Report to/Rapport au :


Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee

Comité d'agriculture et des affaires rurales


and Council / et au Conseil


09 September 2010/ 09 septembre 2010


Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager/Directrice municipale adjointe, Infrastructure Services and Community Sustainability/Services d’infrastructure et Viabilité des collectivités


Contact Person/Personne-ressource : Derrick Moodie, Manager/Gestionnaire, Development Review-Rural Services/Examen des projets d'aménagement-Services ruraux, Planning and Growth Management/Urbanisme et Gestion de la croissance

(613) 580-2424, 15134


Rideau-Goulbourn (21)

Ref N°: ACS2010-ICS-PGM-0157




ZONING - 1129, 1131, 1135 and 1139 Bridge StreeT 
(FILE NO. D02-02-10-0028)




ZONAGE - 1129, 1131, 1135 ET 1139 rue Bridge





That the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to the Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of 1129, 1131, 1135 and 1139 Bridge Street from Village Residential Single Density Subzone P Exception 589 rural (V1P[589r]) to Rural Institutional Exception 'xxx' rural (RI[xxxr]) zone as shown in Document 1 and as detailed in Document 2.




Que le Comité de l'agriculture et des affaires rurales recommande au Conseil recommande au Conseil d’approuver la modification au Règlement de zonage 2008-250 afin de changer la désignation de zonage des 1129, 1131, 1135 et 1139 de la rue Bridge de Zone résidentielle de village de densité 1, sous-zone P, exception rurale 589 (V1P[589r] à Zone d’institutions rurales, exception rurale « xxx » (RI[xxxr]), comme il est indiqué dans le Document 1 et expliqué en détail dans le Document 2.





The site consists of four properties located on the north side of Bridge Street between Dickinson Circle and Manotick Main Street.  The properties extend to the West Channel (Back Channel) of the Rideau River.

There are currently three private homes on the site and a business operating from 1135 Bridge Street.  Dickinson Circle, to the east, contains four single family homes. The development would abut the rear of the commercial plaza that fronts onto Manotick Main Street.  On the opposite side of Bridge Street are the rear yards of three homes that front onto Clapp Lane and a church that fronts onto Bridge Street. There are single family homes on Long Island backing onto the opposite side of the river from this site.


Purpose of Zoning Amendment


The proposal would permit a 126-unit retirement residence to be located over the four properties. 


Existing Zoning


The existing zoning is Village Residential Single Density Subzone P Exception 589r.  The zone permits large lot single family dwellings and the exception also permits an office.  


Proposed Zoning


The proposed zoning would be a Rural Institutional Exception Zone which would allow for the permitted uses identified in the parent Rural Institutional Zone and make an exception to two of the zone provisions.




The three-storey building would have a drop-off area at the front of the building with four parking spaces, a loading area at the west side of the building accessing directly off of Bridge Street and an underground parking garage accessing off of Dickinson Circle. There would be 41 parking spaces in the garage. The building would be serviced by municipal water and sewer.  There is a 15-metre no-touch area adjacent to the river. A 30-metre setback to the Rideau River is proposed to be naturalized, save for a portion of a stone dust trail.  The front portion of the property is proposed to drain to the storm sewers on Bridge Street with the rear portion of the site flowing overland to the river.


Official Plan


The site is designated Village and Manotick does have a Village Secondary Plan contained within Volume 2C of the Official Plan.  The designation of the site within the Secondary Plan is the Bridge Street Character Area of the Village Core.  The intent of the designation is to permit a variety of forms of residential uses, public and institutional uses.  Development is to orient to the street with parking hidden to form a continuous frontage along Bridge Street.


The Official Plan identifies potential Flood Plain and Unstable Slopes along the Rideau River. The establishment of the 15-metre no touch area from the highwater mark of the river, the identification of the flood line, the 30 metre setback and factor of safety line considered through the site plan process have addressed the concerns with the safety of the development as it relates to the river.  The Rideau Valley Conservation Authority have expressed no concerns with the zoning proposal.



