Report to/Rapport au :


Joint Meeting – Transportation Committee and Transit Committee

Comité conjointe des transports et des services de transport en commun


and Council / et au Conseil


12 November 2008/le 12 novembre 2008


Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager/Directrice municipale adjointe,

Infrastructure Services and Community Sustainability / Service d'infrastructure et Viabilité des collectivités 


Contact Person/Personne ressource : Michael Murr, Manager

Strategic Initiative and Business Planning/Initiative stratégique et planification opérationnelle

(613) 580-2424 x 25195,


College (8)

Ref N°: ACS2008-ICS-DCM-0007








projets des archives de la ville – du collège algonquin et de conception fonctionnelle du transitway – de la station baseline – du centre d’activité de centrepointe





That the Joint Transportation and Transit Committee recommend Council:


1.                  Approve the Baseline Station/Transitway Functional Design Plans, as described in this report and as filed with the City Clerk, to guide Rapid Transit Network and Centrepointe Town Centre (CTC) planning and implementation including that for the City’s Archives/Library Technical Services Facility and the Algonquin College Project;


2.                  Approve the updated CTC Concept Plan, attached as Document 1, as being consistent with the Baseline Station/Transitway Functional Design Plans as set out in Recommendation 1; and the development plans for the City’s Archives/Library Technical Services Facility and the Algonquin College Project;


3.                  Approve the initiation of the environmental assessment for the long-term rapid transit network from Baseline to Norice, as well as the preliminary/detailed design and construction work required to implement the first phase of the Baseline Station/Transitway Functional Design Plans to support the CTC Concept Plan and implementation, including the provision of City funding in the amount of $23.6 million to cover the estimated cost of immediate infrastructure investments as set out in Document 2 (Table 1);


4.                  Authorize the transfer of funds in the amount of $0.6M from account 904822 Pedestrian Crossing (Baseline-Algonquin) to account 904683 South West Transitway (Baseline-Norice);


5.                  Authorize the transfer of funds in the amount of $10M from Investing in Ontario revenues and $6.6M from the Transit Capital Reserve Fund, subject to approval as part of Council’s consideration of the draft Operating and Capital Budgets scheduled for the first week of December 2008;


6.                  Identify, as a priority within the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Phase 1 Increment 1 Transit Implementation Priority the $44.9M necessary, as set out in Document 2 (Table 2), for the next phase of the Baseline Station/Transitway Functional Design Plans to immediately follow the first phase in 2009;


7.                  Waive City policy pertaining to the policy for the disposal of real property including internal and external circulation, notice and marketing of surplus properties, and declare the parcel of vacant land, consisting of approximately 1.115 hectares (2.85 acres), being part of Lot 34 Concession 2 Rideau Front and shown as Parcel 1 on the Annex “A” plan set out in Document 3, as surplus to the City's needs;


8.                  Authorize the transfer of the property outlined in Recommendation 6 to Algonquin College to allow the College to proceed with the implementation of Phase I of the Algonquin Project (the Centre for Construction Trades and Building Sciences) subject to the execution of an agreement between the City and Algonquin College based on the conditions set out in Document 4, and authorize the City Manager to prepare and execute the agreement; and


9.                  Direct staff to continue to work with Algonquin College on the planning and implementation of Phase II of the Algonquin Project as well as exploring joint development opportunities for the City and the College in implementing the remainder of the updated CTC Concept Plan as set out in Document 1, including securing additional public and private sector funding to the benefit of both parties.




Que le Comité mixte des transports et des services de transport en commun recommande au Conseil :


1.                  d’approuver les plans de conception fonctionnelle du Transitway – de la station Baseline, tels que décrits dans le présent rapport et déposés au Bureau du greffe, pour orienter l’aménagement et la mise en œuvre du Centre d’activité de Centrepointe (CAC) et du réseau de transport en commun rapide, y compris les projets  du Collège Algonquin et de l’installation des services techniques de la Bibliothèque – des Archives de la Ville.


2.                  D’approuver le plan de conception mis à jour du CAC joint en Document 1 et conforme aux Plans de conception fonctionnelle du Transitway – de la station Baseline décrits dans la Recommandation 1, ainsi que les plans d’aménagement des Projets  du Collège Algonquin et de l’installation des services techniques de la Bibliothèque – des Archives de la Ville.


3.                  D’approuver le lancement de l’évaluation environnementale du réseau de transport en commun rapide à long terme de Baseline à Norice, ainsi que la conception préliminaire – détaillée et les travaux de construction requis pour entreprendre la première étape des Plans de conception fonctionnelle du Transitway – de la station Baseline, afin de soutenir le Plan de conception et la mise en œuvre du CAC, de même que la prestation du financement de la Ville au montant de 23,6 millions de dollars pour couvrir le coût estimé des investissements immédiats dans l’infrastructure déterminés au Document 2 (Tableau 1).


4.                  D’autoriser le transfert de fonds d’un montant de 0,6 M$ du compte 904822, Passage pour piétons (Baseline–Algonquin) au compte 904683, Transitway Sud-Ouest (Baseline–Norice).


