2.             ZONING - 310 STONEHAVEN DRIVE






Committee recommendations as amended


(This application is not subject to Bill 51)


That Council:


1.         Approve an amendment to By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of 310 Stonehaven Drive from Development Reserve Zone (DR), Institutional Zone (I1A) and Parks and Open Space Zone (O1) to Residential First Density, Subzone T, Exception xxxx, Holding Zone (R1T [xxxx]-h) as shown in revised Document 1 and as detailed in revised Document 2.


2.         Approve an amendment to the former City of Kanata Zoning By-law to change the zoning of 310 Stonehaven Drive from Holding Zone (H), Institutional Zone (I) and Open Space Zone (OS1) to Holding Residential Type 1B Zone Special Zone 6, (HR1B-6), as shown in revised Document 1 and as detailed in revised Document 2.



RecommandationS modifiÉeS du Comité


(Cette demande n’est pas assujettie au projet de loi 51)


Que le Conseil :


1.         approuve une modification au Règlement 2008-250 afin de changer le zonage de la propriété située au 310, promenade Stonehaven de Zone d’aménagement futur (DR), de Zone institutionnelle (I1A) et Zones d’espaces verts et de loisirs (O1) à Zone résidentielle de densité 1, sous-zone T, exception xxxx, d’aménagement différé (R1T [xxxx]-h), comme le montre le document 1 révisé et l’explique le document 2 révisé.


2.         approuve une modification au Règlement de zonage de l’ancienne Ville de Kanata afin de changer le zonage de la propriété située au 310, promenade Stonehaven de Zone d’aménagement différé (H), Zone institutionnelle (I) et Zone d’espaces verts à Zone résidentielle de type 1B, spéciale 6 (HR1B-6), comme le montre le document 1 révisé et l’explique le document 2 révisé.





1.   Deputy City Manager, Planning, Transit and the Environment report dated 30 July 2008 (ACS2008-PTE-PLA-0120).


2.   Extract Draft Minutes, 18 August 2008.

Report to/Rapport au :


Planning and Environment Committee

Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement


and Council / et au Conseil


30 July 2008 / le 30 juillet 2008


Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager

Directrice municipal adjointe

Planning, Transit and the Environment

Urbanisme, Transport en commun et Environnement


Contact Person/Personne Ressource : Grant Lindsay, Manager / Gestionnaire, Development Approvals / Approbation des demandes d'aménagement

(613) 580-2424, 13242  Grant.Lindsay@ottawa.ca


Kanata South/sud (23)

Ref N°: ACS2008-PTE-PLA-0120












That the Planning and Environment Committee recommend Council:


1.                  Approve an amendment to By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of 310 Stonehaven Drive from Development Reserve Zone (DR), Institutional Zone (I1A) and Parks and Open Space Zone (O1) to Residential Type 1T (R1T) as shown in Document 1 and as detailed in Document 2.


2.                  Approve an amendment to the former City of Kanata Zoning By-law to change the zoning of 310 Stonehaven Drive from Holding Zone (H), Institutional Zone (I) and Open Space Zone (OS1) to Residential Type 1B Zone, (R1B),as shown in Document 1 and as detailed in Document 2.




Que le Comité de l’urbanisme et de l’environnement recommande au Conseil :


1.                  d’approuver une modification au Règlement 2008-250 afin de changer le zonage de la propriété située au 310, promenade Stonehaven de Zone d’aménagement futur (DR), de Zone institutionnelle (I1A) et Zones d’espaces verts et de loisirs (O1) à Zone résidentielle de type 1T (R1T), comme le montre le document 1 et l’explique le document 2.


2.                  d’approuver une modification au Règlement de zonage de l’ancienne Ville de Kanata afin de changer le zonage de la propriété située au 310, promenade Stonehaven de Zone d’aménagement différé (H), Zone institutionnelle (I) et Zone d’espaces verts à Zone résidentielle de type 1B, (R1B), comme le montre le document 1 et l’explique le document 2.





