Report to/Rapport au :


Transportation Committee

Comité des transports


and Council / et au Conseil


10 September 2007 / le 10 septembre 2007


Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager/Directeur municipal adjoint,

Planning, Transit and the Environment/Urbanisme, Transport en commun et Evironnement


Contact Person/Personne ressource : Vivi Chi, Manager/Gestionnaire, Transportation and Infrastructure Planning/Planification, Transport et infrastructure

Planning Branch/Direction de l’urbanisme

(613) 580-2424 x21877,


Rideau-Goulbourn (21), Kanata South (23)

Ref N°: ACS2007-PTE-POL-0058




EAGLESON ROAD (CADENCE GATE/cope road TO FlEWelLYN road)/FERNBANK ROAD (TERRY FOX drive TO EAGLESON road) environmental assessment









That Transportation Committee recommend Council:


1.                  Approve the findings and recommended plan of the Eagleson Road / Fernbank Road Environmental Assessment Study, as shown in Documents 1 and 2.


2.                  Direct staff to prepare the Environmental Study Report for the Eagleson Road/ Fernbank Road Environmental Assessment and post it for the 30-day public review period, in accordance with the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act.


3.                  Direct staff to expand the Eagleson Road (Cadence Gate to Hope Side Road) project (901121) in the Capital Budget Forecast 2008-2016 to include works to Flewellyn Road.


4.                  Direct staff to introduce a new project for Fernbank Road (Terry Fox to Eagleson) in the Development Charge Background Study and the Long Range Financial Plan.




Que le Comité des transports recommande au  Conseil :


1.                  D’approuver les constatations et le plan d’Étude d’évaluation environnementale recommandé portant sur le chemin Eagleson et le chemin Fernbank, tel que décrits dans les Documents 1 et 2;


2.                  De demander au personnel de préparer un rapport d’étude environnementale portant sur l’évaluation environnementale du chemin Eagleson et du chemin Fernbank, et de l’afficher pendant une période d’examen public de 30 jours, conformément à la Loi sur les évaluations environnementales de l’Ontario;


3.                  De demander au personnel d’étendre le projet du chemin Eagleson (Cadence Gate au chemin de traverse Hope) (901121), dans les prévisions de budget d’immobilisations 2008 2016, de façon à y inclure les travaux prévus pour le chemin Flewellyn;


4.                  De demander au personnel d’introduire un nouveau projet pour le chemin Fernbank (Terry Fox à Eagleson) dans l’Étude préliminaire des redevances d’aménagement et dans le Plan financier à long terme.




Assumptions and Analysis:


The widening of Eagleson Road between Cadence Gate/Cope Road and Terry Fox Drive/Hope Side Road is identified in the current Transportation Master Plan (TMP) as a Phase 1 project (i.e. by 2008) to address increasing transportation demand within the West Urban Community (WUC).  The WUC is comprised of Kanata, Kanata West and Stittsville.


On 18 May 2005, Transportation Committee approved the Statement of Work (SoW) setting out the methodology, public consultation and deliverables for an Environmental Assessment (EA) study for this project. During the course of the study, Fernbank Road between Terry Fox Drive and Eagleson Road was added to the study to address the future needs of planned development. Accordingly, the scope of this project was expanded to obtain the necessary approvals for the reconstruction of Fernbank Road.


Based on the transportation, land use and growth issues the following summarizes the problems and opportunities being addressed by this study:


Eagleson Road:



Fernbank Road:



The EA recommended plan identifies the widening of Eagleson Road and the reconstruction of Fernbank Road as required to support the existing and future developments planned for the area. Approximately 2.0 km of Eagleson Road will be widened from a two-lane undivided rural arterial to a four-lane divided arterial roadway.  Approximately 0.6 km of Fernbank Road will be upgraded from a rural to urban roadway.