Details of Proposed Zoning 


The proposed zoning for the site - Rural Institutional exception - would contain all of the uses permitted within the parent Rural Institutional zone, including a retirement residence.  The exceptions would allow for the reduction of the corner side yard from six metres to three metres and for the height maximum to be increased from 10 to 11 metres.  In this case, because the smaller road frontage is along Dickinson Circle, the Bridge Street ‘frontage’ is technically the corner side yard allowing the building to be pulled closer to Bridge Street, in keeping with the intent of the Village’s Secondary Plan.  The increase in maximum building height of one metre is minor and will be offset by the proposed roof design and building articulation.  The reports and plans submitted for the site plan control process have established setback to the water course and no-touch areas.  The setback to the highwater mark for development is 30 metres and is the same as the existing General Provision within the Zoning By-law. Therefore, there is no need to place any specific provisions relating to watercourse setback within the zoning amendment for the development.




The zoning is consistent with the intent of the Secondary Plan Bridge Street Character Area as it will permit the institutional uses contemplated as well as allow the building closer to Bridge Street.  The building in proximity to the street will address the Secondary Plan’s vision of a sense of enclosure along Bridge Street. The proposal also allows for an increase in the intensity of the use of the site that takes advantage of full municipal services while minimizing the impacts on the adjacent area and environment. 


There is a concurrent Site Plan Control Approval application and the outstanding matters with the development of this site will be resolved through this process. Those matters relate to site details such as water servicing, landscaping, butternut tree permit and compensation.





The subject lands abut the Rideau River and contain treed areas. There were initial concerns with the potential impact of the development of the river bank and river itself that have been resolved to the satisfaction of the Conservation Authority and staff.  Resolution of the need for a permit to remove the butternut tree is being resolved by the applicant with the Ministry of Natural Resources and will be required prior to site plan approval.





The proposal will provide additional housing options and opportunities for seniors to stay within the Village of Manotick.





Notice of this application was carried out in accordance with the City's Public Notification and Consultation Policy.  Additional information on the consultation process is provided in Document 3.




The Ward Councillor is aware of the application.





If this rezoning application is appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board, it is anticipated that a three day hearing would result.


Should the recommendation be refused reasons will have to be provided.  If an appeal of the refusal were to occur, an external planner would need to be retained at an estimated cost of $25,000.


The assessment on this property for local improvement purposes will have to be considered during the Committee of Revision on the Village of Manotick sanitary sewer and related works.





The proposed development and planning applications align with the City Strategic Plan in that the rural village is preserved and the limits of existing hard services are respected.  As well it aligns with the Strategic Plan by assisting in the provision of supported living opportunities.










There are no direct financial implications associated with this report.






The application was not processed by the "On Time Decision Date" established for the processing of Zoning By-law amendments due to the complexity of the issues associated with the proposal and resolving the community issues with the proposal.





Document 1    Location Map

Document 2    Details of Recommended Zoning

Document 3    Consultation Details

Document 4    Proposed Site Plan





City Clerk and Solicitor Department, Legislative Services to notify the owner, applicant,, 174 Colonnade Road, Unit #33, Ottawa, ON  K2E 7J5, Ghislain Lamarche, Program Manager, Assessment, Financial Services Branch (Mail Code:  26-76) of City Council’s decision.


Planning and Growth Management to prepare the implementing by-law, forward to Legal Services and undertake the statutory notification.


Legal Services to forward the implementing by-law to City Council.



LOCATION MAP                                                                                                                         




DETAILS OF RECOMMENDED ZONING                                                                             




a)    Rezone the land shown in Document 1 from Village Residential Single Density Subzone (V1P[589r] ) to Rural Institutional Exception xxxr (RI[xxxr])


b)    Add a new exception RI[xxxr] to Section 240 – Rural Exceptions that will include the following:


                In Column II, insert the zone name “RI[xxxr]”


                In Column V, insert the following zone provisions:


-    minimum corner side yard setback: 3 metres

-    maximum principal building height: 11 metres









Notification and public consultation was undertaken in accordance with the Public Notification and Public Consultation Policy approved by City Council for Zoning By-law amendments.  Two public meetings were also held in the community.