5.                  d’autoriser le transfert de fonds d’un montant de 10 M$ des revenus d’Investir dans l’Ontario et de 6 M$ du fonds de réserve pour immobilisations dans le transport en commun, sous réserve de l’approbation des budgets d’immobilisations et de fonctionnement préliminaires dans le cadre de leur examen par le Conseil prévu pour la première semaine de décembre 2008. 


6.         d’inscrire au Plan directeur des transports (PDT), Phase 1, Augmentation 1, Priorité pour mise en œuvre du transport en commun, comme il est expliqué dans le Document 2, que la somme de 44,90 millions de dollars est une priorité nécessaire pour l’étape suivante des Plans de conception fonctionnelle du Transitway – de la station Baseline qui suivra immédiatement la première étape en 2009.


7          De passer outre à la politique relative à la disposition des biens immobiliers, y compris la diffusion interne et externe, l’avis et la mise en marché des propriétés excédentaires et de déclarer que la parcelle de terrain vacant qui comprend environ 1,115 hectare (2,85 acres), qui fait partie du Lot 34, Concession 2, Façade Rideau et qui est affichée en Parcelle 1 au plan de l’Annexe « A » du Document 3 est excédentaire aux besoins de la Ville.


8                    D’autoriser le transfert de la propriété décrite dans la Recommandation 6 au Collège Algonquin pour lui permettre de procéder à la mise en œuvre de la Phase I du Projet Algonquin (le Centre des métiers de la construction et des sciences du bâtiment), compte tenu de l’application d’une entente entre la Ville et le Collège Algonquin selon les conditions décrites au Document 4, et d’autoriser le directeur municipal à préparer et conclure l’entente.


9.         De demander au personnel de continuer de collaborer avec le Collège Algonquin à la planification et la mise en œuvre de la Phase II du Projet Algonquin, et d’examiner des occasions d’aménagement mixtes pour la Ville et le Collège au cours de la mise en œuvre des étapes suivantes du Plan conceptuel mis à jour du CAC décrit au Document 1 et, notamment, d’obtenir un financement supplémentaire des secteurs public et privé à l’avantage des deux parties.





Centrepointe Town Centre


The Centrepointe Town Centre (CTC) is one of the City’s Community Lands Development Projects. The City’s objectives for these projects are to: 1) implement City plans that leverage strategic parcels of City-owned lands; 2) provide opportunities for innovation; and 3) showcase Ottawa 20/20 growth management principles.


Given its importance for showcasing innovation and smart growth, the CTC Concept Plan, as shown in Document 5, was created in 2006-2007 through a series of five public workshops with the community and stakeholders. Based on input from the workshops, city staff initiated the “due diligence” process to assess the risks and opportunities associated with the development of the area.


On 14 November 2007, Council authorized staff to continue the due diligence investigations/development plan design work for the CTC Project as the basis for establishing Corporate priorities in the budget process for key transportation initiatives set out in the CTC Concept Plan (ACS2007-CMR-CSE-0012). Council also directed staff to:


§         Prepare a transportation master plan for the CTC;

§         Prepare a transportation demand management demonstration plan for the CTC including a parking management strategy/implementation plan; and

§         Work collaboratively with Algonquin College with respect to the potential development of College facilities adjacent to and integrated with the Baseline Transit Station consistent with the CTC Concept Plan.


The Algonquin Project


Concurrent with this direction, on 14 November 2007 Council also confirmed its support for a major new $104M initiative by Algonquin College to expand its training capacity to address the chronic shortage of skilled trades and health care professionals in Ontario (ACS2007-PTE-DCM-0003).  This two-phase project includes the $69M Phase I Centre for Construction Trades and Building Sciences (CCTBS) and a $35M Phase II Health Sciences Education Facility (“the Algonquin Project”) and is planned to be built on City-owned lands on the west side of Woodroffe Avenue opposite the existing Algonquin campus.


As part of this support, Council agreed to hold in reserve and ultimately make available for development, two parcels of land abutting Baseline Station with a total area of approximately 1.62 hectares (four acres) for potential college facilities, subject to further Council approval of an Agreement between the City and College prior to the land transfers that will address all relevant issues (e.g. senior level government funding, environmental and transit objectives).  The reserved land is shown as Parcel A (0.813 hectares or 2.01acres) and a portion of Parcel B (0.810 hectares or 2.0 acres) on Document 6.


Council’s approval of the Algonquin Project also included $5M (gross) in the 2008 Budget for the design and construction of a Pedestrian Bridge between Baseline Station and Algonquin College subject to further approval by Council of a satisfactory cost sharing agreement between the City and the College.


In June 2008, Algonquin College received a $35M funding grant from the Province of Ontario for the CCTBS facility on condition that the facility be completed and opened by September 2011 as set out in Document 7.  On the basis of the funding grant, reserve funds and borrowing capacity, Algonquin College is proceeding to implement the project.


A conceptual design for the Algonquin Project has been prepared for the College by Griffiths Rankin Cook Architects (GRC).  The project is to be staged to have the CCTBS facility completed by September 2011, with the Phase II Health Sciences Education Facility (and other educational facilities) completed by 2015 based on integrating the Algonquin facilities with the City’s rapid transit facilities in the CTC.


