Progress:  2013-2015 Business Plan

 July to December 2013


The Ottawa Police Service monitors and tracks the progress of actions and activities that support the implementation of the 2013-2015 Business Plan’s 14 goals and 44 objectives.  A self-assessment is completed every six months and the results reported to the Police Services Board, the community and members of the Ottawa Police. 


Overall Progress Q3/Q4 Year 1 Implementation - MODERATE


Following the adoption of the Business Plan in March 2013, the OPS embarked on a renewed planning framework and the development of Directorate Operational Plans to define the inputs / actions at the strategic and operational levels over the next 3 years to support the implementation of the Business Plan and better deliver policing services to the community.   Operational Plans developed for each Directorate put the strategic priorities into action. They identify the specific activities, initiatives and outcomes at the operational level, as well as identify interdependencies and horizontal linkages across the Ottawa Police Service to ensure implementation success.


This progress report highlights the key actions and outcomes undertaken by front line officers and civilians over the last two quarters of 2013.  The self-assessment identifies moderate progress to date.  There was continued work on a number of projects that will improve service to citizens while bringing potential cost savings and increasing capacity.  These initiatives include developing multiple formats to accessing police services through a variety of self-reporting options, Collision Reporting Centres, the Guns and Gang Strategy, and the Violence against Women initiative. 


Over the past six months the Service Initiative has identified and transformed opportunities to improve service into a series of projects across the organization, ranging from operational, multi-directorate, and/or organizational in scope and scale:  

·         Demand Management – Control System and Alternative Response Options

·         Deployment Model – Sustainable, Dynamic and Effective Alignment of Resources

·         Investigative Model – Prioritization, Solvability and Resource Optimization

·         Multi-Agency Group – Joint Working, Joint Problem-Solving and Joint Evaluation

·         Court Process Model – Improving Effectiveness and Efficiency

Supported by an outcome-based culture:

·         Performance Management Framework – Accountability, Transparency and Performance

Enabled through the effective use of information:

·         Evidence Based Decision-Making – People, Process and Systems


Key accomplishments achieved during the reporting period have been grouped within each of the four strategic priorities.



PVALUE:   Delivering Strong Performance and Social Value


The OPS is committed to protect the safety, security and quality of life for residents in Ottawa by delivering policing services that demonstrate positive impact and value to the community through the provision and investment of quality services and enhanced performance accountability.  The OPS will be taking action and focus on our contribution to a safe and healthy community, assessing and evaluating policing services to embrace innovation and create organizational efficiencies that demonstrate social value, positive impact and value for money.  The OPS will engage our partners in ways that will create the greatest community impact and improve operational performance through the following goals and performance indicators.



V 1.0   Ensure that the Ottawa Police Service continue to evolve in and evaluate its contribution to a safe and healthy community

V 2.0   Promote meaningful organizational changes that embrace innovation and efficiency, and focuses on employee engagement to enhance Ottawa Police Service performance value

V 3.0   Collaborate with other agencies to evaluate and identify sustainable policing costs to obtain the best value products and services that maximize productivity and efficiencies


VALUE - Delivering Strong Performance and Social Value

Success Indicators

Actions & accomplishments during the reporting period

Develop a community engagement and volunteerism strategy and tracking mechanism

ü  Examination of transformation opportunities, scoping and charter development for the Si Multi-Agency Group project.

Develop a Corporate Social Responsibility Framework

ü  Current practice research in progress, to assist in development of a Corporate Social Responsibility Framework, that recognizes the value and impact of OPS programs and services in the community

Build on the current Ottawa Police Service Ethics Program

ü  Planning for the 2014 Ethics Session continued with identification of theme and featured speakers and scenarios

ü  Recruit class ethics training continues

ü  Approximately 60 court personnel, including Special Constables, participated in Veteran OPS Police Professional ethics training

Enhance performance metrics within the current Performance Monitoring framework (quality of life indicators)

ü  Examination of opportunities, scoping and charter development for the Si Performance Management Framework project

Publish annual Performance Monitoring Report

ü  Examination of opportunities, scoping exercise and charter development for the Si Performance Management Framework project

Evaluate and identify business functions to improve efficiencies through Service Initiative (SI)

ü  Over the past 6 months the Service Initiative has identified and transformed opportunities to improve service into a series of projects across the organization, ranging from operational, multi-directorate and/or organizational in scope and scale.  The full scope / scale and implementation of these projects will move forward in 2014.