The subject lands are located on the east side of Stonehaven Drive, between Stonemeadow Drive and Sawyer Way, in the Bridlewood community. The subject parcel has a frontage of approximately 400 metres on Stonehaven Drive, an area of approximately 16.72 hectares and is currently in the Bridlewood community. The adjacent lands to the north are occupied by Elizabeth Bruyere School and detached residential dwellings. The lands to the south of the site are occupied by St. Anne Catholic Elementary School and Sawyer’s Meadow Park, as well as detached dwellings. Lands on the west side of Stonehaven Drive are occupied by Roch Carrier Elementary School, townhouses and detached dwellings. The abutting lands to the east are occupied single-detached dwellings fronting on Scissons Road.


Purpose of Zoning By-law Amendment


The purpose of this Zoning By-law amendment is to rezone the property to a designation that would permit detached dwellings in accordance with the draft plan of subdivision.


Existing Zoning


In By-law 2008-250, most of the subject site is zoned Development Reserve Zone (DR). This zone permits only limited non-residential uses such as an agricultural use or community garden, which will not preclude future development options. It is used to recognize lands intended for future urban development in areas designated as General Urban Area and Developing Communities in the Official Plan.


Two different zones affect portions of the northeasterly corner of the subject site. A strip of land abutting the school site to the north is zoned Minor Institutional Zone (I1A), as it had been intended to form part of the school site. Because the school has been constructed and the applicant owns this remnant part of the Institutional Zone, it is to be rezoned for residential use. In addition, a sliver of land adjacent to this Institutional Zone lies within the Parks and Open Space Zone (O1). This is a small remnant parcel of land not intended for park purposes, since the abutting Parks and Open Space lands were rezoned for residential use several years ago.


In the former City of Kanata Zoning By-law for the Bridlewood community, most of the subject site is zoned Holding Zone (H). This zone permits only existing residential or non-residential uses, and was used as a temporary zoning by the former City of Kanata for areas of future growth. The zone was intended to restrict development until such time as they are rezoned to reflect the proposed development application.


As noted above, two different zones affect portions of the northeasterly corner of the subject site. The strip of land abutting the school site to the north is zoned Institutional Zone and another sliver of land lies within the Open Space Zone.


A Plan of Subdivision application for the subject land is now being processed and the requested rezoning to a residential zone will implement the proposed Plan of Subdivision. The subdivision application proposes to subdivide the subject property in order to develop 217 lots for detached dwellings, to be located on eight new public streets. The subdivision provides for the extension of Stonemeadow Drive from Spring Creek Crescent to Stonehaven Drive. The new southerly arm of Stonemeadow Drive would form a four-way signalized intersection with Bridle Park Drive, with this being the only access to Stonehaven Drive. The proposal offers a variety of lot sizes, with 30 lots having a frontage between 10.5 and 12 metres, 83 lots having a frontage of 13.4 metres and 104 lots having a frontage of 15.2 metres.


Proposed Zoning


It is proposed to rezone the subject property to Residential Type R1T Zone (R1T) in By‑law 2008-250 to permit development of detached residential dwellings on the site. This zone permits only fully detached dwellings, as well as a group home or diplomatic mission, subject to certain provisions. The zone provisions specify a lot area of 270 square metres, a minimum lot frontage of 10.5 metres, a maximum building height of 11 metres, and specific minimum yard setbacks.


It is proposed to rezone the subject property to Residential Type 1B Zone (R1B) in the former City of Kanata Zoning By-law 168-94. This zone permits a detached dwelling and group home, subject to certain provisions. The zone provisions specify a lot area of 270 square metres, a minimum lot frontage of 10.5 metres, a maximum building height of 10.5 metres, and specific minimum yard setbacks.




Official Plan


The Official Plan designates the property General Urban Area.  The General Urban Area designation permits the development of a full range and choice of housing types to meet the needs of all ages, incomes and life circumstances, in combination with conveniently located employment, retail, service, cultural leisure and institutional uses.


