Rec #


Management Response

Est Comp  Date

Status Updates

(In Progress; Pending; Complete;

Requires Resolution)





















































That the City Treasurer assign a function with the overall responsibility for all City assets.  This function should be responsible for developing and issuing, for overall City asset and inventory management, overarching policies, systems and procedures covering the capitalization, depreciation, identification, accounting, recording, tracking, control and safeguarding of City assets, and inventory management.

Management disagrees with this recommendation. Under the Municipal Act, the Treasurer " responsible for handling all of the financial affairs of the municipality on behalf of and in the manner directed by the council of the municipality". As a result, within the City of Ottawa, the City Treasurer is responsible for materials that have not been expensed (inventory) - with the exception of salt and sand, as their control by Stores staff would not be cost-effective. Financial Services, has in place, policies for the management of inventory under their custody.   As part of the implementation of tangible capital assets, the City Treasurer, in consultation with asset owners, will develop policies including capitalization thresholds, depreciation rates and methods, and accounting treatment at disposal.
The City is committed to protecting the assets of the corporation. Operational directors within the corporation are accountable for the control and safeguard of City assets they use in the delivery of services and are in the best position to align appropriate controls with their operational
requirements.  This is clearly stated under ‘Management Responsibilities’ within the City’s Code of Conduct where it states: “The management of the City is accountable for protecting the assets of, and the public trust in, the City. Toward this end, management must make every effort to establish and maintain adequate systems, procedures and controls to prevent and detect fraud, theft, breach of trust, conflict of interest, bias and any other form of wrongdoing. ”

The auditor concludes that the control and recording of assets not under the control of Stores is either non-existent or incomplete.  Management disagrees with this conclusion.   As evidenced in this audit, the areas reviewed manage the assets they control and have responded to the auditor’s recommendations as to where controls can be strengthened. This demonstrates that management is taking responsibility for assets and there would be no value-added in having the Treasurer involved in the process.

The auditor refers to $38.7 million of “inventory balance” that should be reviewed and adequately managed.  The $38.7 million is the residual balance of the materials and supplies that were expensed during the year that are not within a major asset class nor did they go into the Stores inventory.  These items relate to purchases made by the various departments in the delivery of their services and are not appropriate items for inclusion in inventory.  The composition of these items was provided to the auditor and includes such items as the purchase of fire equipment, office supplies, janitorial supplies, food and beverages for the long-term care facilities, medical supplies and various program-related materials.


December 2009: Requires Resolution.













That the City Treasurer ensures that the City is ready to comply with the PSAB rules for full accrual accounting for local governments, which come into effect January 1, 2009.

Management agrees with this recommendation.
Management is of the opinion that the City will be ready to comply with the PSAB 1350 requirement that will come into effect 1 January 2009 for reporting on the 2009 financial statements in mid 2010.  A readiness assessment was undertaken in 2007 by a third party experienced with the PSAB 1350 requirements, which stated that: “The City of Ottawa is well positioned to address PSAB requirements...”  It should be noted that over 80% of the value of assets that will be reported as a result of the PSAB requirements will be for real property and linear assets, which were not within the scope of this audit.  Various items contained within the audit scope (i.e., computers, artwork and trees) will likely be immaterial, or under PSAB 1350, will be excluded from the definition of a tangible capital asset and, therefore, will not be included in the values reported in the financial statement.

Q2 2010

December 2009:  In Progress.

Pre-2009 City assets have been valued, approved, and loaded into the TCA solution and SAP production.  2009 asset transactions have been requested and will be included as part of the 2009 financial reporting.

June 2009: The implementation schedule has been finalized and communicated. The definition of all remaining assets is nearing completion. The integration of source asset management information with the TCA solution is currently underway.

December 2008: The implementation project is progressing on schedule. The process and IT solution is 100% developed. Four out of 28 asset groups have been converted (14%).

