Flags: Display at Municipal Sites

On this page

Information on the Positioning of Flags - Appendix A

Canada flag and City of Ottawa flag

2-pole display

Ontario flag, Canada flag and City of Ottawa flag

3-pole display

Canada flag, Ontario flag, City of Ottawa flag, Franco-Ontarian flag

4-pole display

Foreign Visit

Sovereign Nation flag, Canada flag and Provincial flag

3-pole display 

Canada flag, Sovereign nation flag, Ontario flag, City of Ottawa flag

4-pole display

Canada flag, Sovereign nation flag, Ontario flag, other province flag, City of Ottawa flag

5-pole display

Royal or Vice-regal Visit

Royal regal flag, Canada flag, Ontario flag, City of Ottawa flag

4-pole display
The royal and vice-regal flags of H.M. the Queen, the Governor General and the Lieutenant Governors have precedence over all other flags.

Community Event

City of Ottawa flag, Organizational flag

Display sequence of provincial and territorial flags

flags of provinces and territories in order of precedence

Facing the building, an observer would find the flags positioned in the order shown above from the extreme left to the right.

2024 List of National Days - Appendix B

Updated January 3, 2024

Month Day Country National Day
January 1 Cuba Liberation Day
1 Haiti Independence Day
1 Sudan National Day
4 Union of Myanmar Independence Day
26 Australia Australia Day
31 Nauru National Day
February 4 Sri Lanka National Day
6 New Zealand National Day
7 Grenada Independence Day
11 Iran National Day
15 Serbia National Day
16 Lithuania Independence Day
17 Kosovo Independence Day
18 Gambia Independence Day
22 Saint Lucia Independence Day
23 Brunei Darussalam National Day
23 Japan Emperor's Birthday
24 Estonia Independence Day
25 Kuwait National Day
27 Dominican Republic Independence Day
March 3 Bulgaria National Day
6 Ghana National Day
12 Mauritius National Day
17 Ireland St. Patrick’s Day
20 Tunisia Proclamation of Independence
23 Pakistan Pakistan Day
25 Greece Independence Day
26 Bangladesh National Day
April 4 Senegal Independence Day
17 Syria National Day
18 Zimbabwe Independence Day
19 Holy See Election of the Pope
26 Tanzania Union Day 
27 Netherlands National Day 
27 Sierra Leone Republic Day
27 South Africa Freedom Day
27 Togo National Day
May 1 Marshall Islands National Day
3 Poland National Day
9 European Union Schuman Day
14 Israel Independence Day
14 Paraguay Independence Day
17 Norway Constitution Day
20 Cameroon National Day
22 Yemen National Day
24 Eritrea Independence Day
25 Argentina May Revolution
25 Jordan National Day
26 Georgia Independence Day
26 Guyana Independence Day
28 Azerbaijan Republic Day
28 Ethiopia Downfall of the Dergue
30 Croatia National Day
June 1 Samoa Independence Day
2 Italy Anniversary of the Foundation of the Republic
4 Tonga Independence Day
5 Denmark Constitution Day
6 Sweden National Day
10 Portugal National Day
12 Philippines National Day
12 Russia National Day
15 United Kingdom To commemorate His Majesty the King's birthday, the flag is raised in conjunction with the King's Birthday Parade (Trooping the Colour).
17 Iceland Proclamation of the Republic
18 Organization of Eastern Caribbean States OECS Day
18 Seychelles Constitution Day
23 Luxembourg Official Celebration of the Birthday of His Royal Highness Grand Duke Henri
25 Mozambique Independence Day
25 Slovenia National Day 
26 Madagascar Independence Day
27 Djibouti National Day
30 Congo, Democratic Republic Independence Day
July 1 Burundi National Day
1 Canada Canada Day
3 Belarus Independence Day
4 Rwanda Liberation Day
4 United States of America Independence Day
5 Algeria National Day
5 Cape Verde Independence Day
5 Venezuela Independence Day
6 Comoros National Day
6 Malawi Independence Day
7 Nepal Birthday of His Majesty The King
7 Solomon Islands National Day
9 South Sudan National Day
10 Bahamas Independence Day
11 Mongolia National Day
12 Kiribati National Day
12 Sao Tome and Principe National Day
13 Montenegro National Day
14 France National Day
14 Iraq Republic Day
20 Colombia National Day
21 Belgium Accession of King Leopold I
23 Egypt National Day
26 Liberia Independence Day
26 Maldives National Day
28 Peru Independence Day
30 Morocco Ascension of the Throne
30 Vanuatu Independence Day
August 1 Benin Independence Day
1 Switzerland National Day
3 Niger Proclamation of Independence
6 Bolivia Independence Day
6 Jamaica Independence Day
7 Côte d’Ivoire Independence Day
9 Singapore National Day
10 Ecuador Independence Day
11 Chad National Day
15 Congo National Day
15 India Independence Day
17 Gabon National Day
17 Indonesia Independence Day
19 Afghanistan National Day
24 Ukraine Independence Day
25 Uruguay National Day
27 Moldova National Day
31 Kyrgyz Republic Independence Day
31 Malaysia National Day
31 Trinidad and Tobago National Day
September 1 Libya National Day
1 Slovak Republic Constitution Day
1 Uzbekistan Independence Day
2 Vietnam Independence Day
3 San Marino National Day
6 Swaziland Independence Day
7 Brazil Independence Day
8 Andorra Independence Day
8 Macedonia Independence Day
9 Korea, Democratic People’s Republic National Day
15 Costa Rica Independence Day
15 El Salvador Independence Day
15 Guatemala Independence Day
15 Honduras National Day
15 Nicaragua Independence Day
16 Mexico National Day
16 Papua New Guinea Independence Day
18 Chile Independence Day
19  Saint Kitts and Nevis Independence Day
21 Armenia Independence Day
21 Belize Independence Day
21 Malta Independence Day
22 Mali Proclamation of the Republic
23 Saudi Arabia National Day
24 Guinea-Bissau National Day
30 Botswana Independence Day
October 1 China National Day
1 Cyprus Independence Day
1 Nigeria National Day
1 Palau Independence Day
1 Tuvalu National Day
2 Guinea National Day
3 Germany Day of German Unity
3 Korea, Republic of National Foundation Day
4 Lesotho National Day
9 Uganda Independence Day
10 Fiji National Day
12 Spain National Day
12 Equatorial Guinea National Day
23 Hungary Commemoration of the 1956 Revolution and Day of Proclamation of the Republic of Hungary
24 Zambia Independence Day
26 Austria National Day
27 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Independence Day
27 Turkmenistan Independence Day
28 Czech Republic Proclamation of Czech States
29 Turkey Proclamation of the Republic
November 1 Antigua and Barbuda Independence Day
3 Dominica Independence Day
3 Micronesia Independence Day
3 Panama Independence Day
9 Cambodia National Day
11 Angola Independence Day
18 Latvia Independence Day
18 Oman National Day
19 Monaco National Day
22 Lebanon Independence Day
25 Suriname Independence Day
28 Albania National Day
28 Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste Independence Day
28 Mauritania Independence Day
30 Barbados Independence Day
  30 Scotland St. Andrew's Day
December 1 Central African Republic Proclamation of the Republic
1 Romania National Day
2 Laos National Day
2 United Arab Emirates National Day
5 Thailand National Day
6 Finland Independence Day. Have chosen to no longer fly their flag at City Hall as flags are at half-mast on this date every year.
11 Burkina Faso National Day
12 Kenya Independence Day
16 Bahrain National Day
16 Kazakhstan Independence Day
18 Qatar Independence Day