Committee Recommendation


That Council, in accordance with the provisions of the Action Ottawa program, approve t1. hat the Director of Housing request the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, under the terms of the Canada-Ontario New Affordable Housing Program 2003, Rental and Supportive Component, to provide before the end of 2008 an additional $4.6 M to Phase I of the Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation (CCOC) Beaver Barracks development at 424 Metcalfe Street to offset increased project development costs since the original approval of the Project so as to allow the Project to proceed.



Recommandation du Comité


Que le Conseil approuve conformément aux clauses du programme Action Ottawa, que le directeur du Logement recommande au ministre des Affaires municipales et du Logement, en vertu des conditions du Programme Canada-Ontario de logement abordable, d’allouer 4,6 M$ supplémentaires à la Phase I de l’aménagement de la caserne Beaver par la Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation (CCOC) au 424, rue Metcalfe pour compenser l’augmentation des coûts d’aménagement du projet depuis l’approbation initiale de ce dernier afin d’assurer la poursuite du projet.






1.   Deputy City Manager's report, City Operations, dated 6 November 2008


Report to/Rapport au :


Community and Protective Services Committee

Comité des services communautaires et de protection


and Council / et au Conseil


6 November 2008 / le 6 novembre 2008


Steve Kanellakos, Deputy City Manager / Directeur municipal adjoint

City Operations / Opérations municipalesSubmitted by/Soumis par: Steve Kanellakos, Deputy City Manager/Directeur municipal adjoint,

Community and Protective Services/Services communautaires et de protection 


Contact Person/Personne ressource : Russell Mawby, Director


(613) 580-2424 x 44162, russell.mawby@ottawa.ca


Wards 14

Ref N°: ACS2008-COS-HOU-0017




ACTION OTTAWA 2008 – 424 Metcalfe Street




Action Ottawa 2008  – 424, rue Metcalfe





That Community and Protective Services Committee recommend that Council, in accordance with the provisions of the Action Ottawa program, approve t1. hat the Director of Housing request the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, under the terms of the Canada-Ontario New Affordable Housing Program 2003, Rental and Supportive Component, to provide before the end of 2008 an additional $4.6 M to Phase I of the Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation (CCOC) Beaver Barracks development at 424 Metcalfe Street to offset increased project development costs since the original approval of the Project so as to allow the Project to proceed. 




Que le Comité des services communautaires et de protection recommande au Conseil d’approuver, conformément aux clauses du programme Action Ottawa, que le directeur du Logement recommande au ministre des Affaires municipales et du Logement, en vertu des conditions du Programme Canada-Ontario de logement abordable, d’allouer 4,6 M$ supplémentaires à la Phase I de l’aménagement de la caserne Beaver par la Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation (CCOC) au 424, rue Metcalfe pour compenser l’augmentation des coûts d’aménagement du projet depuis l’approbation initiale de ce dernier afin d’assurer la poursuite du projet.




This report addresses Motion no. 43/2 that was carried at City Council on September 24, 2008 wherein Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee Report 30, Item 5, was deferred to the City Council meeting on November 26, 2008 to allow time for the developer, Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation (CCOC), to finalize site and construction issues for the project at 424 Metcalfe Street before taking over ownership of the land from the City.


CCOC’s original proposal for Phase I of Beaver Barracks was to build a 195-unit project with 100 units of funding. Since the project was awarded, construction costs have increased at a rate beyond typical levels, particularly with respect to concrete, fuel, steel, site remediation and financing costs. Due to these cost increases and site design issues, CCOC will only be able to build 160 units in Phase 1 using the current funding allocation of 100 units, and will have to delay or remove the implementation of some of their amenity, energy efficiency and sustainable design features.  Given that the City has unallocated AHP funding available, the Housing Branch is requesting that Council request that the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing provide the Beaver Barracks project with an additional $4.6 million in funding to fully fund 60 units being provided over and above the 100 units originally funded in Phase 1, based on providing an average of $70,000 per unit per the AHP program guidelines.


