Report to/Rapport au :


Planning and Environment Committee

Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement


and Council / et au Conseil


28 May 2009 / 28 mai 2009


Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager

Directrice municipale adjointe

Infrastructure Services and Community Sustainability/Services d’infrastructure et Viabilité des collectivités


Contact Person/Personne-ressource : Michael Wildman, Manager/Gestionnaire, Development Review-Suburban Services/Examen des projets d'aménagement-Services suburbains, Planning and Growth Management/Urbanisme et Gestion de la croissance

(613) 580-2424, 27811


Kanata North/nord (4)

Ref N°: ACS2009-ICS-PGM-0059




ZONING - 1001 Canadian Shield Avenue  (FILE NO. D02-02-07-0133)




ZONAGE - 1001, avenue canadian shield





That the  recommend Council approve an amendment to Zoning By‑law 2008‑250 to change the zoning of 1001 Canadian Shield Avenue from DR (Development Reserve) to MCxx Sxxx (Mixed-use Centre Subzone xx Schedule xxx) as detailed in Document 2 and as shown in Documents 1 and 3.




Que le Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement recommande au Conseil d’approuver une modification du Règlement de zonage 2008-250 en vue de changer la désignation de zonage du 1001, avenue Canadian Shield de DR (Zone d’aménagement futur) à MCxx Sxxx (Zone de centres d’utilisations polyvalentes, sous-zone xx, annexe xxx), tel qu’il est expliqué en détail dans le document 2 et indiqué dans les documents 1 et 3.





Site Context


The lands subject to this application are situated south of Canadian Shield Avenue, north and west of Maritime Way, and east of Great Lakes Avenue.  The site is located at the eastern end of the Kanata Town Centre Central Business District.  The 2.4-hectare site is currently undeveloped and characterized by light vegetation and a gentle slope from north to south.  It is surrounded by a retirement residence to the northeast; undeveloped lands intended for medium density residential uses to the east; a stormwater management facility to the southeast; and undeveloped lands intended for high-density mixed-use development and a public park to the southwest, west and northwest. 


Existing Zoning


The site is zoned as DR (Development Reserve) in the Zoning By-law.  This zone permits existing uses and some limited uses that will not preclude future development.  The intent of the DR zone is to preserve the lands for future development.


Purpose of Zoning By-law Amendment


The purpose of the Zoning By-law amendment application is to change the zoning on the site to permit high-density residential uses with a recreational facility.


Proposed Zoning


The proposed zoning of the site is MCxx Schxxx (Mixed-Use Centre Subzone xx Schedule xxx).

This zone will permit a range of high-density residential and employment uses as well as some limited service retail uses on the ground floor.  The details of the proposed Zoning By-law amendment are included in Document 2. 


Concept Plan


The concept plan submitted with the application, and included in Document 4, proposes five separate buildings, including four apartment buildings and an athletic facility in a separate building.  The apartment buildings are intended to contain between 146 and 214 dwelling units each, with a total of 739 units on the site. The apartment buildings range from nine storeys to 11 storeys in height.  The athletic facility is intended to be two storeys, contain a daycare and restaurant, all totalling approximately 2000 square metres.  Parking is proposed to be provided at a rate of 1.0 space per residential unit for the entire site, totalling 739 spaces.  There are two levels of underground parking proposed containing 708 parking spaces, along with 31 parking spaces at grade.  The site is intended to be developed in phases over several years, with Building “A” as shown on the concept plan proceeding first.




Planning Act and Provincial Policy Statement


Section 2 of the Planning Act outlines those land use matters that are of provincial interest, for which all City planning decisions shall have regard.  The provincial interests that apply to this site are: provision of a full range of housing types; the appropriate location of growth and development; and the promotion of development that is designed to be sustainable to support public transit and to be oriented to pedestrians. 


The Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) provides further policies on matters of provincial interest related to land use development.  The Planning Act requires that all City planning decisions be consistent with the PPS.  The PPS seeks to locate intense land uses in areas where there is good transit service, and a mix of other land uses to reduce demand for infrastructure and promote the efficient use of land.  There should be an appropriate mix of uses, and uses at densities that support alternative transport modes, such as transit. The policies promote all forms and types of housing to support strong, liveable, and healthy communities.


