Richmond Road/Westboro Transportation Management Implementation Plan

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As part of the Council approved Richmond Road/Westboro Community Design Plan direction was given to develop a Transportation Management Implementation Plan (TMIP) for this area. The TMIP was completed in 2011 and it sets out how, over a period of 15 years, a lower automobile modal share could be achieved though the identification and evaluation of initiatives to promote transit and other non-vehicular modes of transportation (e.g. cycling, pedestrian, and other transportation demand management initiatives). These measures would reduce vehicle dependency in order to accommodate anticipated development in the Richmond Road/Westboro community and to respond to future capacity deficiencies in the Richmond Road corridor.

An executive summary and map of the implementation projects are available.  Should you require more information of the complete Plan or have any questions, please contact: 

Robin Bennett, MCIP RPP
Project Manager, Cycling Program
Transportation Planning
Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development Department
City of Ottawa
Tel: 613-580-2424 ext. 21795

Executive Summary

The purpose of the Transportation Management Implementation Plan (TMIP) is to identify a set of programs, policies and infrastructure improvements that will promote a shift to more sustainable modes of transportation in the Richmond Road/ Westboro community over the next 15 years.

These initiatives are necessary to reduce the percentage of trips made by private automobile (as compared to all other transportation modes) on Richmond Road during afternoon rush hour. Specifically, the p.m. peak period auto modal share must decrease by 13% (from 53% today to a future target of 40%) to avoid the need to provide additional roadway capacity.

Data analysis shows that 98% of trips along the Richmond Road corridor either start or end in the study area or surrounding communities. Therefore, initiatives intended to reduce auto dependence along the corridor must focus on changing the way people travel to, from and within the broader Westboro community.

To reduce the proportion of trips made by automobiles, the number of trips on foot, by bike and by bus must increase. Figure E-1 illustrates the modal share targets that have been established to achieve the required auto modal share reduction.

How does this plan fit within the City’s broader transportation policy framework?

The shift from automobile use to more sustainable transportation alternatives (walking, cycling and transit) is a key component of the City’s transportation strategy and supports the City’s overall growth management objectives. By implementing projects that support walking, cycling and transit, the Westboro community will become increasingly lively, healthy, attractive and safe for residents and visitors.

The following City policies directly influence travel behaviour in the study area and across Ottawa:

  • City of Ottawa Official Plan and Richmond Road/ Westboro Community Design Plan: Designates land use in the study area and accommodates an additional 3970 dwelling units by 2021.
  • Transportation Master Plan: Lays out policies, infrastructure projects and implementation plans to achieve the following city-wide peak hour modal split objectives by 2031.

Table E-1: Proportion of Motorized-Trips by Mode (Transportation Master Plan, 2008)

Modal Split Targets 2005 2031
Automobile 77% 70%
Transit 23% 30%

Table E-2: Proportion of All Person-Trips by Walking and Cycling (Transportation Master Plan 2008)

Modal Split Targets 2005 2031
Walking 9.3% 10%
Cycling 1.7% 3%
  • Ottawa Cycling Plan: Indicates future bike lanes and shared signed-routes throughout the study area, and includes policies on bike parking, integration with transit, etc.
  • Ottawa Pedestrian Plan: Indicates future sidewalk improvement projects in the Westboro neighbourhood, and other citywide policies that enhance community walkability.
  • Parking Standards and Strategies: Govern the amount of parking included in new developments and the way public parking is managed in the study area.
  • OC Transpo Service Guidelines: Govern the provision of transit service in the study area.

What else can be done to shift travel behaviour?

The success of this plan will be largely dependent on its ability to change existing travel behaviour for those who live and work in the Westboro neighbourhood, and its ability to promote a non-auto dependent lifestyle for new residents. 

After identifying existing barriers to non-auto modes of transportation and researching proven methods to address these barriers, a preliminary list of potential Transportation Management Initiatives was developed and presented to community members through a strategic stakeholder engagement program. Input from public consultation events was used to refine the preliminary recommendations and ensure the plan is responsive to both community issues and City transportation objectives. The recommendations of the TMIP are summarized in Table E-3. 

What are the next steps?

The recommendations highlighted in Table E-3 have been assembled into a 15-year implementation plan. The implementation plan prioritizes initiatives based on ease of implementation, urgency of issue being addressed, compatibility with development and infrastructure projects, and the City’s ability to pay. 