The Council-approved “Urban Design Guidelines for Greenfield Neighbourhoods” translate the broad framework of the Official Plan into detailed principles for development. These guidelines play an integral role in achieving high quality design throughout the City, and are applicable to the proposed subdivision. A “greenfield neighbourhood” refers to a large area of land within the Urban Area that has not been developed previously, or that has the potential to be extensively redeveloped. It could be a single subdivision with fewer than 50 residential dwellings within an existing urban neighbourhood, or a larger area of new development. These design guidelines are focused on providing guidance for neighbourhood design during the subdivision review and zoning processes. Among the principles of the design guidelines are to mix various types of housing on each street while considering the relationship (height, size, bulk) between each other, and to existing houses; to locate residential buildings close to the property line, and to provide visual interest along the streetscape with a variety in setbacks and projections. The proposed plan of subdivision satisfies these criteria by offering a range of lot sizes and orienting buildings close to the street.


The subject site is surrounded by existing single-detached dwellings to the north, south and east, and by detached and townhouse dwellings across Stonehaven Drive.  This application proposes to permit exclusively single-detached dwellings. The development to be permitted by the proposed zoning is therefore considered to be compatible with the existing development, in that they have the same qualities with respect to their building height, setbacks, form, massing, pattern, and character. Thus, the proposal is in conformity with the Official Plan.




The Official Plan identifies Stonehaven Drive as a Major Collector road.  This type of road is intended to serve as a connection between an arterial road (a major road which carries large volumes of traffic over long distances) and collector roads, which are the principal streets in urban neighbourhoods.


With the subdivision and zoning application, a Transportation Study was submitted in accordance with the Council’s approved Transportation Impact Assessment. The study addressed the introduction of the traffic from the proposed subdivision development into the overall transportation network of the existing community. The study also addressed additional traffic expectations from other lands on Stonehaven Drive for which the City has received a plan of subdivision application, which are located at 74 Stonehaven Drive.


The current applications that have been received represent the final phases of development within the Bridlewood Community. As a condition of subdivision approval, the proponent will be required to implement roadway modifications at the access point onto Stonehaven Drive. The City has received comments from the community on existing operational traffic concerns in Bridlewood that are unrelated to the proposed developments. Staff is investigating these concerns.


In general, Stonehaven Drive is experiencing increased traffic at peak times of the day. There are a number of reasons for this increase, one of which is a constraint at the intersection of Stonehaven and Richmond Road. There are high-level studies being completed in the surrounding area to analyze global traffic issues such as the Eagleson Road Environmental Assessment and the Terry Fox Drive/Hope Side Road extension Environmental Assessment. In addition, Traffic Operations staff has also been reviewing the existing internal community concerns and were consulted through the circulation process.




A serviceability study was submitted with the subdivision application that addresses the servicing needs for the lands. Development of these lands is being completed in accordance with master servicing requirements for the community and there are no servicing issues related to the development of these lands.




The proposed Zoning By-law amendment is to rezone the subject site to Residential Type 1T Zone (R1T) in By-law 2008-250 and Residential Type 1B (R1B) in the former City of Kanata By-law. This will allow development of a new residential subdivision compatible with the surrounding area.  Large portions of the surrounding neighbourhood are zoned in an identical manner, so the lots created within the new plan of subdivision will be compatible in size with adjacent development, and the dwellings will be subject to the same provisions with respect to yard setbacks, coverage, and building height. The proposal makes use of existing services, and is supportive of transit and pedestrian use.  The proposed zoning restricts the type of housing to single dwellings, addressing community concerns and facilitating compatibility. The proposed permitted uses are therefore considered appropriate for the site and respect the existing character of the community. Department staff support this Zoning By-law amendment because the proposed use is compatible with the surrounding area and conforms to the applicable policies outlined within the Official Plan.  




