Road Safety Action Plan
The 2020-2024 Road Safety Action Plan focuses the City’s efforts where they can have the greatest impact on reducing collisions resulting in major injury or death. The Plan is delivered by internal partners involved in the education, enforcement and engineering aspects of road safety. Each year an implementation plan is developed to identify specific countermeasures or actions to be undertaken.
- Vision: A comprehensive and proactive strategy for making Ottawa roads safe for all users.
- Theme: ‘Think Safety, Act Safely’
- Goal: A 20 per cent reduction in the average annual rate of fatal and major injury collisions by 2024.

The 2020-2024 Ottawa Road Safety Action Plan is an integrated, comprehensive, and proactive strategy for making our roads safer for all users and for continuing to advance toward zero fatal and major injury collisions. The Plan:
- builds on the successes of Ottawa’s previous road safety programs, which delivered some of the best collision reduction results in the country, including a 14 per cent reduction since the previous program was implemented from 2012 to 2016.
- incorporates input and guidance from residents, community stakeholders, road safety advocates and experts
- integrates proven road safety best practices and innovative new measures
- has three areas of action: engineering, education and enforcement
- is based on the Safe Systems approach to road safety
- is guided by the theme of Think Safety, Act Safely in recognition of the shared responsibility and the change in culture required to continue the progress towards zero fatalities and major injuries
All key partners in the City of Ottawa play a vital role in the success of the Road Safety Action Plan, including the Ottawa Police Service, Ottawa Fire Services, Ottawa Paramedic Service, Ottawa Public Health, the Public Works Department, Infrastructure and Water Services, and the Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development Department.
The Plan used data-driven analysis to select these key emphasis areas for our city:
- Vulnerable road users (pedestrians, motorcyclists and cyclists)
- Intersections
- Rural roads
- High-risk drivers (distracted, aggressive and impaired drivers)
The plan’s four main emphasis areas were developed based on data-driven analysis and feedback from various consultation exercises. The emphasis areas were selected to ensure the plan’s actions focus efforts and resources where they would have the greatest impact at reducing fatal and major injury collisions.
The 2020-2024 Road Safety Action Plan Report is available here.
2025 Implementation Plan
2025 Implementation Plan
The goals of the 2025 Implementation Plan are to enhance existing programs and to introduce new strategies and tactics to make our roads safer.
Improving road safety for vulnerable users
Pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists are the most vulnerable users of our roads. These are some of the actions that will be undertaken to improve their safety this year:
Be Safe Be Seen: is focused on raising the awareness of all vulnerable road users to be more visible when travelling on Ottawa roads. As part of the initiative, reflective gear will be distributed to residents throughout fall with a focus on cycling and pedestrian safety.
Interactive Educational Event to Promote Cycling & Pedestrian Safety Near Heavy Vehicles: Conduct 2 interactive events using heavy vehicles, bicycles and life-sized pedestrian cut-outs situated around the heavy vehicle in various locations, including some visible to the driver and some in the large and dangerous blind spots.
Education and Outreach about New Pedestrian Infrastructure: Conduct education and outreach on new and existing pedestrian infrastructure to ensure all road users understand how to use the infrastructure appropriately.
Leading Pedestrian Interval & No Right Turn on Red: Proactively review locations applying leading pedestrian interval (LPI) criteria, implementing LPI and/or No Right Turn on Red, where criteria is met.
Joined Pedestrian Signal Phasing: Continue to install signal timing feature to allow the walk signal to appear when a vehicle detection triggers the traffic signal to change to side street green, where appropriate. This expands upon the software and criteria developed in 2021.
Pedestrian Crossover Enhancements: Allocate partial funding to the PXO Program for design and construction.
Pedestrians Safety Enhancements: Allocate additional funding to the Pedestrian Safety Evaluation Program (PSEP).
Pedestrian Accessibility Enhancements: Allocated additional funding to the Pedestrian Accessibility and Intersection Ramping Program (PAIR) to help address required accessibility retrofits for PAIR Program locations in a more timely fashion.
Motorcycle Safety Courses: Provide training for 100 riders through a subsidized training program.
Motorcycle Safety Strategy: Implement education, engineering and enforcement measures identified in the motorcycle safety strategy. This includes continued input from key internal and external stakeholders through the motorcycle safety working group and conducting annual collision data monitoring.