The proposal contains high densities and is in the proximity of a broader mix of uses, which will maximize the use of public resources and infrastructure, and support public transit and walking.  The proposal contains varying dwelling unit types, all of which contribute to a greater mix of housing types in the Kanata area.  Staff conclude that the proposal is consistent with the matters of provincial interest as outlined in the Planning Act and the PPS.


Official Plan


Land Use Designations


The site is designated as “Mixed Use Centre” with a “Town Centre” overlay on Schedule B of the Official Plan.  The Mixed-Use Centre designation permits a broad variety of uses and encourages transit-supportive land uses with the goal of creating complete neighbourhoods.  These areas are intended to include a broad range of land uses, such as offices, retail, schools, hotels, hospitals, large institutional buildings, recreation and entertainment facilities, entertainment uses, services, high and medium-density residential uses, and mixed-use development.  The Mixed-Use Centre designation promotes mixed-uses within a building or on the same site.  The Mixed-Use Centre designation identifies areas that are strategically located with respect to the transportation system and are accessible by transit, walking, cycling and automobile.  They are centered on rapid transit stations and contain one or more arterial roads with all-day frequent transit service.  The Town Centre overlay identifies Mixed-Use Centres that are planned to accommodate at least 10000 jobs. 


The subject site is located near Highway 417 and two arterial roads, namely Campeau Drive and Kanata Avenue, and is within 600 metres of Terry Fox transitway station and 200 metres of the future Kanata Town Centre transitway station proposed at the pedestrian overpass.  The proposal includes primarily high-density residential uses and allows for non-residential uses, which is the intent of the Mixed Use Centre designation.  The proposed uses complement each other and the other uses planned for the Kanata Town Centre, and the potential to achieve the job target is still maintained throughout the rest of the Kanata Town Centre area.  The proposed development is transit supportive, readily accessible for pedestrians, is of an appropriate density, and is within an area planned for other mixed uses, and thus conforms to the policies of the Mixed Use Centre designation. 


Site Specific Policies


The Official Plan Volume 2B includes Site Specific Policies for the Kanata Town Centre.  These policies were originally added to the former City of Kanata Official Plan in the mid-1990s to provide more specific direction on how the Kanata Town Centre area should develop.  The policies were carried over to form a part of the City of Ottawa Official Plan.  The site is designated as “Central Business District” on Schedule B-1 of Official Plan Volume 2B.


The Kanata Town Centre Site Specific Policies set an employment target of at least 12500 jobs, with the majority of the employment target intended to be achieved on lands within the Central Business District and Main Street designations.  The Central Business District and Main Street designations are located in an area bounded by Highway 417 to the south, Campeau Drive to the north, Kanata Avenue to the west, and Knudson Drive to the east.  In addition, these two designations are intended to contain approximately 1000 to 1500 medium to high-density residential dwelling units.  The Site Specific Policies do not allocate exactly where employment and residential development should occur as it is intended to be mixed use.  As such, each development block could develop with a mix of uses provided the employment and residential targets are met upon build out.  The Site Specific Policies recognize that different types of development will occur at different times.  Therefore, the policies allow for residential to develop first provided the capacity to achieve the 12500-job target is maintained. 


The staff recommended zoning permits mixed-use development including both residential and employment uses, along with some limited service retail uses.  The 739 dwelling units proposed at this site would contribute to achieving the residential target and would allow for some further residential development within the Kanata Town Centre in the future.  Furthermore, the employment target for the Kanata Town Centre can still be readily achieved on the remainder of the Town Centre lands. 


The Site Specific Policies intend for the lands within the Central Business District designation to develop with high densities, with an eventual floor space index of at least 1.5 times the land area.  Further, the policies require that residential development in this designation be 65 to 100 units per hectare or higher.  Furthermore, the Site Specific Policies indicate residential building heights within the Central Business District should vary and will generally be limited to 10 storeys. 