The property lies close to the Stoney Swamp Natural Environment Area, which is located to the east of the partially unopened Scissons Road allowance. The policies of the Official Plan require an Environmental Impact Statement for all proposed development, including lot creation, within 30 metres of the boundary of the NEA designation. The Environmental Impact Statement was required to demonstrate that there would be no negative impact on the natural features or their ecological functions as a result of the proposed subdivision.


The Environmental Impact Statement confirmed that the Stoney Swamp Conservation Area would not be directly impacted by the construction of the residential units. The stormwater management system will not drain into the Conservation Area, since it will be conveyed through the stormwater system to the Monahan Drain Constructed Wetland. The influence of the site on the Conservation Area to the east is reduced due to Scissons Road and the existence of the residences on its west side. It was determined that potential impacts from the site would be negligible, relative to the overall urbanization of the area. Mitigation measures are specified as Draft Plan conditions for the Plan of Subdivision application. The Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority has no objections to the rezoning or the plan of subdivision.




Notice of this application was carried out in accordance with the City's Public Notification and Consultation Policy. Public comments and concerns were focussed on traffic issues in the Bridlewood community. The public comments and staff response are detailed in Document 3. The Ward Councillor is aware of this application and the staff recommendation. 








The application was not processed by the "On Time Decision Date" established for the processing of Zoning By-law amendments for several reasons: the application was On Hold for an extended period of time while the applicant conducted additional traffic impact studies. Additional time was required for issue resolution, as well as additional community consultation initiated by the applicant to address residents’ concerns regarding traffic.




Document 1      Location Map – (Revised)

Document 2      Details of Recommended zoning

Document 3      Consultation Details

Document 4      Draft Plan of Subdivision




City Clerk’s Branch, Council and Committee Services to notify the owner, (Urbandale Corporation, 2193 Arch Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1G 2H5, Attention: Ms Mary Jarvis), OttawaScene.com, 174 Colonnade Road, Ottawa, ON, K2E 7J5, Ghislain Lamarche, Program Manager, Assessment, Financial Services Branch (Mail Code:  26-76) of City Council’s decision.


Planning, Transit and the Environment Department to prepare the implementing by-law, forward to Legal Services Branch and undertake the statutory notification.


Legal Services Branch to forward the implementing by-law to City Council



LOCATION MAP                                                                                 REVISED DOCUMENT 1

DETAILS OF RECOMMENDED ZONING                                      REVISED DOCUMENT 2


Proposed changes to By-law 2008-250


That the Zoning Map of By-law 2008-250 be amended such that the lands at 310 Stonehaven Drive, identified on the zoning key map in Document 1, be changed as follows:


Area A: DR Zone to R1T Zone

Area B: I1A Zone to R1T Zone

Area C: O1 Zone to R1T Zone


1.         The lands shown as Area A on Document 1 zoned DR, Area B on Document 1 zoned I1A and Area C on Document 1 zoned O1 under By-law 2008-250 will be rezoned to R1T [xxxx]-h.


2.         Section 239 of By-law 2008-250 is amended to add a new exception including the following provisions:


On lands zoned R1T [xxxx] with a holding symbol, the ‘h’ symbol denotes that the units may be constructed only after the removal of the ‘h’ symbol, which removal may only occur when the transportation solution is found and implemented to the City’s satisfaction, that improves the intersection of Stonehaven Drive and Richmond Road, and Stonehaven Drive/Richmond Road Corridor.


Proposed changes to By-law No. 168-94 for the former City of Kanata


That the Zoning Schedules of By-law 168-94 as amended, be further amended such that the lands at 310 Stonehaven Drive, identified on the zoning key map in Document 1, be changed as follows:


Area A: H Zone to R1B Zone

Area B: I1A Zone to R1B Zone

Area C: OS1 Zone to R1B Zone


1.         The lands shown as Area A on Document 1 zoned H, Area B on Document 1 zoned I1A and Area C on Document 1 zoned OS1 will be rezoned to HR1B-6.