Staff have consulted with the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the Minister is supportive of the City’s request for additional funding in the amount of $4.6 million from the Canada-Ontario New Affordable Housing Program 2003, Rental and Supportive Component.




In May 2007, the City of Ottawa issued a call for proposals to develop low-income affordable housing at 424 Metcalfe Street.  The RFP offered the land, development incentives, up to $3.0 million of City capital funding and up to $7.0 million of funding from the Canada-Ontario New Affordable Housing Program 2003, Rental and Supportive Component (the “AHP”). Thise AHP funding was new money provided by the Province for development of brownfields sites.  The City requested this funding in 2006, and received 100 units out of a total of 300 from the Province.  The Beaver Barracks site clearly qualifies as a brownfields site, and thus all $7.0 million of the AHP brownfields funding Ottawa received was allocated to the RFP for that site. 


Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation (CCOC) was the successful proponent, based on a proposal to build 195 units of housing.  As part of the selection process, the Housing Branch retained KPMG to provide financial and cost analysis of all proponent submissions and specifically to review and comment on the capital and operating budget of the project. CCOC’s capital and operating budgets were found to be reasonable and construction costs reflected the industry standard. 


Since the project was awarded, project development construction costs have increased at a rate beyond typical levels, particularly with respect to concrete, fuel, steel, site remediation as well as financing costs.  

Due to these cost increases and site design issues, CCOC will only be able to build 160 units in Phase 1 using the current funding allocation of 100 units, and will have to delay or remove the implementation of some of their amenity, energy efficiency and sustainable design features. 


Unlike typical residential development, the Affordable Housing Program places a cap on the maximum unit rent participating projects can charge.  Thus, the developer or building owner has no ability to cover cost pressures by adjusting their operating revenues through such means as raising rents, selling units like in a condominium, or targeting more affluent buyers or renters. In addition, in May 2008 the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing terminated its contracts with the Ontario Mortgage Housing Initiative (OMHI) Qualified Lenders (i.e. MCAP Financial Services and TD Bank) which financing specifically for AHP projects and with interest rates approximately 1-2% lower than comparable rates.  Since the termination of the OMHI the Housing Branch has been working closely with CCOC to optimize various elements of the project and budget, including discussions with Infrastructure Ontario to secure better financing terms for the project than can be provided from typical private sector financial institutions.


With respect to the overall goals of the Affordable Housing Program, the City of Ottawa still has an allocation of approximately $4.6M from the Canada-Ontario New Affordable Housing Program 2003, Rental and Supportive Component  that must be dedicated to an affordable housing project by the end of 2008 or the funding will be lost. The Housing Branch had attempted to allocate the remainder of these funds, which totalled approximately $14.7M in June 2008 to meet the Affordable Housing Program timelines but was only able to allocate proposals totalling approximately $10.1M because the City did not have any available land or funds to top up Federal – Provincial capital for new construction as we did in the past. Schedule A provides an update of the AHP program funding since 2005 and how that funding has been or will be allocated.


With respect to site remediation, on July 11, 2007 City Council approved a recommendation of the CPSC “That up to $300,000.00 be provided from the Social Housing Reserve for the environmental clean-up cost of the 424 Metcalfe site.  This cost was based on a Phase II Environmental Assessment commissioned by the City that revealed the presence of subsurface demolition materials that needed to be removed and disposed off-site. The cost to remove these materials soils was estimated to be $300,000.00. The CPSC Report that was presented to Council on July 11, 2007 indicated that the Housing Branch would apply to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Green Municipal Fund for assistance of up to 50% of the $300,000.00 cost for site remediationto clean up the site. The Housing Branch’s application for the said funding was not successful. In addition, the construction plans now involve more extensive excavation than what was originally anticipated and the total estimated cost to dispose the subsurface materials clean up the site is now $1,070,000, which includes contingency for any materials disposal related to Phase 2 development of this project.  The request to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for an additional $4.6 million of AHP funding of $4.2 million will address all construction cost increases including the additional costs includes the new estimate of $600,000 for subsurface materials disposal. the current environmental clean-up cost of the 424 Metcalfe site.     