Both roadways include the addition of cycling and pedestrian facilities (i.e. on-street bicycle lanes and sidewalks) as a key feature of the conversion from rural cross-sections to urban cross-sections.  The study also addressed road crossings by the Monahan Drain multi-use pathway on both Eagleson and Fernbank Road.


Two alternatives were developed for consideration: at-grade crossings and below-grade crossings (i.e. underpasses). The below-grade crossings were not found to be feasible due to cost, waterlevels in the adjacent drainage facilities, and impact on adjacent property.


The recommended approach is to direct multi-use pathway users on Eagleson Road to a signalized intersection at Bridgestone for safe crossing. An at-grade crossing of Fernbank Road can be provided at the intersection of Fernbank and Eagleson Roads, or be facilitated through the use of a pedestrian traffic signal (if pedestrian signal warrants are met) that could be located where the pathway first meets Fernbank Road, approximately 150 m west of the intersection of Fernbank Road and Eagleson Road.


Financial Implications:


The estimated cost to widen Eagleson Road to a four lane urban arterial divided cross-section from Cadence Gate/Cope Road to Terry Fox Drive/Hope Side Road, with transition features extending to Flewellyn Road, incorporating bicycle lanes and on-street parking is approximately $11 M. The estimated cost to reconstruct Fernbank Road to a two-lane urban arterial cross-section from Terry Fox Drive to Eagleson Road is approximately $3.5 M.


Public Consultation/Input:


The EA study was undertaken as a “Schedule C” Municipal EA under the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (2000) guidelines. Public consultation for the project included the following: 



Approximately 50 people attended the three Public Open Houses. Comment sheets were provided at each of these events and feedback was received during these events as well as throughout the course of the study.  Comments were generally supportive of the project with the following issues raised by the public: a need to implement measures to provide noise mitigation; the importance of providing appropriate pedestrian and bicycle facilities, and; the merits of providing or not providing on-street parking.




Hypothèses et analyse :


Dans le Plan directeur des transports, l’élargissement du chemin Eagleson entre Cadence Gate/chemin Cope et la promenade Terry Fox/chemin de traverse Hope, est identifié comme étant un projet de la phase 1 (c.‑à‑d. devant être effectué d’ici 2008) destiné à répondre aux demandes de nouveaux moyens de transport dans la collectivité urbaine de l’ouest (CUO). La CUO est la zone comprise entre Kanata, Kanata ouest et Stittsville.

Le 18 mai 2005, le Comité des transports approuvait un énoncé de travail (ET) qui décrivait la méthodologie, les consultations publiques et les produits livrables nécessaires à l’étude de l’évaluation environnementale (EE) propre à ce projet. Pendant le déroulement de l’étude, le chemin Fernbank, situé entre la promenade Terry Fox et le chemin Eagleson, a été ajouté à l’étude afin de répondre aux futurs besoins de travaux d’aménagement. Par conséquent, l’étendue de ce projet a été élargie afin d’obtenir les approbations nécessaires à la reconstruction du chemin Fernbank.

Basés sur les problèmes de transport, d’utilisation des terrains et de croissance, les points suivants résument les enjeux et les possibilités abordés dans cette étude :

Chemin Eagleson :

·        La circulation d’arrière-plan s’est accrue et continuera à croître;

·        des travaux d’aménagement importants sont prévus, et ceux‑ci dépendront du couloir du chemin Eagleson;

·        l’élargissement du chemin Eagleson permettra d’absorber l’accroissement de circulation;

·        il sera nécessaire d’offrir des installations pour piétons et cyclistes le long du chemin Eagleson; et

·        possibilité de mettre en œuvre des éléments de conception de l’artère principale du côté ouest du chemin Eagleson.

Chemin Fernbank :

·        L’aménagement des deux côtés du chemin Fernbank nécessitera une révision du tracé du chemin.

Le plan d’évaluation environnementale recommandé identifie l’élargissement du chemin Eagleson et la reconstruction du chemin Fernbank comme étant des éléments nécessaires aux aménagements actuels et futurs prévus pour cette zone. Environ 2 kilomètres du chemin Eagleson seront élargis, et passeront d’artère rurale à deux voies non divisée à route à quatre voies divisée. Environ 600 mètres du chemin Fernbank passeront de chemin rural à route urbaine.