The following timeframes for implementation have been established:

  • Near-Term Investments (2011-2015): Initiatives that will have immediate impacts on auto modal share and are easily implemented without further study. High priority initiatives that address current barriers and initiatives that should be implemented in advance of new development are also included in this investment period.
  • Interim Investments (2016-2020): Initiatives that require longer set-up and initiatives that should be timed in conjunction with future infrastructure development.
  • Long-Term Investments (2021-2025): Initiatives that require more intensive background studies and those that should be implemented in conjunction with long-term infrastructure projects.

This plan will only be successful if it achieves measurable changes in travel behaviour and maintains these changes over time. As such, a monitoring plan has been developed to periodically assess the success of these initiatives and allow for the re-prioritization of initiatives based on the current planning context. 

Table E-3: Summary of TMIP Recommendations


Community members said: New sidewalks are needed to enhance connectivity to key destinations. Snow clearing and maintenance was cited as a barrier to year-round walkability by community members.

  • The Ottawa Pedestrian Plan designates a network of sidewalks throughout the Study Area and ranks the proposed improvements as Medium Priority.
  • The City of Ottawa has a rating system for new sidewalk requests, based on pedestrian destinations, traffic and roadway characteristics, adjacent land use, and existing pedestrian facilities in the surrounding neighbourhood.
  • The City of Ottawa maintains sidewalks and pathways according to City-wide standards
Recommendations Timeframe
 1.1 The proposed sidewalks from the Ottawa Pedestrian Plan and the Sidewalk Links Program are recommended to be implemented in the study area over the next 15 years to improve connectivity in the study area:  
 • Priority should be given to the links within 400 metres of Transitway Stations. 2011-2015
 • Sidewalks close to Westboro Village and Carlingwood Shopping Centre should become medium priority, in order to improve pedestrian access to key destinations. In addition, the sidewalk along Tillbury Ave. should be constructed in order to provide access to Notre Dame High School. 2016-2020
 • The remaining sidewalks identified in the pedestrian plan should be constructed as part of the long term TMIP investments. Further study is required for some proposed segments where sidewalk construction would involve road widening and/or drainage improvements. 2021-2025
 • 1.2 A new multi-use pathway is recommended to be implemented across Rochester field, to connect Richmond Road to Dominion Transitway station. 2011-2015 
 • 1.3 The City should review the feasibility of painting edge lines to designate pedestrian routes on existing roads that are wide enough to accommodate pedestrians and travel lanes. This would be an interim solution to be implemented when sidewalk construction is not expected in the short term. 2011-2015
 • 1.4 The City should consider bumping up the construction schedule. 2011-2015

Community members said: Street furniture and drinking fountains would make the neighbourhood more walkable.

  • Through the Ottawa Pedestrian Plan, the City aims to improve the quality of the pedestrian realm. The City supports road re-allocation for amenities that benefit pedestrians, such as bulb-outs, wider sidewalks, street furniture and plantings.
  • The City is developing an Outdoor Drinking Fountain Strategy
Recommendations Timeframe
1.5 It is recommended that the study area be considered for priority investment for streetscaping amenities, including planters, pedestrian-oriented street lighting, benches, and outdoor water fountains. The City should continue to negotiate pedestrian amenities as part of the approvals process for development projects 2021-2025

Pedestrian Safety
Community members said: To promote safe community walkability, existing signal timing should be reviewed and pedestrian countdown signals are needed.

  • The Transportation Master Plan calls for pedestrian countdown signals to be installed at all new and rebuilt traffic signals, and at other traffic signals as resources allow.
  • Signal warrants and signal timings are reviewed by the City’s traffic department.
Recommendations Timeframe
1.6 The City should consider installing pedestrian count-down signals throughout the study area :  
 • A pedestrian count-down signal is recommended to be immediately installed at Roosevelt Ave. and Richmond Road 2011-2015
 • Priority should be given to signalised intersections along Richmond Road through Westboro Village, and along Scott Street near the Transitway stations. 2011-2015
 • Additional pedestrian count-down signals should be installed along Byron Ave. 2016-2020
• Pedestrian count-down signals should also be installed along Richmond Road from the Ottawa River Parkway to Island Park Drive 2021-2025


Community members said: Connectivity: Lack of direct cycling routes discourages cycling as a commuting option. The recreational pathway along the Ottawa River does not serve the needs of commuter cyclists, because of conflicts with other users. The Scott St. multi-use pathway should be better integrated with Westboro Station.

Cycling Lanes
Community members said: Speed of adjacent traffic and small cycling lane widths make cycling along many major streets undesirable; the creation of bicycle lanes would increase cyclists’ safety.

