Drouin Avenue – Integrated Sewer, Watermain and Road Renewal

On this page
Project status

Project overview

Project description

The City of Ottawa plans to replace the aging sanitary sewers, watermains and road infrastructure within Drouin Avenue from North River Road to West Presland Road. Speed management measures being proposed include speed humps, a raised pedestrian crosswalk on the east leg at the intersection of North River Road, and the narrowing of the intersection of Drouin Avenue at North River Road.

The limits of this proposed project are highlighted in the below figure.

Une carte démontrant les limites du projet tels qu'indiqué ci-haut.

Project limits

The following street segment has been identified to be reconstructed.

  • Drouin Avenue from North River Road to West Presland Road 

Project timing

Design: completed
Construction start: spring 2024
Construction completion: summer 2025

Project budget

Approved project funds to date are $684,000.
Additional funding will be secured via 2024 budget process for construction.


Accessibility is an important consideration for the City of Ottawa. The City makes every effort to provide access through and around construction sites. If you require a disability-related accommodation, please contact the project team. Accessible formats and communication supports are available, upon request.


The City of Ottawa is committed to safety in and around project sites. The project team continues to work closely with the industry and to comply with recommendations provided by municipal, provincial and federal health officials, as well as the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development.

Contact information

For any emergency outside normal working hours, please call the City at 3-1-1.  
For general project information, please contact the City’s Project Manager. 
For construction related questions or concerns, please contact the Contractor Representative.

City Project Manager
Joe Mojsej, P. Eng
Infrastructure Services 
100 Constellation Drive, Ottawa, ON  K2G 6J8
Tel.: 613-580-2424, ext. 16203

City On-Site Inspector
Tobias Windsor 
Construction Technician
Cell: 613-220-2526

Contractor Representative
Blair MacSweyn
W.H. MacSweyn Inc.
453 Gladstone Street, Winchester, ON  K0C 2K0 
Tel.: 613-407-4694

Construction commencement (April 2024)

This notice is to advise that construction in your neighbourhood will be starting in May 2024.

Below is a detailed overview of what to expect during the construction phase of this project.

What: The project involves watermain and sewer replacement, road reconstruction and the addition of traffic calming features.

Why: The objective of this project is to rehabilitate underground and roadway infrastructure that is nearing the end of its lifespan.

When: Construction is planned to start in spring 2024 and be completed by June 2025.

Where: Drouin Avenue from North River Road to West Presland Road.

Who: The City of Ottawa has retained a contractor, W.H. MacSweyn Inc., to complete the construction work.

Traffic impacts

During construction on Drouin Avenue, access will be restricted to local traffic only. Pedestrian and cyclist access will be maintained.

On-street parking and driveway impacts

To allow the work to be completed in a timely manner, on-street parking may be prohibited during the construction period. Signs will be placed 24 hours in advance indicating the parking prohibition. Local access will be maintained to residents, business owners and emergency vehicles. Periodically, vehicular access to your property may be unavailable; the contractor is required to provide 24-hour notification of temporary loss of vehicular access/egress to your property. A temporary On-Street Parking Permit will be made available to allow on-street parking within two blocks of your residence when these disruptions occur. Residents with electric vehicles will need to find alternative charging arrangements when access is restricted. The use of extension cords within the public right of way is not permitted.

Should you have additional concerns about reduced access, such as business deliveries or accessibility requirements, please contact the project manager.

Working hours

The City of Ottawa Noise By-law (2017-255) allows construction activity to occur weekdays between 7 am and 10 pm. On Saturdays, work is permitted between 7 am and 10 pm, while Sundays, statutory and public holidays work is permitted between 9 am and 10 pm. Should night work or weekend work be required as part of the construction project, you will be notified in advance by the City. An exemption to the Noise By-law will be required for night work and will be communicated in the same notice.

Private water services

One element of the reconstruction project is the replacement of the watermain under the road. This work will include replacement of the small water pipe that supplies water to your property, known as the water service. The water service extends from the watermain to your building. Part of the water service is located within the City’s property and part of the water service is located on your private property. This reconstruction project will replace only the City-owned portion of the water service between the watermain and your front property line. This will be done at no cost to you. The private section of the water service (on your property) between the front property line and your building is known as the private water service. The private water service will not be replaced as part of the City project.