2.         Subsection 6(3) is amended to add a new special zone including the following provisions:


On lands zoned R1T [xxxx] with a holding symbol, the ‘h’ symbol denotes that the units may be constructed only after the removal of the ‘h’ symbol, which removal may only occur when the transportation solution is found and implemented to the City’s satisfaction, that improves the intersection of Stonehaven Drive and Richmond Road, and Stonehaven Drive/Richmond Road corridor.


CONSULTATION DETAILS                                                                                DOCUMENT 3





Notification and public consultation was undertaken in accordance with the Public Notification and Public Consultation Policy approved by City Council for Zoning By-law Amendments. Two information signs were posted on the property, and notice of the application was circulated to the Bridlewood Community Association. The ward Councillor is aware of the application and the staff recommendation.


A public meeting was held in the community on May 15, 2007, in fulfillment of the requirements for the associated subdivision application. A summary of the public comments and staff responses is listed below.




Comments: The primary concern of residents is the impact of the additional homes on the current traffic congestion on Stonehaven Drive. A sample of comments is as follows:


·        A four-lane Richmond Road should have been constructed through NCC lands before allowing the scale of Bridlewood density to continue with Stonehaven being the only easterly exit route.  It is the city's responsibility to remedy the situation.

·        Stonehaven Drive is currently failing to process morning rush-hour traffic on a timely or safe basis.  Additional housing will only increase traffic. 

·        The school bus traffic combined with the presence of four schools on Stonehaven Drive poses serious congestion problems during the morning rush hours as well as a safety concern.

·        There is a need for another “feeder street” from Bridlewood to Richmond Road. Until an alternative route other that Stonehaven Drive is established, there should be a moratorium on future growth in Bridlewood.

·        Richmond Road must be widened to two lanes northbound for a greater distance, to allow traffic to merge safely and smoothly at the Stonehaven/Richmond Road intersection.

·        Residential development should be limited until there is the infrastructure in place to support the additional traffic.


Response:  The Official Plan identifies Stonehaven Drive as a Major Collector road.  This type of road is intended to serve as a connection between an arterial road (a major road which carries large volumes of traffic over long distances) and collector roads, which are the principal streets in urban neighbourhoods.


With the subdivision and zoning application, a Transportation Study was submitted in accordance with the Council’s approved Transportation Impact Assessment. The study addressed the introduction of the traffic from the proposed subdivision development into the overall transportation network of the existing community. The current applications that we have received represent the final phases of development within the Bridlewood Community for Urbandale Corporation’s lands. The proposed development will be required to implement roadway modifications at the accesses onto Stonehaven Drive. The City has received comments from the community on existing operational traffic concerns in Bridlewood that are unrelated to the proposed developments. Staff is investigating these concerns.


In general, due to growth within the community, Stonehaven Drive is experiencing increased traffic at peak times of the day. There are a number of reasons for this increase one of which is a restriction that is caused at the intersection of Stonehaven and Richmond Road. There are high-level studies being completed in the surrounding area to analyze global traffic issues such as the Eagleson Road Environmental Assessment and the Terry Fox Drive/Hope Side Road extension Environmental Assessment. In addition, Traffic Operations staff has also been reviewing the existing internal community concerns and were consulted through the circulation process.


PROPOSED DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION                                                             DOCUMENT 4





ACS2008-PTE-PLA-0120                                                    kanata south/sud (23)

Deferred on June 24, 2008 /Reporté le 24 juin 2008


(This application is not subject to Bill 51)


Previously received correspondence was referenced in Minutes 35 of June 24, 2008.


The following documentation was received in opposition to the zoning applications regarding 74 and 310 Stonehaven Drive:

·        Email (August 10, 2008) from Roger Toutant

·                    Email (August 14, 2008) from Joan and John Pumphrey opposed to stacked townhomes

·        Email (August 17, 2008) from J.P. Sangemino

·        Email (August 18, 2008) from Leslie Norkum


The following correspondence was received in support:

·        Email (August 11, 2008) from John and Judi Murtough requesting a buffer

·        Email (August 14, 2008) from Mark Thaw

·        Email (August 15, 2008) from Nancy and Gabriel Hajal

·        Email (August 18, 2008) from Tyler and Catherine Shaw


Kathy Rygus, Planner II, gave a detailed overview of the departmental report with a PowerPoint presentation, which is held on file with the City Clerk.


