Gifts Registry

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Gifts Registry - Overview

As part of City Council’s on-going commitment to accountability and transparency, Members of Council provide quarterly reports disclosing the gifts, benefits, hospitality and tickets they have received in an online Gifts Registry.

The Code of Conduct for Members of Council requires elected officials to list all gifts, benefits and hospitality received which individually exceed $100 from one source in a calendar year (save for some exceptions). The Gifts Registry includes a description of the gift, benefit or hospitality, the source, estimated value and what is to be done with the gift.

Official gifts which are of significant historic or cultural value that are received on behalf of the City by the Mayor or Councillors will become City property once the Member ceases to hold office. The City Archivist, in consultation with the Integrity Commissioner, will make the determination as to whether a gift has significant or historic value for the City of Ottawa. The Registry will note where the City Archivist has made a determination that a gift is not suitable for retention.

Gifts or mementos that are personal, of a nominal value, and which are of no particular civic interest, such as personal plaques, books, coffee mugs, pen and pencil sets, ties and scarves, may be retained by a Member of Council.

Members also list event tickets they have received that have a value of more than $30, with the exception of those tickets for community events or which directly relate to the role of the Member of Council. The Gifts Registry lists who provided the tickets, who attended with the Member or, if donated, to whom or to what organization the ticket was donated.

Finally, in keeping with Council’s direction for public disclosure of office expenses, the names of any minors receiving hospitality or benefit will not be listed.

If you have any questions about any entry, please contact the Member of Council directly, or the Integrity Commissioner at