The POLICE SERVICES BOARD met on 04 and 22 SEPTEMBER 2008 and because of the urgency of the item contained in this Report, Council is requested to waive the notice required under the Procedure By-law and consider this Report at its meeting of 24 SEPTEMBER 2008.


La COMMISSION DE SERVICES POLICIERS s’est réuni le 04 et 22 SEPTEMBRE 2008 et compte tenu qu’il est urgent de traiter les articles contenus dans le présent rapport, demande au Conseil de renoncer à l’avis prescrit au Règlement de procédure et d’étudier ce rapport lors de sa réunion dudu 24 SEPTEMBRE 2008.



Present / Présences:


                                                      04 Sep. 08                                     22 Sep. 08

Chair / président:                             H. Jensen                                        H. Jensen

Vice Chair / vice-président:             J. MacEwen                                    J. MacEwen

Members / Membres:                      D. Doran                                        D. Doran

                                                      E. El-Chantiry                                 D. Guilmet-Harris

                                                      M. McRae                                      E. El-Chantiry 

                                                      B. Monette                                     M. McRae

                                                                                                             B. Monette

















Police Services Board




Commission de Services Policiers

















That Council receive this report for information.





Que le Conseil prenne connaissance du présent rapport à titre d’information.



                For the information of Council


The Board approved the following Motions in conjunction with the report:


a)      That the Ottawa Police Services Board Chair, the Mayor of Ottawa and the Chief of Police pressure the Federal Government to provide funding to offset the cost of the 200-plus unplanned events held in the City of Ottawa each year.


b)      WHEREAS the costs of Court Security are growing at an extraordinary rate;


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province of Ontario assume responsibility for delivering the function of Court Security and related functions.




                Pour la gouverne du Conseil


La Commission a approuvé les motions suivantes conjointement avec le rapport:


a)  Que le président de la Commission de services policiers, le maire et le chef de police d’Ottawa exhortent le gouvernement fédéral à fournir des fonds destinés à couvrir le coût des quelque 200 événements et plus non planifiés tenus dans la ville d’Ottawa chaque année.



b)  ATTENDU QUE le coût de la sécurité des tribunaux augmente à un rythme effréné,


IL EST DÉCIDÉ QUE la province de l’Ontario sera priée de prendre en charge les services de sécurité des tribunaux et les services connexes.





1.      Directorate Leader’s report dated 04 September 2008.


2.       Extract of Minute, 04 September 2008 is attached.


3.      Extract of Draft Minute, 22 September 2008 is attached.







4 September 2008



Executive Director, Ottawa Police Services Board



Directorate Leader, Ottawa Police Service







That the Ottawa Police Services Board:


1)      Receive and table the Ottawa Police 2009 Budget Timetable and Directions at the meeting on 4 September 2008.


2)      Consider and approve the Ottawa Police 2009 Budget Timetable and Directions for an incremental increase not greater than $9.95 million net of assessment growth, equivalent to a 5.7% increase to the police tax rate, at the meeting on 22 September 2008.


3)      Forward its decision to City Council for information.




Section 39 of the Police Services Act requires the Ottawa Police Services Board to approve annual budget allocations for the Ottawa Police Service to maintain the Police Service and provide it with equipment and facilities.  In conjunction with the OPS Business Plan and other strategic planning documents, the annual budget enables to Board to set its priorities and provide direction to management.  It supports service levels, provides the authority to proceed with key operational projects, and confirms the necessary funding to carry out the 2009 work plan.


Consideration and approval of this report provides OPS management with the funding directions and timetable for preparation of the detailed 2009 Budget to be considered and approved by the Board later this year.  A sustainable financial framework for the 2008–2010 term of the Board was approved with the 2008 Budget Process.  This framework provided a logical update and amendment to the OPS Long Range Financial Plan approved by the Board in December 2006.  The key framework elements as approved by the Board were as follows:


1)      Ensure budget bases keep pace with the pressure of delivering quality policing services;

2)      Provide for growth needs;

3)      Provide for imminent large scale capital projects; and

4)      Seek out more new funding sources.


