Report to/Rapport au :


Planning Committee

Comité de l’urbanisme


and / et au


Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee

Comité de l'agriculture et des questions rurales


and Council / et au Conseil


03 June 2011 / le 03 juin 2011


Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager,

Directrice municipale adjointe, Infrastructure Services and Community Sustainability, Services d’infrastructure et Viabilité des collectivités 


Contact Person/Personne-ressource : Richard Kilstrom, Manager/Gestionnaire,

Policy Development and Urban Design/Élaboration de la politique et conception urbaine, Planning and Growth Management/Urbanisme et Gestion de la croissance

Élaboration de la politique et conception urbaine

(613) 580-2424 x22653,



Ref N°: ACS2011-ICS-PGM-0118









Règlement de zonage général 2008-250 : Anomalies et modifications mineures – deuxièMe trimestre de 2011




1.                  That the Planning Committee recommend that Council approve the amendments recommended in Column III of Documents 1 and 3 to correct anomalies in Zoning By-law 2008-250.


2.                  That the Agricultural and Rural Affairs Committee recommend that Council approve the amendments recommended in Column III of Documents 2 and 3 to correct anomalies in Zoning By-law 2008-250.




1.                  Que le Comité de l’urbanisme recommande au Conseil d’approuver les modifications recommandées dans la colonne III des documents 1 et 3 afin de corriger les anomalies existant dans le Règlement de zonage 2008-250.


2.                  Que le Comité de l’agriculture et des affaires rurales recommande au Conseil d’approuver les modifications recommandées dans la colonne III des documents 2 et 3 pour corriger les anomalies existant dans le Règlement de zonage 2008-250.





On June 25, 2008 City Council adopted the new comprehensive Zoning By-law 2008-250 affecting all properties within the city. The new Zoning By-law replaces the 36 zoning by-laws of the former municipalities.  Staff have been monitoring the Zoning By-law and identifying anomalies since its adoption.  Reports to correct these anomalies are being forwarded to Committee and Council for approval on a regular basis.




This report recommends amendments to correct a number of anomalies in the urban and rural areas of the city.  Document 1 provides recommendations for the Planning Committee regarding anomalies in the urban area.  Document 2 provides recommendations for the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee regarding anomalies in the rural area.  Document 3 provides recommendations for the consideration of both Committees regarding anomalies affecting both the rural and urban areas.  Zoning maps that are pertinent to site- or area-specific recommendations are included in Document 4.


The recommended amendments are intended to correct mapping errors, typographical errors and minor technical drafting errors in the Zoning By-law.




The rural implications are as outlined in Document 2.




Notice of the public meeting to deal with these anomalies and corrections was provided in The Citizen and Le Droit, with a listing of the addresses and provisions subject to correction. As well, interested parties have been notified by individual mail.








There are no legal implications associated with the recommendations in this report.   








There are no direct financial implications associated with this report.












Document 1    List of Anomalies and Modifications to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for consideration by the Planning Committee.

Document 2    List of Anomalies and Modifications to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for consideration by the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee.

Document 3    List of Anomalies and Modifications to Zoning By-law 2008-250 for the consideration of both the Planning and Agricultural and Rural Affairs Committees.

Document 4    Location Maps.




Planning and Growth Management Department will prepare the implementing by-law.  This will be forwarded to Legal Services who will then bring the by-law to City Council.





PLANNING COMMITTEE                                                                                 DOCUMENT 1




Objective of Amendment


Proposed Amendment


Zoning Map Corrections

Quinn Road


Ward 22

The properties on Quinn Road are zoned IL2[275] H(14) – Light Industrial.


Exception [275] has the effect of adding a detached dwelling as a permitted use.


A transcription error occurred in drafting the By-law 2008-250 as no development standards were applied for a detached dwelling in the Exception. 


Previously these properties were zoned MP(E25) – Business Park, in the former Gloucester Zoning By-law.  Exception (25) had the effect of adding the development standards of the former Gloucester Residential Estate Zone – Re1. 


Therefore it is recommended that a new Exception be created to recognize these development standards and provisions.