In response to questions from Councillor Qadri, Ms. Rygus stated that Bridlewood is comprised of approximately 20,000 residents with four westbound and one eastbound points of entry to the community.  The Hope lands to the south will eventually become part of the Bridlewood Community with a connection to Hope Side Road.  There are no exits going north due to the National Capital Commission (NCC) lands.  She confirmed four schools are located on Stonehaven Drive and the business traffic from Michael Cowpland Drive and Terence Matthews Crescent in all likelihood travels east on Hope Side Road rather than cut through the residential community on Stonehaven Drive.


Councillor Qadri, as a resident of the neighbourhood, commented on accessing Richmond Road from Stonehaven Drive in the morning peek periods and issues with the intersection’s configuration.  He suggested that if the zoning does move forward, development should only occur once broad traffic problems have been addressed to ensure residents are not inconvenienced further.


Responding to questions from Councillor Holmes, Ms. Rygus advised that the Official Plan does support a range of housing types.  This particular subdivision proposes exclusively single-family houses on a range of lot sizes in keeping with the surrounding development.  The narrowest lots are 10.5 metres, which is the minimum under the R1T zone, which affects these lands and a number of surrounding developments. 


Don Herweyer, Program Manager of Development Review West, added that the application to the north has stacked townhouses with a mix of street towns and townhouses throughout the community.  He commented that while this application is exclusively single-detached dwellings, which may be partly due to the traffic situation, there is an overall mix throughout the community.  The proposed road network uses the reduced approved cross-section for local streets, resulting in a narrowing of the right-of-way.  Mr. Herweyer confirmed staff is attempting to implement a grid road system for new communities; however this community was planned on a curvilinear system a number of years ago and this is the last phase of development.  In addition, all the collector roads will have sidewalks on both sides.


Margaret Kellaway, Bridlewood Community Association, voiced opposition to the proposed development until such time as the pre-existing traffic issues on Stonehaven Drive are resolved.  She acknowledged that Urbandale has been working with the Bridlewood Community; however traffic on Stonehaven Drive is a major issue for the community.  Two forums and an on-line survey have been set up and participation was high.  Ms. Kellaway also expressed concern with the impact of school bus changes in the fall and increased traffic due to the development of 74 Stonehaven Drive.


In reply to questions from Councillor Feltmate on community input, Ms. Kellaway recalled that a community safety meeting was held in January 2007 and traffic on Stonehaven Drive came forward as one of the major issues for residents.  Two hundred responses were received from the on-line survey.  In February 2008, a forum was well attended and focused on traffic on Stonehaven Drive.


Councillor Feltmate acknowledged the community association is not against the development, as most residents live in Urbandale homes.  The issue remains Stonehaven Drive and people cannot understand how the City can give permission to add more traffic on this street at this point in time.  She also touched on the decision of the English separate school board to have more children walk to school, noting two schools from that board are located along Stonehaven Drive.


Ms. Kellaway observed more parents would be driving their children to school as a result of the board decision on busing.


Mary Jarvis, Urbandale Corporation was accompanied by Doug Kelly, Soloway Wright LLP and Stephanie McNeely, Dillon Consulting Limited.  She declared that Bridlewood has been a successful community and is well planned.  Phase 6 is the final phase as per the Kanata Official Plan.  With respect to the road pattern within the subdivision, Ms. Jarvis explained that Stonemeadow Drive would connect to Bridlewood Drive to keep the traffic away from the elementary school.  It will have sidewalks on both sides with numerous pathway connections to the rest of Bridlewood. 