A fifth element, to build an operational contingency fund, was presented to the Board with the 2008 Budget Directions but not approved.  The matter was referred to the Board’s Finance and Audit Committee in 2008, and is not recommended for reconsideration with the 2009 Budget due to affordability constraints.


As per City Council policy implemented in 2006, the operations of the Ottawa Police Service are primarily funded by a separate municipal tax rate that is distinct from citywide operations.  This funding model provides transparency to the public of the cost of police services, and provides the OPS with the direct benefit of a proportional share of City assessment growth revenue.  For 2008, the Board approved a net spending increase for the Ottawa Police of 9.1%, which equated to a police tax rate increase of 8.8% after assessment growth was applied.  In dollar terms, this equated to approximately $36.00 per year for the average urban residence.


As was documented in the 2008 Budget approval process, the 2008 police tax rate increase was significantly higher than in 2007 and higher than the forecast for the remaining term of the Police Services Board through 2010.  The 2008 rate was elevated in accordance with the approved Finance Framework and due to the deferral of growth, capital funding needs, and new operational initiatives from the 2007 Budget.  With that correction completed, the remaining term of the Board forecast limited projected tax increases to 5.7% or less on the police tax rate.


Table 1: Term of Board Impact on Police Tax Rate



The balance of this report provides rationale for continued sustainable funding, and commits to the previously approved forecast as the ceiling for the 2009 budget increase.




Current Financial Status


The Ottawa Police Service amalgamated in 1995.  Since that time, there has been a progression towards financial sustainability and independence from the Regional Municipality and subsequently the amalgamated City of Ottawa.  Over most of those years, the Board has increased funding for capital replacement, and approved numerous principles to fully fund police operations and maintain service reliability in times of City growth.  The three-year Business Plans, annual budgets and forecasts, and Long Range Financial Plan updates of 2002 and 2006 have provided the guide for Board priorities and available funding scenarios.


Resulting from Board approved initiatives since amalgamation, the following financial elements currently exist within the Ottawa Police Services Budget:


·        Operations are fully funded from sustainable revenue sources, primarily the municipal tax base.  No one-time funding sources are in use for ongoing base operational requirements.


·        Efficiency targets have been set by the Board, and achieved.  Efficiency reviews are implemented service-wide each year, and specific areas for achievement are listed prior to budget approval.  All previously identified efficiencies to date will be achieved by the end of 2008.  See Annex 1 for a listing of $5.8 million of efficiencies achieved since 2004.


·        A User Fee policy was approved with the 2006 Long Range Financial Plan that ensures the proportional cost of providing services is maintained between the citywide taxpayer and the benefiting user.


·        New revenue sources have been identified and achieved.  Ensuring appropriate funding levels for municipal policing in the Nation’s Capital is a key initiative for the 2009 Budget.


·        The Police Service has no capital infrastructure deficit at this time.  Sufficient funding has been allocated for adequate lifecycle replacement of facilities, fleet, and IT infrastructure.


Capital growth projects are funded from development charges and debt.  Wherever possible, the benefiting user pays, to minimize the tax rate impact.


A Staffing, Overtime, and Expenditure Control Plan has been implemented in 2008 to mitigate a forecast operating deficit of $1.5 to $2.5 million arising primarily from fuel prices and overtime earnings.  A component of the plan is a comprehensive review of overtime practices and policy under the lead of Superintendent Ralph Erfle.  With the approval of the 2nd Quarter Financial Status Report in July 2008, the Board has committed to a break-even financial position in 2008, even if that requires the cancellation of specific previously approved initiatives and capital projects.


Operational Priorities and Performance Measures


With the upcoming implementation of the 2008 Strategic Deployment Review (SDR), Chief White has committed to ensuring that the Ottawa Police has the right people in the right place at the right time.  The goals of the SDR recommendations are to provide improved service at times of peak need, to reduce crime without making more arrests, to increase visibility, and to continue to attack serious crime trends through targeted specialty units such as the Street Crime Unit, Guns and Gangs, and the Direct Action Response Team (DART).


