Report to/Rapport au:

Planning and Development Committee/

Comité de l’urbanisme et de l’aménagement


and Council/et au Conseil


20 June 2001 / le 20 juin 2001


Submitted by/Soumis par:  Ned Lathrop,  General Manager/Directeur général

Development Services Department/Services d’aménagement


Contact/Personne-ressource:  Grant Lindsay, Manager, Development Approvals/ Gestionnaire, Approbation des demandes d’aménagement

Telephone No.244-5300 ext. 1-3242,





Ref N°:   ACS2001-DEV-APR-0149










That the Planning and Development Committee approve the Site Plan Control application for 435 Donald Street as shown on the following plans:


1.                  “Site Plan & Details: Centre Franco-Ontarien de Ressources Pedagogiques”, Drawing Number A000, prepared by Griffiths Rankin Cook Architects, dated May 2001, revised June 15, 2001, and dated as received by the City of Ottawa June 15, 2001.


2.                  “Landscape Plan: Centre Franco-Ontarien de Ressources Pedagogiques”, Drawing Number L-1, prepared by James B. Lennox and Associates Landscape Architects, dated March 2001, revised June 15, 2001, and dated as received by the City of Ottawa June 15, 2001.


subject to the conditions contained in Document 1.




Que le Comité de l’urbanisme et de l’aménagement approuve la demande d’approbation du plan d’emplacement présentée pour le 435, rue Donald, comme il est indiqué sur les plans suivants :


1.                  Plan d’emplacement et détails : Centre Franco-Ontarien de Ressources Pédagogiques, dessin numéro A000, préparé par le cabinet Griffiths Rankin Cook Architectes en mai 2001, révisé le 15 juin 2001, et portant la date à laquelle la Ville d’Ottawa l’a reçu, soit le 15 juin 2001.


2.         Plan d’aménagement paysager : Centre Franco-Ontarien de Ressources Pedagogiques, dessin numéro L-1, préparé par le cabinet James B. Lennox & Associates Landscape Architects en mars 2001, révisé le 15 juin 2001, et portant la date à laquelle la Ville d’Ottawa l’a reçu, soit le 15 juin 2001.


sous réserve des conditions stipulées dans le Document 1.





This is a Site Plan Control application pertaining to a property located on the north side of Donald Street between Brant Street and Telford Avenue, south of Dieppe Street.  The lands are currently occupied by a vacant building, formally known as the Aladdin Bowling Lanes.


The surrounding uses include residential dwellings to the north, west and to the south across Donald Street, and a school to the east of the subject property.  A convenience store is located immediately southwest of the subject site.


The property is zoned CG F(1.0), a general commercial zoning designation which permits residential uses and commercial uses such as restaurant, offices, printing shop and retail stores.


A 30 cm reserve currently exits along the Dieppe Street frontage.  A separate application, to lift the 30 cm reserve, will be considered by staff concurrently with this application.





The applicant, Centre Franco-ontarien de ressources pédagogiques (CFROP), is proposing to convert the existing building to a publishing business and to construct a three-storey, 2760 square metre office addition at the front of the existing building.  A bookstore, open to the public, will occupy part of the first floor addition.  The proposed uses are permitted under the former City of Ottawa Zoning By-law, 1998.


A vehicular access, which will allow for the ingress and egress of vehicular and truck traffic is proposed along Donald Street.  A second vehicular access is proposed from Dieppe Street for 20 parking spaces located to the north of the existing building which will be utilized by staff of the CFROP.  The loading bay will be located along the west property line. A total of 113 parking spaces will be located on-site.


On-site planting consisting of trees, shrubs and a hedge is proposed throughout the site and along the periphery of the property.  An existing chain link fence will remain along the east property line.  A proposed chain link fence will separate the convenience store from the subject property.  A solid wood fence and heavy planting are proposed along the west property line to provide for adequate buffering and screening of the loading bay from the adjacent properties.  Lighting will be task oriented towards the site as to minimize any adverse impact on the abutting properties.


