

Management Response

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Status Updates

(In Progress; Pending; Complete;

Requires Resolution)


That CSD ensure a regular system of policy review and update is in place.

Management agrees with the recommendation.

Children’s Services was formalizing a policy development, review and approval process during the audit.  As part of the process initiated in May 2008, Children’s Services will continue to update and prioritize the list of policies for review and development on an ongoing basis.  With the recent realignment of Children’s Services in the new Community and Social Services department, the current branch policy development and approval process will be reviewed to see how it can be coordinated within the new departmental structure.  Children’s Services is targeting Q3 2010 for the completion of the process review.

Q3 2010

December 2009: In Progress.


That CSD develop a policy manual that encompasses all policies in a consistent framework that is accessible by all staff (electronically and/or paper format). 

Management agrees with the recommendation.

Children’s Services policies and procedures are currently accessible to Children’s Services staff electronically from a shared drive area.  In addition, Children’s Services posts new policies and procedures as they are approved on the City’s Intranet (Ozone) so that all branch front-line staff, departmental and interdepartmental stakeholders are provided with an efficient and accessible self-serve information access system.   Children’s Services is targeting Q2 2010 to complete the transfer of existing policies to Ozone.

Q2 2010

December 2009: In Progress.


That, once the policies have been revitalized, CSD undertake a training program for its workers to ensure consistent understanding of these policies. 

Management agrees with the recommendation.

Information and training is currently provided to all employees through team meetings and information sessions.   With the recent realignment of the Children’s Services branch in the new Community and Social Services department, the availability of the Business Support and Integration branch for training and policy specific support to Children’s Services, will be determined and included in the branch work plan.   Children’s Services is targeting Q3 2010 for implementation of an ongoing training program to ensure consistent understanding of policies.

Q3 2010

December 2009: In Progress.


That, if CSD's intention is to move away from paper files, the Client's File policy be revised to reflect the documentation requirements in the clients physical file and in electronic form (OCCMS). 

Management agrees with the recommendation.

OWCC, Municipal Home Child Care programs and Community Purchase of Service programs currently use physical files.  The Purchase of Service program will explore a fully electronic process that would enable the City to conduct its business electronically eliminating poor quality faxed documents and mail-outs. Children’s Services is targeting an implementation date of Q2 2010 for full migration to electronic filing for the Purchase of Service component.  OWCC and Municipal Home Child Care programs will continue to use physical files as it is not feasible for all clients to have access to the required technology.

Children’s Services will develop a policy on file content, to formalize the process currently documented in a memo, with a target timeframe of Q3 2010.

Q3 2010

December 2009: In Progress.
Work related to the Purchase of Service Unit is on target for Q3 2010. OWCC Complete. Each physical file includes printed OCCMS dictations, all documents and a checklist identifying the staff who took action on the file.


That CSD develop standards with respect to the utilization of OCCMS, including when OCCMS is used and the syntax to be used in case notes. 

Management agrees with the recommendation.

Children’s Services will develop a policy on the utilisation of OCCMS, outlining circumstances requiring the use of OCCMS, verification standards and a glossary of terms to formalize the process currently documented in a memo.  Management will present the policy at a staff meeting.  Implementation is targeted for Q1 2010.

Q1 2010

December 2009: In Progress.


That the OWCC receipt be redesigned to include the number of children and the number of hours they were cared for.

Management agrees with the recommendation.

Children’s Services will redesign the “OWCC receipt“ form to include the number of children, the child’s name and the number of hours of care they receive.   Implementation of the new form is targeted for Q3 2009.

Q3 2009

December 2009: In Progress.
Implementation is deferred to Q2 2010.  OWCC is exploring automated options.   Additional time is required for development and testing.  The current manual collection of receipts will be replaced with the chosen option to be implemented in Q2 2010.


That EFA and CSD work to address changes in participation agreements and seek an increased automated approach to notification. 

Management agrees with the recommendation.

OWCC staff has begun generating a monthly report that identifies the status of the participation agreement for all active OWCC clients and updates to the client’s information, income and Centralized Waiting List registration status in January.  This report is provided to Social Services centre staff for review on a quarterly basis.  Issues related to specific clients are discussed with OWCC case co-ordinators.  In addition, the report is used internally to update client eligibility status.  This practice has resulted in the closing of up to 50% of OWCC cases.

OWCC will identify the need for training new Social Services centre employees as to where to access OWCC information on SDMT and to understand the implications and the required follow-up.  Implementation of the new Social Services staff training is targeted for Q2 2010.