The proposed development exceeds both the floor space index and density targets in the Site Specific Policies.  The recommended zoning does not restrict the number of units or floor space, but rather controls density through height, landscaped area and other built form provisions.  Although the proposed development contains 739 dwelling units, the zoning allows some additional flexibility in the number of dwelling units provided the desired built form is achieved. The proposal includes two 11-storey buildings, one 10-storey building, and one nine-storey building, which are 41 metres, 37.5 metres, and 34 metres in height, respectively.  Other MC (Mixed-use Centre) zones in the Kanata Town Centre area have a maximum building height of 21 to 45 metres.  The proposed building heights are compatible with the height limits established elsewhere in the MC zones.  The mean average building height of the proposed buildings is 10.25 storeys.  The proposed building heights achieve the intent of the policies by creating variation, and by limiting the height to an average of 10 storeys.  The two 11-storey buildings represent a minor deviation from this policy and maintain the general intent of the policy direction for building height.


In addition, the Site Specific Policies require that development not overshadow existing homes on the north side of Campeau Drive in the Kanata Lakes community.  Further discussion of shadowing and sunlight impacts is included in the section below pertaining to compatibility and design.


Housing Tenure and Affordability


The Official Plan indicates that there is a need to accommodate a mix of dwelling types and tenure to provide affordability options and to meet varied housing needs in the community.  According to the 2006 census, six per cent of housing in Kanata is made up of apartments while 32 per cent of housing are apartments in the City as a whole.  Additionally, 10 per cent of housing is rental in Kanata while 39 per cent of housing is rental in Ottawa as a whole.   Although the Official Plan does not set specific targets for unit type mix or rental housing proportion, it is clear that there is a large discrepancy in the unit mix and tenure between Kanata and the City at large.  The 739 apartment dwelling units proposed for this development are of varying unit sizes, ranging from studio units of 45 square metres to two bedroom units of 100 square metres.  An increase in the number and variety of apartment and rental units in Kanata will help to achieve a greater mix of housing types and provide greater options in the area, as intended by the Official Plan.


The Official Plan encourages 25 per cent of new rental housing to be affordable to households up to the 30th income percentile.  Affordable housing is defined as housing for which a low or moderate income household pays no more than 30 per cent of its gross annual income.  The Official Plan also seeks to encourage affordable housing through alternative standards and other incentives that can be administered through the development review process.  The proposed development is intended to be rental in tenure, the first phase of which is to contain 146 units.  Based on the projected rents, between 12 per cent and 59 per cent of units in the first phase will meet affordability criteria for the 30th income percentile.  This will contribute to achieving the intent of the Official Plan policy.  Additionally, the recommended zoning directs development through built form, such as building height and setbacks, instead of density or unit size.  This allows greater flexibility in providing varied unit arrangements, as many different types and sizes of units can be included provided they fit into the building envelope as established by the Zoning By-law, thereby contributing to attaining the Official Plan goals for housing.


Parking and Transportation


The Official Plan also includes parking policies, which indicate that the City will provide short-term parking that supports local businesses and will limit the supply of long-term parking that balances transportation modes.  In addition, the Official Plan promotes the use of alternative development standards and parking reductions for areas near rapid transit stations, within Mixed-Use Centres, and as a means of encouraging the provision of affordable housing.  


Parking for the residential uses is proposed to be limited to one parking space per unit, including visitor parking.  As well, the proposed zoning will not require parking for any ground-floor retail uses other than restaurants in the apartment buildings, provided these uses are less than 150 square metres in area.  Shared parking between the visitor parking and the ancillary athletic facility will also be permitted.  The site’s proximity to existing and proposed transitway stations allows the site to be well serviced by rapid transit.  Additionally, transit service exists on Campeau Drive and will be provided in the future on Maritime Way.  The site is centered in a high-density mixed-use area, which will facilitate walking between uses.  The ground-floor retail uses and the athletic facility are intended to serve the local area residents only.  Approximately 70 on-street parking spaces directly abut the site, and over 300 on-street parking spaces are within this portion of the Town Centre.  These spaces may be utilized for short-term parking for service retail uses and visitor parking.  The recommended zoning accomplishes the Official Plan policies of allowing for parking reductions in certain circumstances to promote other transportation modes and providing convenient short-term parking for local businesses.