ü  Identification of efficiency initiatives through Directorate Operational Plans.  Opportunities being assessed in context of the Service Initiative Roadmap


Identify performance metrics

ü  Examination of opportunities, scoping and charter development for the Si Performance Management Framework project



COMMUNITY:   Engaging and Investing in our Partners


Effective policing requires an engaged community that is prepared to act and work to help prevent and solve crime. The OPS recognizes the importance of working with our many community agencies, groups, professional organizations, the academic community, municipal and federal partners, and policing agencies at all levels to protect the safety, security and quality of life in Ottawa. The OPS will continue to engage and build strong, productive working relationships with the community and community partners and invest in partnerships to sustain and meet our growing operational needs and improve how we provide service to the community through the following goals and performance indicators.



C 1.0   Adopt and implement the Provincial Community Mobilization and Engagement Model and Crime Prevention Framework.

C 2.0   Develop an organizational strategy that will improve/enhance internal and external communication, while leveraging new technologies.

C 3.0   Examine existing internal and external partnerships to identify collaborative opportunities which will enhance service delivery, add value and identify gaps.


COMMUNITY - Engaging and Investing in our Partners

Success Indicators

Actions & accomplishments during the reporting period

Create a centralized database to access information on referral services

ü  Examination of transformation opportunities, scoping and charter development for the Si Multi-Agency Group project.

Leverage social media platforms to improve internal and external communication

ü  Continued rollout of special media and digital strategies

Develop online user surveys

ü  Survey capabilities identified and are being built into

Enhance performance measures for community satisfaction and quality of life

ü  Examination of opportunities, scoping exercise and charter development for the Si Performance Management Framework

Review and update documentation of existing partnership frameworks and protocols with partner groups, emergency service providers and agencies

ü  Examination of transformation opportunities, scoping and charter development for the Si Multi-Agency Group project.

Identify gaps and partnership opportunities

ü  Community engagement is a priority of the OPS, with engagement and outreach to our diverse communities through a number of programs such as the OPS Flag and Banner events and participation / recognition of Women Abuse Prevention Month, the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, White Ribbon Campaign, Shine the Light Campaign, Trans Day of Remembrance, Franco-Ontarian Day, Islamic History Month, Women’s History Month These celebrations help our Service build relationships and also assist in promoting cultural and religious awareness within policing. Over 16 events / celebrations have occurred over the past 6 months.

ü  On July 17th six police services and five Aboriginal youth groups spent the day together in the annual canoeing event aimed at helping improve relations between Aboriginal youth and the police.  On board the 37 canoes were more than 50 youth from the Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health, Odawa Native Friendship Centre and the Ottawa Inuit Children’s Centre as well as youth from Lac Simon and other communities, paired up with over 30 officers from the OPP, S.Q., R.C.M.P, Lac Simon and the OPS.

ü  Phase XI of the OPS Soccer Mentoring Program started in early October and ended this December at Hawthorne Public School.  Bringing at-risk children and OPS members together to learn the fundamentals of soccer and build relationships in the community.

ü  Examination of transformation opportunities, scoping and charter development for the Si Multi-Agency Group project.

Conduct community consultation regarding crime prevention priorities

ü  From November 3 to 9, the OPS promoted Crime Prevention Week 2013.  Planned largely by Community Police Centre officers, community partners and their volunteers, the week focused on the theme of “Personal Safety – Reduce the Risk.

ü  The Pixels for Pistols gun amnesty program was launched October 7.  Made possible through a partnership with Henry’s and Olympus Canada, the program was a tremendous success and as a result of the public’s response to the program, the Guns and Gangs Unit and Direct Action Response Team (DART) collected 1035 guns of all types-from antique handguns to old hunting rifles. 