Phase II, which includes an additional 87 units of housing on the location of the Catherine Street paramedic post is not included in this initial phase and will only proceed once the Metcalfe – Catherine Street building in Phase I is ready for occupancy.  However, the additional AHP funding will allow a contingency fund for any possible materials disposal from that part of the development site.


In summary, CCOC has tried to build a 195-unit project with 100 units of funding, but has run into significant and unforeseen costs related to materials, construction and site development. Given that the City has unallocated AHP funding available, the Housing Branch is requesting that Council request the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to provide the Beaver Barracks project  with an additional $4.6 million in AHP funding to fully fund the 60 units being provided over and above the 100 units originally funded in Phase 1., based on providing an average of $70,000 per unit per the AHP program guidelines.


Staff have consulted with CCOC and the Ministry and this proposal is supported, subject to Council approval.


Table 1, below, shows the total project funding and total project cost, including the additional AHP funding proposed in this report. 


Beaver Barracks

No. Units

Total Fed/Prov Funding

Total City Funding

Total Public Funding

Total Project Cost (Est.)


Phase 1 Brownfields


 $         7,540

 $       10,726

 $       18,266

 $       35,076


Phase 1 AHP funding 2008


 $         4,600

 $                -

 $         4,600

 $                -


Phase 2


 $         6,090

 $         2,873

 $         8,963

 $       15,920




 $       18,230

 $       13,599

 $       31,829

 $       50,996




There are no direct financial implications to the City, as the additional $4.6M is requested from the Province and is provided directly to CCOC.




Schedule A:  Affordable Housing Program Funding Summary (2005-2008)




Housing Branch will notify the Province of the recommended housing projects approved by Council.  Upon receiving Provincial approval, the Housing Branch will inform proponents that they may proceed with development.


Housing Branch staff will work to ensure timely implementation of all necessary funding agreements.


Project Name


No. Units



Total Fed/Prov Funding

City Capital

City Fees

City Land and Incentives

Total City Funding

Total Public Funding

Total Project Cost


2004 CRHP













Blue Heron Co-op



 $     6,775

 $     1,084

 $     7,859

 $     3,024

 $        309

 $     3,352

 $     6,685

 $   14,544

 $   35,680


John Howard



Nepean - Meridian



OCHC - Hartman's



Ottawa Salus - Athlone



Total Allocation



 $   16,760

 $   17,840

 $   34,600







2005 Strong Start













Clarence View



 $     3,336

 $     5,004

 $     8,340

 $     4,170

 $        295

 $        827

 $     5,292

 $   13,632

 $   23,396























Beaver Barracks Ph 1 Brownfields



 $     8,556

 $     6,454

 $   15,010

 $     4,230

 $     1,083

 $     7,439

 $   12,752

 $   27,762

 $   37,972




2008 AHP I
















 $          426

 $          694

 $       1,120

 $          480

 $           57

 $          486

 $       1,023

 $       2,143

 $       2,144

2008 AHP II













Beaver Barracks Phase 2



 $     3,923

 $     6,207

 $   10,030

 $        320

 $        328

 $     2,823

 $     3,471

 $   13,601

 $   24,400


Live Work Play



Multifaith Housing Blake St.



Dovercourt Co-op



Safe Housing Ottawa





 $   16,241

 $   18,359

 $   34,600

 $     9,200

 $     1,763

 $   11,575

 $   22,538

 $   57,138

 $   87,912














Total All Programs



 $   23,016

 $   19,443

 $   42,459

 $   12,224

 $     2,072

 $   14,927

 $   29,223

 $   71,682

 $  123,592