The development as proposed by the Centre Franco-ontarien de ressources pédagogiques is an efficient reuse of a vacant commercial building.  It is the Department’s position that the loading space should be accessed via Donald Street as opposed to Dieppe Street, as shown on the attached Site Plan, for the following reasons:

·        Donald Street is a designated a Collector road which is intended to carry higher traffic volumes;

·        Donald Street is a transit route, and therefore is built to accommodate the volume and various loads of vehicles and trucks;

·        Donald Street has a 24 metre right-of-way with an 11 metre pavement width with sidewalks on both side of the street.

·        Dieppe Street is a local road, having a 15 metre right-of-way with a 10.52 metre pavement width and no sidewalk.  It is unlikely that Dieppe Street was built to carry truck loads.


While Donald Street is not a designated truck route in the former City of Ottawa’s Official Plan, it is staff’s opinion that given the existing traffic volumes (194 heavy vehicles for an 8 hour period) on Donald Street and the mixed traffic (cars, buses and trucks), the proposed 9 or 10 vehicles, which include two trucks of no more than 9.75 metres in length, five cube vans and two delivery vans which will access the site daily, are not anticipated to add a significant volume to the street.


It is staff’s position that the location of the loading bay, along the west property line is appropriate, as the proposed opaque fence and landscaping will minimize any impact. 


Concern was raised from the adjacent school property to the east regarding the safety of students should the loading bay be located on the east portion of the site.  Staff determined that this could be a source of conflict, therefore, the loading bay was located on the west side of the property.


Staff are also requiring a pedestrian sidewalk connection from the existing municipal sidewalk to the front of the entrance of the proposed building.  This sidewalk will be adjacent to the eastern perimeter of the property.


One issue of note raised by the community is the overall traffic conditions within the community, and in particular, the need to have implemented along Donald Street, the roadway modifications recommended by the “Donald/River Traffic Study”.  The recommended modifications comprise narrowings or bulb outs at four intersections.


The “Donald/River Traffic Study” was prepared in 1994 by M.M. Dillon Consulting for the former City of Ottawa.  While the study was not formally approved by the former Ottawa City Council, many recommendations related to the River Road area for traffic operational changes have been implemented and funds to replace the two PXO’s (pedestrian cross overs) along Donald Street have been approved by the former Ottawa Council.  In addition to the foregoing, the “Donald/River Traffic Study” has been identified in a report prepared by Transportation, Utilities and Public Works dealing with implementation of roadway modifications in 2001 (to be considered by the Transportation and Transit Committee on July 4), as a current study with recommendations for roadway modifications (along Donald) that are yet to be implemented.


Implementation of the narrowings (measures which are well accepted, and serve to encourage slower driving and reduce pedestrian crossing distances) recommended for Donald Street along with implementation of roadway modifications for other streets throughout the new City (as recommended in traffic and traffic calming studies prepared by the former area municipalities and that are also identified in the above noted TUPW report) that are not included in the funding envelope for works to be implemented in 2001, will be considered for implementation in 2002 and beyond.  Actual implementation would be subject to available funding (capital and operating), detailed design, technical evaluation, Municipal Act advertising, and the establishment of implementation priorities.


Overall, the proposed plan provides for an efficient use of a vacant commercial building.  Landscaping is adequate, with the requested revisions, and will provide for buffering and screening of the subject site from the abutting properties.  Given the previous use on the site (bowling lanes) which operated seven days a week and in the evenings, the proposed redevelopment will ultimately have a more “controlled” activity on this site.  It also allows an important cultural institution to maintain its service to the greater community.  In conclusion, the subject proposal represents a good overall plan, while trying to balance the concerns of all those involved.





A number of comments regarding the proposal were received as part of the public notification and a public meeting was held on June 6, 2001.  In general, the concerns expressed relate to the impact of the location of the loading dock, the truck access and increased traffic in the area, the possible conflict of the proposed use with the future St. Paul’s School located adjacent to the site.  The community clearly expressed a concern about the need for an overall traffic management plan and its implementation for the Donald Street area.