Notice of the application was circulated to neighbours within 120 metres of the subject lands as well as to the community association.  A Community Information and Comment Session was held on July 13, 2010 at the Manotick Arena.  Approximately 25 people attended. Subsequent to the second submission by the applicant a meeting was held on August 24, 2010 at the Manotick Library at which representatives from the Manotick Village Community Association, neighbours,  a community member, the applicant's representatives, staff and the Councillor were in attendance.



The initial input provided by the community association and the neighbours both from the circulation process and the Community Information and Comment Session is summarized in the following list.  Staff response to the comment or concern immediately follows each point.


a.         The building is too large and not in keeping with the village character and heritage buildings


- Through the site plan control process staff and the applicant are looking to ensure that the massing of the building is visually minimized through articulation of the building, changing roof lines and other architectural treatments.  The historic nature of the village is to be reflected in the materials and colours used.


b.         The building should use stone similar to Watsons Mill.


- This will be achieved through the site plan control process.


c.         There will be a loss of Mature Trees along Bridge Street and the newly planted ones could never achieve the same size due to the proximity to the building.


- In order to achieve the desired Village design of a building facade in proximity to the street the street trees cannot be maintained.  Small trees will be used instead as well as under storey plantings, and other landscape features.


d.         There could be an impact from the building on reflecting noise back into the historic core.


- This was not determined to be a concern.


e.         How will the safety of residents be ensured in the event of evacuation.


- This is not a matter the City can address through either zoning or site plan control.  It is a matter for the management of the facility to address potentially with the emergency services.


f.          The power lines are too close to the building to allow for ladder truck access and fighting fires on the upper floors.


- Fire Services initially indicated that they did not have a concern with the proximity of the lines to the building, but subsequently have indicated:

“Ottawa Fire Service has the equipment and strategies/tactics to respond effectively to the proposed retirement/seniors facility as proposed..... the removal of the overhead wires would allow for safer fire operations.  Considering the size of the new facility I would expect that hydro work, new transformer, would be required.  Also, it appears that the existing overhead hydro wire only services a few properties.  As a result, it would be in our best interest to ask the applicant to consider burying the hydro lines.  On behalf of the Fire Services, would you kindly ask the applicant to consider this request."


That request has been forwarded to the applicant and we await a response through the site plan control process.


g.         The Environmental Impact Statement and Tree Conservation Plan were done in October and February which is not appropriate times of year to assess vegetation.


- A revised plan was completed this summer and will be reviewed and finalized as part of the site plan control process.


h.         There could be impacts of the development on the wildlife along the river.


- Existing erosion of the bank is to be stabilized and vegetated, there is a no-touch area within 15 metres of the river and the area within 30 metres of the river is to be vegetated.  Erosion and sediment control protection is to be in place prior to any works occurring on-site.  In addition the stormwater from the garage will be directed to the sanitary sewer system and the overland flow to the river will be filtered by the vegetation.


i.          Concerns were expressed with the stability of the slope with the building size.


- The applicant filed revised plans and reports which supports the location and size of the building.  The Conservation Authority is satisfied with the proposed zoning application.


j.          The river bank behind 1135 Bridge Street is eroding with no plans to protect it.


- The revised plans and reports recognize the active erosion area and have proposed reinstatement and protection.  The Conservation Authority is satisfied with the proposed zoning application.


k.         There is concern with on-site flooding.


- The Conservation Authority has identified no outstanding concerns with on-site flooding.


l.          Any parking garage could be a problem during spring floods of the Rideau River and the high water table could cause structural issues for the building.


- The Conservation Authority has identified no outstanding concerns with flooding.


m.        The site lighting at the rear of the property may be too bright for the area.


- This a site plan matter, but the applicant has filed certification for the site plan that they comply with the City's lighting policy for external lighting.  In addition, the applicant will be considering tinted glazing to address light spillage from internal source in the common room area.


n.         A signalized pedestrian crossing near front entrance to building is needed as there are safety of the residents walking along and crossing Bridge Street.


- This is a site plan control matter.  The pedestrian counts do not warrant a crossing but the applicant is considering the potential for an alternative form of crossing subject to the City's support.


p.         A sidewalk along Mill Street to Clapp Lane is needed to facilitate pedestrian movements as a result of the proposal.