  • The Ottawa Cycling Plan identifies short-term and long term strategies for promoting cycling across the City, including a network of bicycle lanes and shared signed routes within the study area.
Recommendations Timeframe
2.1 Additional signage or painted sharrows should be added to segments of Richmond Road in the short-term, to inform both motorists and cyclists of the safe positioning of bicycles within travel lanes. 2011-2015
2.2 Cycling lanes and signed routes should be installed throughout the study area:  
• One eastbound and one westbound cycling lane should be installed along Richmond Rd. (between New Orchard Ave. and Golden Ave.) 2011-2015
• A signed cycling route should be installed along Richmond Rd. (from Golden Ave. to Roosevelt Ave.) and along Roosevelt Ave. (from Richmond to the Scott St. multi-use pathway). 2011-2015
• A multi-use pathway should be added across Rochester Field, to connect to the Scott St. multi-use pathway. 2011-2015
• One eastbound and one westbound cycling lane should be included along Scott St. in the longer term. 2016-2020
• One bike box should be painted curbside along Richmond Rd., near the proposed pathway at Rochester field, in order to designate a safe place for cyclist to wait when crossing Richmond Road. 2011-2015
2.3 The signed routes proposed in the Ottawa Cycling Plan should be installed within the study area as planned. 2011-2025
2.4 The Scott St. multi-use pathway should be improved or realigned at Westboro Station, so that cyclists could ride past the station without crossing bus lanes at unmarked places. 2011-2015

Bike Parking
Community members said: There is inadequate provision of covered and secure bicycle parking within the community and at transit stations.

  • The Ottawa Cycling Plan includes technical recommendations for the City to install bike parking where demand is high and to encourage partners and the private sector to install secure bike parking at key destinations.
Recommendations Timeframe
2.5 Sheltered bike parking is recommended at the Transitway stations in the study area: Westboro, Dominion, and Lincoln Fields. Based on their success, sheltered parking should also be installed within Westboro Village. 2011-2015

Bike Sharing

  • The National Capital Commission (NCC) and the Cities of Ottawa and Gatineau are launching a bike share service in downtown Ottawa and Gatineau in 2011.The National Capital Commission (NCC) and the Cities of Ottawa and Gatineau are launching a bike share service in downtown Ottawa and Gatineau in 2011.
Recommendations Timeframe
2.6 Should the proposed public bike-share program in downtown Ottawa and Gatineau be well received, the City should promote an extension to the study area. Bike-share stations could potentially be located in Westboro Village, and then extended west to Carlingwood Shopping Centre. 2011-2025


Level of Transit Service
Community members said: Improve the frequency and reliability of local bus service especially during off-peak periods. Current frequency makes transit inconvenient for multiple stop trips.

  • OC Transpo’s Service Design Guidelines implement city-wide criteria for bus frequency and coverage, in order to ensure the transit service is offered effectively throughout the city. Performance measures are based on ridership, customer feedback, new development, and operational costs.

Community members said: Low lighting, overgrowth, and poor visibility are concerns when travelling to and from Transitway stations. Improving snow clearing should make sidewalks passable. Station elevators should be constantly in-service.

  • Ottawa’s transit services department maintains Transitway stations, while sidewalks and bus stops are maintained according to Maintenance Quality Standards for Roads, Sidewalks, and Pathways. The City accepts customer feedback via online forms and the 3-1-1 telephone hotline.
Recommendations Timeframe
3.5 Residents should continue to be encouraged to discuss personal security concerns with the City directly. 2011-2025

Transit Stop Amenities
Community members said: Bus shelters and bike parking should be provided at transit stations, taking into account weather and seasonal effects on transit trips.

  • The City has an established system whereby transit users can request bus shelters. The requests are evaluated based on wind conditions and stop usage, among other factors.
  • Bike parking is currently provided at Transitway stations, in order to facilitate the integration of the two modes.
Recommendations Timeframe
3.6 Requested bus shelters are recommended to be installed throughout the study area, following the City’s established priority-setting method:  
• Two high priority bus shelters are recommended for immediate implementation along Route 2 on Richmond Road. Two high priority bus shelters are recommended for immediate implementation along Route 16. 2011-2015
• Priority 1 & 2 shelters should be installed in the near term. 2011-2015
• Priority 3 shelters should be installed in the interim investment period. 2016-2020

Community members said: The Transit-way is not easily accessible from Westboro, despite proximity. Better pathway connections are required to access the stations.

