6.             ZONING - 1320 KLONDIKE ROAD






Committee recommendations


(This application is subject to Bill 51)


That Council:


1.         Approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of 1320 Klondike Road from Development Reserve Zone (DR) to Residential First Density Zone, Subzone V – exception 738 (R1V [738]) and Residential Third Density Zone, Subzone X, exception 1016 (R3X [1016]) as shown in Document 1 and detailed in Document 2.


2.         Approve an amendment to the former Township of March By-law 552 to remove 1320 Klondike Road from By-law 552;


3.         Approve an amendment to the former City of Kanata Zoning By-law 161-93 to include 1320 Klondike Road and to zone the lands Residential Type 1B – exception 3 (R1B-3) and Residential Type 3A – exception 3 (R3A-3) as shown in Document 1 and detailed in Document 2; and


4.         Not enact the implementing Zoning By-law until such time as draft Plan of Subdivision Approval has been granted by the City.



RecommandationS du Comité


(Cette demande est assujettie au Règlement 51)


Que le Conseil :


1.                  approuve une modification au Règlement de zonage 2008-250 visant à faire passer la désignation de zonage du 1320, chemin Klondike de Zone d’aménagement futur (DR) à Zone résidentielle de densité 1, sous-zone V – exception 738 (R1V [738]) et Zone résidentielle de densité 3, sous-zone X - exception 1016 (R3X [1016]), comme l’illustre le document 1 et le précise le document 2;


2.                  approuve une modification au Règlement de zonage 552 de l’ancien Canton de March visant à soustraire le 1320, chemin Klondike à l’application du règlement 552;

3.         approuve une modification au Règlement de zonage 161-93 de l’ancienne Ville de Kanata visant à y assujettir le 1320, chemin Klondike et à attribuer aux terrains la désignation « Zone résidentielle de type 1B – exception 3 » (R1B-3) et « Zone résidentielle de type 3A – exception 3 » (R3A-3), comme l’illustre le document 1 et le précise le document 2;


4.         ne promulgue pas le règlement de zonage habilitant tant que la Ville n’aura pas approuvé le projet de plan de lotissement.







1.   Deputy City Manager, Planning, Transit and the Environment report dated 5 August 2008 (ACS2008-PTE-PLA-0178).



Report to/Rapport au :


Planning and Environment Committee

Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement


and Council / et au Conseil


05 August 2008 / le 05 août 2008


Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager

Directrice municipale adjointe,

Planning, Transit and the Environment

Urbanisme, Transport en commun et Environnement


Contact Person/Personne Ressource : Grant Lindsay, Manager / Gestionnaire, Development Approvals / Approbation des demandes d'aménagement

(613) 580-2424, 13242  Grant.Lindsay@ottawa.ca


Kanata North/nord (4)

Ref N°: ACS2008-PTE-PLA-0178




ZONING - 1320 Klondike Road (FILE NO. D02-02-07-0126)




ZONAGE - 1320, chemin Klondike





That the Planning and Environment Committee recommend Council:


1.                  Approve an amendment to Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of 1320 Klondike Road from Development Reserve Zone (DR) to Residential First Density Zone, Subzone V – exception 738 (R1V [738]) and Residential Third Density Zone, Subzone X, exception 1016 (R3X [1016]) as shown in Document 1 and detailed in Document 2.


2.                  Approve an amendment to the former Township of March By-law 552 to remove 1320 Klondike Road from By-law 552, and


3.                  Approve an amendment to the former City of Kanata Zoning By-law 161-93 to include 1320 Klondike Road and to zone the lands Residential Type 1B – exception 3 (R1B-3) and Residential Type 3A – exception 3 (R3A-3) as shown in Document 1 and detailed in Document 2.


4.                  Not enact the implementing Zoning By-law until such time as draft Plan of Subdivision Approval has been granted by the City.