- This is off-site work is not warranted by the proposed development.


q.         Upgrades are needed to the existing Bridge Street sidewalk


- As part of the site plan process the sidewalks along the frontage of the site will be altered.


r.          There is inadequate on-site parking and a lack of parking on-street and nearby.


- The proposal meets the minimum City standards for on-site parking.  The applicant has filed a parking assessment of actual usage of some similar facilities in the Ottawa area.  The conclusion of that is that this site exceeds the typical average on-site parking for these buildings and that the actual usage of the parking spaces is more than sufficient to meet the needs of those facilities.


s.          There is a need for more at grade parking.


- The applicant has added an additional seven on-site surface spaces as well as proposing to install three on street spaces on Dickinson Circle.


t.          Snow and garbage removal are currently difficult due to the small size of Dickinson Circle.  Snow is currently piled where the parking entrance is proposed.


- The applicant has met with Surface Operations staff on-site and no concerns were expressed,  No concerns were expressed as part of the circulation process for either the zoning or site plan.


u.         There is no available parking on Dickinson Circle where visitors may try to park.


- The revised proposal is looking to add three spaces.


v.         The parking garage is not convenient for visitors or those dropping off residents and escorting them to their rooms.


- The applicant has explained some of the electronic options for addressing this concern as well as the temporary or short term parking at the front of the building to allow for garage access to be given to visitors.


w.        Has the applicant looked at sharing parking with a nearby use.


- The applicant is proposing additional on-site parking and has not pursued shared parking.


x.         There are concerns with traffic volumes and flows on Bridge Street and left turns into and out of the facility


- This is a site plan matter but staff have identified no concerns with the proposed turning movements.


y.         There are concerns with excessive speed of Bridge Street traffic during the off peak hours.


- This is a traffic enforcement matter than can be monitored.


z.         The drop off area is not sufficient to accommodate emergency access.


- The plan was amended to add an extra lane to the drop off area to provide for four additional short-term parking spaces.


aa.        The loading bay access/egress is unsafe as a result of the need to back into or out of it onto Bridge Street.


- This was not identified as a concern during the technical review.


bb.       No public transit internal to Manotick only limited peak hour one direction routes which will increase the requirement for parking.


- Parking has been increased on-site.


cc.        There is a concern with the allocation of drinking water capacity for the Village Core.


- There is adequate water to supply the building for residential purposes.  Details are being addressed with respect to the site plan and the proposed internal water system for fire supply and residential supply and the need for booster pumps.  This will be addressed through the site plan process.


Subsequent to the receipt of submission two of the site plan and the meeting held in the community on August 24th, the following are the only outstanding matters:


-          Access and egress from the loading space

o   The applicant is proposing to require service delivery vehicles to deliver during off peak hours only.

-          The pedestrian crossing in front of the residence is needed for the safety of the residents.

o   Although the pedestrian crossing is not warranted the applicant has agreed to contemplate the installation of an alternative form of crossing as a condition of site plan approval. That alternative is not a City standard and would include pavement markings and a refuge or safety island between the two lanes of traffic that would be surrounded by bollards. Before the City requires the installation, we would need to ensure that it can function as desired.

-          It has not yet been confirmed that the Butternut tree found is not a hybrid. 

o   This will be confirmed and addressed through site plan control.

-          There is a request to bury the power lines.

o   The applicant is looking into the matter and will respond as part of the site plan process.


The Ottawa Forest and Greenspace Advisory Committee requested that the site plan and associated landscape plan and tree preservation plan be revised to demonstrate that all efforts have been made to:

  1. permit scientific study of the beneficial effect of nearby black walnut trees on the health of butternuts on the slope of the Rideau River, and
  2. preserve the character of the Village with respect to significant trees lining the north side of Bridge Street.


Revised studies and plans were filed that identified the butternut.  The applicant is working with the Ministry of Natural Resources with respect to compensation of the tree. The request for study maybe longer term than the development of the site could accommodate.


The Secondary Plan guidance to bring the building close to the street results in the inability to preserve the existing mature trees.  New smaller variety trees will be planted and under storey vegetation will also be planted in an effort to maintain the streetscape.