Les deux routes incluront des installations pour piétons et cyclistes (c.‑à‑d. des pistes cyclables sur la voierie et des trottoirs) et cet ajout constituera l’élément clé de la conversion d’intersection rurale à intersection urbaine. L’étude porte également sur le croisement des chemins Eagleson et Fernbank par le sentier polyvalent du drain Monahan.

Les deux solutions de rechange suivantes ont été élaborées pour étude : des passages à niveau et des intersections souterraines (tunnels). Il a par la suite été décidé que les intersections souterraines ne seraient pas réalisables compte tenu de leur prix, des niveaux d’eau dans les aménagements de drainage adjacents, et de l’impact possible sur les propriétés adjacentes.

La solution recommandée est de diriger les utilisateurs du sentier polyvalent du chemin Eagleson vers une intersection équipée de feux de signalisation à Bridgestone pour qu’ils puissent traverser en toute sécurité. Un passage pour traverser le chemin Fernbank pourrait être installé à la croisée des chemins Fernbank et Eagleson, ou bien on pourrait faciliter la traversée de ces chemins grâce à l’installation de feux de signalisation pour piétons (si les conditions s’y prêtent) qui pourraient être situés à l’endroit où le sentier croise pour la première fois le chemin Fernbank, c’est‑à-dire à environ 150 mètres à l’ouest de l’intersection des chemins Fernbank et Eagleson.

Répercussions financières :

L’élargissement du chemin Eagleson, destiné à le convertir en une route urbaine à quatre voies, divisée par une intersection de Cadence Gate/chemin Cope à la promenade Terry Fox/chemin de traverse Hope, agrémentée d’éléments de transition allant jusqu’au chemin Flewellyn, et englobant des pistes cyclables et des emplacements de stationnement sur rue, est évalué à un coût approximatif de 11 millions de dollars. Le coût prévu pour reconstruire le chemin Fernbank en une artère urbaine à deux voies, entre la promenade Terry Fox et le chemin Eagleson, se chiffre approximativement à 3,5 millions de dollars.

Consultation publique / commentaires :

L’étude d’évaluation environnementale a été entreprise sous l’« annexe C » de l’évaluation environnementale municipale, conformément aux Lignes directrices d’évaluation environnementale de portée générale (2000). Les consultations publiques effectuées dans le cadre de ce projet comprenaient notamment :

·        Un « avis de lancement du projet » affiché dans les journaux locaux (1er mars 2006)

·        La réunion publique no 1 – le 4 avril 2006

·        La réunion publique no 2 – le 22 juin 2006

·        La réunion publique no 3 – le 27 juin 2007

·        Groupe de consultation d’organismes (GCO) – pendant tout le déroulement de l’étude

·        Groupes de consultation publiques (GCP) – rétroactions reçues pendant tout le déroulement de l’étude

·        Demandes de renseignement général – contact avec les différents intervenants publics afin de répondre aux commentaires et aux questions soulevées pendant le déroulement de l’étude

Environ 50 personnes ont assisté aux trois réunions publiques. À chaque rencontre, des feuilles de commentaires ont été fournies et la rétroaction a été obtenue pendant les réunions publiques tout comme pendant le reste du déroulement de l’étude. De façon générale, les commentaires étaient positifs vis‑à-vis du projet, et les points suivants ont été soulevés par le public : le besoin de mettre en œuvre des mesures pour réduire le niveau de bruit; l’importance d’offrir des aménagements pour piétons et cyclistes qui soient appropriés; et les avantages et inconvénients d’offrir du stationnement sur rue.



Project Description


The widening of Eagleson Road is required to support existing and future development planned in south Kanata. The study area was expanded in May 2006 to include the reconstruction of Fernbank Road from Eagleson Road to Terry Fox Drive, to coordinate with adjacent development plans.