Que le Comité de l’urbanisme et de l’environnement recommande au Conseil :


1.         d’approuver une modification au Règlement de zonage 2008-250 visant à faire passer la désignation de zonage du 1320, chemin Klondike de Zone d’aménagement futur (DR) à Zone résidentielle de densité 1, sous-zone V – exception 738 (R1V [738]) et Zone résidentielle de densité 3, sous-zone X - exception 1016 (R3X [1016]), comme l’illustre le document 1 et le précise le document 2;


2.         d’approuver une modification au Règlement de zonage 552 de l’ancien Canton de March visant à soustraire le 1320, chemin Klondike à l’application du règlement 552;


3.         d’approuver une modification au Règlement de zonage 161-93 de l’ancienne Ville de Kanata visant à y assujettir le 1320, chemin Klondike et à attribuer aux terrains la désignation « Zone résidentielle de type 1B – exception 3 » (R1B-3) et « Zone résidentielle de type 3A – exception 3 » (R3A-3), comme l’illustre le document 1 et le précise le document 2;


4.         de ne pas promulguer le règlement de zonage habilitant tant que la Ville n’aura pas approuvé le projet de plan de lotissement.





The subject property, 1320 Klondike Road is an undeveloped parcel approximately 2.76 hectares in area and is located within the Morgan’s Grant Community.  Specifically it is situated at the southeast intersection of Klondike and Second Line Roads.  The western limit of the subject lands represents the western limits of the City’s urban area in this location (see Document 1).


Purpose of Zoning Amendment


The purpose of this Zoning By-law amendment is to zone the subject lands to permit the development of detached and multiple-attached dwelling units.


Existing Zoning


The subject site is currently zoned Development Reserve (DR) under By-law 2008-250.  This zone recognizes that the lands that are intended for future urban development, and it limits the range of permitted uses to those that will not preclude future development options.  Examples of these uses include agricultural uses, community garden and park.  The zone imposes regulations that ensure that any proposed development will reflect the characteristics of the existing land uses.


The subject lands also currently fall within By-law 552 of the former Township of March.  This By-law regulates the use of land and the character, location, and use of buildings and structures.  It does so by outlining the general provisions to guide development in the former Township.  There are no land use zones within this By-law.  As such, under this By-law, the subject lands are unzoned.


Proposed Zoning


The applicant proposes to zone these lands Residential First Density Zone, Subzone V ‑ exception 738 (R1V[738]) and Residential Third Density Zone, Subzone X ‑ exception 1016 (R3X[1016]) in By-law 2008-250.  The applicant is also proposing to zone these lands Residential Type 1A - exception 3 (R1A-3) and Residential Type 3A ‑ exception 3 (R3A-3) under By-law 161-93.  If approved, detached dwellings would be permitted within the R1V[738] and the R1A-3 zones and semi-detached and multiple attached dwellings would be permitted uses in the R3X[1016] and R3A-3 zones.




Official Plan 


The Official Plan designates these lands as General Urban Area.  This designation permits a full range of housing types and densities.  The policies that guide the implementation of this designation contain several criteria for residential development.  These include relating to existing community character so that it enhances and builds upon desirable established patterns and built form.


New development must fit well with, and respect the pre-established character of the existing community.  This can include building form, setbacks, height, proportions, distance between buildings, and building location.


Zoning By-law 2008-250


Under this By-law, the applicant is proposing to rezone the lands from Development Reserve to two types of residential zones that together result in the provision of a full range of housing types.


The proposed zoning is consistent with existing zoning of the adjacent areas in the Morgan’s Grant Community and as such will allow for a continuous type and form of development consistent with the existing community character.


Staff is recommending that the Zoning Map of By-law 2008-250 be amended as detailed in Document 2 to show the R1V[738]and the R3X[1016] zones.


Staff is also recommending that these lands be removed from By-law No. 552 of the former Township of March and be inserted into By-law No. 161-93 of the former City of Kanata.  The proposed zones for these lands in By-law No. 161-93 would be R1B-3 and R3A-3.  As mentioned above, these proposed zones will be consistent with the existing zoning of the adjacent lands.


Staff is recommending that Schedule “A”, of By-law 161-93 of the former City of Kanata be amended as detailed in Document 2 to show the R1B-3 zone (Residential Type 1B – exception 3) and the R3A-3 zone (Residential Type 3A – exception 3).


Other Issues


Other site-specific considerations for the multiple-attached dwelling units such as access, site layout, landscaping, and fencing will be addressed through a future Site Plan Control application.




The subject lands represent the last phase of development for the Morgan’s Grant Community.  It has long been recognized that they will be developed into urban types of land uses at urban densities and this recognition is evident in the Official Plan policies.  All engineering, environmental and planning reviews have been completed and acknowledge that what is being proposed are appropriate types of land uses for this location.  In addition, the proposed Zoning By-law amendments are consistent with the intent of both Zoning By-laws.  It will bring the lands into conformity with the policies of the adjacent lands and will ensure that they are developed in a consistent manner.