If your house/building was built prior to 1958, there is a possibility that your private water service may have been constructed using lead pipe (modern pipes are copper or HDPE). There is information available on the City’s website at ottawa.ca/leadpipes regarding lead in drinking water and how to determine if you have lead plumbing pipes.

If you decide to replace your private water service because of existing lead pipe or simply as preventive maintenance due to the pipe’s age, you as the property owner are responsible for the replacement as you own the pipe located on your property. You may choose to hire your own contractor to replace the water pipes on your private property. The only constraint is that you may not carry out your work while the City is working on the street. Concurrent work on your adjacent property may create a safety hazard for the City’s contractor and/or for your contractor. Once the City’s work is complete, you may replace your private water service at any time thereafter.

Temporary water services

During the watermain reconstruction, your property will be placed on a temporary water service. While your property will be on this temporary water service, your water usage will be estimated since the temporary service is not metered. Your water bill will be based on your past average water usage. If you have any questions, please contact Revenue at 613-580-2444 or WS-Billing@ottawa.ca.

We apologize in advance for any disruptions in water service during construction. Any problems with the temporary water services can be directed to the City’s on-site representative or call the City of Ottawa at 3-1-1 in the evenings or weekends.

Impact on the right of way and adjacent private properties

The reconstruction work is primarily within the City’s right of way but it may result in some disruption to part of the private property directly adjacent to the work. The City will reinstate all sections of landscaping, driveways and walkways that are disturbed by construction. However, if you have plants or any other assets located within the City’s right of way that you want to preserve, we suggest that you may want to move them in preparation for the construction work.

Lawn irrigation systems and heated driveways

If you own a subsurface lawn irrigation system or a heated driveway, please notify the City Project Manager.

Property damage caused by construction activities

As part of this contract, the contractor, the W.H. MacSweyn Inc., is assuming full responsibility for the construction work until it is entirely complete, as well as any damages to private property resulting from these construction activities. In the event of such occurrences, all claims for damages should be immediately reported both verbally and in writing to the contractor and to the City’s on-site Representative. This will ensure prompt notification of appropriate authorities to complete the claim investigations.

Pre-construction survey

The contractor is required by the City to carry liability insurance before any work may proceed. You may be asked by the contractor’s subcontractor (Paterson Group) for permission to survey your property before the work commences, as contractors typically conduct pre-construction inspections to document existing conditions for their own purposes. It is to your benefit to allow the inspection to be conducted on your property, as it may assist with establishing the impact, if any, that construction has had at your property after work is complete. In addition, you may wish to complete your own survey of pre-construction conditions on your property. Your survey should include photographs.

Noise, dust and vibration

During the course of construction, you may experience noise, dust and/or vibration. These inconveniences are sometimes unavoidable in order to complete the required work of infrastructure renewal. Observed vibrations due to construction activity rarely exceed the threshold to cause damage to structures. Should the conditions seem excessive, please contact the City’s Project Manager.

Public information session: March 21 to April 4, 2024

The City of Ottawa held a Public Information Session – Open House on March 21, 2024, at the Rideau Sports Centre, to discuss the proposed infrastructure improvement project in your neighbourhood. Design drawings were on display for review and staff were present to answer any questions and receive comments.

In addition to the above meeting, residents can also participate through viewing and commenting on the online document:

Presentation [ 1.94 MB ]

Your input is an important part of the consultation process. Your feedback can be submitted by email or by phone to the contact below between March 21 and April 4, 2024.

What: The project involves watermain and sewer replacement, road reconstruction and the addition of traffic calming features.

Why: The objective of this project is to rehabilitate underground and roadway infrastructure that is nearing the end of its lifespan.

When: Construction is planned to start late spring 2024 and be completed by spring 2025.

Where: Drouin Avenue from North River Road to West Presland Road.

Who: The engineering firm, Ainley Group, has been retained by the City of Ottawa to develop design drawings for this project.

For further information about this project and/or to submit comments, please contact the City’s Project Manager:

City Project Manager    
Joe Mojsej, P.Eng.
Senior Engineer, Infrastructure Services
100 Constellation Drive, Ottawa, ON K2G 6J8
Tel.: 613-580-2424, ext. 16203