

Management Response

Est Comp  Date

Status Updates

(In Progress; Pending; Complete;

Requires Resolution)


That the Branch conduct complete process mapping, develop and implement standard operating procedures.

Management agrees with this recommendation and it is already in progress.

This is being implemented in phases based on an assessment of risk and opportunity associated with each process, which will be determined in 2008.

Q4 2008

December 2009:  In Progress.

High priority Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s) are now complete.  The SOP’s will continue to be a priority this year and a dedicated resource will be assigned in Q2 2010.  The remaining SOP’s are targeted for completion in Q4 2010.  


June 2009: The generation of standard operating procedures has been separated from the Operations Planning process in order to move ahead. To expedite this item, a staff member has been assigned full-time for 6 months to the project. For Phase I, ten key activities have been identified from each maintenance area (road maintenance, parks maintenance, forestry maintenance) and will be completed by Q3 2009. In collaboration with a lead supervisor from the field, each activity will be observed and all steps and requirements to perform the activity safely and efficiently will be documented in a standard format. Sign-off by the assigned supervisor and the associated area manager will be required before the procedure is considered complete.

December 2008: Standard operating procedures were developed for planning and performance reporting of winter roadway plowing and salting operations. Challenges in recruiting critical operations engineer positions continue to limit progress on wider scale documentation of standard operating procedures. Scope and approach project for Operations Planning system has been launched and is anticipated to be complete by end of June 2009. Implementation phase will follow if funding is secured.

September 2008: Operations Planning and Fleet Acquisition processes are complete and being implemented.  Other processes are being reviewed and mapped on a priority basis.  Standard Operating Procedures will be developed for each activity following operations planning implementation which began in summer 2008 and is ongoing.  A $700K SI request has been identified for the 2009 budget to enable the development and implementation of the Operations Planning system.   Continued progress on this initiative relies critically on supporting software.

August 2008:  Behind schedule.  Staff turnover and vacancies have resulted in delays to this item.  Anticipate progress to resume once operations engineer positions are filled in Q4 2008.