Document 1


Schedule Three – Revised  Advertising Standards for OC Transpo Contract



1.                  The City is guided by the general principles embodied in the Canadian Code of Advertising Standards, in determining the acceptance of advertising.


2.                  The City will not accept advertising of questionable taste or which is irritating in its content or method of presentation.


3. Advertising must not condone any form of personal discrimination, including discrimination on a prohibited ground pursuant to the Canadian Human Rights Act and the  Province of Ontario’s Human Rights Code .   .

4.Advertising, including advertising of a political or a religious nature, is permitted provided that it meets the requirements of these Standards and of generally accepted advertising standards, including the Canadian Code of Advertising Standards.  .  However, all political advertising will indicate that the advertisement is paid for by a party or candidate so as to avoid giving the impression that the City is supporting a given party or candidate.



5.                  The City encourages advertising that:


5.1              Recognizes the changing roles of men and women in today’s society and reflects this in the distribution of labour, the range of occupations shown and the assignment of roles in the workplace and in the home;


5.2              Portrays people as they are – of varying ages, appearances, ethnic and cultural heritages;


5.3              Portrays people as users, buyers and decision makers, and not as inappropriately dependent upon the product being advertised;


5.4              Uses models for other than solely attention getting purposes, avoiding particularly the display of lightly clothed models whose presence is not relevant to the product being advertised;


5.5              Portrays positive body images of people, avoiding the use of extreme and inappropriate postures that inappropriately accentuate one part of the body, thereby fragmenting that part from the total person; and,


6.                  The City will only accept advertising that does not, in the opinion of the City representative, disparage any City service or promote a product by drawing a negative comparison with a City service, or discourages the use of public transit.


7.                  In keeping with the Canadian Code of Advertising Standards, in all cases, advertising shall not:

7.1              demean, denigrate, or disparage any identifiable person, group or persons, organization, profession, product or service, or attempt to bring them into any public contempt or ridicule;

7.2              undermine human dignity, or display obvious indifference to, or encourage, gratuitously and without merit, conduct or attitudes that offend the standards of public decency among a significant segment of a population; and,

7.3              appear in a realistic manner to exploit, condone or incite violence, nor appear to condone, encourage or exhibit obvious indifference to unlawful behaviour. 


8.                  Although the City is guided by the Canadian Code of Advertising Standards, the City is the sole and final arbiter in all matters relating to advertising acceptance.  The City may refuse, or order removal of any advertising material at any time in its absolute discretion.


9.                  The following process shall be applied in cases of disagreement between the Company and a potential advertiser: :


9.1              Potential advertisers shall deal with the Company directly, and the Company shall interpret the policy.  If there is disagreement between the Company and a potential advertiser on policy interpretation, the matter may be referred to City  staff;


9.2              A contract must be signed with the Company before the matter will be considered by the City.  In cases where the content of the ad is in dispute, the contract will be signed “subject to approval” by the City;


9.3              City staff charged with the responsibility of interpreting and implementing the City advertising policy may overrule decisions made by the Company.


10.              Should a change in policy be requested or a question of policy interpretation be raised by potential advertisers, the City may become involved, at its discretion.  The City continues to be the sole and final arbiter in all matters relating to City advertising acceptance.


11.              Tobacco Advertisements are not acceptable.  Any displays depicting the use of tobacco or consumption of tobacco shall be refused.


12.              The Company agrees that advertising is to be accepted based on all current or future policies of acceptable advertising and the City shall not be held responsible for any loss of advertising business as a result of any changes it shall make in its policy regarding the acceptability of certain types of advertising or individual advertisements.


13.              Advertisements of alcoholic products may be accepted so long as permitted by law whether Federal, Provincial or Municipal or the Liquor Licencing Board of Ontario.  Notwithstanding the above, the City may at any time, by providing the Company with 90 days advance notice, alter its policy on the advertising of alcoholic products.