City Archives and Library Technical Services Project


On 14 November 2007, Council approved the design and construction of a 81,363-square foot facility to house the City’s Central Archives and Library Technical Services functions (the “Archives Project”) in the Centrepointe area at the southwest corner of Tallwood Drive and Woodroffe Avenue, subject to funding as part of the 2008 budget.  Funding has been secured and the Archives Project must be completed by the fall of 2010 when the City’s lease for the existing archives facility at 111 Sussex Drive terminates.  Detailed design for this facility is underway with the foundation work scheduled to commence in the summer of 2009.


The full text of the 14 November 2007 Council approved recommendations, with respect to the CTC/Algonquin/Archives Projects, is attached as Document 8.


Rapid Transit Network Plan


The completion of the rapid transit network facilities in the Centrepointe area and their integration with the Algonquin and Archives facilities are fundamental to the implementation of the Centrepointe Town Centre Concept Plan.


On 28 May 2008 Council approved a 2031 Rapid Transit Network that is focused on converting the Transitway to Light Rail Transit (LRT) from Baseline to Blair stations (as shown in Document 9).  Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) service was also approved from Baseline to Norice through the completion of this portion of the grade-separated Southwest Transitway. Baseline Station is identified as a major transfer point between bus and rail, until population densities further south warrant the conversion of the Southwest Transitway for LRT service.


As noted in the staff report Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Update, 2008 tabled at the joint meeting of Transit and Transportation Committees on 10 November 2008, the construction of the Baseline to Norice portion of the Southwest Transitway and the new Baseline Station (with a BRT/LRT transfer configuration) is a high priority and has been recommended for construction as a Phase 1, Increment 1 project, meaning that it will be part of the City's first package of funding from partner levels of government.  McCormick Rankin Corporation has commenced design work and a land preservation study for both the station and the Transitway piece.  Should funding be received, construction could be complete by mid 2011.


The LRT project from Tunney’s Pasture to Baseline Station has a high benefit to customers and is needed to remove the majority of the remaining buses on Albert and Slater and therefore taking full advantage of the tunnel investment.  Accordingly it has been recommended as a Phase 1, Increment 2 project, meaning that it will be constructed once Increment 1 projects are complete and partner government funding is available.




The recommendations in this report support the draft Transportation Master Plan and its Rapid Transit Network. As outlined above, the collaborative planning for the CTC/Rapid Transit Network/Archives/Algonquin Projects provides a significant opportunity to create a model mixed-use urban centre that integrates environmentally sensitive developments such as the proposed CCTBS and Archives buildings with the City’s TMP proposed Rapid Transit Network facilities for CTC.  This report also addresses the urgency of dealing with these recommendations at this time on the account of developments that needs to move forward in the absence of full funding of the TMP priority initiatives that will be determined by Council on 26 November 2008.


Recommendation 1


South West Transitway - Baseline Station Functional Design Plans


The Functional Design Plans for the SW Transitway - Baseline Station, provide a design basis upon which to integrate mixed-use development with a LRT/BRT transfer station in an urban setting.  When approved by Council, these plans will be the foundation for all subsequent Rapid Transit Network and Development planning/project implementation in the CTC and will serve as the guide for any required environmental assessments and site plan processes.


The study examined specific technical issues related to the integration of Baseline Station and transit network with upcoming development plans for the CTC, including the Algonquin Project, and the City Archives.  City and College staff/consultants have worked collaboratively since June 2008 to solve technical, design and phasing issues with respect to integrating the proposed building projects with the rapid transit facilities in the CTC.


The resulting Functional Design Plans for Baseline Station are now complete and filed with the Office of the City Clerk.  The Plans reflect a coordinated design effort that ensures that the Algonquin Project and required City transit facilities are properly staged as set out in Document 10.


Recommendation 2


The Evolving CTC Concept Plan - November 2008 Update


The CTC Concept Plan, shown in Document 5, has now been updated to incorporate the “Southwest Transitway LRT/BRT - Long TermFunctional Design Plan and the Algonquin Project Concept Plan as shown in Document 1. 


The grade separation of the Transitway and Baseline Station in the CTC, as shown in Document 1, provides for the additional direct vehicular access to the CTC, a more significant public focal point and better integration of adjacent buildings with the transit station that the workshop participants were seeking but which could not be accommodated with the at grade transit station constraint that existed for the November 2007 Concept Plan.


Council’s approval of the November 2008 update of the Concept Plan (Document 1) will provide a consistent framework for further community consultation as the transit and development projects proceed through any required environmental assessment and site plan processes.


Recommendations 3, 4, 5 and 6
Initiation of Phase 1 Transit System Work in CTC and Funding Commitment


The estimated cost for implementing the grade separated LRT/BRT system from Baseline Road to Norice Street and a new transfer station is $185M as set out in Document 2 (Table 4).  This estimated cost is now included in the City’s current TMP project requirements as identified within the TMP Phase 1 Increment 1 Transit Implementation Priority.


As set out in the Background Section of this report, the approved strategic initiatives call for the BRT system to be completed by Dec. 2015 and for the LRT service to come to Baseline Station sometime after 2016. Based on the LRT requirements after 2016 and, in order to avoid major disruption to the BRT system when constructing the LRT works, the BRT system must be completed on the basis of the ultimate grade separation requirements. This will cost $165M as per the "Interim" cost estimate set out in Document 2 (Table 3).