Transportation Impact Studies were prepared that consider both the Kanata Town Centre subdivision in general, and the specifics of the proposal on the subject site.  These studies contemplated the transportation demands of the entire Town Centre area and the intention for mixed uses as envisioned in the Site Specific Policies.  The studies also assumed a 30 per cent transit modal share by 2020, which is consistent with the Official Plan target.  The Transportation Impact Studies indicate that the trips generated by the proposed development of the Town Centre lands, and the subject site in particular can be accommodated within the existing and proposed transportation infrastructure, while accomplishing the Official Plan targets.


The zoning recommended by staff permits both high-density residential and employment uses as primary uses, and permits limited service retail uses, as described in the Site Specific Policy section previously.  The distribution of the primary uses throughout the Town Centre is not presently known, as the area is not yet developed.  As the policy targets for employment and residential are required to be met upon build out of the Town Centre, the assumptions in the Transportation Impact Studies are still valid regardless of whether the subject site develops with residential uses, employment uses, or mixed-uses.  


Compatibility and Design


Sections 2.5.1 and 4.11 of the Official Plan outline the objectives and policies for compatible development.  Among the considerations are building height and massing, pattern of surrounding community, sunlight, and relationship to supporting community services.  As well, there are various design guideline documents that are applicable to this site which provide further details about compatibility and design.  The Site Design and Architectural Guidelines for the Kanata Town Centre, Design Guidelines for Transit-Oriented Development, and the Draft Design Guidelines for High-rise Housing are all applicable.  The key guidelines are summarized, followed by an analysis of the proposed Zoning By-law amendment in light of the key guidelines.


Building orientation, massing, and bulk that is human-scaled and contributes to a good pedestrian environment is encouraged.  This will assist in reducing impacts, such as wind and shadowing, on pedestrians and adjacent properties. This can be achieved by stepping back upper stories from the street, ensuring upper storeys are adequately separated, and by using compact floorplates.  Further to this, buildings should be located such that they define and emphasize the public street by using consistent minimum and maximum building setbacks.  Locating buildings close to one another and to the street will encourage walking between different buildings, and between buildings and transit. The recommended zoning includes additional setbacks for upper storeys when the lower portion of the building is close to the street.  The concept plan for the proposal includes a terrace on the top storey of two of the buildings that will effectively act as an additional step back from the street.  In addition, the zoning includes provisions to restrict the maximum size of floorplate and building separation for upper storeys of buildings.  A maximum street width to building height ratio of 3:4 has been used which will help ensure the buildings are human-scaled.  There is no minimum setback and a maximum setback of 4.5 metres from the public street, which will assist in achieving the desired building form.  These zoning provisions and the design aspects of the proposed development achieve the intent of the design guidelines with respect to building form.


Higher densities should be located near transit stations to encourage users and residents to use transit.  Also to encourage transit usage, the guidelines promote having only the minimum parking requirements and locating parking underground or in structures.  This is intended to help reduce negative impacts of parking on the pedestrian environment and will encourage more intense land uses.  In addition, preferential parking spaces for carpools, car sharing, and ridesharing can be used to help reduce parking demands.  The proposal includes high-density development and this is located within 600 metres of an existing transitway station, and within 200 metres of a proposed transitway station.  Additionally, the recommended zoning requires that 90 per cent of parking be located underground.  Parking requirements have been reduced as described previously.  The applicant has indicated that car-sharing service will be included within the building, which is permitted in the zoning.  These aspects of the proposal and the zoning will facilitate a transit-oriented neighbourhood and make transit usage convenient.