For the purpose of this report, reference to the Eagleson Road EA will include both the Eagleson Road and Fernbank Road portions of the study. Each roadway will be discussed individually, although they are included within a single study.


Planning Context for Study


The study area is part of the West Urban Community (WUC) that includes Kanata, Kanata West and Stittsville. Population projections for this area predict an increase of two and a half times the current levels (from 73,000 to 186,000 persons), and a proportional increase in employment levels.


In light of this projected growth, the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) identifies the widening of Eagleson Road as a response to the additional transportation demands which will be placed upon the community infrastructure.


A number of development applications have been submitted and are at various stages of approval for lands adjacent to the study area. These include proposals for the development of residential subdivisions as well as commercial and employment-type developments. Their completion is directly linked to the upgrading of the two roadways. 


Official Plan Conformity


The Official Plan (OP) designates the west side of Eagleson Road as an Arterial Mainstreet.  The designation extends from a point beyond the northern limits of the study area, south to Terry Fox Drive/Hope Side Road. The Arterial Mainstreet designation recognizes that Eagleson Road offers an opportunity to create a denser and more compact urban form with mixed-use development and a generally pedestrian-friendly environment.  In May 2006 the City released “Urban Design Guidelines for Development along Arterial Mainstreets”.  These guidelines were considered within the design of Eagleson Road, which resulted in the addition of features such as on-street parking.


Purpose of the Undertaking


The purpose of the undertaking is:


·        To respond to growth pressures (existing and future) by providing adequate transportation capacity in the study area; and




As it exists today, Eagleson Road (from Cadence Gate to Hope Side Road) is a two-lane, undivided rural (roadside ditches provide drainage) arterial roadway. The cross-sections for Eagleson Road and Fernbank Road do not provide pedestrian or cycling facilities.  The posted speed limit is currently 60 km/h from north of the study area south to the Eagleson Road/Emerald Meadows Road intersection; and 80 km/h south of this point. Fernbank Road is a two-lane, rural arterial undivided roadway that currently has a posted speed limit of 60 km/h.


With more development anticipated in the WUC and surrounding villages (i.e. Richmond and Stittsville), the current configuration of Eagleson Road will not meet projected future demand.  The adjacent Fernbank Road area (between Terry Fox Drive and Eagleson Road) is also being developed with urban subdivisions that require the features of an urban roadway. Figure 1 illustrates the study area.



Figure 1: Eagleson Road EA Study Area


Problem/Opportunity Statement 


As described in the previous sections, significant growth is projected in the area of south Kanata over the next 20 years. The Bridlewood and Emerald Meadows residential communities are continuing to develop, as is the Kanata South Business Park and other planned developments. These will all rely on Eagleson Road to serve the transportation needs of the area.


The two-lane portion of Eagleson Road through the study area has limited capacity to serve the projected travel demand and the existing roadway cross-section is projected to result in capacity and mobility issues. The design elements for Eagleson Road are consistent with the projected transportation demand requirements while also incorporating the Urban Design Guidelines for Development along Arterial Mainstreets (2006).


Widening of Eagleson Road will provide the opportunity to include sidewalks and bicycle lanes on both sides of the road between Cope Road and Terry Fox Drive/Hope Side Road.  An opportunity to provide on-street parking is also available between approximately Emerald Meadows and Terry Fox Drive/Hope Side Road, consistent with the Arterial Mainstreet design guidelines.  


Reconstruction of Fernbank Road will bring the roadway up to an urban standard and provide sidewalks and bicycle lanes on both sides of the road between Terry Fox Drive and Eagleson Road. 


The Monahan Drain multi-use path crossing through the study area is incorporated into the planning of both roadways.


Alternative Planning Solutions


Five alternatives were assessed in terms of their ability to address the existing and future transportation needs of the study area:



These alternatives were evaluated on the basis of the ability to address the problem/opportunity statement and the impacts on the social environment and the natural environment.