Because of the grade separation requirements, no stage of the grade-separated portion of the works will be useable until all the grade separation work is fully completed. On that basis the project can be initiated in stages based on approximately $27.5M per year of work and in locations that will best fit with adjacent development projects.


In that respect, both the City's Archives and Algonquin's CCTBS project need to be completed on or before 2011. The Algonquin Project deadline based on the funding conditions set by the Province of Ontario is 1 September 2011. The Archives Project deadline is based on the termination of the City’s existing lease at 111 Sussex in the fall of 2010. As a result, it is proposed that the Phase I Transitway work in the CTC provide for the completion of the grade separated structures adjacent to both the Archives and CCTBS projects at a cost of $68.5M as per the Phase I cost estimate set out in Document 2 (Table 2).


Since the funding of the TMP initiatives will not be in place to allow the City to commit to constructing all the Phase I Implement 1 Transitway work in the CTC starting in May 2009, the following minimum work was identified for the first year in order to be able to coordinate with the Algonquin Project work: 


The result is a total construction cost, including engineering and contingency, of $23.6M as set out in Document 2 (Table 1).


In order for Phase I of the City's Transitway work to start in May 2009, the environmental assessment and preliminary engineering design work must be initiated in early December and completed by the 31 March 2009. While an RFP for the engineering work is currently in progress, the award of this work is dependent on Council’s approval of the required funding.


Therefore, as set out in Recommendation 3, it is recommended that Council approve the initiation of the environmental assessment, preliminary/detailed design, and construction work necessary to implement the first phase of the Baseline Station/Transitway Functional Design Plans to support the CTC Concept Plan and implementation including the provision of City funding in the amount of  $23.6 million to cover the estimated cost of immediate infrastructure investments as set out in Document 2 (Table 1). The sources of this investment are outlined in

Recommendations 4 and 5 and the Financial Implication section of this report.


It is also recommended, as set out in Recommendation 6 that the $44.9M remainder of the $68.5M cost for the Phase I Transitway works for the CTC be identified, as a priority within the TMP Phase 1 Increment 1 Transit Implementation Priority, to allow the rest of the Phase I works to immediately follow the first phase in 2009.


Recommendations 7 and 8


The provision of $23.6M funding by the City for the immediate infrastructure investments needed to coordinate the transit network construction with the CCTBS project construction will allow the City to transfer the parcel of land, designated as Parcel 1 on the Annex A plan shown in Document 3, to Algonquin College for the CCTBS building site subject to an agreement being executed between the City and the College based on the conditions set out in Document 4.


Once the existing Transitway station is relocated away from Parcels 1 and 2, as shown on the Annex A plan, by constructing the temporary station, Parcel 1 will be surplus to the City’s transit plan requirements and can therefore be declared surplus as set out in Recommendation 7.


As Parcel 1 has been held by the City solely for transit purposes, it is no longer needed for those purposes. Since Council in November 2007 reserved the area between the transit station and Woodroffe for potential Algonquin Project facilities, it is recommended that for this transaction Council waive the City policy pertaining to the internal and external circulation, notice and the marketing of surplus properties, and transfer the parcel to the College as set out in Recommendation 8.

Recommendation 9


Joint Phase 2 Algonquin Project and CTC Development Planning/Implementation


The updated CTC Concept Plan, set out in Document 1 evolved through the collaborative planning efforts of the City and College and reflects the ultimate development objectives of both parties for lands within the CTC. 


There are significant opportunities for the City and College to cooperate in the joint development of other parcels in the CTC. As set out in the land transfer conditions in Document 4, the City will continue to reserve the 0.956 hectares (2.36 acres) Parcel 3, shown on the Annex A plan, for Phase 2 of the Algonquin Project as well as surface rights and air rights as required for pedestrian bridge links over the 0.770 hectares (1.90 acre) Parcel 2 of the transit tunnel.


In addition, the 0.293-hectares (0.72-acre) Parcel 6, shown on the Annex A plan, will be reserved for the College to integrate a building with the proposed LRT/BRT transfer station as set out in the land transfer conditions in Document 4.


Joint developments by the City and College of the Phase 2 Algonquin Project facilities with other CTC developments on Parcels 4, 5 and 7, as shown on the Annex A plan (Document 3), will provide greater development potential and additional revenue opportunities for both parties. It is recommended that the City continue to work with Algonquin College on the planning and implementation of Phase 2 of the Algonquin Project as well as exploring joint development opportunities for the City and the College in implementing the remainder of the updated CTC Concept Plan, including securing additional public and private sector funding to the benefit of both parties.




City staff, College staff and consultants have worked collaboratively to advance the Concept Plans for the CTC and Algonquin Projects in conjunction with the development of the functional design for the Rapid Transit Network facilities.


As this work has been undertaken on the basis of existing Council directions and approvals, and given that the resulting plans will be the subject of further environmental and site plan approval processes, additional community consultation has not been carried out at this point.


Subject to Council approval of the recommendations in this report, it is the intention to coordinate with the Ward Councillor to hold a public meeting early in 2009 that will deal with all planned CTC initiatives including the site plans for the Archives and Algonquin Projects and the EA for the rapid transit system.