August 2008: On target

















That the City ensure that:
a) A policy be developed that provides for a common methodology for the calculation of various inventory metrics such as turnover, etc., and that management review the inventory policy with respect to appropriate inventory metrics;
b) A monthly report be developed for the Program Manager that analyzes anomalies in transactions to inventory by location, part and user ID, and detailed inventory turnover by user ID; and,
c) Routine reports be developed for use by management, which specifically monitor items that have unusual transactions or status of the inventory.

a) Management agrees with this recommendation.  Financial Services will review the system-defined metrics within SAP and industry best practices to ensure that common methodologies are in place for appropriate inventory metrics by Q1 2009.
b) Management agrees with this recommendation. These reports will require the development of additional capabilities within SAP.  The IT intake process and a cost benefit analysis will have to be undertaken, following which, additional funding requirements will be identified and requested in future budgets. This process will be initiated following the M5 conversion to SAP in Q1 2009.
c) Management agrees with this recommendation.  Existing reports will be reviewed and improved to increase monitoring capabilities. The IT intake process and a cost benefit analysis will have to be undertaken, following which, additional funding requirements will be identified and requested in future budgets. This process will be initiated in Q4 2008.

Q3 2009

December 2009:  In Progress.

Management expects this recommendation to be complete by end of Q1 2010. 

June 2009: In Progress.
a) Policy on Inventory Turnover officially approved by Finance in May 2009, providing for a common methodology for turnover. Stores staff also working to further define other inventory related metrics through the newly approved involvement of Inventory Management in the OMBI benchmarking initiative.
b), c) The Inventory Control Specialist now has access to Queries in SAP production, and has been developing miscellaneous reports to identify anomalies and unusual transactions. We are delayed in releasing these due to workload issues.
December 2008:
a) Draft policy on Inventory Turnover developed by Policy & Compliance in Q4 2008. Currently under review in Supply Management and planned for finalization in Q1 2009.
b) SAP capability has been reviewed and requires access in SAP Production for Queries, in SQVI, in order to develop a process to analyze anomalies. Access requested October 2008. On target for Q3 2009.
c) SAP capability has been reviewed and assisted in the creation of report ZCYCLECNT to address anomalies in inventory adjustments and cycle counting statistics. On target for Q3 2009.

August 2008:
a) Underway
b) and c) Staffing has been initiated for the Inventory Specialist position. This review will be part of this position's work plan.








That the City ensure that a Financial Services Branch staff be assigned to work with the FSUs in each of the branches to ensure that the financial transactions for assets and inventory and the status of inventory is reviewed in detail each month end to ensure that the data is correct.

Management disagrees with this recommendation.  Inventory is the responsibility of the Financial Services Branch (with the exception of salt and sand) and is reviewed in detail each month. Assets are the responsibility of each branch director. Financial Services, in conjunction with the SAP support centre, will work with client groups to ensure they have the necessary knowledge and training in SAP to identify exceptions in the underlying data and that they are in a position to assess the status of their assets on a regular basis, based on the existing toolset in SAP, by Q1 2009.


December 2009:  Requires Resolution.












That the City ensure that all Stores take cycle counts of inventory:
a) By an independent person wherever possible;

a) Management agrees with this recommendation. This recommendation will be implemented where current staff levels permit, by Q1 2009, following the completion of the bar coding implementation.

Q1 2009

December 2009:  Requires Resolution.

December 2008: Requires Resolution. Briefing note completed. 

August 2008: On target for Fleet stores. A briefing note is being prepared to address General stores. Management agrees with this recommendation, as it pertains to the Materials Management Transit Stores and Materials Management Fleet Stores, but suggests that the current system of annual inventory counts be recognized as the superior method in the Materials Management General Stores unit.  For discussion at an upcoming CAWG meeting.







c) Hand held scanners be used for the count to increase efficiency and accuracy.


c) Management agrees with this recommendation. A project to implement bar coding in Transit Stores has been initiated and is scheduled to begin in Q1 2008.  The inclusion of the remaining stores in General Stores and Municipal Fleet Stores may have to be addressed through a subsequent IT project, and follow the IT intake process and business case evaluation. Anticipated completion is Q4 2008.

Q4 2008

December 2009:  In Progress.

Wireless bar code solution delayed to Q1 2010 due to project resources being deployed to H1N1 efforts. 

 June 2009: Funding for complete implementation of wireless bar code solution confirmed at 100% in January 2009, hand held scanners to be in place for Transit stores locations July 2009, for Fleet stores locations September 2009, and for General stores locations October 2009.  AG recommendation to be complete in 2009.

December 2008: c) Wireless Bar Coding has been implemented at the Pinecrest Garage (Transit Stores) and all of Transit to be complete by Q3 2009.  Also, certain stores sites for Fleet Stores and General Stores planned to be implemented in 2009.  However, funding of the additional budget requirement of $225k is uncertain based on deletion of the IT Service Excellence portion of the 2009 operating budget.

