

Management Response

Est Comp  Date

Status Updates

(In Progress; Pending; Complete;

Requires Resolution)


That the City review the Gifts, Entertainment and Hospitality Corporate Policy, the Hospitality (Internal) for City Employees Corporate Policy and the Employee Code of Conduct in order to provide a consolidated reference for all managers and staff that will outline in plain language their obligations when dealing with any external parties to address any real or perceived conflict of interest.

Management agrees with these recommendations and anticipates that the changes contemplated to the City’s policies and practices will be in place by the end of Q3 of this year.

Q3 2009

December 2009:  In Progress.
Legal Services has included these changes as part of its workplan for a comprehensive review of the Employee Code of Conduct, with a view to presenting the revised Code to Committee/Council in early Q2 2010, following review by Executive Committee/SMC and consultation with staff associations.


That the City revise the Employee Code of Conduct and related City policies to require regular reviews and renewals of any authorization given to an employee in relation to a declared potential conflict of interest, secondary employment or other provision of the Code or related City policy, and that this review/renewal be incorporated into the employee’s annual performance planning and review cycle.

Management agrees with these recommendations and anticipates that the changes contemplated to the City’s policies and practices will be in place by the end of Q3 of this year.

Q3 2009

December 2009:  In Progress.
Legal Services has included these changes as part of its workplan for a comprehensive review of the Employee Code of Conduct, with a view to presenting the revised Code to Committee/Council in early Q2 2010, following review by Executive Committee/SMC and consultation with staff associations.















That the City foster a corporate culture that acknowledges the need to ensure that all managers and employees carry out their duties with a focus on maintaining the highest ethical standards by:
(a) Incorporating compliance with the Employee Code of Conduct and related City policies into the performance management system for all employees;
(b) Issuing regular reminders for all managers and staff of the requirements of the Employee Code of Conduct and related City policies, through formal internal communications (e.g., City Briefs, Management Bulletin), as well as through more informal means (e.g., staff meetings, etc.);
(c) Making available on the City’s Intranet a collection of plain-language questions and answers, sample scenarios and guidelines that can assist managers and staff when they are confronted with a situation that may put them in conflict with the Employee Code of Conduct and/or related City policies; and,
(d) Making the Employee Code of Conduct available on Ottawa.ca.

Management agrees with these recommendations and anticipates that the changes contemplated to the City’s policies and practices will be in place by the end of Q3 of this year.

Q3 2009

December 2009:  In Progress.
Upon adoption of the revised Code of Conduct for City employees, staff proposes formal and informal communication of the changes through such things as City Briefs, etc. This may be followed up with more formal in-person training and the creation and regular updating of plain-language "Questions and Answers" in relation to oft-cited sections of the Code.


That the Standard Terms and Conditions of all City contracts (including Corporate and Departmental Purchase Orders, and Payment Without Reference) clearly state that “Hospitality is not to be extended to City Staff” and that the City offer orientation sessions to all of the City’s suppliers, consultants, contractors, etc., to ensure that they understand and comply with the Code in all of their business dealings with staff.

Management agrees with these recommendations and anticipates that the changes contemplated to the City’s policies and practices will be in place by the end of Q3 of this year.

Q3 2009

December 2009:  In Progress.
Updates to terms and conditions are expected to be completed by the end of Q1 2010.


June 2009:  Supply Management is amending all terms and conditions in order to include the hospitality "exclusion".  The terms and conditions attached to departmental purchase orders will also be revised to include the wording.  On track for completion. 







That the City ensure that all senior managers, as well as all employees involved in the procurement process, including those evaluating the technical merits of RFP’s, be provided with specific training with respect to hospitality and conflict of interest guidelines, and to be vigilant and proactive in identifying any potential conflict of interest.

Management agrees with these recommendations and anticipates that the changes contemplated to the City’s policies and practices will be in place by the end of Q3 of this year.

Q3 2009

December 2009:  In Progress.
Upon adoption of the revised Code of Conduct for City employees, staff proposes formal and informal communication of the changes through such things as City Briefs, etc. This may be followed up with more formal in-person training and the creation and regular updating of plain-language "Questions and Answers" in relation to oft-cited sections of the Code. Purchasing staff have already been made aware of elevated standards to apply in Supply Management.


That the City periodically review a listing, by manager, of sole sourced contracts greater than a certain value on a regular basis in order to identify high risk areas.

Management agrees with these recommendations and anticipates that the changes contemplated to the City’s policies and practices will be in place by the end of Q3 of this year.

Q3 2009

December 2009:  In Progress. 
Initial report will be provided to the City Manager in Q2 2010.


That the City review its ITS retention period of purging all calendar e-mails older than 90 days and change the retention period to two years which represents the statutory limitation period.

Management agrees with these recommendations and anticipates that the changes contemplated to the City’s policies and practices will be in place by the end of Q3 of this year.

Q3 2009

December 2009:  In Progress.
IT Services included these changes in its workplan for 2009, with a view to presenting the revised policy to Committee/Council in the early fall of 2009, following review by EC/SMC.  However, Legal Services has advised IT Services that as a result of litigation before the Divisional Court; the 2 year e-mail archive should not be implemented until the court case has concluded and the decision of the Divisional Court regarding MFIPPA and personal employee e-mails has been rendered.  It is likely that this matter will be heard by Divisional Court in 2010, at which time the revised policy will be considered.  In the interim, IT Services is proceeding with the costing of technology solutions which would enable the policy to be implemented.