According to the Terms of Reference for Standing Committees, Recommendations 7 and 8 fall within the jurisdiction of Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee to recommend to Council.  While it is appropriate that the Joint Meeting of Transportation and Transit Committee consider these recommendations first in the overall policy context of the Centrepointe Town Centre - Baseline Station - Algonquin - City Archive Project, in the normal course these two recommendations would then proceed to Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee prior to all matters rising to Council.


However, because of the integral link of this project to the Transportation Master Plan, it is appropriate that all of the recommendations rise to Council at the same time.  Therefore, as there is not a meeting of Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee between the Joint Meeting and Council, Recommendations 7 and 8 will proceed directly to Council.  The procedural motion for the introduction of Standing Committee reports will contain the necessary language to permit their consideration.


Funds are available for transfer from 904822 ($0.6M), Pedestrian Crossing (Baseline - Algonquin).  As part of Council approval of the Rate Supported Budget, on 12 November 2008 Council pre-approved the Water ($2.2M) and Wastewater ($3.2M) contribution from Reserves in support of the CTC Concept Plan and the South West Transitway.

Subject to Council deliberations and approval of the 2009 Operating and Draft Capital Budgets during the first week in December, the availability and transfer of $10M, Investing in Ontario Revenues and $6.6M from the Transit Capital Reserve Funds.  The forecasted uncommitted balance to year-end for the Transit Capital Reserve fund is $39M.

In total, and with all the above adjustments, the revised budget of the South West Transitway (Baseline - Norice) will be $23.6M.




Document 1      Centrepointe Town Centre Concept Plan, updated November 2008

Document 2      Cost Estimate S.W. Transitway/Baseline Station

Document 3      Annex “A” Algonquin College Property Requirements

Document 4      Land Transfer Agreement Conditions

Document 5      Centrepointe Town Centre Concept Plan, Workshop 5

Document 6      Centrepointe Town Centre Road Network Workshop 5 Concept Plan

Document 7      Provincial Government Funding Commitment

Document 8      Council Approvals

Document 9      Rapid Transit Network Option 4

Document 10    Baseline Station/Transitway and Algonquin Project Phasing/Timelines




Upon Council approval of the recommendations in this report, the Real Estate Services Division (RESD) will coordinate the negotiations between the City and College staffs with respect to the Land Transfer Agreement and associated agreements as outlined in Document 4 of this report.


Once the above referenced negotiations are concluded, RESD will assist Legal Services in preparing the Land Transfer Agreement and associated agreements; having the agreements executed by both parties; finalizing the arrangements for the transfer of the Property from the City to the College; and closing this property transaction.


Also, upon Council approval of the recommendations in this report, staff in the Infrastructure Services and Community Sustainability Department will initiate the environmental assessment for the long-term rapid transit network from Baseline to Norris, as well as the preliminary/detailed design and construction work required to implement the first phase of the Baseline Station/Transitway Functional Design Plans to support the CTC Concept Plan and implementation.




UPDATED NOVEMBER 2008                                                                               DOCUMENT 1




Table 1

Phase 1 (Immediate) - Minimum Work Required to Coordinate with CCTBS Construction



Item Description




Temporary Baseline Station

$6.35 m



Piling/Tiebacks for Tunnel Construction – College Avenue to Navaho Drive

$2.8 m



Excavation for tunnel and College/Navaho underpasses

$2.6 m



College Avenue underpass structure

$2.8 m



S.W.M. sewers – College Avenue to Navaho Drive

$2.6 m



Navaho watermain relocation

$1.75 m



Sub-Total - Construction




Contingency @10 %

$1.9 m



Engineering @ 15%

$2.8 m




$23.6 m


Notes: These estimates are based on the City of Ottawa’s 2008 unit price data.



Table 2


Phase I - Temporary Baseline Station & Grade Separated Transitway Structures - Navaho Dr. to College Ave. and Tallwood Station


Note: Includes $23.6M costs identified in Table 1.



Item Description




Temporary Baseline Station

$6.35 m



Tunnel (covered) – College Avenue to Navaho Drive

$27.4 m



Excavation for tunnel and underpasses

$2.6 m



College Avenue underpass

$2.8 m



Navaho Drive underpass

$3.5 m



S.W.M. sewers – College Avenue to Navaho Drive

$2.6 m



Watermain relocation

$1.75 m



Tallwood Drive underpass

$2.2 m



Tallwood Station

$2.0 m



Excavation/grading for Tallwood Station and Transitway

$2.8 m



Tallwood storm sewer bypass

$0.5 m



Tallwood watermain relocation

$0.3 m





Sub-Total - Construction




Contingency @10 %

$5.5 m



Engineering @ 15%

$8.2 m




$68.5 m




Table 3


Phase II Interim  - Provide for BRT Completion in Centrepointe -


Cost Estimate Summary - Functional Design - Baseline Rd. to Norice St.  Intersection


Item Description




Temporary Baseline Station

$6.35 m



BRT – Tallwood Drive to Baseline Road – including Navaho, Collage and Station underpasses, Tunnel, Baseline Transit Station

$98.5 m



S.W.M. – Navaho to Pinecrest Creek

$2.0 m



S.W.M – Tallwood to Navaho

$7.2 m



Tallwood watermain

$0.3 m



Navaho watermain

$1.75 m



BRT – Tallwood to Norice

$16.0 m



Sub- Total Construction

$132.1 m



Contingency @ 10%

$13.21 m



Engineering @ +/- 15%

$19.69 m




$165.0 m







-         Includes $68.5M costs identified in Table 2.