August 2008: c) Barcode scanners are being implemented in Transit stores.  The implementation blueprint is complete for the remaining stores. Additional funding is being sought for the expanded scope.





























That the City ensure that controls over salt, sand, gravel and similar products be improved by:
a) Not accepting the suppliers load sheet as proof of the shipment quantity and developing a more accurate method of measuring receipt, such as a weigh scale, be developed; and,
b) Ensuring that entries made by Surface Operations Branch to SAP accurately reflects the City’s inventory of items for which they are responsible.

a) Management agrees with this recommendation. Management has implemented a number of procedures dealing with road salt.  One procedure details the method by which supervisory staff or management place bulk orders for road salt and the method by which they are received in the respective yards.  A second procedure details the steps taken to perform a random weighing of a salt shipment and the method by which to adjust the weigh bill should the ticket weight not fall within tolerance or reject the shipment.  Staff are currently adapting these procedures to function for other winter and summer materials.
b) Management agrees with this recommendation. Inventory management procedures, data entry QA/QC procedures, and management reporting have been reviewed and improved.  In addition, the branch will review its annual physical inventory procedures. This will be complete by the end of Q4 2008.

Q4 2008

December 2009: In Progress.

Following the OAG's report in 2006, the former Surface Operations (SOPs) branch implemented a number of initiatives to address the auditor's recommendations.

In September 2009, the independent auditors, Samson & Associates, on behalf of the OAG, conducted a post audit "follow up". Initial feedback from Samson & Associates suggested that the branch has made progress and has plans in place to address the outstanding issues... The branch awaits the findings of the finalized post audit "follow up".

In the meantime, the branch through a continuous improvement initiative led by PWS staff and involving the FSU and Corporate Compliance units, is in the first phase of implementing an Inventory Enhancement initiative, following the guidance and approval of the Division Management Team (DMT).

The Branch now conducts random weighing of roadway salt deliveries and the recording of salt receipt tickets have now been transferred from the FSU to PWS staff. These changes have greatly reduced the timing delays in transaction processing that previously resulted in negative inventory balances and inaccuracies in the SAP inventory system. In addition, enhanced data quality assurance procedures and practices to embed the initial benefits and improvement are in the process of being established.

The first phase of the project concentrated on improving salt monitoring and management, because roadway salt accounts for over 80% of the branch's inventory. The next phase, starting in March 2010, will focus on general and summer materials.

June 2009: SOP is currently reviewing their processes and will implement a new process that will allow clerks to receive materials into inventory which will significantly improve inventory accuracy. The new process procedure will be officially released in Q2 2009. The objective is to implement the changes for improvement to these processes by the end of Q4 2009 subject to acceptance of the strategies developed.

December 2008: Surface Operations has developed and implemented new procedures with respect to ordering and receiving to address the recommendations by Q2 2009.

August 2008: SOP has adopted new salt management procedures and is in the process of extending a similar approach to other granular materials where applicable. Some transaction processing issues are yet to be resolved due to the volume and complexity.




















































That the City ensure that:
a) ITS obtains a signature from the employee for whom they are purchasing and installing equipment and consistently record the name of the assigned employee against each piece of IT equipment installed, together with the equipment description, serial number as well as the City’s asset tag number affixed to the equipment; and,
b) Immediate action be taken to monitor computers to address cases of inappropriate or potentially illegal use.

a) Management agrees with this recommendation. Management proposes that the most effective way to track and maintain this information is through an electronic approach.  Management will modify the electronic IT ordering form to clearly capture details of both the employee requesting the order and information regarding the employee receiving the equipment, by Q2 2008.

An integrated IT inventory and change tracking system is being implemented in 2008 to replace and consolidate the existing systems, which will result in improved reporting capabilities by Q1 2009.

b) Management disagrees with this recommendation. Putting additional technology on the City network to monitor would not be cost effective. The City of Ottawa Code of Conduct and Responsible Computing Policy clearly outline employee responsibilities and actions taken for non-compliance.  In addition, there are a number of existing security measures already in place such as the lock-down computer desktop and Internet filter software that prevent the majority of this type of activity.   In accordance with approved protocols, IM/IT Security will investigate situations where IT services or assets may be involved in a suspected security breach or contravention of City policies, federal, provincial or municipal
legislation. It should be noted that some of the potential software noted by the auditor such as iPod / iTunes executables are bundled with the
QuickTime software installation.  QuickTime is a legitimate business tool used to view instructional digital video clips, training videos, and
digital images.