Mr. Kelly recounted that the original community plan was approved in the 1974 Kanata Official Plan.  It stopped north of the Hope lands and another road was planned along the east side of the community.  The former Region later removed it and the Richmond Road corridor going north was also downgraded.  He indicated that the environmental assessment (EA) studies for Eagleson Road and Terry Fox Drive/Hope Side Road are ongoing and are required to address overall traffic concerns in the area.


Ms. McNeely explained that the draft subdivision conditions require four traffic signals to distribute traffic more evenly.  Two of the traffic signals recommended are based on existing traffic conditions and the other two would be required when more traffic is added because of this site (one over the course of the year and the second at full build out).  She advised that the traffic analysis did consider other future adjacent developments, including background growth in traffic that would occur, as well traffic for both Urbandale sites. 


In response to questions from the Chair, Ms. McNeely stated no capacity exists currently at the Richmond Road and Stonehaven Drive intersection, given the issues with the eastbound left turn from Stonehaven Drive in the morning peak period.  Recent traffic lane lengthening was undertaken in the area and the Traffic and Parking Operations (TPO) branch was looking at other measures that might be suitable.  She estimated that traffic generated from the development would travel in the following split: 40 per cent going west to Eagleson Road and 60 per cent (or approximately 100 vehicles in the morning peak) traveling east to Richmond Road. 


Ms. Jarvis reiterated that traffic solutions must be implemented for all South Kanata, as over 10,000 units were approved east of Eagleson Road.  She emphasized that Crownridge Drive was identified in the Kanata, Regional and current Official Plans for connection to Hope Side Road.  She opined that delaying 100 or 200 units without solving the broader problem would serve no one.


In response to questions from Councillor Harder, the applicant confirmed the land was bought from Cadillac Fairview in the early 1980s by Urbandale.  Minto came in to Bridlewood by purchasing the Macdonald lands and the Hope lands were added to Bridlewood in the late 1980s but were never developed.  Mr. Kelly also spoke of the Region’s decisions, influenced by the NCC, with regard to Richmond Road and the current impact on traffic.


Councillor Feltmate also drew the Committee’s attention to the West Hunt Club and Richmond Road intersection.  She added the NCC will not allow the road to be widened and the police have advised that they cannot do anything more to make the intersection safer.


In response to questions from the ward councillor, Mr. Wildman advised that the intersection at Richmond Road and West Hunt Club Road is critical and not performing.  TPO has undertaken a global study, which is expected to be complete by mid-fall.  One of the options is to have a centre lane with traffic directed north in the morning and south in the evening, if it can be accommodated within the existing cross-section of the roadway.  Regarding moving up funding for the Hope Side Hope EA, Mr. Wildman said funding is shown in 2010 and 2014 for design and construction. 


Councillor Feltmate proposed that a holding zone be implemented to allow development to occur when a transportation solution can be found and implemented.  She said a compromise was explored with the applicant but could not be achieved.


Ms. Jarvis proposed the holding provision expire on January 1, 2010.  It would give the City 18 months to find a transportation solution for Kanata South.  Mr. Kelly explained that the applicant can apply to lift the holding zone at any time, but would hold off if half the land could be developed immediately.  He added that 50 vehicle trips would be generated in the morning peak period if half the units in Phase 6 were developed.


Mr. Marc advised that the motion to apply a holding symbol could be defended on legal and transportation grounds.  If the motion is approved, the applicant could accept the by-law, appeal on the basis of the 120-day rule or file a private appeal. 


Councillor Feltmate touched on the community feedback.  She asked for support to implement a holding zone to deal with the on-going transportation issues and not further impact residents.