  • An analysis has been undertaken to determine the feasibility of providing an additional bus Transitway station at New Orchard in the near term. The Western LRT Corridor Planning and Environmental Assessment Study will determine the long-term need and location for rapid transit facilities in the study area.
Recommendations Timeframe
3.7 It is recommended that, in consultation with the NCC, the City explore the feasibility of providing a pathway across Rochester Field to link Richmond Road and Dominion Transitway station. 2011-2015
3.8 The City should implement the recommendations of the West LRT Study in regards to the development and siting of a new Transitway station – such as that previously proposed for New Orchard Ave 2011-2025

Ticket Availability
Community members said: Locations and hours of operation of ticket vendors need to be improved.

  • The City is implementing a Smartcard program in 2011/ 2012; bus tickets will be replaced by cards that can be re-loaded by phone and internet.
Recommendations Timeframe
3.9 Additional ticket vendors are recommended in the central portion of the study area to address an existing gap in availability. 2011-2015
3.10 Information regarding the location of ticket vendors is recommended at local bus stops and transit stations. 2011-2015

TDM Transportation Demand Management

Commercial Parking Requirements

  • The City completed a Municipal Parking Strategy that recommends analysing parking supply and demand across different commercial main streets throughout the City.
Recommendations Timeframe
4.1 The City should implement the recommendation of the Municipal Parking Strategy by a Local Area Parking Study of the Westboro/Richmond Road area to determine how to best provide and manage parking. 2011-2015
4.2 The City should consider the feasibility of introducing carpool permits and study potential methods to prioritize ridesharing, including designated treatments for carpool spaces and car share spaces and reduced wait times to obtain parking permits in municipally managed lots. 2011-2015

Residential Parking Requirements

  • The City controls the provision of parking in new developments through the zoning by-law. In certain parts of the City, the min. required spaces has been reduced and/or a max. number of spaces has been set, in order to promote alternative transportation modes. The City also offers parking reductions via cash-in-lieu.
Recommendations Timeframe
4.3 It is recommended that the City explore the feasibility of further reducing minimum parking requirements for 600m surrounding Transitway stations, through re-zoning. The City should also explore the feasibility of implementing maximum parking restrictions through re-zoning. 2011-2015
4.4 It is recommended that the City explore avenues to support the provision of unbundled parking spaces. 2011-2015

School Zones
Community members said: Student pick-up and drop-off by private car causes traffic congestion during peak hours, impeding the safety of walking or cycling to school.

  • The City provides support for School Travel Planning initiatives at Broadview Public School and Churchill Alternative School (both in the study area) by offering financial support and transportation planning advice.
Recommendations Timeframe
4.5 The City should continue to support the School Travel Planning initiatives at Broadview Public School and Churchill Alternative School and consider further support and expansion of the program. 2011-2015

Car Sharing
Community members said: New residents/visitors add drivers which adds to congestion. New developments should offer car sharing programs to help reduce congestion.

  • Vrtucar car sharing spaces are provided in various municipally managed parking lots throughout the City.
Recommendations Timeframe
4.6 The City should continue to provide car share spaces at municipally managed facilities (including paid on-street parking) and should expand this practice to the study area when paid parking is implemented. 2011-2015
4.7 The City should consider amending parking standards to include a new clause pertaining to car sharing in the zoning by-law. 2011-2015

Community members said: There has been inadequate promotion of cycling routes and walking paths.

  • OC Transpo offers an online personal travel planner for transit users.
  • The City created a cycling map available online and for distribution.
  • The City offers travel planning info and services to the public through the TravelWise program.
  • The City was awarded a TDM grant for a city-wide Active State of Mind advertising campaign
  • The Cycling Plan and Pedestrian Plan contain further policies for the citywide promotion of active transportation modes.
Recommendations Timeframe
5.1 It is recommended that the City should administer a targeted marketing plan for the area to promote alternative transportation modes and support other recommendations for pedestrian, cycling and transit improvements. 2011-2015
5.2 An individualized travel planning pilot program should be developed for a neighbourhood within the study area. 2011-2025

End of Journey Amenities
Community members said: There is a need for showers and locker facilities at workplaces to encourage cycling as a commuting option.

  • The City provides info and tools for employers seeking to change the commuting behaviours of their staff. The EnviroCentre, the City’s non-profit partner, provides additional services, including the creation of employer-specific travel plans.
Recommendations Timeframe
5.3 It is recommended that the City prepare Workplace Travel Planning information packages to target key local employers 2011-2015