Q1 2009

December 2009: 

a)  In Progress.

Phase 1 of the IT Service Management Tool (Marval) has been implemented giving ITS the ability to, going forward, consistently record the name of the assigned employee against each piece of IT equipment installed.  Full asset management and continuous tracking of assets is available as another module to the Marval tool.  In 2010, ITS will begin evaluation of asset tracking requirements with a view to capture requested asset information from an on-line Order system that would feed into an eventual asset management database.  In addition, an IT Asset Management Policy will be developed in 2010 as a first step towards ongoing asset management.

b)    Requires Resolution.

June 2009:

a) ITS planned to address the requirement for integrated asset and inventory tracking using an on-line ordering form built on the new IT Service Management (ITSM) solution being implemented to automate key IT processes across the Branch. When fully deployed, the ITSM tool will provide a consolidated system to track each piece of installed equipment together with equipment description, serial number as well as the City’s asset tag number. Pilot testing was completed in December 2008, but further implementation was delayed based on the results/recommendations from the pilot testing, the temporary loss of a key resource to an extended illness, supplier related issues, and pending Wave III activities. However, ITS has worked through the supplier issues and by backfilling and re-allocation of resources, have constructed a fast-track implementation plan that will see the first part of the implementation in place Q3 2009, and the new on-line ordering function available Q4 2009. The new on-line form will be constructed so that the inventory information within the ITSM tool is accurate and up-to-date.

b) Requires resolution.  Since Management disagreed with the recommendation, a Briefing note was completed for discussion at an upcoming CAWG meeting. In the interim, ITS continues to investigate situations where IT services or assets may be involved in a suspected security breach or contravention of City policies, federal, provincial or municipal legislation, and advises management so that appropriate action may be taken as appropriate.

December 2008:
a) The new electronic ordering form was developed in 2008. The implementation of the integrated IT inventory and change tracking system will now occur by Q3 2009. At the same time, a new automated ordering form will be launched that clearly captures the required amount of details to ensure that the inventory information is accurate.
b) Briefing note completed - for discussion at an upcoming CAWG meeting.

August 2008:
a) The implementation of the new form has been delayed to Q4 to provide an opportunity to automate it. The implementation of the integrated IT inventory and change tracking system is on track for Q1 2009.
b) For discussion at an upcoming CAWG meeting.

















That the City ensure that internal control over the City’s Art be improved by:
a) Placing an alarm and camera in the artwork storage room;
b) Improving controls on the removal of artwork;
c) Having Circulating Fine Art Collection pieces received and stocked by one employee and issued and where possible, shipped by another.  Alternately, additional preventive mitigating controls should be implemented;
d) Ensuring that when assigning asset numbers (accession numbers) to pieces of artwork, these are consecutive; and,
e) Having an independent person confirm that an artwork is damaged beyond repair.

a) Management agrees with this recommendation.   Staff will work with Corporate Security and RPAM to develop an optimum approach by Q4 2008.
b) Management agrees with this recommendation. Management will improve controls including signed documentation and database tracking by Q4 2008.
c) Management agrees with this recommendation.  An additional FTE is required to bring this function in-house.  Existing operating funding and client charge-backs will be used to fund this position, however, the FTE will be requested during the 2009 budget process.
d) Management agrees with this recommendation.  Any removal of accessions will be tracked within the database and will be entered in the object file.  Asset number accessioning will not skip numbers.
e) Management agrees with this recommendation.  Artwork that is beyond repair should be de-accessioned.   A de-accession policy will be developed when the City's Visual Arts Policy is updated (scheduled for 2009, subject to budget approval).  In the interim, documentation from the expert conservator will be noted and placed in the database and object file.

Q2 2010

December 2009:

a) In Progress. An alarm and security cameras in the art storage vault will be completed in 2010. Initial discussions have proceeded with the Routhier Community Centre facility staff to coordinate all security issues within the building as an efficient and cost saving approach. Due to a major HVAC system replacement in the building, the security project was delayed. A budget has been allocated from within the Capital Accommodations budget to proceed with this recommendation.

b) Complete. The removal of artworks now includes signed paperwork by the contractor, client and Cultural Planner - Collections.

c) Pending.  Management requested an FTE in the 2009 budget for a staff receiving & stocking function. However, this funding was not approved. A request has been included in the 2010 budget.

d) Complete.

e) Pending. To be completed subject to 2010 budget approval.