Document 1 – Conditions of Site Plan Control Approval

Document 2 – Location Map

Document 3 – Reduced Site Plan

Document 4 – Reduced Landscape Plan

Document 5 – Consultation Details





Department of Development Services to notify the owner and agent (Centre Franco-ontarien de resources pédagogiques, 290 Dupuis Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1L 1A2 Attention: Gilles Leroux) and all interested parties of Planning and Development Committee’s decision.


Legal Branch to prepare the Site Plan Control agreement.



Conditions of Site Plan Control Approval                                                     Document 1


(Approved by old Ottawa City Council on November 15, 1997, and revised to April 9, 1998)






1. That the Registered Owner shall amend the Site Plan and Landscape Plan to incorporate the following changes, to the satisfaction of the Director of the Planning and Infrastructure Approvals Branch:


·        The municipal sidewalk on Donald Street is to be constructed so it is clear, unencumbered, does not meander on the road allowance and does not encroach onto private property.  The sidewalk should be installed so it is parallel to the street curb.

·        That the Site Plan show continuous and depressed curb and sidewalk (no curb returns) at the private approach.

·        That a cedar hedge and four trees be planted along the east property line in front of the proposed addition to the edge of the parking lot, close to Donald Street.

·        That a 1.8 metre high solid wood fence be installed along the west property line from the existing building to join the existing board fences link fence as shown on the Landscape Plan L-1.

·        That the driveway access provided to the rear parking area from Dieppe Street be increased to 6.7 metres and that the rear parking area be modified to provide a vehicle turn around facility constructed of heavy duty asphalt as per Specific Condition 1, Part 2.




STC 1.21, STC 1.3







1.         The Registered Owner shall grant at no cost a surface easement to the benefit of the City for the area identified as “a vehicle turn around facility” to allow for the turn around of snow removal and other municipal vehicles/equipment to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Transportation, Utilities and Public Works within six months of the signing of this agreement.  The Owner shall provide at no cost to the City, a Legal Survey (Reference Plan) acceptable to the City Surveyor, setting out the above surface easement as Part(s) on said plan.  In the event the Owner elects not to have his/her own solicitor prepare the Transfer/Deed of Land required to complete this conveyance, the Office of the City Solicitor may prepare the document and all associated costs shall be borne by the Owner(s).  Further, where the surface easement is to be established, the surface easement is to be kept free of obstructions including parked vehicles.

            (Contact:  John Smit, ext. 3866, Traffic and Parking Operations Branch)


2.         The Owner(s) acknowledges and agrees that the City shall hold in its possession landscaping security until completion of the works, subject to City Council policy for the release of financial securities, in accordance with the approved plan(s) to the satisfaction of the City. The Owner(s) hereby covenants and agrees:


(i)                  that it shall be responsible to arrange for the transfer or replacement of landscaping security provided to the City prior to the sale or transfer of the Owner's lands, and


(ii)                that if the landscaping security has not been replaced prior to the sale or transfer of the Owner's lands, the new registered owner(s) may utilize the security for any works as approved by the City which have not been completed pursuant to the Plan(s), and for this purpose, the City Treasurer is hereby authorized to call in Letters of Credit or other security provided.  The balance of security held, if any, will be refunded to the Owner(s) who provided the security, upon completion of the works to the satisfaction of the City.




STC 2.1, STC2.2, STC 2.9, W1, W2, W3, W4, W7, W9, W10, SWM4, IW1, IW2, IW4, IW5, SWM4 , SW4, and SW5






  1. Approval of Private Sewer Systems, Lot Grading and Drainage Plan(s)

The Owner(s) must submit a plan(s) showing the private sewer systems and lot grading and drainage which indicates:


i)                    the methods that surface water will be self‑contained and directed to catch basins, storm sewers, swales and or ditches, and then conveyed to the public storm, combined sewer system or City ditches unless otherwise directed by the General Manager, Transportation, Utilities and Public Works;


ii)                   by calculation, that the stormwater runoff from this site will not exceed the design capacity of the City sewer system.  The allowable runoff coefficient is 0.4.  For further information contact Kamal Toeg at 244‑5300, ext. 3833;


iii)                 that all sanitary wastes shall be collected and conveyed to a public sanitary or combined sewer; and


iv)        that all private storm and sanitary sewers required to service the subject site are completely separated from each other and conveyed to the public storm, sanitary or combined sewer, except in the designated Combined Sewer Area;


to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Transportation, Utilities and Public Works.