Q2 2010

December 2009: In Progress.
The active OWCC Client Status Report is provided to Social Service Centre staff bi-annually for their review and update.  Process was completed in November 2008 and July 2009.  Next review will be completed by the end of December 2009.  A policy is also currently under development. Training sessions for Social Services Centre staff are planned for Q2 2010.


That OWCC Case Coordinators review files on a more regular basis, particularly in instances where attendance reports are not being filed by OWCC clients. 

Management agrees with the recommendation.

Consistent with recommendation 4, Children’s Services’ new approach to monitor OWCC client eligibility and to collect supporting information under development since January 2009, includes monthly file reviews to ensure receipt of proper documentation prior to releasing payments. Attendance report/activity schedules is required when care is provided outside regular schedules such as in the case of shift work.  Confirmation of receipts is determined prior to OWCC funding being released or suspended.   This practice introduced in January 2009 will be formalized in a policy targeted for completion in Q4 2009.

Q4 2009

December 2009: In Progress.

The process, including the monthly review of all active client files during the payment period for eligibility requirements and the identification of staff conducting the review, was implemented in January 2009.   Control mechanisms including supervisory file review of sample files is being completed.  Development of a File Review Policy is in progress. Completion is expected in Q2 2010.


That Case Coordinators be provided with increased training to assist them in detection of potential issues with respect to authenticity of child care providers. 

Management agrees with the recommendation.

Children’s Services will review the current mechanisms available to determine the authenticity of informal child care providers.  A policy will be formalized based on the outcome of the review and staff training will be done through regular staff meetings.  The implementation of this recommendation is targeted for Q3 2010.

Q3 2010

December 2009: In Progress.
Procedure is in place and staff received training in November 2009.  Development of a policy is in progress.


That CSD supervisors perform a regular review of files on a sample basis, particularly with respect to informal child care and that these reviews be properly documented on file and within OCCMS.

Management agrees with the recommendation.

Children’s Services supervisors currently review a sample of files for each subsidy coordinator as part of the Performance Development Process but do not record the results of the review in the client file.  Children’s Services is targeting Q2 2010 to develop an administrative policy that requires supervisors to record client file reviews in OCCMS and/or within the physical file.

Q2 2010

December 2009: In Progress.


That documentation controls be improved to incorporate new forms to include a section for the Case Coordinator’s name and signature in order to clearly show the responsible Case Coordinator; and appropriate documentation of any adjustments or changes.

Management agrees with the recommendation.

Children’s Services is revising all forms to include the name and signature of the case co-ordinator. Children’s Services is targeting Q4 2009 to introduce the revised forms.  Children’s Services will also develop a documentation requirement policy targeted for completion in Q2 2010.

Q2 2010

December 2009: In Progress.
All requirements will be completed in Q1 2010.


That CSD undertake a rigorous approach to policy changes and that the policy review plan be executed in order to reflect recent changes to legislation. 

Management agrees with the recommendation.

Consistent with recommendation 1, Children’s Services was formalizing a policy development, review and approval process at the time of the audit.  As part of this process initiated in May 2008, Children’s Services will continue to update and prioritize the list of policies for review and development on an ongoing basis.  With the recent realignment of Children’s Services in the new Community and Social Services department, the current branch policy development and approval process will be reviewed to see how it can be coordinated within the new departmental structure. Children’s Services is targeting Q3 2010 for the completion of the process review.

Q3 2010

December 2009: In Progress.


That CSD explore the elimination of the allocation of fee subsidies to child care agencies in favour of a client based fee subsidy system. 

Management agrees with this recommendation.

In April 2009, City Council approved the Child Care Fee Subsidy Stabilization Plan - Phase 1 (ref.
ACS2009-COS-SOC-0003).   Among other issues, the Plan examined the benefits and drawbacks of each allocation system and ultimately recommended implementing a fee subsidy stabilization plan using the current Council approved system of fee subsidy distribution in Ottawa.  The Plan also proposes the introduction of portable spaces as part of Phase 2 of the fee subsidy stabilization plan to add flexibility and responsiveness in the current system.  Consideration will be given to directing retrieved funds not used for the indexation of rates and any future funding for subsidized child care towards client based portable spaces.  Phase 2 is targeted for completion in Q1 2010 with a report to Committee and Council.  That report will include a comparison and assessment of different municipal subsidy systems (i.e. parent-based versus provider-based) and take into consideration the impact of the recent announcement respecting full day early learning and care for 4 and 5 year olds.