The subject lands are adjacent to an Area of Natural and Scientific Interest and a Natural Environmental Area.  Because of this feature, the applicant was obligated to prove to the satisfaction of Mississippi Valley Conservation (MVC) that there will be no negative impact as a result of their development proposal.  As part of their submission the applicants included an Environmental Impact Statement and a supplementary data and literature review.  MVC has reviewed this information and supports its conclusions and recommendations.  As such, they have no objection to the approval of this application.




Notice of this application was carried out in accordance with the City's Public Notification and Consultation Policy.  The Ward Councillor is aware of this application and the staff recommendation.








The application was not processed by the "On Time Decision Date" established for the processing of Zoning By-law amendments due to the time required for the applicant to undertake an Environmental Impact Statement as required by MVC.




Document 1      Location Map

Document 2      Details of Recommended Zoning

Document 3      Consultation Details




City Clerk’s Branch, Council and Committee Services to notify the owner, Minto Communities Inc., 427 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 300, Ottawa, ON  K1R 7Y2, OttawaScene.com, 174 Colonnade Road, Unit #33, Ottawa, ON  K2E 7J5, Ghislain Lamarche, Program Manager, Assessment, Financial Services Branch (Mail Code:  26-76) of City Council’s decision.


Planning, Transit and the Environment Department to prepare the implementing by-law, forward to Legal Services Branch and undertake the statutory notification.


Legal Services Branch to forward the implementing by-law to City Council.



LOCATION MAP                                                                                                  DOCUMENT 1



DETAILS OF RECOMMENDED ZONING                                                       DOCUMENT 2


Proposed Changes to the new Comprehensive Zoning By-law 2008-250


  1. The lands shown as Area A on Document 1 will be rezoned from DR to RIV[738].


  1. The lands shown as Area B on Document 1 will be rezoned from DR to R3X[1016].


Proposed Changes to By-law 552 of the former Township of March


  1. The lands known as 1320 Klondike Road will be removed from By-law 552.


Proposed Changes to By-law 161-93 of the former City of Kanata


  1. The lands shown as Area A on Document 1 will be zoned to R1B-3.


  1. The lands shown as Area B on Document 1 will be zoned R3A-3.

CONSULTATION DETAILS                                                                                DOCUMENT 3




Notification and public consultation was undertaken in accordance with the Public Notification and Public Consultation Policy approved by City Council for Zoning By-law amendments.



The original application predated the adoption of By-law 2008-250 and as such proposed a Zoning By-law amendment that would zone the entire property Residential Type 3A.  This translates in the new By-law as Residential Third Density Zone, Subzone [738].  These zones permit detached dwellings, semi-detached dwellings and multiple-attached dwellings.  When this proposal was circulated for public comment, an adjacent property owner expressed concerns.  He does not support the Zoning By-law amendment as originally proposed.


He notes that there is a plan of subdivision proposed for these lands that consists of single detached and multiple-attached dwellings.  This plan clearly shows the multiple-attached dwellings being built at the southern limit of these lands on Forestbrook Street.  The resident is concerned however that this zoning once approved would enable the proponent to revise the current draft plan of subdivision and build multiple-attached dwellings throughout the parcel and immediately adjacent to his home.  He does not want multiple-attached dwellings adjacent to his home.  He feels that this type of development would disrupt the flow and balance of R1V to R3X structures currently established in this area.  Additionally he feels they would increase the traffic congestion on Klondike road with an increased potential for vehicle-pedestrian interactions.


He would consider acceptable a rider on the R1V[738} lands allowing the applicant to construct single detached dwellings with a reduced setback and narrower lot sizes.


The applicant has considered the neighbour’s concerns and has agreed to amend the Zoning By-law amendment application by zoning the lands proposed to be developed into detached dwellings Residential First Density Zone, Subzone V – exception 738 with the R3X[1016] zone being applied only to the block proposed for multiple-attached residential dwellings.  The R1V[738] zone is consistent with the zones on the adjacent properties throughout the northern portion of this Phase of Morgan’s Grant.  Similarly, the R3X[1016] zone is consistent with the zone on the immediately adjacent lands to the south.  The neighbour is satisfied with this proposal and has no objection to the approval of the amended application