Amend the Zoning Map of By-law 2008-250.  Remove Exception [275] from the relevant properties on Quinn Road and replace with [xxxx], as shown in Document 4.


Amend Section 239 of By-law 2008-250, Exception [275].  Delete IL2[275] H (14) from Column II – Applicable Zones.


Create new Exception [xxxx] and add to Section 239 the following:


Under Column II – Applicable zones, add:


-IL2[xxxx] H(14)


Under Column III – Additional Land Uses Permitted, add:


-detached dwelling


-Under Column V – Provisions, add:


-a detached dwelling is permitted on any lot that existed prior to December 14, 1999.


For a detached dwelling:


-minimum front yard setback – 5 m

-minimum rear yard setback – 7.0 metres


-minimum interior side yard setback – 1.2 metres

-maximum building height – 11 metres

1068, 1120, 1128 Cummings Avenue


Ward 11

These properties are incorrectly identified on the Zoning Map as being zoned RIM-h.  The correct zoning should be R1M.

Amend the Zoning Map of By-law 2008-250.


Rezone 1068, 1120 and 1128 Cummings Avenue from RIM-h to R1M, as shown in Document 4.

120 Minto Place


Ward 13

This property is zoned Residential First Density – R1C[1260].


There are site specific development standards applying to this property that were not carried over into By-law 2008-250 in error.


Therefore it is recommended that a new Exception is created to recognize these provisions. 

Amend the Zoning Map of By-law 2008-250.


Rezone 120 Minto Place from R1C[1260] to R1C[xxxx], as shown in Document 4.


Amend Section 239 of By-law 2008-250 to add Exception [xxxx].


Under Column II – Applicable Zone, add:




Under Column IV – Land Uses Prohibited, add:


- secondary dwelling unit
- bed and breakfast


Under Column V – Provisions, add:


-grade means the average elevation of the level of the adjoining ground prior to the development of all the walls of a building on the lot
- gross floor area, means the total area of each floor, measured from the exterior of outside walls, excluding a cellar, and including:

i) accessory buildings;
ii) potential floor area that is the area of a floor that is projected from an actual floor of a storey that is above the floor area of another storey, cellar or basement; and
iii) attic, where the height above the floor area of the attic is a minimum of 2.3 m over at least 75% of the floor area with a clear height of 2.1 m of any point over the floor area
- maximum 13.34 units per hectare
- maximum 0.4 floor space index
-maximum width of a vehicular access at a lot line is 3.05 metres
-the maximum combined width at the lot line of all vehicular accesses is 6.1 metres
-despite the preceding provision, vehicular accesses from public lanes are not to be included in the calculation of the maximum allowable combined width of all vehicular accesses at the lot line
-minimum landscaped strip of 1.5 metres, developed with soft landscaping, is required between the interior side lot line and a vehicular access

-minimum rear yard setback is 8 metres

-minimum lot area is 580 square metres

-minimum lot width is 20 metres

Multiple properties on Powell Avenue, Holmwood Avenue and Ralph Street



Ward 17

These properties are zoned Residential Third Density - R3P[1474] and R3Q[1474].




Exception [1474] has the effect of establishing a minimum front yard setback of 1.5 metres and a maximum front yard setback of 3 metres.  It was applied to these properties in error and it is recommended that the Exception be removed from these sections of Powell Avenue, Holmwood Avenue and Ralph Street.

Amend the Zoning Map for By-law 2008-250 for parts of Powell Avenue, Holmwood Avenue and Ralph Street.



Rezone Area A from R3P[1474] to R3P;

Rezone Area B from R3P[1474] to R3P;

Rezone Area C from R3Q[1474] to R3Q, as shown in Document 4.

3640 Greenbank Road


Ward 3

The properties shown in Document 4 are zoned R3Z[1804].  Exception [1804] requires a front and corner side yard setback of 5.5 metres.


This setback was established to accommodate concerns over soil conditions that have since been found to be unwarranted.  Therefore it is recommended that Exception [1804] be removed from the properties in question.

Amend the Zoning Map of B-law 2008-250 for 3640 Greenbank Road. 