June 2009:
a) Management initially agreed to install new alarms and cameras and requested funding in the 2009 budget; funding has been denied. To be carried forward to 2010.
b) In progress - identified within 2009 capital project (Heritage & Collection Preservation & Maintenance).
c) As per the initial management response, it was agreed by management to request an FTE in the 2009 budget to staff receiving & stocking function. However, this funding has also been denied.
d) Complete
e) Initial timeline Q2 2010: Funding for an independent person to confirm artwork damage was not approved in the 2009 budget - to be carried over to 2010. Works that are damaged beyond repair are now discussed with an independent conservator before de-accessioning.



























That the City ensure that the Stores function be improved by:
a) Having the Receiving and Shipping functions handled by different employees where staffing levels permit.  Alternatively, additional preventative mitigating controls should be implemented;
b) Where staffing levels permit, having the storekeeper confirm receipt of goods from the receiver and place them on the shelves. Alternatively, additional preventative mitigating controls should be implemented;
c) Entering the receipt immediately instead of in a batch mode once a day;
d) Requiring that the technicians at ROPEC show the storekeeper the WO against which they are requisitioning goods; and,
e) Having the storekeeper enter the issue immediately, instead of once a day.

a) Management agrees with this recommendation. This recommendation will be implemented where staff levels permit, however, management believes full implementation would not be cost effective.  The inventory control specialist position, which will be staffed by Q3 2008, will provide an added level of oversight by conducting reviews of: cycle counts, inventory reconciliations, negative balance adjustments and items with high turnover rates.
b) Management agrees with this recommendation. This recommendation will be implemented where staff levels permit, however, management believes full implementation would not be cost effective. The inventory control specialist position, which will be staffed by Q3 2008, will provide an added level of oversight by conducting reviews of: cycle counts, inventory reconciliations, negative balance adjustments and high turnover rates. As well, the implementation of bar coding scheduled for Transit Material's stockroom by Q4 2008, will incorporate a process to record movement of material from the receiving location into its storage location. 
c) Management agrees with this recommendation. It is standard practice for goods receipt to be entered as soon as possible subject to client
 service priorities at the service counter. This approach has been reinforced with staff as a result of this audit.

d) Management agrees with this recommendation.  A procedure requiring the original work order to be produced when requisitioning goods will be implemented by Q3 2008.  However, given the 24/7 by 365 day emergency response requirement at ROPEC, Supply/Materials Management staff are not always available.  A procedure is in place that allows staff to remove the required materials in order to effect the necessary repairs.  This procedure requires that a work order and parts allocation be reconciled immediately thereafter.

e) Management agrees with this recommendation. It is standard practice for goods issue to be entered as soon as possible subject to client service priorities at the service counter. This approach has been reinforced with staff as a result of this audit.

Q4 2008

December 2009: In Progress.

a & b) Wireless bar code solution delayed to Q1 2010 due to project resources being deployed to H1N1 efforts. 

June 2009: Where staffing levels permit, segregation of duties has been implemented, also, the Inventory Control Specialist has provided an additional level of oversight in relation to inventory counts, adjustments, and issues such as negative balances.  However, by far the most meaningful improvement will arrive with the bar code solution in 2009.  Funding for complete implementation of wireless bar code solution confirmed at 100% in January 2009, hand held scanners to be in place for Transit stores locations July 2009, for Fleet stores locations September 2009, and for General stores locations October 2009.  AG recommendation to be complete in 2009.

December 2008:
a) Segregation of duties was implemented where staffing levels permit and Inventory Control Specialist has been staffed (temporarily).  Wireless bar codes seen as an upcoming solution.
b) Wireless Bar Coding has been implemented at the Pinecrest Garage (Transit Stores) and all of Transit to be complete by Q3 2009.  Also, certain stores sites for Fleet Stores and General Stores planned to be implemented in 2009.  However, funding of the additional budget was not approved by Council as part of the 2009 operating budget.

