1.             ZONING - 1923 PLAINHILL DRIVE





Committee recommendation


(This application is subject to Bill 51)


That Council approve an amendment to the Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of 1923 Plainhill Drive  from DR - Development Reserve to R1V[1398] – Residential First Density Zone – Exception 1398, R3Y[1399] – Residential Third Density Zone – Exception 1399, R3WW – Residential Third Density and LC7[XXXX] – Local Commercial Exception, as detailed in Document 2.



Recommandation DU Comité


(Cette demande est assujettie au Règlement 51)


Que le Conseil approuve une modification au Règlement de zonage 2008-250 afin de changer le zonage du 1923, promenade Plainhill de DR – Zone d’aménagement futur à R1V[1398] – Zone résidentielle de densité 1 dotée d’une exception 1398, R3Y[1399] – Zone résidentielle de densité 3 dotée d’une exception 1399, R3WW – Zone résidentielle de densité 3 et LC7[XXXX] – Zone de commerces locaux, sous-zone LC7 dotée d’une exception, comme l’explique en détail le document 2.











1.      Deputy City Manager's report, Infrastructure Services and Community Sustainability, dated 7 October 2009 (ACS2008-ICS-PGM-0194).



Report to/Rapport au :


Planning and Environment Committee

Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement


and Council / et au Conseil


7 October 2009 / le 7 octobre 2009


Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager

Directrice municipale adjointe,

Infrastructure Services and Community Sustainability

Services d’infrastructure et Viabilité des collectivités


Contact Person/Personne-ressource : Michael Wildman, Manager/Gestionnaire, Development Review-Suburban Services/Examen des projets d'aménagement-Services suburbains, Planning and Growth Management/Urbanisme et Gestion de la croissance

(613) 580-2424, 27811  Mike.Wildman@ottawa.ca


Cumberland (19)

Ref N°: ACS2009-ICS-PGM-0194




ZONING - 1923 Plainhill Drive (FILE NO. D02-02-06-0094)




ZONAGE - 1923, promenade plainhill





That the  recommend Council approve an amendment to the Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of 1923 Plainhill Drive  from DR - Development Reserve to R1V[1398] – Residential First Density Zone – Exception 1398, R3Y[1399] – Residential Third Density Zone – Exception 1399, R3WW – Residential Third Density and LC7[XXXX] – Local Commercial Exception, as detailed in Document 2.




Que le Comité de l’urbanisme et de l’environnement recommande au Conseil d’approuver une modification au Règlement de zonage 2008-250 afin de changer le zonage du 1923, promenade Plainhill de DR – Zone d’aménagement futur à R1V[1398] – Zone résidentielle de densité 1 dotée d’une exception 1398, R3Y[1399] – Zone résidentielle de densité 3 dotée d’une exception 1399, R3WW – Zone résidentielle de densité 3 et LC7[XXXX] – Zone de commerces locaux, sous-zone LC7 dotée d’une exception, comme l’explique en détail le document 2.





The subject property is located north of the Blackburn Hamlet Bypass Extension between Portobello Boulevard and Provence Avenue (future) to the east and is known as 1923 Plainhill Drive. 


The lands form part of a draft plan of subdivision which was approved on June 12, 2007.  The entire subdivision is divided into two parcels by Provence Avenue. The west half of the subdivision, which is currently the subject of a revision to the draft plan of subdivision and subject of this amendment, is bordered on the western limit by Portobello Boulevard, to the north by an existing residential area and Martello Drive, to the east by Provence Avenue and to the south by the future Blackburn Hamlet Bypass Extension. 


The zoning amendment which dealt with the east half of this subdivision, between Provence Avenue and Trim Road, was approved by Council on November 22, 2006.  At that time, this amendment was put on hold pending resolution of issues with the proposed revisions to the west half of the plan incorporating the lands between Portobello Boulevard and Provence Avenue.  All issues have now been resolved and draft approval of the revised plan is imminent.


Existing Zoning


The subject lands are currently zoned DR (Development Reserve).  This zone recognizes lands intended for future urban development in areas designated as General Urban Area and Developing Communities in the Official Plan.


Purpose of Zoning Amendment


The purpose of this Zoning By-law amendment is to permit the construction of detached dwellings, multiple dwellings on a private street, multiple dwellings on public streets and a commercial plaza.




Official Plan 


The Official Plan designates the subject property as "General Urban Area" which permits a full range of types and densities of housing to meet the needs of all ages, incomes and life circumstances, including low, medium and high density housing and seniors' apartments, in combination with well located employment, shopping, service, cultural, leisure, park, natural areas and institutional uses to facilitate the development of complete and sustainable communities. 


Details of Proposed Zoning 


Residential Zone – Detached Dwellings


The applicant has requested that the R1V[1398] zone be used to allow the construction of detached dwellings.