(Contact Bruce Coombe, 244‑5300, ext. 1-3461, Infrastructure Services Branch)


  1. That prior to the disturbance to any soils on site, the Owner(s) must submit a copy of the Record of Site Conditions (RSC), prepared in accordance with the Guideline for Use at Contaminated Sites in Ontario (Revised February 1997) and acknowledged by the Ministry of the Environment, to the Director of Planning, Environment and Infrastructure Policy Branch.  (Contact: Greg Montcalm, 244‑5300, ext. 3883, Planning, Environment and Infrastructure Policy Branch.)


  1. That prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Owner(s) must prepare a sediment and erosion control plan to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning, Environment and Infrastructure Policy Branch, appropriate to site conditions, prior to undertaking any site alterations (filing, grading, removal of vegetation, etc.) and during all phases of site preparation and construction in accordance with current Best Management Practices for Erosion and Sediment Control. (Contact Greg Montcalm, 244-5300, ext. 3883, Planning, Environment and Infrastructure Policy Branch.)



  1. That prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Owner(s) must prepare a Waste Audit Summary for the construction project as required by Ontario Regulation 102/94 of Environmental Protection Act and provide a copy to the Director of Planning, Environment and Infrastructure Policy Branch. (Contact: Greg Montcalm, 244-5300, ext. 3883, Planning, Environment and Infrastructure Policy Branch)


  1. That the Owner(s) identify areas on the property where excess soil or fill will be removed from the site and determine if contaminants are present in excess of Table “F” of the Guideline for Use at Contarminated Sites in Ontario (Revised February 1997) (Contact: Greg Montcalm, 244-5300, ext. 3883, Planning, Environment and Infrastructure Policy Branch.)


  1. That prior to the issuance of the building permit, the Owner(s) must obtain a Certificate of Approval (Air) from the Ontario Ministry of Environment for any process which will emit contaminants to the natural environment require any provide confirmation to the Director, Planning, Environment and Infrastructure Policy Branch)





STC 3.1.1.






  1. Prior to the issuance of any occupancy permit, the Owner(s) shall require that the site servicing contractor perform field tests for quality control of all sanitary sewers.  Specifically the leakage testing shall be completed in accordance with OPSS 410.07.15, 410.07.15.04 and 407.07.26.  The field tests shall be performed in the presence of a certified professional engineer who shall submit a certified copy of the tests results to the satisfaction of the Director of Infrastructure Services Branch.  (Contact: Bruce Coombe, 244-5300, ext. 3461, Infrastructure Services Branch)


  1. That the Owner(s) ensure that waste or contaminated soil removed from the site and that exceeds Table “F” of the Guideline for Use at Contaminated Sites in Ontario (Revised February 1997) be disposed of at a site approved for that purposes by the Ministry of Environment. (Contact: Greg Montcalm, 244-5300, ext. 3883, Planning Environment and Infrastructure Policy Branch)


  1. That the Owner(s) must have its engineering consultant certify the equipment required in the Certificate of Approval Act (Air) has been installed. (Contact: Greg Montcalm, 244-5300, ext. 3883, Planning Environment and Infrastructure Policy Branch)


  1. That the Owner(s) must have its engineering consultant certify the approved erosion and sediment control plan have been implemented and monitored during all phases of site preparation and construction in accordance with current Best Management Practices for Erosion and Sediment Control. (Contact: Greg Montcalm, 244-5300, ext. 3883, Planning Environment and Infrastructure Policy Branch)
  2. That the Owner(s) must implement waste reduction as outlined in the Waste Audit Summary as submitted to the Director of Planning, Environment and Infrastructure Policy Branch. (Contact: Greg Montcalm, 244-5300, ext. 3883, Planning Environment and Infrastructure Policy Branch)