August 2008:
a) Staffing initiated for the Inventory Specialist.
b) Progress is being impeded by the delay in the project to implement bar coding in General stores due to budget pressures. A concept value case has been submitted to request funding from ITIF.    
c) Complete
d) Complete

e) Complete







That the City ensure that control over parts charged to a WO be improved by:
a) Having the maintenance supervisor review the parts as well as the labour on the soft copy of the WO immediately prior to closing it; and,
b) Developing a report that captures parts charged to a closed WO for review by the maintenance supervisor or an independent person.


a) Management agrees with this recommendation. The necessary steps are being taken to effect this change by Q2 2008.
b) Management agrees with this recommendation. A report that captures parts charged to a closed work order is available. The Fleet Maintenance management group will provide this report to maintenance supervisors for their review on a quarterly basis.


December 2009:

b) In Progress.

Attempts were made by the Inventory Control Specialist to build a report to address this information using queries within SAP. Those attempts did not achieve the desired results. The specifications for the required report have been submitted to the SAP Support Centre for development of an ABAP report. The development of this report is subject to prioritization against other workload demands.

June 2009:
b) The Inventory Control Specialist now has access to Query development and is attempting to develop a report that would identify these anomalies. Workload continues to play a restrictive role.

December 2008:
b) A request has been initiated through the SAP Support Centre in September 2008 (SM #778431) to allow the development of this type of reporting. Finance will be increasing its focus on this issue in Q1/Q2 2009.

August 2008:
a) Complete.
b) Inventory specialist will review existing SAP functionality to ensure necessary reports are being provided.







That the City ensure that Fleet Maintenance staff not be allowed to order or receive their own parts directly from the supplier.

Management disagrees with this recommendation. Stores staff are not present at all fleet locations and on all shifts.  Fleet staff order materials through standing offer agreements and approved purchasing processes.  Financial Services performs systems receipt and provides oversight by verifying compliance to the Purchasing By-law. The additional FTEs required to comply with this recommendation would not be cost effective.


December 2009: Requires Resolution.




















That the City ensure that the storekeeper confirm receipt of goods from the receiver and place them on the shelves.

Management agrees with this recommendation. Transit Material’s project to implement bar coding in its stockrooms by Q4 2008, will incorporate a process to record the movement of material from the receiving location into its storage location.

Q1 2009

December 2009: Pending.

Wireless bar code solution delayed to Q1 2010 due to project resources being deployed to H1N1 efforts. 

June 2009: Funding for complete implementation of wireless bar code solution confirmed at 100% in January 2009. Hand held scanners to be in place for Transit stores locations July 2009, for Fleet stores locations September 2009, and for General stores locations October 2009. AG recommendation to be complete in 2009.

December 2008: Wireless Bar Coding has been implemented at the Pinecrest Garage (Transit Stores) and all of Transit to be complete by Q3 2009. Also, certain stores sites for Fleet Stores and General Stores planned to be implemented in 2009. However, funding of the additional budget requirement of $225k is uncertain based on deletion of the IT Service Excellence portion of the 2009 operating budget.

August 2008: Progress is being impeded by the delay in the project to implement bar coding in General stores due to budget pressures. A concept value case has been submitted to request funding from ITIF.


That the City ensure that cores be recorded and given a value in SAP.

Management agrees with this recommendation. Core values will be recorded in SAP by Q4 2008.

Q4 2008

December 2009: In Progress.

The St. Laurent North location has begun its process to value cores and bring the value into SAP.  Management expects this recommendation to be completed by end of Q4 2010.

June 2009: Majority of cores organized and process for inventory determined. Inventory on these cores to be completed by end of June 2009. Large cores subject to construction of a secure area within St. Laurent construction planning to commence in June 2009.

December 2008: Project underway. Increased Finance focus planned for Q1/Q2 2009.

August 2008: On target. Implementation is underway.







That the City ensure that transfers between plants not be counted as part of inventory turnover calculations.

Management agrees with this recommendation. Financial Services will review the system-defined metrics within SAP and industry best practices to ensure that common methodologies are in place for appropriate inventory metrics including inventory turnover by Q1 2009.

Q1 2009

December 2009: In Progress.

Management expects this recommendation to be complete by end of Q1 2010. 

June 2009: A policy on inventory turnover was officially approved by Finance in May 2009, providing for a common methodology for turnover which does not count transfers between plants in the turnover calculation.

December 2008: Draft policy on Inventory Turnover developed by Policy & Compliance in Q4 2008, currently under review in Supply Management, and planned for finalization in Q1 2009 – on target.

August 2008: In Progress.