2.     Information Technology SUB-COMMITTEE








That Council:


1.      Approve the appointment of the following Members of Council to the Information Technology Sub-Committee (“IT Sub-Committee”):


§         Councillor Wilkinson;

§         Councillor Desroches;

§         Councillor El-Chantiry;

§         Councillor Chiarelli; and

§         Councillor Legendre.


2.   Direct the IT Sub-Committee to work with staff and the City’s Chief Technology Advisor to prepare its Terms of Reference for consideration by the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee and Council.



RecommandationS du Comité


Que le Conseil :


1.       approuve la nomination des membres du Conseil suivants au Sous-comité de la technologie de l’information (« sous-comité de la TI ») :


§         Conseillère Wilkinson;

§         Conseiller Desroches;

§         Conseiller El-Chantiry;

§         Conseiller Chiarelli;

§         Conseiller Legendre.


2.   enjoindre le Sous-comité de la technologie de l’information de travailler avec le personnel et le conseiller principal en technologie afin de préparer son mandat aux fins d’examen par le Comité des services organisationnels et du développement économique et le Conseil.





1.      City Manager’s report dated 24 August 2009 (ACS2009-CMR-CCB-0051)

Report to/Rapport au :


Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee

Comité des services organisationnels et du développement économique


and Council / et au Conseil


24 August 2009 / le 24 août 2009


Submitted by/Soumis par : Kent Kirkpatrick, City Manager/Directeur des services municipaux


Contact Person/Personne ressource : M. Rick O'Connor, City Clerk and Solicitor/Greffier et Chef du contentieux

City Clerk’s Branch/Direction du greffe

(613) 580-2424 x21215, rick.oconnor@ottawa.ca


City Wide/à l'échelle de la Ville

Ref N°: ACS2009-CMR-CCB-0051




Information Technology SUB-COMMITTEE








That the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee recommend Council:


1.   Approve the appointment of the following Members of Council to the Information Technology Sub-Committee (“IT Sub-Committee”):


§         Councillor Wilkinson;

§         Councillor Desroches;

§         Councillor El-Chantiry;

§         Councillor Chiarelli; and

§         Councillor Legendre.


2.      Direct the IT Sub-Committee to work with staff and the City’s Chief Technology Advisor to prepare its Terms of Reference for consideration by the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee and Council.




Que le Comité des services organisationnels et du développement économique recommande au Conseil :


1.      d’approuver la nomination des membres du Conseil suivants au Sous-comité de la technologie de l’information (« sous-comité de la TI ») :


§         Conseillère Wilkinson;

§         Conseiller Desroches;

§         Conseiller El-Chantiry;

§         Conseiller Chiarelli;

§         Conseiller Legendre.


2.      d’enjoindre le Sous-comité de la technologie de l’information de travailler avec le personnel et le conseiller principal en technologie afin de préparer son mandat aux fins d’examen par le Comité des services organisationnels et du développement économique et le Conseil.





In November 2007, the Mayor’s Taskforce on eGovernment was established to make short-, medium and long-term recommendations to develop an information technology plan that improves interaction with the public while increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of city operations.  Among its recommendations, the Taskforce recommended an information technology governance model that included the establishment of a sub-committee tasked with advising Council on large-scale investment in information technology and ensuring that appropriate consultation with stakeholders occurs. 


As part of its consideration of the Taskforce’s recommendations, City Council directed that the Mid-term Governance Review include “an option for the establishment of a committee or subcommittee of Council to review the potential for large-scale investments in information technology and make recommendations to City Council on those investments.”  The Mid-term Governance Review suggested that the mandate proposed by the Taskforce could either rest with the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee, as the Standing Committee is presently responsible for information technology, or with a Sub-Committee created by Council to focus on the specific information technology issues.  While there was no general consensus on the creation of sub-committees as part of the Mid-term Governance Review, Council did express a desire to have the option on an ad-hoc basis.


On July 7, 2009, the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee considered and approved the following motion related to the Voice Over Internet Protocol report:


THEREFORE be it resolved that staff recommendation 2 in the report be amended by adding the following direction:  “that the term of the contract be reduced to two years to provide time to prepare a vision and plan for technology in the City, and during that time that the Standing offers in the contract be used only for immediate issues such as wiring in new buildings and any other urgent issues that might arise” and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following be implemented in order to prepare the Vision and Plan:

1.      That an IT Sub-Committee of the Corporate Services Committee be formed to co-ordinate the development of the Vision and Implementation Plans;

2.      That Standing Committees, staff and high-tech community leaders be engaged in the development of the vision and plans;

That local businesses be encouraged to ‘Show Case’ their products at no cost to the City, in appropriate applications as supported by the IT Sub-Committee.


City Council further approved the establishment of the IT Sub-Committee on July 8, 2009.




Following on the direction from Committee and Council, a circulation of interest was conducted for the membership of the Sub-Committee.  At the time of this report, the following Members of Council have expressed an interest in sitting on the IT Sub-Committee:


§         Councillor Wilkinson

§         Councillor Desroches

§         Councillor El-Chantiry

§         Councillor Chiarelli

§         Councillor Legendre


Upon Council approval of the IT Sub-Committee membership, staff recommends that the Sub-Committee, in conjunction with the City’s Technology Advisory and City Clerk staff, prepare its Terms of Reference for consideration and approval by the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee and Council.




The option of an IT Sub-Committee has been considered at public meetings of the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee as part of the Mayor’s Taskforce on eGovernment and the Mid-term Governance Review.  The IT Sub-Committee was also included in the Mid-term Governance White Papers.








There are no financial implications associated with this report.



Upon Committee and Council approval, City Clerk and Solicitor Branch staff will coordinate the first meeting of the IT Sub-Committee for the purposes of developing a Terms of Reference.