Rezone the properties shown on Document 4 from R3Z[1804] to R3Z.


Text Changes


Properties on Aspen Grove, Stonehedge Park, Cypress Court and Burnbrook Crescent


Ward 7



These properties are all zoned Residential First Density - R1FF[633].


Exception [633] states that there is a minimum lot frontage of 15 metres.  This provision was carried over from the former Nepean Zoning By-law.


As By-law 2008-250 does not use the term ‘frontage’ to  denote lot width and as the definition of frontage in the former Nepean Zoning By-law is analogous to the current term, ‘lot width,’ it is recommended that Exception [633] be amended accordingly.

Amend Section 239, Exception [633], of By-law 2008-250. 


Delete the provision “minimum lot frontage 15 m” from Column V – Provisions.


Replace with:


-minimum lot width of 15 metres.

955 Dairy Drive


Ward 1

This property is zoned Light Industrial – IL[295] H(21) -h.


Column II – Applicable Zone, of Exception [295], refers to IL[295]-h. 

There is no property with this zoning on the Zoning Map.  Therefore it is recommended that Column II be amended to reflect the correct zoning.

Amend Section 239 of By-law 2008-250, Exception [295].


Remove IL[295] -h from Column II – Applicable Zone.


Replace with:


-IL[295] H(21) -h

401 March Road


Ward 4

This property is zoned General Industrial – IG6 [295].


Column II – Applicable Zone, of Exception [295], refers to zone IG6[295] H(22).


The IG6 subzone has a height limit of 22 metres.


As the reference to H(22) is redundant, it is recommended that Column II be amended accordingly.

Amend Section 239 of By-law 2008-250, Exception [295].


Remove IG6[295] H(22) from Column II – Additional Zone.


Replace with:



501-511, 517-521 Rideau Street and properties on Turgeon Private, Thorburn Private and Prudhomme Private


Ward 12

These properties are all zoned Traditional Mainstreet – TM6[84] F(3.5) H(19) S 109.


A transcription error occurred when Exception [84] was drafted.  In order to properly reflect the site specific zoning amendment that applies to these properties, the Exception should specify that a minimum of 250 square metres of Gross Floor Area for commercial uses is required in the zone.

Amend Section 239 of By-law 2008-250, Exception [84].  Under Part V – Provisions, delete the first line which reads:  minimum commercial gross floor area as shown in the hatched area on Schedule 109.”


Replace with:


- minimum commercial gross floor area of 250 square metres must be provided within the hatched area on Schedule 109.

4285, 4289, 4293, 4297, 4301 and 4305 Innes Road


Ward 19

These property are zoned General Mixed Use – GM21[1426] F(0.5) H(9).


There was an error when Exception [1426] was drafted in By-law 2008-250 that needs to be amended accordingly in order to reflect the previous dual zoning on the site in the former Cumberland Zoning By-law.

Amend Section 239 of By-law 2008-250, Exception [1426].


Under Column III - Additional Permitted Uses, add:


-detached dwelling


Delete the provision in Column V – Provisions, and replace with:


-minimum lot area for the uses listed in Subsection 188(21)(b) is 4,100 square metres.

Section 187


General Mixed Use Zone


Urban Area

Subsection 187(2)(b) lists both a residential care facility and shelter as permitted residential uses in the General Mixed Use Zone.

As both of these uses are considered to be non-residential uses in By-law 2008-250, it is recommended that they be deleted from Subsection 187(2)(b) and added to Subsection 187(1)(a) instead.

Amend Subsection 187(2)(b) of By-law 2008-250 to delete the uses residential care facility and shelter.


Amend Subsection 187(1)(a) of By-law 2008-250 by adding to the list of permitted non-residential uses in alphabetical order:


-residential care facility



Section 185


Arterial Mainstreet Zone


Urban Area

Subsection 185(2) lists a residential care facility as a permitted residential use in the Arterial Mainstreet Zone.


As a residential care facility is considered to be a non-residential use, it is recommended that it be deleted from Subsection 185(2) and added to Subsection 185(1)(b) instead.