STC 4.3, STC 4.4, STC 4.5, STC 4.6, STC 4.8, STC 4.9, STC 4.15, STC 4.19






The Composite Utility Plan(s) and/or Site Servicing & Grading Plan(s) submitted with the Site Plan Control Application must be considered as preliminary only.  The Owner(s) will be required to comply with the Private Sewer Systems, Lot Grading and Drainage Plan(s) approved by Infrastructure Services Branch.  (Contact: Chuck Alfeskie, 244‑5300, ext. 3812, Planning and Infrastructure Approvals Branch)




STI 1, STI 7, STI 8, STI 9




Enbridge-Consumers Gas should be contacted regarding the necessity of providing easements or servicing requirements.  (Contact Gary Roth, Engineering Department, 742‑4636)




Ottawa Hydro, Engineering Department should be contacted regarding the necessity of providing a transformer and vault, pad mounted transfer and easements. (Contact Daniel Desrcohes, 738-5499, ext. 210)




Bell Canada should be contacted three months in advance of any construction. (Contact  Rick Walters, 742-5769)


Location Map                                                                                                   Document 2


Reduced Site Plan                                                                                            Document 3


Reduced Landscape Plan                                                                                  Document 4


Consultation Details                                                                                          Document 5




Notification and public consultation procedures were carried out in accordance with the Early Notification procedure P&D/PPP/N&C#2 approved by the former City of Ottawa City Council for Site Plan Applications.




This application was subject to early notification.  In addition, a public meeting was held June 6, 2001, in which approximately 120 residents attended.




Ottawa Carleton Catholic School Board (OCCSB)


The OCCSB indicated that should the loading bay be relocated along the east property line, adjacent to the school, the OCCSB objects to the application.


The following are comments which were received as a result of the on-site sign and the public meeting:


  1. Proposal is not compatible with the surrounding uses and should not be allowed.
  2. Concerned with the safety of the school children and the possibility of trucks/pedestrian conflicts.
  3. Soil contamination is an issue.
  4. Proposed addition is too high and too massive.
  5. Truck access from Dieppe Street is unfair and should not be allowed given the substructure of the road bed, the width of the road, and parking restriction.
  6. A neighborhood traffic impact study should be required as part of this proposal.
  7. Use of toxic products and toxic waste are of a concern
  8. Adamantly opposed to trucks accessing Donald Street.
  9. Trucks are not allowed on Donald Street.
  10. Traffic on Donald Street will increase.
  11. Concern with the possible reuse of the building in the future.
  12. Relocate the proposed use in the former Canadian Tire building on McArthur Street.
  13. Privacy concerns regarding the windows to be located on the west side of the proposed addition
  14. How can the City of Ottawa allow access of Donald Street given the number of accidents which have occurred in the past.
  15. Noise during construction will be a disturbance.
  16. Property value will decrease as a result of this proposal.
  17. Wording on the information sign is incorrect and not detailed enough.
  18. The notification time was not sufficient.
  19. The sign was put up 24 hours before the deadline of May 2, 2001.
  20. Drainage of the parking area is of a concern.
  21. Concerns with regards to the exterior design of the building.
  22. Hours of operation of the bookstore was never previously mentioned.
  23. The proposed use is an industrial use not a commercial use.
  24. Neither Donald Street nor Dieppe Street where the site can be accessed is a commercial route.  Since the Centre franco-ontarien de ressources pédagogiques require the use of heavy trucks, the site immediately becomes inappropriate.
  25. The truck loading zone should remain along the west property line, away from the school site. The location of the loading bay adjacent to the school will comprise the education of our children.  The noise associated with the loading activity will negatively affect the concentration of our students and therefore negatively affect their school work.
  26. Landscaping along the east property line should include trees and shrubs.
  27. The shrubbery at the front of the property must not create a visual hazard for cars exiting the site.
  28. Any parking spaces in front of the Centre that will be used for trucks waiting for loading or unloading be placed to the west of the site in order to minimize the impact of noise on the students.
  29. That drivers of cars and trucks be fined should they leave their vehicles idling.  Signs should be posted on the property to warn drivers of this policy.
  30. That speed bumps be installed in the parking area to slow traffic entering and exiting the site.  In addition, that speed bumps be installed on Donald Street similar to Kent Street.
  31.  Exits lanes be signed to flag drivers of the presence of young children and that long term maintenance of signs and lane marking be kept in prime condition at all times, perhaps a cross walk flashing system be installed by the Owner where pupils/students cross the exit lane of the printing business.  Namely when a pupil using the sidewalk crosses the lane he/she would press a button to flag drivers and have them stop.