-         This functional design cost estimate summary is based on the preliminary functional design drawing Plate PR2, Scheme 7, dated 24 October 2008 & Plate P3, Scheme 5, dated 28 October 2008 (Temporary Station).

-         These estimates are based on the City of Ottawa’s 2008 unit price data base 


Table 4


Long Term – Provide for BRT/LRT Transfer Station


Cost Estimate Summary - Functional Design - Baseline Rd. to Norice St. Intersection


Item Description




Temporary Baseline Station

$6.35 m



Phase II – Interim BRT

$98.5 m



LRT and station/tunnel finishes

$17.5 m



S.W.M. - Navaho to Pinecrest Creek

$2.0 m



S.W.M. – Tallwood to Navaho

$7.2 m



Tallwood watermain

$0.3 m



Navaho watermain

$1.75 m



BRT – Tallwood to Norice

$16.0 m



Sub-Total - Construction

$149.60 m



Contingency @ 10%

$14.96 m



Engineering @ +/-15%

$20.44 m




$185.00 m






-         Note: Includes $165M costs identified in Table 3.

-         This functional design cost estimate summary is based on based on the preliminary functional design drawings Plate PR1, Scheme 2, dated 24 October 2008 & Plate P3, Scheme 5, dated 28 October 2008 (Temporary Station).

-         These estimates are based on the City of Ottawa’s 2008 unit price database.






REQUIREMENTS                                                                                                 DOCUMENT 3


                                           DOCUMENT 4



1.      The City of Ottawa (the ”City”) agrees to transfer to Algonquin College (the “College”), for the nominal consideration of $1, the approximately 1.152-hectare (2.85-acre) parcel of land, being part of Lot 34 Concession 2 Rideau Front and shown as Parcel 1 on the Annex “A” plan set out in Document 3 of this report (the “Property”) subject to the City and College entering into a Development Agreement prior to the transfer of the property based generally on, but necessarily limited to, conditions as follows:


1.1  The City acknowledges that is the intention of the College to expand its Woodroffe Campus into the Centrepointe Town Centre (CTC), by the end of 2015, as contemplated by the CTC Concept Plan, as updated to November 2008 and attached to this report as Document 1, and generally in the development form shown on the Stage 2B Plan dated October 28, 2008, prepared by Griffiths Rankin Cook Architects (GRC) and attached as Document 10 of this report (the Algonquin Project”), and the City agrees to make its best efforts to accommodate the  Algonquin Project in the CTC by providing lands and coordinating City infrastructure requirements as set out further in this agreement.


1.2  The College acknowledges that the City as part of its proposed Rapid Transit Network Plan of the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) intends ultimately to provide a grade separated LRT/BRT transfer station at Baseline Station during the period 2016-2031, as shown on Functional Design Plan on file with the City Clerk being McCormick Rankin Corporation (MRC) drawing Plate PR1, Scheme 2, dated 24 October 2008 - titled “Southwest Transitway LRT/BRT - Long Term”, and to provide an interim grade separated BRT system at Baseline Station by December 2015, as shown on Functional Design Plan on file with the City Clerk being  MRC drawing Plate PR2, Scheme 7, dated 24 October 2008 - titled “ Southwest Transitway  BRT - Interim Stage” (the “Baseline Station Project”), and the College agrees to make its best efforts to assist the City in implementing the Baseline Station Project  by coordinating it with the implementation activities for the Algonquin Project as set out further in this  agreement.


1.3  The College agrees to construct an approximately 150,000-square foot building, at an estimated cost of $69M, to accommodate the College’s Centre for Construction Trades and Building Sciences (the “CCTBS Building”) on the Property with construction commencing by August 2009 and completed by September 2011 as indicated on the GRC Stage 1C plan dated October 28 set out in Document 10 of this report.


1.4     The College agrees that the transfer of the Property by the City to the College will not be made until the College has obtained site plan approval for the CCTBS building on the Property.


1.5  Prior to the transfer of the Property by the City to the College and before March 31, 2009, the City and College will negotiate and enter into a Design and Construction Agreement for the following transitway related works (the “Initial City Transit Project”) shown in MRC Functional Design Plan  “Plate PR2, Scheme 7, dated 24 October 2008 titled “ Southwest Transitway BRT - Interim Stage”


·        Temporary Baseline Station Relocation as shown on the MRC Functional Design Plan “Plate P, Scheme 5, dated 28 October 2008 - titled “Temporary Baseline Station - Location and Configuration”;

·        Excavation and protection/shoring as required for the construction of the tunnel structure between Navaho Drive and College Avenue and the underpasses at College and Navaho;

·        Construction of the covered tunnel structure between Navaho Drive and College Avenue;

·        Construction of the College Avenue and Navaho underpass structures; and

·        Installation of Storm sewers under the transitway tunnel floor from north of Navaho Drive to South of College including the necessary relocation of the watermain at Navaho Drive;


1.6     The Design and Construction Agreement shall be based generally on, but not necessarily limited to, conditions as follows:


1.6.1  The City and College agree that the College will implement the Initial City Transit Project works as part of its Project Delivery process for the CCTBS building and the City will be responsible for all financial risks associated with its portion of the project.