Amend Subsection 185(2) of By-law 2008-250 to delete the residential care facility use.


Amend Subsection 185(1)(b) of By-law 2008-250 by adding to the list of permitted non-residential uses in alphabetical order:


-residential care facility

Section 197


Traditional Mainstreet Zone


Urban Area

Subsection 197(2)(a) lists a residential care facility as a permitted residential use in the Traditional Mainstreet Zone. 


As a residential care facility is considered to be a non-residential use, it is recommended that it be deleted from Subsection 197(2)(a) and added to Subsection 197(1)(e) instead.

Amend Subsection 197(2)(a) of By-law 2008-250 to delete the residential care facility use.


Amend Subsection 197(1)(e) of By-law 2008-250 by adding to the list of permitted non-residential uses in alphabetical order:


-residential care facility

Section 164


Urban Area

Subsection 164(2)(31) incorrectly references subsection 163(16). 


Subsection 163(16) does not exist.  The correct reference is subsection 164(2)(12).

Amend subsection 164(2)(31) of By-law 2008-250.


Delete the reference to subsection 163(16).  Replace with Endnote 12.

801 Eagleson Road


Ward 23

This property is zoned Local Commercial – LC7[226]-h.




Exception [226] permits a retail store to have a maximum gross floor area of 4,650 square metres.


The definition of a retail store in the former Kanata Zoning By-law 168-94 included uses that would now fall under the definition of retail food store.


Therefore the relevant provision in Exception [226] should be amended to include a retail food store.

Amend Section 239 of By-law 2008-250, Exception [226].




Under Column V – Provisions, delete the provision which states:


“no single retail store may exceed 4,650 m2 of gross floor area”


Replace with:


-no single retail store or retail food store may exceed 4,650 m2 in gross floor area.









Objective of Amendment


Proposed Amendment


Text Changes

4001 Dunning Road


2035 Trim Road


5300 Innes Road


2481 Scrivens Drive


7203 Parkway Road


2145 Roger Stevens Drive


Part of 4244 Rideau Valley Drive


2135 Huntley Road


2847 March Road


4127 John Shaw Road


1444 Kinburn Side Road


5751 Carp Road


Wards 19, 20, 21 and 5

Exception [444r] applies to multiple properties currently being used as municipal works yards.


The Exception permits a storage yard.  A transcription error was made when the Exception was created as it makes no provision for the salt storage ‘domes’ that currently exist on most of these sites.


Therefore the Exception should be amended to include a ‘warehouse’ use to correctly represent the existing uses on these sites.

Amend By-law 2008-250, Section 240, Exception [444r].


Under Column II – Additional Permitted Uses, add:




Under Column V – Provisions, add:


-a warehouse is limited to indoor storage related to municipal road maintenance only.

Section 240 – Rural Exceptions

Exception [654r] requires a setback from any lot that contains the TransCanada pipeline.


As the wording of the Exception is unclear, it is recommended that it be reworded as in Column III.

Amend Exception [654r] of Section 240 of By-law 2008-250.


Delete the text in Column V – Provisions and replace with:


Despite any provision to the contrary, where a lot line abuts the TransCanada Pipeline, the following setbacks apply for all principal buildings and structures from that lot line:


-if a rear lot line, rear yard setback is 7 metres


-if an interior side lot line, side yard setback is 3 metres.










Objective of Amendment


Proposed Amendment



Text Changes


Section 3


Non-Conformity and Non-Compliance

Subsection 3(3)(b) incorrectly references “non-complying footprint.”  The correct term should be “non-complying building envelope.” 


Therefore it is recommended that the subsection be amended accordingly.   

Amend Subsection 3(3)(b) of By-law 2008-250.  Delete the term “non-complying footprint” in line 2 and replace with the term

“non-complying building envelope.”






Location Maps (attached)

Quinn Road

1068, 1120, 1128 Cummings Avenue

120 Minto Place

Multiple Properties on Powell Avenue, Holmwood Avenue and Ralph Street

3640 Greenbank Road










Ralph, Holmwood, and Powell.jpg






Greenbank 3640.jpg