Other Outstanding Motions and Directions
Subject Meeting Date Moved by Disposition/Minutes Referred to Status Update
Pedestrian Safety at Intersections  - Assessment of the Walking Security Index  5-Feb-03 A. Cullen CO - PWS In Progress:  Report scheduled to TRC for March 2010.
Taxi By-law - Accessible Service - Amendments -  Taxicabs using Bus Lane 7-Nov-07 A. Cullen COS - EPS In Progress:  Staff is presently working with the Taxi Stakeholders Consultation Group to review site-specific exemptions to permit taxis to access bus-only lanes during non-peak hours.  Staff expects to report in Q2 of 2010. 
Taxi By-law - Accessible Service - Amendments -  Accesible cabs using Para Transpo spots for customer pick-up  7-Nov-07 J. Legendre COS - EPS In Progress:  Staff is reviewing opportunities to permit accessible cabs to use spaces, presently for the exclusive use of ParaTranspo, for the purpose of customer pick-up only.  Staff will consult with the Accessibility Advisory Committee respecting this item.  Staff expects to report back in Q2 of 2010.
Streamlining the consideration of simple traffic calming measures not requiring EA studies  5-Nov-08 C. Leadman ISCS - PGM In Progress: Staff have met with the Councillor to clarify issues, will undertake research and report back to TRC on April 7 and ARAC on April 22.
Hunt Club Extension - That staff actively seek funding sources at the Federal and Provincial and Municipal level and report back to Transportation Committee within three months
7-Oct-09 C. Leadman ISCS - PGM In Progress: Report to be provided to TRC on February 3, 2010.  Discussions with representatives of the Provincial and Federal Government have taken place. 
Hunt Club Extension:  Hawthorne Rd. to Hwy 417 Interchange – Authority to Award the contract for Phase I Construction.
7-Oct-09 C. Leadman ISCS-DCM In Progress:  The contract is with the contractor for signature. The contract should be completed by end of February 2010.
That staff prepare a Council Motion for Oct 28/09 meeting, seeking support of other Ontario municipalities – for the ability to set alternate default speed limits and the ability to set alternate default speed limits (unsigned) by means of gateway signing – and that staff be directed to report back to Council on the findings on support from other municipalities and the province. 7-Oct-09 J. Legendre
R. Bloess
M. Wilkinson CO - PWS In Progress:  Per motion approved by Council October 28, 2009 PWS will report back to Council on progress made on this issue by the end of Q2 2010.
That Transportation Committee recommend Council direct staff to continue discussions with all responsible parties to eliminate or reduce the negative impact of the security barricades on Sussex Drive with the objective of re-establishing some traffic on the west lane, 2-Dec-09 G. Bedard ISCS - PGM In Progress