ü  Examination of transformation opportunities, scoping and charter development for the Si Multi-Agency Group project.

Additional indicators

ü  Road and traffic safety is a priority for the community.  Through the Safer Roads Ottawa Program, the OPS and its partners focus on education and enforcement.  Every month the Ottawa Police Service’s Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) focuses on initiatives that are relevant to the time year, to improve road and traffic safety - impaired driving, distracted driving, improper seatbelt use, stop sign violations, aggressive driving to name a few.

ü  The community, OPS members and municipal partners including OC Transpo, Ottawa Fire and Paramedic responded to the tragic OC Transpo/Via Rail Train collision in September.  Multiple Incident Commanders played a crucial on scene leadership role through-out the response and at one point over 300 first responders attended the scene.



MEMBERS:   Engaging and Investing in our People


Ottawa Police sworn and civilian members define what we do and who we are.  The individual and collective performance of their duties and their contributions to their community largely define the Ottawa Police Service.   It is through our members that we define and demonstrate the Ottawa Police Service’s organizational vision, mission, values, and deliver the critical services that our community depends on. Our members represent our most valued resource and the OPS is committed to creating a culture that engages members in a shared vision of policing innovation and excellence while investing and supporting current and future members’ well-being and tools to respond to the community’s call for assistance, to o create a Workplace of Choice, through the following goals and performance indicators



M 1.0   A workplace where members are engaged in achieving a shared vision

M 2.0   A workplace that puts a priority on the health and well being of its member

M 3.0   A workplace that enables members to have a robust, challenging and fulfilling career

M 4.0   A workplace that values and demonstrates ethical leadership at all levels

M 5.0   A workplace of choice


MEMBERS - Engaging and Investing in our People

Success Indicators

Actions & accomplishments during the reporting period

Improve Engagement by focusing on the 4 drivers of engagement / scores

ü  Patrol Directorate has launched a research initiative that involves front-line patrol officers, platoon leadership teams and senior officers in a collaborate process in developing plans to support front-line engagement.

Profile  members’ community engagement and volunteerism

ü  It is important to recognize the work done by our officers who are serving overseas and doing great work. In July, the OPS received commendations for the work of an OPS officer in a children’s community program.  An officer of Afghan heritage, his ability to communicate in Pashtu has opened doors and built trust with the community

Develop early intervention and peer support program, training and tools

ü  Research into Early Intervention best practices across North America and Australia has been conducted and a business case outlining options for implementation has been prepared. The business case outlining the proposed options are scheduled to be presented to Exec Command early in 2014.  Direction regarding implementation will follow and the process of implementation will begin.

Evaluate the Real You Program

ü  Following the tabling of the results of the 2011-2012 survey results of the Real You at the March 2013 Ottawa Police Services Board, program and participant data has been captured in preparation of the evaluation of the program to start in the early part of 2014.

Develop health, wellness assessment tools and metrics

ü  To support the health and well-being of members, the Royal Ottawa’s team of clinicians and trauma experts OPS members were invited to attend an information session on the impact of tragic events, including coping strategies, recovery processes and treatment options.

Develop a mobile worker concept


Create framework, develop a mentorship program to support recruitment, retention and leadership development.

ü  The OPS continues its investment in the Civilian Career Initiative (CCI) Program by continually reviewing and improving the civilian completion progress and providing improved communications, workshops and training opportunities targeted for members / candidates and hiring managers.  Training opportunities will be delivered on a quarterly basis.

