Risks/impacts of climate change
climate change master plan, preparing for a changing climate, climate resiliency
Loans, grants and programs
home energy improvements, rural clean water, better buildings, residential protective plumbing
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
electric vehicles, energy evolution, green building policy
Conservation areas
scenic paths and trails, urban paved pathways, rugged untamed terrain, wetlands...
Trees and urban forests
protection, planting, pruning, foundation damage…
Wildlife and plants
avoiding problems with wildlife, species at risk, wildlife speakers series, pollinators
Public spaces and environmental programs
Cleaning the Capital, Adopt-a-park/Adopt-a-road, murals, Paint it Up!, tree planting, community gardens
Environmental policy and planning
site alteration by-law, greenspace, natural heritage system, development and the environment
Protecting Ottawa's waterways
Ottawa river action plan, source water protection, wetlands, water quality...