Transition between higher and lower buildings using intermediate heights is encouraged to help reduce impacts on adjacent buildings and ensure buildings are more compatible in character.  Additionally, shadowing and sunlight impacts on adjacent development should be minimized. The recommended zoning includes a building height at the eastern portion of the site that is more compatible with the medium-rise building form that is likely to develop to the east.  This also provides a transition to the existing low-rise residential development to the east in the Village Green community.  The five-to-six-storey retirement residence to the north provides adequate transition to the low-rise residential north of Campeau Drive.  Other development within the Town Centre area and surrounding the site to the south and west will be of similar height and form to the proposed development.  To satisfy the design guidelines and the Site Specific Policies, a shadow study was provided to show the shadowing impacts on existing residential development north of Campeau Drive.  The shadow study indicated that on the winter solstice (21 December), shadowing impacts on the existing residential development as a result of the proposed development would be insignificant.  In light of the above, there is a good transition through building heights from the proposed development to other adjacent and nearby development. 


The street level of all buildings, including parking structures, should have clear windows, direct door access, and have active uses to provide a safe and functional pedestrian environment. The recommended zoning has provisions requiring windows and entrances on the ground floor and permits service and local commercial uses on the ground floor, which encourages an active pedestrian environment.


The creation of courtyards and other open spaces to provide amenities for residents and the public is desirable.  These amenities should be connected to the street and sidewalk. The proposal includes a large interior courtyard between the buildings, which will act as amenity area for the residential buildings.  There is also a minimum landscaped area requirement of 30 per cent included in the recommended zoning for residential uses.  It should also be noted that the landscaped courtyard is proposed to be located above the underground parking garage, effectively creating a “green roof”.   These attributes achieve the intent of the design guidelines for amenity area.


The proposed Zoning By-law amendment accomplishes the intent of the design guidelines and satisfies the compatibility and design policies in the Official Plan through several methods.  Other compatibility and design issues, such as noise, lighting, landscaping, and site access, will be addressed during the Site Plan process.


Site Servicing


Infrastructure services within the associated subdivision were designed and built to accommodate development of the type and intensity proposed in this application.  As such, there are no concerns with availability of services for the proposed development.


Subdivision Parkland Issues


Parkland for the associated subdivision was originally intended to be located on a portion of the site subject to this Zoning By-law amendment.  There is a clause in the subdivision agreement that prohibits rezoning of the subject site, and a 0.30-metre reserve that surrounds the site, both of which are required until such time as parkland dedication is resolved in order to protect for the provision of parkland within the subdivision.  Final parkland requirements for the subdivision are still under discussion, however, it has been agreed that the proposed park should be located on lands directly to the west of the subject site and across Great Lakes Avenue.  Staff have no issue with the subject Zoning By-law amendment proceeding, as the park is not intended to be located on the subject site.  The 30 cm reserve will remain on the site until such time that parkland requirements are resolved. 




The proposed development is a high-density residential use located in an area intended for high-density mixed-uses located close to existing and proposed rapid transit stations.  The proposal is consistent with the Planning Act, as well as the PPS and Official Plan policies that promote efficient use of land and resources, provision of a mix of uses and housing types, and transit-supportive development.  The proposal, in its land use mix and built form, also satisfies the Site Specific Policies for employment and residential density targets and building height.  The high-density residential development will contribute to a greater housing mix and will contribute to achieving affordable housing policies in the Official Plan.  The recommended parking reductions carry out the Official Plan policies for alternative development standards, which apply to certain areas and situations.  Transportation issues have been adequately addressed through the Transportation Impact Studies.  The proposed development and recommended zoning have been demonstrated to be compatible with adjacent and nearby development and exhibit pedestrian-oriented design elements, through the use of built form provisions, building orientation, and amenity area.  The relevant policies and guidelines in the above-cited planning documents have been met.  In light of the discussion above, staff recommend approval of this application and the details of zoning as included in Document 2.




The Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority and City staff have indicated that there are no issues from an environmental point of view regarding the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment.  Further review of environment impacts will occur during the Site Plan process.