Q1 2010

December 2009: In Progress.


That CSD undertake an updated demographic analysis of the child care requirements. 

Management agrees with this recommendation.

Children’s Services is presently conducting a demographic analysis using the 2006 Statistics Canada census information.  Children’s Services is also revising the methodology to be used to analyze the Francophone demographic using the same statistical information.  Phase 2 of the Child Care Fee Subsidy Stabilization Plan calls for this analysis to be completed every five years to coincide with the release of new Statistics Canada data.  Phase 2 is targeted for completion in Q1 2010 with an information report to Committee and Council.

Q1 2010

December 2009: In Progress.


That the analysis of subsidized spaces includes Francophone and Anglophone demographics on a regular basis.

Management agrees with this recommendation.

Children’s Services has been reviewing Francophone and Anglophone funding distribution on an annual basis since 2005 in order to meet Council’s direction with respect to the Francophone Catch-up Plan.  As mentioned in the response for recommendation 24, Phase 2 of the stabilization plan calls for a demographic analysis to be completed every five years to coincide with the release of new Statistics Canada data.  Phase 2 is targeted for completion in Q1 2010 with an information report to Committee and Council.

Q1 2010

December 2009: In Progress.


That CSD undertake a review of the agencies providing bilingual services to determine if these agencies are providing adequate Francophone services.

Management agrees with this recommendation.

Children’s Services had identified in its workplan the need to develop a criteria- based designation mechanism to recognize the provision of quality Francophone child care programs.   The designation process currently being developed in consultation with the child care community will include a review of child care programs using established criteria.  The new process is targeted for implementation in Q4 2009.

Q4 2009

December 2009: In Progress.

A criteria-based designation mechanism for Francophone programs has been developed. The policy has been completed, approved and will be implemented in Q2 2010.


That, should the current approach to subsidy allocation be retained, the budgetary processes be reviewed to reduce the burden on the child care agencies and streamline the process to reduce the timeframe for approval and that final approved copies of budgets be placed on the agency files.

Management agrees with this recommendation.

For the 2009 Purchase of Service budget process, Children’s Services has developed a more efficient and streamlined process. The new process documents decision-making and funding adjustments.  The required supporting documentation is analysed and correlated to the budget approval process.

As part of the City Council approved Child Care Fee Subsidy Stabilization Plan - Phase 1 and new Fee Subsidy Management Policy, Council approved the staff recommendation for the development of the Child Care Service Provision Price Index (CCSPPI).  The price index identifies changes in costs that affected the provision of childcare services in Ottawa over the previous twelve months and will determine the annual Purchase of Service rate increase beginning with the 2010 budget process.  The CCSPPI increase for 2010 will be announced in September 2009.

As the amount of each agency’s increase to operating expenses is now pre-calculated using the CCSPPI, the budget process will require that the agency identify the expense distribution of any new funding. Agencies will have the option to accept the indexed per diem rate(s) calculated automatically or submit revised daily rates that respect the total amount of approved expenses.  The 2009 User Guidelines have been updated to reflect the new budget approval process.

This updated budget process will allow Children’s Services to finalize the 2010 budget process by Q4 2009, apply new per diem rates beginning January 2010 and ensure final approved copies of budgets are placed on the agency physical and electronic files.   Child care agencies can now plan budgets in a predictable environment knowing that the City will provide annual rate increases to be paid at the start of each year.

Q4 2009

December 2009: In Progress.
a) Complete: 2009 budget process executed with revised budget templates. 
b) Complete: Determination of the CCSPPI was completed in October 2009.  The CCSPPI resulted in an increase of 2% in the annual Purchase of Service rate increase for 2010.  This was announced to agencies in November 2009.
c) In Progress: Budget templates revised in 2009 will be used for 2010 budget process.  
d) Pending: 2010 budget process will be implemented following the approval of the 2010 municipal budget.


That CSD supervisors take a more rigorous approach to quality assurance and review of budget files to ensure consistency of application and treatment of child care providers.

Management agrees with this recommendation.

Children’s Services is currently developing a framework for Purchase of Service funding initiatives and budget file reviews that will include quality controls mechanisms, procedures and tools to ensure consistency.   Completion is targeted for Q4 2009.

Q4 2009

December 2009: In Progress.

Expected to be complete by the end of Q2 2010.