1.             update on the OTTAWA CONGRESS CENTRE


mise-à-jour sur le CENTRE CONGRÈS d’ottawa





That Council approve:


1.                  The appointment of Councillors E. El-Chantiry and M. Wilkinson (and the Ward Councillor if he wishes) to a working group to meet with representatives of the Ottawa Congress Centre as per the motion previously approved by CSEDC to explore funding possibilities for obtaining enough funds to pay for the annual debenture payments on the City debenture for the Centre; and,


2.                  That the City Manager provide staff support to the Working Group.




RecommandationS modifÉe DU Comité


Que le Conseil  approuve :


1.                  que le conseiller E. El-Chantiry et la conseillère Wilkinson (et le conseiller de quartier s’il accepte) soient nommés à un groupe de travail qui rencontrera des représentants du Centre des congrès d’Ottawa, conformément à la motion adoptée précédemment par le Comité des services organisationnels et du développement économique, dans le but d’examiner les moyens d’obtenir les crédits nécessaires au paiement des sommes dues en vertu des débentures de la Ville relativement au Centre; et


2.                  que le directeur municipal fournisse au Groupe de travail le soutien dont il a besoin pour le travail de bureau.









1.                  Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee report dated 3 December  2009 (ACS2009-CMR-CSE-0012)


2.                  Extract of Draft Minute, 1 December 2009 to be distributed prior to Council.


Report to/Rapport au :


Council / Conseil


3 December 2009 / le 3 décembre 2009


Submitted by/Soumis par : Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee / Comité des services organisationnels et du développement économique


Contact Person/Personne ressource : Carole Langford, Committee Coordinator

City Clerk’s Branch/Direction du greffe

(613) 580-2424 x28934, carole.langford@ottawa.ca


Rideau-Vanier (12)

Ref N°: ACS2009-CMR-CSE-0012








mise-à-jour sur le CENTRE CONGRÈS d’ottawa




That the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee (CSEDC) recommend that Council approve:


3.                  The appointment of Councillors E. El-Chantiry and M. Wilkinson (and the Ward Councillor if he wishes) to a working group to meet with representatives of the Ottawa Congress Centre as per the motion previously approved by CSEDC to explore funding possibilities for obtaining enough funds to pay for the annual debenture payments on the City debenture for the Centre; and,


4.                  That the City Manager provide staff support to the Working Group.





Que le Comité des services organisationnels et du développement économique recommande au Conseil :


3.                  d’approuver que le conseiller E. El-Chantiry et la conseillère Wilkinson (et le conseiller de quartier s’il accepte) soient nommés à un groupe de travail qui rencontrera des représentants du Centre des congrès d’Ottawa, conformément à la motion adoptée précédemment par le Comité des services organisationnels et du développement économique, dans le but d’examiner les moyens d’obtenir les crédits nécessaires au paiement des sommes dues en vertu des débentures de la Ville relativement au Centre; et


4.                  que le directeur municipal fournisse au Groupe de travail le soutien dont il a besoin pour le travail de bureau.





On 1 December 2009, the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee received a verbal presentation by Pat Kelly, President of the Ottawa Congress Centre and Graham Bird, Congress Centre Development Advisor.  Upon receiving the presentation, Committee approved the above motion, appointing Councillors El-Chantiry and M. Wilkinson to the Working Group that was previous approved at City Council on 28 November 2007.  A copy of the report is attached as Document 1.









Infrastructure Services and Community Sustainability


City staff have been in contact with Pat Kelly, President of the Ottawa Congress Centre (OCC), to provide an annual update in accordance with the original May 14, 2008 Council approved motion noted below. The OCC President Pat Kelly has advised that they raised the matter at the October 29, 2009 OCC Board of Director’s meeting in order to solicit their input and direction. The OCC Board instructed Pat Kelly to forward the specific recommendations to the Province of Ontario for their review. The Provincial response has not yet been provided to the City.


The subsequent approved CSED motion to form a working committee provides further direction and context to the original motion to follow-up with the Ottawa Convention Centre on the Provincial response as well as investigate other possibilities.


Council Approved Motion dated May 14, 2008

5.         Approve that the Ottawa Congress Centre be requested to work with the City of Ottawa to identify potential sources of revenue from the Centre that would repay the $40 million dollar investment by the City for the capital construction of the Centre - such sources of revenue could include:


a)   a portion of any revenues over expenses of the Centre;

b)   having the Province provide grants in lieu of taxes for the Centre until the grant is repaid, including any interest costs incurred by the City;

c)   negotiating a share of G.S.T. and/or P.S.T.  paid for services at the Centre until the grant is repaid;

d)   other possibilities; and


6.         Approve that the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee receive a report on progress made on these initiatives on at least an annual basis.


City staff will continue to pursue this matter with the OCC and will ensure that the necessary resources are assigned to participate on the working group upon its establishment.





There are no legal/risk management impediments to implementing the recommendations in this Report.





Staff support for the working group will be provided through existing resources.





Document 1 – Report and Minute extract of the City of Ottawa Support for Ottawa Congress Centre Redevelopment Project (ACS2007-PTE-ECO-0023) (on file with the City Clerk)





Following Council approval, staff to inform the Ottawa Congress Centre of the appointed Councillors to the working group.