Key performance indicators reviewed for 2007 data offer measures of success and highlight areas for improvement within the OPS.  The total crime rate in Ottawa mirrors the national trend of overall reduction.  Total criminal code offences are down, while violent youth crimes, drug related violence and gang activity is on the rise.  Overall safety has increased, but fear of crime is still prevalent as the vulnerable sectors of our society are susceptible to more frequent and more violent crimes. The recent introduction of targeted enforcement in Ottawa through the Street Crime Unit and the Guns and Gangs Unit has served to curb these major crime trends, but such enforcement must continue in future years to secure the gains made to date.


Total calls for service were up 3% in 2007, from priority 1/emergency calls to less urgent requests.  All such calls require police attention, and resource increases and deployment decisions must be appropriate for the increased demand.


Context and Financial Challenges


Ottawa, as the nation’s capital, faces a unique challenge in Canadian municipal policing, as an average of 185 planned events, and over 200 unplanned events, occur annually that require intelligence gathering, threat assessment, and policing or public safety strategy.  In 2008, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) published a report entitled “Towards Equity and Efficiency in Policing”.  The thrust of the FCM analysis is that municipal police forces often assume responsibility for enforcing laws that fall within Federal jurisdiction, and that municipalities should be compensated the equivalent of 10% of annual municipal police budgets.  This recommendation for direct Federal funding for policing is complementary to the efforts of the Police Services Board since 2006 to highlight the costs attributable to policing the Nation’s Capital.


Ottawa’s size and geography also impose unique resourcing and financial challenges on the Ottawa Police Service.  Ottawa is 2,796 square kilometres, and 90 kilometres from East to West.  That area is greater than Toronto, Montreal, Calgary, Edmonton, and Vancouver combined.  Furthermore, that area is almost 80% rural, with more farmland than any other city in Canada.   This creates needs for differential service models, increased vehicle costs and specialized equipment.


2009 Cost Drivers


Labour Costs: With over 80% of the Ottawa Police Service operating budget dedicated to staffing costs for the 1,300 sworn officers and 526 civilian members (including Special Constables), labour constitutes the most significant cost driver in any budget year.  For 2009, contract settlements are not completed for either the Ottawa Police Association or the Ottawa Police Senior Officers’ Association.  Estimated settlement provisions are included in the forecast.  In excess of economic settlements, the 2009 request includes provisions for members moving through their salary steps, achieving levels of responsibility pay, retirement costs, and benefit increases.  In total, the 2009 incremental impact of existing labour is $9.0 million.


As documented in Table 2, the salary progression of a newly hired constable recruit is steep in the first 4 years of their employment.  Using 2007 rates, salaries will almost double by the completion of the 4th year of service, excluding annual economic increases and benefits.  Responsibility pay increments of 3% are first applied in year 8.


Table 2: OPS Constable Salary Progression



This progression is a significant cost driver just to maintain existing service and staffing levels within the Ottawa Police Service.


It should be noted that the 2009 recommended budget directions do not include an additional provision for overtime.  While this budget has historically been overspent, management believes that following the comprehensive internal review of overtime practices undertaken in 2008, the 2009 budget need not be increased. 


Financial pressure is also exerted on the operating budget from the requirement to expand the Police Service in response to City growth, and for 2009 to continue the efforts of the targeted specialty units such as the Street Crime and Guns and Gangs Units, and the Direct Action Response Team (DART).  For 2008, these units have been staffed from existing front-line resources.  The operational success of the units has been documented, and they are recommended to continue.  Backfill for front line patrol service is required.


The 2009 forecast calls for the addition of 30 sworn officers.  The part year impact of their salary, fit up and training is $0.9 million.  The full year impact of 30 officers hired in 2007 is an additional $1.1 million.  A further 15 civilian members are recommended for addition to the 2009 complement to support front line services such as special constables for courts and the cellblock, 911 and dispatch, crime analysis, police records checks and others.  There were no civilian members added to the Ottawa Police Service budget in 2008.


