner of Sweetnam Drive and Harry Douglas Drive, both minor collector roadways in the Granite Ridge Subdivision in Stittsville.  The land area totals 1.2 acres with a building coverage of 22 per cent.  In terms of acceptable density standards, it is reasonable given an urban environment as it sits adjacent to townhouses, a park, Poole Creek and a nearby industrial area.  He touched on the rezoning of this area in the nineteen nineties.  The area has largely developed as a single-family, low-density neighbourhood, which does not support the local commercial designation currently in place. 


Mr. Fobert explained Cavanaugh Construction has evolved the design considerations for this property by changing the looks of the buildings to add more brick and stone.  The fourth floor was altered to lower the mass and the scale of the development to be more compatible with adjacent properties, which can be developed to a maximum height of 11 metres.  The transition is very consistent and the distance is approximately 55 feet.  There is no parking requirement, as a landscaped area is required along both streets.  Mr. Fobert urged Committee to reconsider the initial decision in light of the new design features and given the policy framework of the City.


Mr. Kelly suggested the third option would tie the zoning application to Site Plan Control approval.


With respect to the redesign of the buildings, Councillor Qadri asked if consideration occurred in terms of height and the number of units, as requested by the community.  Mr. Kelly stated the proponent did look into those issues, but found that it would not be economically feasible to undertake this type of unit with the new materials as proposed.


Mr. Purchase explained a large portion of the concerns focussed on the architectural elements and the applicant decided to address those with the new design elements and materials.


Councillor Qadri responded that at the public meetings, quite a few comments related to the height and density of the project.  Mr. Purchase noted the height perception is minimized through the proposed redesign.


In response to a question from Councillor Feltmate, Mr. Purchase noted the top windows on the fourth level are now lower, addressing some of the earlier concerns.


Grant Lindsay, Manager of Development Approvals Central/West, confirmed that Planning staff continued to support the application.


Moved by S. Qadri:


WHEREAS the City’s Official Plan designates this site as General Urban Area, which permits the development of a full range and choice of housing types to meet the needs of a growing municipality; and


WHEREAS the Official Plan states that when considering a proposal for residential intensification through infill or redevelopment in the General Urban Area, the City will recognize the importance of new development relating to existing community character so that it enhances and builds upon desirable established patterns and built form and consider its contribution to the maintenance and achievement of a balance of housing types and tenures to provide a full range of housing for a variety of demographic profiles; and


WHEREAS the subject lands are currently zoned Local Commercial (CL) under By-law No. 40-99 of the former township of Goulbourn and the Applicant sought a rezoning to permit residential development; and


WHEREAS  Council on 23 May 2007 rejected the rezoning request on the basis that the proposed development was not appropriate for this site; and


WHEREAS this matter is now before the Ontario Municipal Board.


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the proponent be granted zoning that would permit a new residential development subject to the following conditions:

1.                  That the property be zoned to Dwelling, Stacked Townhouse, limited to a maximum height of two and one half storeys; and

2.                  That the maximum number of units permitted is 24; and

3.                  That Legal Services consult with an external Planning expert to determine such other performance standards that may be deemed necessary to establish the aforementioned use.


THAT pursuant to the Planning Act, subsection 34(17) no further notice be given.




That the Planning and Environment Committee receive this report for information.