1.6.2  The City agrees to provide preliminary design plans and specifications to the College, in accordance with a mutually agreed timeline with the College, that will permit the College to complete the CCTBS building and the City Project works by September 2011.


1.6.3  The College agrees that the detailed design, construction drawings, and design/build contractual arrangements for the Initial City Transit Project will be subject to City review and approval.


1.6.4  The College agrees that the construction of the Initial City Transit Project will be subject to the site supervision requirements of the City.


1.6.5   The College acknowledges and agrees that the City will, initially, only provide funding in 2009 to cover the “Minimum Work Required to Coordinate with CCTBS Construction” for the Initial City Transit Project, as set out in Document 2 of this report, and currently estimated to cost $23.6 million and that the implementation of the other works identified as part the Initial City Transit Project, as shown in the cost estimate for the “Proposed Phase I Transitway Project” and set out in Document 2 of this report, will be subject to the City obtaining funding as part of its TMP/Rapid Transit Network Project.


1.6.6 City agrees to make its best efforts, as a priority within the TMP Rapid Transit Projects, to secure the additional funding for the balance of the Initial City Transit Project works so that these other works may also be implemented by September 2011.


1.7     Prior to the transfer of the Property by the City to the College and before March 31, 2009, the City and College will negotiate and enter into an agreement for design, construction, operation and maintenance of the pedestrian bridges links across Woodroffe and College Avenues included in the Baseline Station Project described in section 1.2 above based generally on, but not necessarily limited to, conditions as follows:


1.7.1 The City will be responsible for the following:

·        Securing the funding for the design and construction of the pedestrian link bridges and any modifications required to the transit platform. Any additional third party funding will be used to de-fray the City’s cost commitment.

·        Providing traffic control on Woodroffe and College Avenues, if required, for the biannual cleaning of the exterior windows.

·        Providing long-term structural maintenance of the pedestrian link bridges.

·        Coordinating and providing project management for the design and construction of the pedestrian link bridge.


1.7.2 The College will be responsible for the following:

·        Providing up to $400,000 in funding for the design and construction of alterations for College buildings on the east side of Woodroffe to accommodate the pedestrian link bridge across Woodroffe.

·        Providing, at the College’s cost, structural provisions and public pedestrian connecting links within the CCTBS building to accommodate the pedestrian bridge links across Woodroffe and College Avenues. 

·        Providing funding for and carry out modifications to the College buildings as required for operation of the pedestrian link bridges once constructed.

·        Providing cleaning services for the pedestrian link bridges (interior (daily/as required) and exterior (biannual)).

·        Providing security services for the pedestrian link bridge.

·        Providing public access, through College buildings at all times that the OC Transpo service is operating, to the pedestrian link bridges as required for Public Access to Baseline Station

·        Providing property and easements as necessary for the construction and maintenance of the pedestrian link bridge

·        Providing and maintaining landscaping features of the pedestrian link bridge

·        Operating and maintaining heating, ventilation and lighting for the pedestrian link bridge


1.8  The City agrees to continue to reserve the 0.956-hectare (2.36-acre) Parcel 3 as well as surface rights and aerial rights as required for pedestrian bridge links over the 0.770 hectare- (1.90-acre) Parcel 2, shown on the Annex A plan set out in Document 3 of this report, for potential use by the College for implementing Phase 2 of the Algonquin Project.


1.9  The College agrees that the College will, at it costs, be responsible for the design, construction/landscaping, maintenance and management of the public open space improvements over the roof on Parcel 2 shown on the Annex A plan set out in Document 3.


1.10                      The City agrees to provide the College with the first right at nominal consideration to construct a College Facility on the 0.293-hectare (0.72-acre) Parcel 6, shown on the Annex A plan set out in Document 3 of this report, that is integrated with the proposed LRT/BRT transfer station on this parcel.


1.11                      The College agrees to make its best efforts to develop a College Facility on the 0.293-hectare (0.72-acre) Parcel 6, shown on the Annex A plan set out in Document 3 of this report, that is integrated with the proposed LRT/BRT transfer station on this parcel.


1.12                       The City and College agree to continue to work cooperatively on the planning and implementation of Phase 2 of the Algonquin Project as well as exploring joint development opportunities for the City and the College on CTC Parcels 4, 5 and 7, as shown on the Annex A plan set out in Document 3 of this report, with the objective of securing additional public and private sector funding to the benefit of both parties.


1.13                      The City and College agree to make their best efforts to establish a route through the College for  #118 buses to have direct access to Baseline Station from College Avenue and to provide for improved transit service to the College when the City’s Baseline Station Project, as described in Paragraph 1.2 above, is completed.


1.14                      Prior to the transfer of the Property by the City to the College, the City and College agree to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding that will establish the principles for the increased use of transit by Algonquin students and staff with the goal to increase transit ridership and revenue, support the College’s and City’s environmental goals, and to reduce the need for driving and parking.