In total, labour costs are forecast to increase $11.4 million in 2009, as summarized in Table 3.


Table 3: 2009 Labour Cost Increases


Labour Costs



Existing Labour



Includes estimated economic increases, increments, responsibility pay, and provisions for benefits





SGI 2013: 30 Sworn Officers and 15 Civilians part year 2009



Full Year Impact of 2008 Sworn Hiring


Subtotal Labour Costs




Inflation and Cost Escalation


Exclusive of labour costs, increased costs for materials and supplies also constitute a significant cost driver in each budget year.  Most notably for 2009, fuel costs are anticipated to increase by 30% or more over 2008 budgeted levels.  The Ottawa Police Service fleet consumes approximately 2.75 million litres of fuel annually.  A new fuel procurement program has been fully implemented in 2008 that has provided improved discounts and a 2008 Budget efficiency of over $100,000.  However, even with the new program in place, the 2008 budget was approved based on an assumption of retail fuel prices to average $1.00 per litre.  At the time of writing this report, prices in Ottawa have averaged $1.18 for 2008 year to date, and are forecast to go even higher in light of Hurricane Gustav and other economic factors.  For purposes of 2009 budget directions, an assumption of 2009 average price per litre of $1.30 has been forecast, which will constitute an increase of approximately $1.0 million.


Other supplies subject to inflationary, or higher, increases include: leases, utilities, vehicle maintenance labour and parts, and IT service contracts.  An additional $800,000 is projected for these ongoing needs.


Operational Improvements


In keeping with the direction provided in the Ottawa Police Service 2007 to 2009 Business Plan, the recommended 2009 Budget directions include $0.9 million to advance key operational initiatives.  A key component of this category is an additional $250,000 for major project funding for the Criminal Investigative Services Division.  This is the final step of an incremental plan to provide $1.0 million for large planned integrated projects with other jurisdictions such as the recently executed Project Scarecrow, or for unforeseen complex investigations.


Other new operational priorities in support of the OPS Business Plan will be documented and quantified for 2009 Budget tabling, but will include new training needs, service improvements, new technology opportunities, and ensuring that the OPS is the Employer of Choice For All.


Capital Formation Costs


A key element of the Financial Framework approved in 2008 was to “provide for imminent large-scale capital projects”.  The 2008 Approved Budget added $5.0 million to the existing base of $11.4 million for general capital funding, fleet replacement, and debt servicing costs.  Large-scale projects are underway or will be initiated shortly.  The West Division Patrol Station will break ground on the day of tabling of this report, and replacement of all mobile data terminals, or in-car computers, has been funded in 2008.


Significant upcoming needs include replacement of portable radios beginning in 2009, and an additional facility in the South End of the City, forecast for construction in 2011.


As was forecast in 2008, even with the imminent large capital projects still to be initiated, no net increase in capital formation costs is requested in 2009.  The mix of available funding will be shifted as debt servicing costs rise from the construction of the West Division Patrol Station, but no net increase is required.


Table 4: OPS Capital Formation Costs



Budget Efficiencies and User Fee Policy


The Police Services Board sets a target for achievement of budget efficiency each year.  It is recommended that the minimum target for 2009 be $500,000.  Over $6.4 in budget efficiencies have been identified and achieved since 2004, through process review and leveraging investment in new technology.  The process for identification of process improvements is continuous, and management is confident that the 2009 target can be achieved.


The Board-approved policy to increase external user fees to maintain the proportion of cost shared by the benefiting user and the general taxpayer, is projected to generate an additional $150,000 of non-taxation revenue.