Preferred Solution


The preferred alternative solution, as originally identified in the TMP includes a combination of: TDM / TSM measures, alternative transportation modes (i.e. increased walking, cycling and transit), the widening of Eagleson Road and reconstruction of Fernbank Road. This solution addresses the following:



Analysis and Evaluation Process


The Eagleson Road Study was separated into two sections for analysis and evaluation of alternatives. This was done to better address the specific requirements and issues of the differing roadways:



Recommended Plan


Section 1 – Eagleson Road (Cadence Gate/Cope Road to Terry Fox Drive/Hope Side Road)


For the widening of Eagleson Road, two cross-section options were considered as follows:  


Typical four-lane suburban arterial


This option would widen Eagleson Road to four lanes of traffic and include dedicated bicycle lanes in each direction, and sidewalks on both sides of the roadway. Both the cycling lanes and the sidewalks would extend the entire length of the study area.


This design is contained within a standard 44.5 m Right-of-Way and features street lighting in the roadway median.


Four-lane urban “Arterial Mainstreet”


This option would widen Eagleson Road to four lanes of traffic and include dedicated bicycle lanes in each direction; sidewalks on both sides of the road, and approximately 200 m of on-street parking on the east side of the road immediately south of Emerald Meadows Drive and approximately 300m of on-street parking on the west side. This design lies within a standard 44.5 m Right-of-Way and features street lighting within the roadway median. The cross-section and plan view are illustrated in Document 1. 


The “Arterial Mainstreet” option would incorporate horizontal design features as speed reduction measures. These include a gentle lateral shift in road alignment in the southbound lane approximately 50 m south of Cope Road; south of (proposed) Bridgestone Drive at the Monahan Drain crossing, and; south of Hope Side Road/Terry Fox Drive intersection.  A roundabout is proposed for the junction of Eagleson Road and Flewellyn Road to act as a transitional feature for drivers approaching from the south as they enter the “Arterial Mainstreet” area.


The urban “Arterial Mainstreet” option (four lanes of traffic, provision of sidewalks and bicycle lanes and specific sections of on-street parking) was selected as the preferred alternative for Eagleson road in keeping with the Urban Design Guidelines for Arterial Mainstreets.


The design incorporates a roundabout located at the junction of Eagleson Road and Flewellyn Road. This feature will act as a speed reduction measure, providing a visual and geometric cue that the driver is entering or exiting the urban area and will further reinforce the change in posted speed (80 km/h to 60 km/h in the north-bound direction). 


Section 2 – Fernbank Road (Terry Fox Drive to Eagleson Road)


No alternative designs were identified for the reconstruction of Fernbank Road. This is based upon existing and forecasted levels of traffic, which confirmed that a two-lane arterial cross-section would be sufficient to accommodate traffic demand.  The design incorporates all modes of travel (pedestrian, cyclist, automobile) to make the roadway more consistent with its planned environment and the interface with Eagleson Road at the eastern terminus.


The typical two-lane cross-section with on-street cycling lanes was selected as the preferred design for Fernbank Road. The cross-section and the plan and profile drawings are presented in Document 2.


Common to both alternatives were the consideration of several factors which required investigation and subsequent incorporation into the conceptual roadway design, as discussed below.


Multi-use Path Crossings


A multi-use path adjacent to the Monahan Drain will cross both Eagleson and Fernbank Roads. The crossing of Eagleson Road is recommended to be at the signalized intersection with Bridgestone Drive. The multi-use pathway crossing of Fernbank Road is recommended to be at the Eagleson Road intersection.  A separate signalized crossing near the Monahan Drain is not recommended unless signal warrants are met in the future.  Underpass crossings of Eagleson Road and Fernbank Road were investigated but dismissed on the basis of feasibility, cost and impacts on the adjacent development.