Since this development is in an area of marine sensitive clay soils and given the Council approved policies requiring that tree planting in these soils be setback from main buildings by 7.5 metres with a 2.5 metres offset from the curb, staff is agreeable to the use of this zone where the front yard setback requirement is 5.5 metres to the main building.  This distance, in addition to the width of the standard right-of-way in this area would permit tree planting in accordance with the "Trees and Foundations Strategy in Areas of Marine Sensitive Marine Clay in the City of Ottawa" report endorsed by Planning and Environment Committee in September, 2005.


Residential Zone – Multiple Dwellings on a public street


The applicant has also requested that an R3Y[1399] zone be used to permit the development of multiple dwellings on a public street.  The existing required yard setbacks within this zone will be conducive to tree planting.


Residential – Multiple Dwellings on a Private Street


The applicant has requested that the R3WW - Residential Third Density zone be used to allow the development of multiple dwellings on a private street. 


Commercial - Local plaza at the intersection of Portobello, Martello and the Blackburn Bypass


The applicant has requested that a LC7[XXXX] - Local Commercial exception zone be used to permit a commercial plaza.  The exception would add a Convenience Store as a permitted use and would increase the Gross Leasable Floor Area from 3000 square metres to 6000 square metres to allow second storey offices with ground floor retail and would decrease the rear yard setback along the local street from 5.0 metres to 3.0 metres.  Staff recommends adding the new use and the increase in floor area; however, does not recommend the reduction of the rear yard setback because it is important to maintain an appropriate setback to allow for proper buffering from the neighbouring homes on Martello Drive and from the proposed multiple dwellings to the east.  Because of the clay soils in this area, preserving the 5.0-metre setback is also essential for tree and shrub planting.


The residents on Martello Drive and the surrounding neighbourhood have provided input at community meetings regarding this future development and have an expectation that sufficient buffering will be provided between the commercial buildings and the street because of the height of the proposed development. Whether the residents are facing a wall or windows, staff will be requiring landscaping and/or fencing along Martello Drive to screen the building when reviewing the site plan proposal.  


Traffic Issues


There will be an all-directional access at the intersection of Martello Drive and Portobello Boulevard which will direct the traffic within this new part of the neighbourhood through Martello Drive.  The traffic study prepared for this proposal indicates that the traffic generated by this development can be accommodated.


Servicing Issues 


With respect to stormwater management and sewer capacity, the development will be required to meet the design criteria stipulated in the “Gloucester and Cumberland East Urban Community Expansion Area and Bilberry Creek Industrial Park Master Servicing Update”, which was prepared for full build out of the neighbourhood.


Concurrent Application


Staff is currently finalizing the revised draft approval for this portion of the subdivision.




Notice of this application was carried out in accordance with the City's Public Notification and Consultation Policy. The Ward Councillor is aware of this application and the staff recommendation.  Public information sessions were held in the community to discuss the associated subdivision.  Residents in the community expressed great concern over the first revised proposal of uses within this portion of the development. The original proposal included higher density apartment units which were not well received by the local residents.  The applicant revised their plan of subdivision to eliminate the apartments and replace them with townhomes as shown on the original draft plan to address the community's concerns.




There are no legal/risk management implications associated with this report.








The application was not processed by the "On Time Decision Date" established for the processing of Zoning By-law amendments.  It was put on hold until the draft plan of subdivision was revised to address the concerns expressed by the surrounding residents.




Document 1      Location Map

Document 2      Details of Recommended Zoning




City Clerk and Solicitor Department, Legislative Services to notify the owner, applicant, OttawaScene.com, 174 Colonnade Road, Unit #33, Ottawa, ON  K2E 7J5, Ghislain Lamarche, Program Manager, Assessment, Financial Services Branch (Mail Code:  26-76) of City Council’s decision.


Planning and Growth Management to prepare the implementing by-law, forward to Legal Services and undertake the statutory notification.


Legal Services to forward the implementing by-law to City Council.

LOCATION MAP                                                                                                    DOCUMENT 1


DETAILS OF RECOMMENDED ZONING                                                       DOCUMENT 2


The Zoning Map of By-law 2008-250 is amended by changing the zoning for 1923 Plainhill Drive in the former City of Cumberland, now in the City of Ottawa, between Portobello Boulevard and Provence Avenue from DR – Development Reserve to R1V[1398] – Residential First Density Zone – Exception 1398, R3Y[1399] – Residential Third Density Zone – Exception 1399, R3WW – Residential Third Density and LC7[XXXX] – Local Commercial Exception as shown on Document 1. 


The following LC7[XXXX] – Local Commercial – Exception will be added to Section 239 – Urban Exceptions and will apply to the lands zoned LC7[XXXX]:


Added permitted use                                        Convenience Store


Maximum Gross Leasable Floor Area   6,000 m²