Several aspects of the proposal and the recommended zoning take into consideration the environmental impacts of the site.  The proposal’s high-density built form, location within a mixed-use area, and proximity to transit make efficient use of land and transportation infrastructure.  The proposal includes a “green roof” over the parking garage, which contributes to stormwater retention and reduced runoff, air and water quality, building energy use, and reduced “urban heat island” effect.  The recommended zoning includes reduced parking requirements, allows for car-sharing services and community gardens, and requires pedestrian-friendly built form, all of which reduce the environmental impact of the proposal. 


Other environmental features , such as geothermal energy, solar panels, stormwater management, use of light-coloured external materials, and solar orientation, have been proposed by the applicant, and will be considered during the site plan process. 




Notice of this application was carried out in accordance with the City's Public Notification and Consultation Policy.  The Ward Councillor is aware of this application and the staff recommendation.  Details of the public consultation can be seen in Document 5.




This matter is appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board, it is anticipated that a two to three day hearing would be necessary.  If Council were to refuse the recommendation, an outside planning would need to be retained at an estimated cost of $15,000 to $20,000.








The application was not processed by the "On Time Decision Date" established for the processing of Zoning By-law amendments due to the need to resolve issues with parkland dedication for a related subdivision application.




Document 1      Location Map

Document 2      Details of Recommended Zoning

Document 3      Proposed Schedule to Zoning By-law

Document 4      Concept Plan

Document 5      Consultation Details




City Clerk and Legal Services Branch, Legislative Services to notify the owner, Lepine Group, 300 March Road, Suite 300, Kanata, ON K2K 2E2, applicant, FoTenn Consultants Ltd, 223 McLeod St, Ottawa, ON K2P 0Z8,, 174 Colonnade Road, Unit #33, Ottawa, ON  K2E 7J5, Ghislain Lamarche, Program Manager, Assessment, Financial Services Branch (Mail Code:  26-76) of City Council’s decision.


Planning and Growth Management Department to prepare the implementing by-law, forward to Legal Services and undertake the statutory notification.


Legal Services to forward the implementing by-law to City Council.

LOCATION MAP                                                                                                  DOCUMENT 1


DETAILS OF RECOMMENDED ZONING                                                       DOCUMENT 2


Proposed Changes to the Comprehensive Zoning By-law


1.      The Zoning Map of Zoning By-law Number 2008-250 is amended by changing the zoning of the lands known municipally as 1001 Canadian Shield Avenue from DR (Development Reserve) to MCxx Sxxx (Mixed Use Centre Subzone xx, Schedule xxx) as shown on Document 3;


2.      Add a new subzone and provisions to Section 192 as follows:




(xx) In the MCxx subzone:

(a)    The following non-residential uses only are permitted:


artist studio

broadcasting studio

community centre
community garden, see Part 3, Section 82
community health and resource centre
court house

day care
diplomatic mission, see Part 3, Section 88
instructional facility

medical facility
municipal service centre


post-secondary educational institution
production studio
research and development centre

technology industry
training centre


(b)   The following non-residential uses are permitted subject to:

(i)        being limited to the ground floor, basement or cellar of a building where the floor space index is equal to or greater than 0.75 for uses listed in clauses 192(xx)(a) and (c);

(ii)       the maximum size of each retail store and retail food store is 500m2 of gross floor area;





(iii)     a parking garage

1.      shall have a minimum of 80% of the ground floor fronting on a public street, excluding mechanical room and pedestrian and vehicular access, occupied by other uses listed under clauses 192(xx)(a), (b), or (c);

2.      where located above grade shall be set back a minimum of 10 metres from a street lot line;

3.      may be located on any floor.


amusement centre
animal care establishment
animal hospital
bank machine
convenience store

parking garage
personal service business
place of assembly
place of worship
post office
recreational and athletic facility
retail food store
retail store
service and repair shop
small batch brewery, see Part 3, Section 89

(c)    The following residential uses only are permitted subject to:

(i)                  only being permitted where the floor space index is equal to or greater than 1.5 for the non-residential uses listed in clause 192(xx)(a);

(ii)                a stacked dwelling restricted to a maximum of 50% of the total dwelling units


apartment dwelling, low rise
apartment dwelling, mid-high rise
dwelling unit
group home, see Part 5, Section 125
home-based business, see Part 5, Section 127
home-based day care, see Part 5, Section 129

planned unit development, see Part 5, Section 131

residential care facility
retirement home
retirement home, converted, see Part 5, Section 122
rooming house,
rooming house, converted, see Part 5, Section 122
shelter, see Part 5, Section 134

stacked dwelling

(d)   The subzone provisions are set out in Table 192C below.