Increased runoff due to the widening of Eagleson Road, and changes to the cross-section (e.g., installation of a median), will require modifications to the existing stormwater management system on Eagleson Road within the study area. These changes were anticipated during the design of the Monahan Drain Stormwater Management Ponds and alterations to the design are not required.


Property Requirements


Incorporating an urban arterial mainstreet design (as identified in the Transportation Master Plan) for the widening of Eagleson Road, from Cadence Gate to Terry Fox / Hope Side Road, necessitates expanding the current Right-of-Way from 30 m to 44 m. The property on the west side of the road has been dedicated as part of the subdivision process, and has been coordinated with the site design process. Property will be required from adjacent agricultural lands on the east side of Eagleson Road with one property north of Hope Side Road and one property south of Hope Side Road. Additional property will be required on both the west side of Eagleson Road south of Hope Side Road.


Access Controls


Widening Eagleson Road to include a centre median and roundabout at Flewellyn Road will alter the existing circulation patterns for vehicles and pedestrians.  Signalized intersections with full movements exist or will be provided at Cadence Gate/Cope Road, Fernbank Road, Bridgestone Drive (future), Emerald Meadows/Romina Street (future), and Hope Side Road/Terry Fox Drive. One full movement intersection is planned for the proposed employment and commercial development on the west side of Eagleson Road between Romina Street and Terry Fox Drive, which can be signalized when warranted. 


Fernbank Road will have signalized crossings at Terry Fox Drive (existing) and at Eagleson Road (existing). An unsignalized intersection will be provided at Romina Street, which can be signalized when warranted.




The results of this study for Eagleson Road satisfies the following City Strategic Direction:





Existing Natural Environment


The natural environment conditions within the study area were field inventoried and documented for use in the study evaluation. The Monahan Drain is the major natural feature of the study and has figured prominently in the development of study recommendations. Two important issues relating to the Monahan Drain were the minimization of impact on the in-situ aquatic and riparian habitat, and support to its use as a recreational area.


The recommended alternative addresses both issues by narrowing the roadway at the drain crossing. This avoids the cost to extend a major culvert and the habitat disruption associated with that work. Additionally, the route of the multi-use path and the Monahan Drain area have been carefully integrated into the design of the associated paths, road-crossings, access, etc. 


The majority of the study area is comprised of a landscape that has been previously transformed from a natural to an urban state.




A noise assessment along the Eagleson Road study area was performed according to the City of Ottawa Environmental Noise Guidelines (2006). The sound levels at sensitive receptors were estimated within two time frames: ambient (at the commencement of construction) and future (mature state of development). The sound level estimates were based on projected traffic volumes using the Ministry of Environment road traffic model, STAMSON.


In summary, some of the receptors along Eagleson Road produced future sound levels above 60 dBA, which is a threshold that triggers the obligation to investigate noise mitigation. The predicted levels were produced assuming a posted speed of 60 km/h.


The recommended noise mitigation measure is the construction of noise barriers within the City right-of-way to achieve required minimum levels of attenuation.


Noise barriers will be included in the project for the sections of Eagleson Road (within the study area) with the outdoor living area (residential rear yards or other noise sensitive land use) adjacent to the road. 


Within the Eagleson Road study area this is confined to the east side of Eagleson Road from Cadence Gate to Fernbank Road.  All other areas do not contain outdoor living areas adjacent to the roadway or will be addressed by new developments as part of the subdivision process.


Air Quality


In accordance with City Council direction, air quality is a factor to be evaluated and considered in all road projects undertaken within the city.  Accordingly, an air quality evaluation was made for the Eagleson Road and Fernbank Road projects, in which the three major emissions from vehicles were considered: hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide (CO) and oxides of nitrogen (Nox).  Hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides contribute to smog pollution. Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas in closed spaces, but in the open and in vary large concentrations can also be toxic to animals and plants.


At this time, there are no standards in Ontario relating to vehicle exhaust emission levels from roadways. There are standards relating to emission levels from individual vehicles, but the cumulative effect of emissions from traffic on any given section of roadway is not regulated.