New Revenue Opportunities


The final key element of the Financial Framework approved in 2008 is to continue to seek out new revenue opportunities.  There are several such opportunities currently under review which could be in place for the 2009 Budget, including:


·       OPS communication with the Federal Government by both the Board and Chief White regarding appropriate funding levels for the incremental security costs of policing the Nation’s Capital.  The OPS level communication is complementary to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities 2008 report “Towards Equity and Efficiency in Policing”;

·       Implementation of the Federal 2,500 Officer Program.  An election promise of the Federal Conservative party that was renewed with the release of the 2008 Federal Budget this past Spring;

·       Uploading of the court security function to the Province of Ontario;

·       Threat assessments and improved funding for policing costs for private functions, events, and conferences held in Ottawa;

·       The Development Charge By-Law update, to be completed in 2009.


At this time, there is no expectation of additional revenue included in the 2009 Budget directions scenario.  Should any or all the above opportunities come to fruition, the savings will be passed directly to the municipal taxpayer as a reduction in tax requirement.


Annex 2 documents the recommended 2009 Budget Directions, subject to approval of Recommendation 2 of this report.  The 2009 recommendation and 2010 forecast are summarized in Table 5.


Table 5: Term of Board Operating Forecast – Preliminary











Labour Costs



Inflation and Cost Escalation



Operational Improvements



Capital Formation



Efficiencies and User Fees



Less Assessment Growth at 2%



Net Taxation Increase Requirement






Police Tax Rate Increase




A longer-term four-year forecast will be completed for submission with the tabling of the 2009 Budget on 4 November 2008.


2009 Budget Schedule


The schedule below provides the key dates for the Board’s 2009 budget directions, public consultation, and budget consideration and approval.  The equivalent City Council dates are also provided for information.  Internal OPS management review, policy discussion, and final budget preparation will occur through October.


Table 6: Ottawa Police Service Budget Review and Approval Timetable




OPS Board: Tabling of 2009 Budget Directions

4 September 2008

OPS Board: Public Delegations and Approval of 2009 Budget Directions

22 September 2008

City Council: Receipt of OPS 2009 Budget Directions

24 September 2008

OPS Board: Public Delegations on 2009 Budget

27 October 2008

OPS Board and City Council: Tabling of Draft 2009 Budget

4 November 2008

Public Consultation

10-20 November 2008

OPS Board: Public Delegations and Approval of 2009 Budget

24 November 2008

City Council Committee of the Whole: Approval of 2009 Budget

1-5 December 2008




Public consultation is an integral part of the Board’s annual budget process.  As noted in the 2009 budget timetable above, public delegations are welcome at the 22 September 2008 meeting when the Board considers the 2009 Budget Directions, and at the Board’s regular meeting on 27 October 2008.


Once the draft budget proposal is tabled in November, staff will hold public consultation sessions in key areas of the City.  The City’s consultation process will also provide an opportunity to garner public input on the 2009 proposals.  Public delegations are welcome at the 24 November 2008 meeting as part of the Board’s consideration and approval of the 2009 Budget.




The financial implications are detailed in the body of the report.




Approval of the recommendations contained in this report will provide management with the direction to complete year 2 of a three-year term of Board forecast approved in 2008.  The Ottawa Police Service has benefitted from sustainable investment in operations.  That benefit is manifested in critical success factors, and must continue.  The recommended police tax rate increase for 2009 will be no greater than 5.7% net of assessment growth.



(Original signed by)


Geoff Simpson

Directorate Leader, Corporate Services



(Original signed by)


Debra Frazer

Director General



(Original signed by)


Vern White

Chief of Police



Annex 1: Ottawa Police Service Efficiency Achievements Since 2004

Annex 2: Ottawa Police Service 2009 Budget Pressures Summary








Ottawa Police Service Efficiency Achievements

Since 2004










$ Amount (000’s)



Year Introduced

Complement and deployment opportunities



10 %-20% Police Program Review reductions



Court overtime


2005 – 2008

Community Police Centre consolidation


2005 – 2007

Reductions in procurement for materials, services, & supplies


2005 – 2008

Other efficiencies & Recoveries


2004 – 2008





















Labour Costs



Existing Labour



Includes estimated economic increases, increments, responsibility pay, and provisions for benefits