(i) Maximum setback from a building wall to a street lot line for the entire length of the building wall nearest a street lot line for

1. a parking garage

No maximum

2. all other buildings

4.5 metres

(ii) Minimum floor space index of uses listed in clause 192(xx)(a) or (c)


(iii) Minimum building height

6.7 metres

(iv) Minimum building separation, on same lot or abutting lots, between portions of a building wall and

1. portions of another building wall greater than 15m in height

12.0 metres

2. portions of another building wall equal to or less than 15m in height where one or both buildings contain dwelling units or rooming units

3.0 metres

3. an underground parking garage

0 metres

4. a driveway or aisle if building contains dwelling units or rooming units

3.0 metres

(v) Maximum gross floor area of any storey above 15m in height

2000 square metres

(vi) Minimum landscaped area on a lot with at least 10 dwelling or rooming units

30% of the lot area

(vii) Required parking for any non-residential use listed in subclause 192(xx)(b), excluding restaurant, where the gross floor area of the use is less than 150 square metres

None required


(e)    Driveways and aisles leading to parking spaces, and required parking spaces may be located on an abutting lot in the MCxx zone, provided the parking spaces are not required parking spaces on the abutting lot.

(f)     Despite Section 111(11), 100% of bicycle parking may be vertical spaces.

(g)    All non-residential uses located on the ground floor must have separate and direct access from a public street. 

(h)    50% of the length of any ground floor wall facing a public street must consist of windows and/or entrances.

(i)      In Areas A, B, C, D, and E on Schedule xxx

(i)                  subclause 192(xx)(c)(i) does not apply;

(ii)                Column IV in Table 101 subclauses (b)(ii), (d)(ii), and (r)(ii) do not apply, and the minimum number of parking spaces required is 0.9 spaces per dwelling unit.

(iii)               Column IV in Table 102 subclauses (a), (b), and (d) do not apply and the minimum number of visitor parking spaces required is 0.1 spaces per dwelling unit.

(iv)              Total required parking for non-residential uses and visitor parking shall be the greater of required:

1.        non-residential use parking, and

2.        visitor parking,

where a minimum of 30% of the parking spaces must be dedicated to non-residential uses and 30% of parking spaces must be dedicated to visitor parking.

(v)                A minimum of 90% of the required parking must be located within a parking garage. 

(vi)              Despite Section 107, minimum required two-way drive aisle width is 6.1m within a parking garage.

(vii)             Despite any other provisions of this by-law, where a site plan agreement pursuant to the Planning Act is registered against a block or lot, and where the block or lot is legally divided into parts, each part of the block or lot shall be deemed to comply with this by-law;

(viii)           A recreational and athletic facility that is ancillary to a permitted residential use listed in clause 192(xx)(c) is subject to the following:

1.        a restaurant may be included within the building; and

2.        clause 192(xx)(b)(i) does not apply to a recreational and athletic facility, or a restaurant located in the same building as an ancillary recreational and athletic facility.


3.      Add to Part 17 the schedule as shown in Document 3 as Schedule xxx.



SCHEDULE xxx                                                                                                     DOCUMENT 3

CONCEPT PLAN                                                                                                   DOCUMENT 4


CONSULTATION DETAILS                                                                                DOCUMENT 5




Notification and public consultation was undertaken in accordance with the Public Notification and Public Consultation Policy approved by City Council for Zoning By-law amendments.  The Ward Councillor entertained discussion on the application at a Ward Council meeting, held in the community.



The proposed high-rise buildings will cast shadows upon the retirement residence to the north.