1.15                      Prior to the transfer of the Property by the City to the College, the College agrees to undertake such investigations as it deems necessary to assure itself that the Property is suitable for the CCTBS Project and the College further agrees to accept the transfer of the Property by the City to the College on an “As Is” basis, subject to the other provisions set out above with respect to this proposed Development Agreement. The College reserves the right to not accept the transfer of the property if risks, environmental or otherwise are such that the College does not wish to assume them.

WORKSHOP 5                                                                                                         DOCUMENT 5


WORKSHOP 5 CONCEPT PLAN                                                                         DOCUMENT 6








COUNCIL APPROVALS                                                                                        DOCUMENT 8



Ø      November 14, 2007, Centrepointe Town Centre Project - Council authorizes:


“Staff to continue with due diligence investigations/development plan design work for the Centrepointe Town Centre (CTC) project and, in order to assist in establishing the Corporate priorities in the budget process for the key transportation initiatives set out in the Centrepointe Town Centre Concept Plan as described in this report, staff be directed to:

a)   Prepare a transportation master plan for the CTC based on the road network concept established from the Community Workshop process and initial due diligence investigations,

b)   Prepare a transportation demand management demonstration plan for the CTC including a parking management strategy/implementation plan, and

c)      Work collaboratively with Algonquin College with respect to the potential development of College facilities adjacent to and integrated with, the Baseline Transit Station consistent with the Centrepointe Town Centre Concept Plan”;


Ø      November 14, 2007, Archives and Library Technical Services Facility - Council approves recommendation that Council:


“Refer the following Option 3 for consideration as part of the 2008 budget process: Design and construction of the 81,363 square foot RPG recommended synergy option E-2 (synergistic option), described in Document 1, that provides for selected archives public services, archives technical services and library technical services to be located at Centrepointe, which can be implemented using a phased approach.” Note: estimated cost $38.6M.


Ø      November 14, 2007, Algonquin Project  - Council approves recommendations that Council:


1.        Support Algonquin College’s development concept for a Centre for Construction Trades and Building Sciences and Health Sciences Education Facility (“the Algonquin Project”), as further described in this report, by instructing staff to prepare a letter to be sent to the federal and provincial governments under the Mayor’s signature indicating the City’s support for, and commitment to, the Algonquin Project and requesting that they provide their respective funding contributions set out in the report entitled: ”Algonquin College Strategic Academic Expansion, A Centre for Construction Trades and Building Sciences and An Expanded Facility for Health Sciences Training” dated August 8, 2007;


2.         Direct staff to include $5M (gross) in the 2008 Budget for the design and construction of a Pedestrian Bridge between Baseline Station and Algonquin College as a priority project, subject to further approval by Council of a satisfactory cost sharing formula that will address the design, construction and maintenance of the bridge in an Agreement between the City and the College;


3.         Direct staff to hold in reserve and to ultimately make available for development as part of the Project for $1.00 each, two parcels of land abutting Baseline Station with a total area of approximately 1.62 hectares (4 acres) in the locations designated on the City’s Centrepointe Town Centre Concept Plan (attached to this report as Document 1) for potential college facilities, together with air rights over Baseline Station between these two parcels of land subject to further Council approval of an Agreement between the City and College prior to the land transfers that will address all relevant issues (e.g. site plan requirements, senior level government funding, environmental and transit objectives, etc.);


4.         Direct staff to work with Algonquin College to explore development opportunities for other academic/institutional uses within the Centrepointe Town Centre area as part of the Centrepointe Town Centre development planning process; and


5.         That the City’s support of the Algonquin project be conditional on the following:


a)   That Algonquin College secure its required funding;


b)   That the City secure funding for the pedestrian bridge transitway configuration and expansion to the south through the Centrepointe area;


c)   That the design of the facility meet the City’s transit-oriented development needs and fit within the Centrepointe Town vision;


d)   That the City and Algonquin College enter into an agreement, subject to a further City Council approval, to reflect the terms and conditions required to implement the joint development initiative in accordance with the objectives and requirements of both parties, including maintenance of the pedestrian overpass; and


e)   That if items a) to d) have not been accomplished by 2012, then this approval will lapse.”





RAPID TRANSIT NETWORK OPTION 4                                                           DOCUMENT 9


 LRT Tunnel - East and West downtown LRT plus North- South LRT







PROJECT PHASING/TIMELINES                                                                     DOCUMENT 10




ALGONQUIN COLLEGE EXPANSION - CENTREPOINTE                 October 28th, 2008


Overview of Phasing and Timelines

Note: to be read in conjunction with corresponding phasing diagrams


PHASE 1 (Temporary Transit plan)  - Scheduled for Completion by August 2011


Stage 1A – October 2008-March 2009 (5 months)


































Stage 1B – April  2009 - September  2009 (6 months)

































Stage 1C – August 2009 -August 2011 (24 months)





























PHASE 2 (Interim Transit plan) - Scheduled for Completion between 2013-2015


Stage 2A – August 2011-2013



























Stage 2B - August 2013-2015


































PHASE 3 (Longterm Transit plan) 2016  onwards


Stage 3 - 2016 onwards