SGI 2013: 30 Sworn Officers and 15 Civilians part year 2009



Full Year Impact of 2008 Sworn Hiring


Subtotal Labour Costs






Inflation and Cost Escalation on Materials






Operational Improvements (Business Plan)






Capital Formation Costs






Offset by:  User Fee Policy



Offset by:  Efficiency Target


Incremental Net Spending Increase


Less:  Assessment Growth assumed 2%


Net Tax Increase Requirement






Police Tax Rate % Impact






Average Urban Residence $ Impact





Presentation by the Chief of Police, Director General and Directorate Leader, Corporate Services

      Documents tabled at the meeting



Chief White began the presentation by noting that the title of the 2009 Budget, “Safer Tomorrow than Yesterday”, is simple and to the point about what the community demands from the Ottawa Police Service.  He introduced the Director General, Ms. D. Frazer and the Directorate Leader, Corporate Services, Mr. G. Simpson who took part in the presentation.  (A copy of the presentation is on file with the Board’s Executive Director.)


Following the presentation, staff was commended for the work that went into it and their report.  A discussion ensued and the following points of clarification were made:


·         The purpose of this meeting is to deal only with Recommendation #1, which is to “Receive and table the Ottawa Police 2009 Budget Timetable and Directions at the meeting on 4 September 2008”.  No motions will be debated or considered at this meeting.

·         From a Federal perspective, the costs involved in policing planned and unplanned events held in the Nation’s Capital are in the range of $2 to 3 million per year.  The Chief believes that if the OPS performs national services, it should be reimbursed and the Federal Government should take ownership for a portion of the costs.  The Federal Government supplements municipal Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) contracts at a rate of 10% and it has been suggested that municipal police services should be supplemented at the same level. 

·         Chief White has been named a Co-Chair of the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police (OACP) working group that will work with the Province of Ontario on the options available for the funding or taking over of court security from municipalities.  Ontario is the only province in Canada where municipalities fund court security. 

·         Costs in the amount of $6-8 million are currently included in the OPS budget for funding that should be derived from sources other than the municipality.

·         As a Director of the Ontario Association of Police Services Boards (OAPSB), Chair Jensen stated that the upload of the court security function was on the agenda at their joint meeting with Provincial Ministers last year.  This year the item is the Association’s first priority. 

·         The impact court security costs have on front line police services is extensive.  The Police Services Act (PSA) is clear that the municipal police service is responsible for the costs; however, it was never intended that costs would grow to the level they have achieved.  The costs funded by the OPS means that 50-60 officers are not on the street that could be if the function was funded by the Province. 

·         The federal funding for the 2,500 officer program has already been allocated to the provinces.  Some provinces have already distributed the funds, however, the Province of Ontario has not yet distributed their portion of the funds.  There have been ongoing discussions that 50% of the funding go directly to the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), who represent approximately 33% of police in the province, and $20 million to First Nations Policing.  Many services view this split as inequitable.


At this point in the discussion Member El-Chantiry acknowledged the difficulty the OPS faces with court security costs and unplanned events.  Due to the fact that motions cannot be debated at this meeting, he put forward the following Notice of Motion for consideration at the next Board meeting:


That the Ottawa Police Services Board Chair, the Mayor of Ottawa and the Chief of Police pressure the Federal Government to provide funding to offset the cost of the 200-plus unplanned events held in the City of Ottawa each year, and pressure the Provincial Government to upload the Court Security function to the Province.


Discussion then continued, with the following points being made:


·         Staff will continue to review fuel prices to determine a proper fuel forecast in 2009.  A number of adjustments were made to the procurement process in 2008, but with $1.00/litre budgeted in 2008, the 2008 fuel deficit is estimated to be $1 million.  While there is much speculation in the industry it has been suggested that $1.30/litre might be a conservative estimate of the real cost of fuel. 

·         The slide on “Seeking More New Funding Sources” lists possible funding opportunities, however, none of the sources are guaranteed.  For that reason they have not been included in the budget.  The purpose of the slide was to identify the opportunities that exist to reduce the increase in the annual budget.