Staff Response:

The subject site has been intended for high-density uses and high-rise building form since the mid-1990s.  Although it is realized that some shadow impacts onto the adjacent retirement residence will occur, specific provisions have been included in the recommended zoning that will reduce the shadow impact, such as building size and setbacks.  Additional design considerations will be reviewed during the subsequent Site Plan Control process.



The proposed new apartment buildings are to be 9 stories and 11 stories tall.  I quickly reviewed the original information, regarding this new development area and noticed that buildings would have a restriction of 10 stories.  I was wondering how a new building height can exceed the limit? 


Staff Response:

The intent of the Site Specific Policies is for residential development to be generally limited to 10 storeys, and at the same time, have some variation in building heights.  There is some flexibility in the policies to allow heights greater than 10 storeys.  The fact that there is some variation in the building heights proposed while maintaining an average of 10 storeys satisfies the Site Specific Policies.  Furthermore, some existing development within the Central Business District designation exceeds 10 storeys.  



I am very concerned with the height of the proposed apartments; especially since we do not know what other development will be in the CBD.  The thought that there could be a sea of them in the future is appalling.


Staff Response:

The Kanata Town Centre area has been intended for higher-density development since the mid-1990s.  The proposed development has been reviewed in light of the relevant planning documents, including the Site Specific Policies.  Future development in this area will be reviewed in the context of the applicable planning documents of the time.



I live close to this new development and paid a lot of money for my house.  By allowing builders to put up what they want, and thereby opening the door to "any" type of people (low rental), this will definitely lower the value of my house.  This high-density housing concept is welcome for some areas of Ottawa, but I do not think it is a good idea for this new development in Kanata Lakes.  This is a prestigious area and we all take pride in our homes and property.  I think the City should be more responsible in making choices, keeping in mind how the overall property values could be affected.


Staff Response:

The Official Plan contains policies which promote varied housing types and tenures in order to provide choice and housing options throughout the City, and especially in Mixed-Use Centres such as the Kanata Town Centre.  The Site Specific Policies and Mixed-Use Centre policies in the Official Plan envision this area developing as a high-density area of mixed-uses, including all types and forms of residential dwellings.  There is no evidence that the proposed development would impact property values.



Would like to ensure that there is an adequate amount of parking provided for the site to avoid spillover into adjacent neighbourhoods.


Staff Response:

The proposed parking rates take into consideration Official Plan policies to provide reduced parking in mixed-use areas and near transitway stations.  In addition, the proposed ancillary uses on the site are intended to be used by residents in the area only, who would not need to arrive via vehicle.  On-street parking within the Kanata Town Centre area is permitted which can accommodate short-term parking.



The proposal for the new four high-rise buildings will take up 850 units and when you combine that with the current retirement building and the other proposed retirement centre then there is little or no opportunity for future residential units in the area, which includes Main Street and the city owned property.


Staff Response:

The revised proposed includes 739 dwelling units.  The Site Specific Policies include targets for between 1000 and 1500 residential units in this area.  Combined with existing residential development in the Central Business District and Main Street designations, there is still additional ability for residential development to occur provided employment potential is maintained.



All of the above-mentioned units are rental units and so the Central Business District will be made up solely of rentals and there will be no opportunity for home ownership in, what is being called, the jewel of Kanata.




Staff Response:

There is existing ownership residential development located to the east and north of the Kanata Town Centre, and there are undeveloped blocks that are intended for medium-density residential development.  As well, the Planning Act gives the City limited ability to control housing tenure.  See other responses to public comments above about housing tenure.



The heights of these buildings will dwarf the homes that are along Gray Crescent in Village Green.


Staff Response:

The subject site is 130 metres west of the existing development along Gray Crescent.  Medium-density residential development is envisioned on the blocks between the subject site and Gray Crescent.  In addition, a maximum building height of 15 metres is included in the recommended zoning for the eastern portion of the subject site.  There is adequate transition in building heights between this site and the existing residential development along Gray Crescent.



Some of the proposed buildings exceed the height limits as listed in the Official Plan for this area.


Staff Response:

Included in the responses to the public comments above.