Moved by P. Feltmate:


WHEREAS the Official Plan identifies Stonehaven Drive as a Major Collector road, intended to serve as a connection between an arterial road and collector roads, and a Transportation Study was submitted with the subdivision and zoning applications, addressing the introduction of traffic from the proposed subdivision development into the overall transportation network of the existing community;


AND WHEREAS Stonehaven Drive is experiencing increased traffic at peak times of the day, and the City has received comments from the community on existing operational traffic concerns in Bridlewood that are in part related to the proposed development, one of which is a constraint at the intersection of Stonehaven Drive and Richmond Road and the Stonehaven Drive /Richmond Road corridor;


AND WHEREAS there are high-level studies being completed in the surrounding area to analyze global traffic issues such as the Eagleson Road Environmental Assessment and the Terry Fox Drive/Hope Side Road Extension Environmental Assessment, and Traffic Operations staff have been reviewing the existing internal community concerns;


AND WHEREAS it is advisable that the transportation solution is identified and road improvements are implemented to the City’s satisfaction to improve the intersection of Stonehaven Drive and Richmond Road, and to alleviate traffic congestion on Stonehaven Drive and Richmond Road prior to commencement of the proposed development;


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Planning and Environment Committee approve and implement the following revisions to Staff Report ACS2008-PTE-PLA-0120:


1.         That “Recommendations 1 and 2” be deleted and replaced with the following:


1.         Approve an amendment to By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of 310 Stonehaven Drive from Development Reserve Zone (DR), Institutional Zone (I1A) and Parks and Open Space Zone (O1) to Residential First Density, Subzone T, Exception xxxx, Holding Zone (R1T [xxxx]-h) as shown in Document 1 and detailed in Document 2.


2.         Approve an amendment to the former City of Kanata Zoning By-law 168-94 to change the zoning of 310 Stonehaven Drive from Holding Zone (H), Institutional Zone (I) and Open Space Zone (OS1) to Holding Residential Type 1B Special Zone 6, (HR1B-6), as shown in Document 1 and as detailed in Document 2.


2.         Document 1 be deleted and replaced with the attached new Document 1.


3.         That the Details of Recommended Zoning in “Document 2” be deleted and replaced with the following:


Proposed changes to By-law 2008-250


1.         The lands shown as Area A on Document 1 zoned DR, Area B on Document 1 zoned I1A and Area C on Document 1 zoned O1 under By-law 2008-250 will be rezoned to R1T [xxxx]-h.


2.         Section 239 of By-law 2008-250 is amended to add a new exception including the following provisions:


On lands zoned R1T [xxxx] with a holding symbol, the ‘h’ symbol denotes that the units may be constructed only after the removal of the ‘h’ symbol, which removal may only occur when the transportation solution is found and implemented to the City’s satisfaction, that improves the intersection of Stonehaven Drive and Richmond Road, and Stonehaven Drive/Richmond Road Corridor.


Proposed changes to By-law No. 168-94 for the former City of Kanata


1.         The lands shown as Area A on Document 1 zoned H, Area B on Document 1 zoned I1A and Area C on Document 1 zoned OS1 will be rezoned to HR1B-6.


2.         Subsection 6(3) is amended to add a new special zone including the following provisions:


On lands zoned R1T [xxxx] with a holding symbol, the ‘h’ symbol denotes that the units may be constructed only after the removal of the ‘h’ symbol, which removal may only occur when the transportation solution is found and implemented to the City’s satisfaction, that improves the intersection of Stonehaven Drive and Richmond Road, and Stonehaven Drive/Richmond Road corridor.




That the Planning and Environment Committee recommend Council:


1.         Approve an amendment to By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of 310 Stonehaven Drive from Development Reserve Zone (DR), Institutional Zone (I1A) and Parks and Open Space Zone (O1) to Residential First Density, Subzone T, Exception xxxx, Holding Zone (R1T [xxxx]-h) as shown in Document 1 and as detailed in revised Document 2.


2.         Approve an amendment to the former City of Kanata Zoning By-law to change the zoning of 310 Stonehaven Drive from Holding Zone (H), Institutional Zone (I) and Open Space Zone (OS1) to Holding Residential Type 1B Zone Special Zone 6, (HR1B-6), as shown in Document 1 and as detailed in revised Document 2.


                                                                                                CARRIED as amended