1.                  The proposed use, a printing business, offices and a retail store, are listed permitted uses under the former City of Ottawa Zoning By-law, 1998.

2.                  The Site and Landscape plans have been modified to provide for on-site signage to warn vehicles exiting the site that children may be crossing the vehicular entrance.

3.                  Special Condition 4, Part 3, and Special Condition 2, Part 4, pertaining to waste or contaminated soil removed from the site addresses this concern.

4.                  The proposed addition meets the maximum allowable height of 18 metres and the required set backs as stipulated in the former City of Ottawa Zoning By-law, 1998.

5.                  The Site Plan recommended to be approved shows that the loading bay will be accessed from Donald Street.

6.                  A neighborhood traffic impact study is not a requirement of the Site Plan Control process.

7.                  Special Condition 4, Part 3, and Special Condition 3 and 5 of Part 4 will address the concern pertaining to odor and waste emissions.

8.                  It is the Department’s recommendation that the truck access be from Donald Street for the reasons listed in the “Discussion” section of the report.

9.                  Although Donald Street is not a designated truck route, trucks are allowed to travel Donald Street

10.              The traffic on Donald Street will increase however, the impact of the traffic generated by the proposed use will be minimal.

11.              The reuse of the building in the future will be regulated by the permitted in the former City of Ottawa Zoning By-law, 1998 which allows for limited commercial uses and residential uses.

12.              The City of Ottawa has received a Site Plan Control application for the proposed development and must deal with this application as presented.

13.              The number of proposed windows are regulated by the Ontario Building Code and not the Site Plan Control process.  Condition 1, Part I requires that additional planting be provided along the west property line.

14.              The City of Ottawa cannot refuse vehicular access to a property based on the number of vehicular accidents on a street.

15.              The applicant will be required to adhere to the former City of Ottawa’s Noise By-law.

16.              There is no evidence to suggest that there will be devaluation of property as a result of this proposal.

17.              The purpose of the on-site sign is to give a general idea of the proposal due to the space limitation.  A telephone number is also indicated to obtain further information.

18.              The notification time of 30 days is in accordance with the early notification procedure approved by the former City of Ottawa City Council for Site Plan Control.

19.              The early notification sign has been posted since April 2, 2001 and will remain on the property until Planning and Development Committee deals with the application. 

20.              The Owner will be required to fulfill Special Condition 1, Part 3, pertaining to the approval of private sewer systems, lot grading and drainage plan.

21.              The exterior design such as building materials cannot be addressed through the Site Plan Control process.

22.              The hours of operation of a business is not governed by the Site Plan Control process.

23.              The proposed printing business, offices and bookstore are listed permitted uses under the CG zoning designation, which this property is zoned

24.              Trucks are permitted on Donald Street.

25.              The Site Plan submitted shows the loading bay along the west property line

26.              Specific Condition 1, Part 1 will require clarification to provide for screening and buffering.

27.              The proposed planting located at the front of the property are low shrubs which will not obstruct vehicles site lines.

28.              It is anticipated that since the loading bay is located on the west side of the building, that trucks will be queuing to the west of the property.

29.              The Site Plan Control process does not regulate the idling of vehicles.  The Site and Landscape plans have been revised to include a warning “children crossing” sign.

30.              It is the Department’s position that the addition of a stop sign and stop line are sufficient to slow vehicles exiting the site.  The requirement of speed bumps on Donald Street cannot be implement through the Site Plan Control process.

31.              The Site and Landscaping plans have been revised to include the proper on-site signage.




Councillor Jacques Legendre is aware of the application.


Councillor Madeleine Meilleur is aware of the application.




The application was submitted March 7, 2001, and, was subject to a project management timeline, as recommended by the “A Better Way Task Force”, and a process chart that established critical milestones was prepared.  This application was processed within the ten to fifteen week timeframe established for the processing of Site Plan Control application.