In 2021 with projected population growth (despite changes over time to vehicle emissions technology), increased traffic volumes will increase total emission quantities of carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen and hydrocarbons above the quantities that occur today, conditions will be similar to those experienced adjacent to many suburban arterial roads across the city (such as March Road, Hazeldean Road, Terry Fox Drive, and others).




A key consideration in the development of the recommended plan for Eagleson Road has been the rural to urban transition.  The recommended plan addresses the process of transitioning from the rural arterial road environment, on Eagleson Road south of the urban area, into the lower speed and higher activity area over 500m, from Flewellyn Road to Terry Fox Drive.


Key features of the transition area are the roundabout intersection at Flewellyn Road that addresses reported turning delay and safety concerns, and gentle deflections of the roadway that correspond to the planned reductions in the posted speed.




Public consultation began early in the process and was maintained throughout the duration of the study. Input was gained from the public, affected property owners and developers, local interest groups and review agencies in an effort to help identify issues and constraints and to obtain comment on selected design features. Over the course of the study, regular update meetings were held with an Agency Consultation Group (ACG) and a Public Consultation Group (PCG) to seek input, direction and concurrence on the study findings and recommendations.


A proactive and flexible approach to public and agency consultation was adopted in keeping with the needs and interests of key stakeholders. Although the required points of public contact in the Class EA are clearly stipulated, the issues/concerns and level of interest of the stakeholders dictated the form and frequency of public contact.


The consultation program for this study consisted of the following activities:


·        “Notice of Project Commencement” advertisements in local newspapers (1 March 2006);

·        Three Public Open Houses (4 April 2006; 22 June 2006; 27 June 2007);

·        Public Consultation Group and Stakeholder meetings;

·        Agency Consultation Group meetings;

·        General Inquiries - Contact with various public stakeholders to respond to comments or questions throughout the study.


The three public open houses were informal drop-in sessions with the Project Manager from the study team present to answer questions. The sign-in attendance at the three open houses was 10, 18 and 20 persons respectively. Poster board presentations were displayed at each open house. These boards contained both graphic and text information pertaining to the study design, environmental assessment process, conceptual plans, and next steps. Information sheets and copies of the boards presented at previous open houses were available to members of the public, and later posed on the City web site. Comment sheets were provided and feedback encouraged. A summary of comments received is included in Table 1.


Summary of Public Comments


At the conclusion of the study, the generally supportive responses were split between support for the proposed design elements and specific reservations about certain roadway design features.


The principle issues of contention were:


1.      Provision of on-street parking in accordance with Urban Arterial design guidelines;

2.      Speed reduction measures such as the deflection of the horizontal roadway alignment and the traffic circle.

3.      Noise levels experienced by property owners adjacent to Eagleson Road (concern with historic and future noise levels) both within and outside the study area.


Table 1 presents a summary of the public comments collected over the course of the study. The comments were grouped according to common themes. The response of the study team to the comment is also provided.


Table 1: Summary of Public Comments


Widening Issues


Support for the widening of Eagleson road from two lanes to four.


Support for typical 4-lane arterial with bike lane provision.


Support for road-widening between Cope Road & Fernbank Road due to dangerous merge on down hill slope.


Pedestrian and Cycling Issues


Support for sidewalks, bike lanes, and street lighting on both sides.


Suggestion that recreational pathway be lowered and/or moved to improve privacy on residential property.

Existing pathway is outside of the project study area but noise attenuation requirements may address this.

Suggestion for 2 m bike lanes urban divide, signalized crossings, separated and signalized cycling pathway corridors.


Concern with pedestrian crossing of Fernbank Road.


Noise Issues


Noted high noise levels and dust in back yard due to increase in traffic.

Suggestion for installation of full sound barriers with trees and bushes for homes backing on to Eagleson Road.

EA has recommended noise mitigation where warranted, with detailed impact mitigation to be addressed in the design phase.

Support for full sound barriers behind homes on Riding Way and Huntsman.

