Transit-Oriented Development Guidelines

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Amenity: something that contributes to an area’s needs, whether social, environmental, or cultural.

Articulation: architectural detail that gives a building interest and added richness.

Built form: buildings and structures.

Compatible/Compatibility: when the density, form, bulk, height, setbacks and/or materials of buildings are able to co-exist with their surroundings.

Curb cut: a break in the curb for vehicular access from the street onto a property.

Façade: the principal face(s) of a building (also referred to as the front wall(s)). May address more than one side when buildings open on to multiple public spaces.

Frontage: the front of the property facing the street.

Front yard: the space between the property line and the front wall of a building facing the public street.

Glazing: clear or lightly tinted glass windows.

Hard landscape: landscape features other than plant materials, such as decorative pavers, planter boxes, fences, or retaining walls.

Landscaped buffer: a landscaped area located along the perimeter of a lot intended to screen or separate land uses.

Non transit-supportive land uses:

  • Generate high levels of vehicle activity
  • Use large amounts of land with low-density form Require extensive surface parking areas and are oriented towards automobile use
  • Create negative impacts for pedestrians, such as isolation, windswept walks, and numerous vehicle crossings on sidewalks
  • Typically do not attract extended hours of activity.
  • Examples of non transit-supportive land uses include: Automotive parts, repair and service; car dealerships; car washes; drive through facilities; gas/service stations; commercial surface parking; warehouse storage; animal boarding; commercial nurseries; and low-density residential developments on large lots (>12m).

Property line: the legal boundary of a property.

Public realm: the streets, lanes, parks and open spaces that are available for anyone to use.

Rapid transit: a convenient, fast, and frequent public transportation service that features a high carrying capacity and that operates on its own right-of-way, as a separate system or in shared corridors, and is not delayed in general traffic. The Ottawa rapid-transit network consists of an interconnecting system of existing and planned rights-of-way and corridors in which a rapid-transit facility, such as a Transitway, O-Train, or streetcar, may be located.

Scale: the size of a building or an architectural feature in relation to its surroundings and to the size of a person.

Setback: the required distance from a road, property line, or another structure, within which no building can be located.

Sidewalk: unobstructed concrete pedestrian travel route in the public right-of-way.

Sight triangle: a triangular-shaped portion of land, typically three to five metres in length and 3 to 5 metres in width, established at street intersections in which there are restrictions on things erected, placed or planted which would limit or obstruct the sight distance of motorists entering or leaving the intersection.

Soft landscape: landscape features of plantings, such as trees, shrubs, vines, perennials and annuals.

Streetscape: the overall character and appearance of a street formed by elements and features that frame the public street, such as building façades, street trees and plants, lighting, furniture, or paving.

Transit-supportive land uses: land uses that encourage transit use and transportation network efficiency as they:

  • Establish high residential and/or employee densities
  • Create travel outside of the am/pm peak periods
  • Promote reverse-flow travel
  • Attract and generate pedestrian traffic
  • Provide extended hours of activity
  • Examples of transit-supportive land uses include: Townhouses; Apartments; Child care facilities; Hotels; Recreational and Cultural facilities; Medical clinics; Restaurants; Libraries; Fitness clubs; Movie Theatres; Call centres; Offices; High schools and post secondary institutions.

Urban design: the analysis and design of a city’s physical design.

Walkway block: a pedestrian travel route on public or private property outside of the public street right-of-way.