Enhance Performance Review Process system

ü  Examination of opportunities, scoping exercise and charter development for the Si Performance Management Framework project

Review of organizational competencies


Develop in-house supervisor training


Develop leadership training to all ranks that provides career-long development and support to members

ü  The Professional Development Centre hosted a number of specialized training workshops on a number of topics relevant to front-line policing, such as new models of investigative interviewing


Continued development and enhancement of Ethics Program

ü  Planning for the 2014 Ethics Session continued with identification of theme and featured speakers and scenarios

ü  Recruit class ethics training continues

ü  Approximately 60 court personnel, including Special Constables, participated in Veteran OPS Police Professional ethics training

Develop an Annual Recruitment Plan


Develop new marketing material


Reinvigorate internal and external recruitment champions




SERVICE:  Delivering Quality Service in Operations


The OPS is dedicated to delivering the highest quality of police service for Ottawa residents, businesses and visitors to the city.   In response to financial pressures, increasing demands and community expectations, and the operational reality of delivering police services that comply with legislative standards, the OPS will continually examine opportunities for improvement, greater cost effectiveness and explore new ways of doing business in order to build a sustainable policing model for the future.  It will make use of and leverage technology to improve our ability to reduce, prevent and respond to criminal activity, while realizing efficiencies in how this is done.   It will identify opportunities that will allow the Police Service to reinvest savings in service to citizens, while responding to our policing responsibilities in an era of constrained budgets, through the following goals and performance indicators.



S 1.0    Strengthening police service through innovation, leveraging technology and professionalism by our members

S 2.0    Define and strengthen our partnerships with service providers and community agencies that support our policing responsibilities

S 3.0    Ensure that our policing model is sustainable for the future


SERVICE - Delivering Quality Service in Operations

Success Indicators

Actions & accomplishments during the reporting period

Identify opportunities that will create efficiencies and leverage technology

ü  On-line reporting will allow citizens to complete non-emergency online reports through The project is scheduled to be launched in early 2014

ü  A number of cold cases continue to be solved using DNA evidence at the RCMP National DNA databank.  Recently the Sexual Assault and Child Abuse Section was able to solve and laid a charge in a 1997 cold case, as well as the Robbery Unit laid a charge in a 2004 purse snatching based on DNA evidence.

ü  Continued work in the development of an Information Management Strategy to improve the overall management of corporate and mobile information, through access to and classification of corporate documents and information and to ensure ongoing business continuity support.

ü  Examination of transformational opportunities, scoping exercise and charter development for the Si Demand Management, Deployment Model, Investigative Model, Court Process Model and Evidence Based Decision-Making projects

Identify, develop and enhance support to victims and vulnerable populations

ü  The first conviction for domestic human trafficking in Ottawa was made in September 2013, as a result of an investigation from a tip in August 2011.   Other cases are currently underway and this conviction sends a strong message that Human Trafficking is a serious crime

ü  Examination of transformational opportunities, scoping exercise and charter development for the Si Demand Management, Deployment Model, Investigative Model, and Court Process Model projects

Leverage social media platforms to create community awareness of crime prevention and crime reduction strategies

ü  To assist in improving the safety of the 15,000 people who visit the Main Library, the OPS performed a CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) audit of the Main Library.  The audit had a large impact on the OPL and OPS members were recognized for their contributions in making the OPL safer for the community.

Develop a strategy to respond to problem addresses and areas of high call volume

ü  September marked the completion of Project Sunset, a three week joint effort targeting street gang activity involving West District neighbourhood officers and the Direct Action Response Team (DART).  The project resulted in 13 arrests, 51 charges, and seizures of drugs, knives, machete and one replica handgun.

ü  Examination of transformational opportunities, scoping exercise and charter development for the Si Demand Management, Deployment Model, Investigative Model, projects

Enhance performance metrics within the current Performance Monitoring framework

ü  Examination of opportunities, scoping exercise and charter development for the Si Performance Management Framework project

Review current deployment plans (e.g. District mapping) to respond to current needs

ü  As a result of member input, extensive research and consultation with the Ottawa Police Association, a two-year pilot project to improve the shift rotation will be introduced in February 2014 for a period of 18 months, at which time the impact will be evaluated.

ü  Examination of transformational opportunities, scoping exercise and charter development for the Si Deployment Model, Investigative Model and Multi-Agency Group projects

Leverage technology to facilitate an information-led approach 

ü  Examination of transformational opportunities, scoping exercise and charter development for the Si Demand Management and Evidence-based Decision-Making projects