At this point in the discussion Member McRae put forward the following Notice of Motion to be considered at the next Board meeting:


WHEREAS the costs of Court Security are growing at an extraordinary rate;


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province of Ontario assume responsibility for delivering the function of Court Security and related functions.


She wished the Chief to send a strong message to the Province for future funding and that the Mayor also deliver the same message to his counterpart at the Province.  She wanted her very assertive stance on the funding issue noted.  She indicated that she was not prepared to support the budget as it is; she thinks a better job can be done and she will spend the next few weeks finding efficiencies and identifying pending projects that can be moved to future years. 


·         The 2009 budget directions contain an assumption of 2% assessment growth.  With 2009 being a re-assessment year, the split between residential and commercial properties will have an impact on the estimate; therefore, this is the best assumption that can be made at this time with the variables that are expected in 2009.  Member McRae wanted to see a realistic figure for assessment growth, noting changes and there is a shortfall, the police service will have to cover it. 

·         Member McRae wondered if there are opportunities for savings in the Strategic Initiatives section of the Capital Budget.  Ms. Frazer indicated that items contained in the Strategic Initiatives category form part of the Business Plan.  The Communication Centre falls under the Strategic Initiative category because there is an opportunity to merge comm centres across the City.  The initiative will look at combining the various dispatch centres within a common facility to create a truly interoperable communication centre and function, while at the same time replacing and upgrading the OPS radio system. 

·         The Communications Centre initiative will be interesting in that the City will be providing the radio system (towers & infrastructure), and as users each operation will be responsible for maintaining their own equipment.  The senior levels of management must determine if there is a willingness to move forward to create an interoperability strategic plan that connects the various operations. 

·         There is no growth planned for 2009 as there was a significant amount of work allocated in 2008 including the West Division Facility.  The focus for 2009 is to complete that project rather than ask for additional funds to commence another.  Additional growth will be coming forward in the 2011 – 2012 forecast. 


Member McRae stated that she would like members of the OPS outfitted with the best equipment available to ensure their safety and the safety of the community, however, she reiterated her intention to rigorously review the budget over the next few weeks to find efficiencies.  


That the Ottawa Police Services Board receive and table the Ottawa Police 2009 Budget Timetable and Directions at the meeting on 4 September 2008.






Directorate Leader’s report dated 4 September 2008



Referencing the Notice of Motion he put forward at the 4 September 2008 meeting for consideration at today’s meeting, Member El-Chantiry said he was prepared to amend his motion by omitting the last clause, which read: “and pressure the Provincial Government to upload the Court Security function to the Province”.  His rationale for doing so was that the subject of that clause is also addressed in the separate Notice of Motion submitted by Member McRae.  The Board accepted Member El-Chantiry’s amendment and subsequently voted on the two previously submitted motions.


Moved by E. El-Chantiry


That the Ottawa Police Services Board Chair, the Mayor of Ottawa and the Chief of Police pressure the Federal Government to provide funding to offset the cost of the 200-plus unplanned events held in the City of Ottawa each year. 




Moved by M. McRae


WHEREAS the costs of Court Security are growing at an extraordinary rate;


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province of Ontario assume responsibility for delivering the function of Court Security and related functions.




Referencing Minister Baird’s recent announcement for federal funding for the Ottawa Police Service, Member El-Chantiry suggested it would be premature to adjust budget figures until after the federal election.  Chief White concurred and added he anticipates that should the party remain in power a commitment in writing would follow.  He clarified that the funding was for the City of Ottawa, and not specifically for the Board or the Police Service.  Once the funding is received the City would reduce the OPS budget accordingly.  The Chief noted he has also had informal meetings with a candidate from the Liberal party and a similar offer was discussed. 


Board members then voted on the motions before them:


That the Ottawa Police Services Board:


1)      Consider and approve the Ottawa Police 2009 Budget Timetable and Directions for an incremental increase not greater than $9.95 million net of assessment growth, equivalent to a 5.7% increase to the police tax rate, at the meeting on 22 September 2008.


2)      Forward its decision to City Council for information.