See above response.

Question if sound barriers will be erected on east side of Eagleson Road between Cope Road and end of housing near Fernbank.

See above response.

Design Issues


Prefers landscaped cross-section option with separate pedestrian path.


Suggestion that connecting roadways from Eagleson to TFD be constructed as part of the Eagleson Road work (i.e. Cope and Michael Cowpland Roads).

Roadways will be provided as adjacent lands develop.

Suggestion for maximum speed of 60km/h, use of yield signs (in lieu of stop signs) use of pedestrian signals with countdown times, use of traffic circles (in lieu of traffic signals), use of protected and permissive left turn signals (in lieu of protected), and removal of all-red time at traffic signals.

Noted, but some suggested changes are bound by traffic engineering design parameters and will be determined in the detailed design.

Suggestion to remove right turn channeling and provide left turn channeling (single lane).

Noted, design supports narrower Right-of-Way.

Concern regarding traffic circle and alignment deflection design.

Noted, speed management measures are critical to the safe implementation of Mainstreet features and, therefore, have been retained.

Concern with allowance for on-street parking.

Noted but design supports City of Ottawa Arterial Mainstreet guidelines. (Approved by City Council on May 24, 2006)

Suggestion to design medians and roadway with adequate provision for snow and water run-off and capture.


Timing Issues


Suggestion that Trans Canada Trail way-finding signage be installed before proceeding with this project.


Traffic Issues


Concern about increasing traffic volumes on Eagleson Road.

Consideration was given to planned developments within and adjacent to the study area. Anticipated traffic volume increases are a direct result of growth and approved development.  

Concern about potential increase in traffic volumes on Emerald Meadows Drive with the development of Shillington lands. Noted that traffic in Bridlewood is currently heavy and additional vehicles will compound the problem.

See above response.

Request that effort be made to maximize traffic flow and minimize delay.


Support for posted speed limit of 50 kph.


Concern that decreasing posted speed limit lengthens travel time required to exit city.

The proposed speed limit of 60km/h corresponds to the 70km/h design speed of the roadway, and the Arterial Main Street function.

Other Issues


Concern about future Shillington developments and whether there is opportunity for change.

Not within the scope of the study. Comment referred to Planning Approvals for review within the Site Plan process.

Suggestion that parking lot be provided in the Monahan Drain.

Noted, under review by Parks and Recreation.

Suggestion that stand of trees located on south-west corner of Eagleson Road and Fernbank Road is preserved.



Project Web Site


A website was maintained for this project on the City’s external website. It contained all public notices and display materials presented at the three open houses.


This gave interested members of the community who were unable to attend the scheduled events an opportunity to view all the materials at their convenience. The web-site also included contact information for the study team.


Members of the public who signed in at the open houses or who expressed interest in the study were placed on the study mailing list.  Where email addresses were provided interested parties were sent email advising them of new materials posted on the website.




·        Eagleson Road (from Cadence Gate / Cope Road to Terry Fox Drive / Hope Side Road) reconstruction and widening with a design incorporating a four-lane urban arterial divided cross-section, bicycle lanes and on-street parking is expected to cost approximately $11 M ($2007) for 2.0 km.


·        Fernbank Road (from Terry Fox Drive to Eagleson Road) reconstruction to a two-lane urban arterial cross-section is expected to cost approximately $3.5 M ($2007) for 0.6 km.





Document 1      Eagleson Road: Typical Cross-Section, and Plan Drawings

Document 2      Fernbank Road: Typical Cross-Section, and Plan Drawings




Following Committee and Council approval, the Environmental Study Report documenting the entire EA process and study recommendations will be finalized and provided to the public for a 30 day review period. The public will be notified through the posting of a ‘Notice of Study Completion” appearing in the Ottawa Citizen, Le Droit, and the Kanata Kourier newspapers.




PLAN DRAWINGS                                                                                            DOCUMENT 1


PLAN DRAWINGS                                                                                            DOCUMENT 2