Cycling Safety Enhancements: Allocate partial construction funding to the Cycling Safety Improvement Program to implement cycling enhancements at one of the following intersections:
- Ogilvie Road and Cummings Avenue;
- King Edward Street and Sussex Drive;
- Alta Vista Drive and Industrial Avenue
- Donald Street and Vanier Parkway
- Sussex Drive and St. Patrick Street or Elgin Street and Laurier Ave.
All of these locations are currently at various stages of functional or detail design (funded previously). Funding will be allocated to the first completed "shovel ready" design to allow for the earliest possible construction.
Cycling Safety Enhancements During Resurfacing: Allocate funding to the Cycling Safety Improvement Program to implement measures to enhance cycling safety as part of resurfacing projects (thermo, signage, pavement markings).
Amber Lock: The amber lock traffic signal feature improves the user experience for cyclists at semi-actuated intersections. With the completion of software development, locations will continue to be reviewed on an as request basis and implemented per criteria in future.
Cycling Detection Feedback Bollard: Continue to pilot the installation of cycling detection feedback bollards at signalized intersections or multi-use pathway crossings, where appropriate.
Improving road safety at intersections
More than half of all fatal and major injury collisions each year happen at intersections. These are some of the actions that will be undertaken to improve intersection safety this year:
Protected Left-Turns: Implement protected left turn phasing at up to 5 locations where no geometric revisions are required.
Rail Safety Studies: Complete Detailed Safety Assessments (DSA) jointly with the rail authority at 29 at-grade rail crossing. Additional funding to address additional street lighting recommendations, identified through 2024 DSAs.
Traffic Control Devices: Allocate funding to the New Traffic Control Devices Program for the construction of one or more locations that meet warrants for traffic control signals. Funding will be allocated to the first completed "shovel ready" design to allow for the earliest possible construction.
Improving road safety on rural roads
Approximately 25 per cent of fatal and major injury collisions happen on our rural roads, despite much lower traffic volumes than other roads in the city. The following are some of the actions that will be undertaken to make rural roads safer:
Education and Outreach Motorized Recreational Vehicles: Conduct education and outreach related to the operation of Motorized Recreational Vehicles in schools in the rural area to ensure all road users are aware of hazards and safe operation.
Rural Curve Enhancements: Enhanced delineation on horizontal curves identified through the new network screening process to improve safety. Enhance up to 5 locations.
Rural Roadway Signage and Lighting: Proactively identify rural stop locations for upgrading ex. oversized stop sign, stop ahead sign, flashing LED beacon and/or marker lighting at intersections based on network screening. Implement upgrades at up to 10 locations.
Rural Skewed Intersections Enhancements: Allocate additional funding to implement geometric modifications at one (or more) rural skewed intersection (Dunrobin Road and Constance Bay Road; Navan Road & Trim Road; Leitrim Road and Russell Road; Canon Smith Drive and Fitzroy Street). All of these locations are currently at various stages of functional or detail design (funded previously). Funding will be allocated to the first completed "shovel ready" design to allow for the earliest possible construction.
Safety Edges: Implement safety edges on Rural Roads as part of the 2024 resurfacing program. Total number of corridors to be determined.
Rumble Strips: Implement rumble strips on Rural Roads as part of future resurfacing. Total number of corridors to be determined.
Shoulder Maintenance in Rural Areas: Continue to review the shoulder maintenance priority process developed under 2020 RSAP. Upgrade approximately 20 linear km of gravel shoulders on rural roads to help reduce the occurrence of edge drop-off related incidents.
Reducing High-Risk Driving
Of 598 fatal and major injury collisions between 2019 and 2023, 61 per cent involved high-risk driving behaviours - aggressive, distracted, or impaired driving. The following are some of the actions that the City of Ottawa’s partners will undertake to reduce high-risk driving.
OPS Intelligence-led Traffic Enforcement Plan: Continue to support education and enforcement initiatives outlined in the intelligence-led Integrated Enforcement Initiative deployment model based on Road Safety Action Plan emphasis areas.
Youth Road Safety Week: Deliver an impaired (drugs and alcohol) and distracted driving educational initiative targeted towards teens.
Impaired Driver Enforcement: Continue to deliver impaired driver enforcement blitzes through the RIDE program and other impaired driver countermeasures throughout the City based on the OPS intelligence-led Traffic Enforcement Plan.
Leave the Phone Alone: Deliver Distracted Driver Enforcement throughout the City on an ongoing basis.
30 km/h Designs for Local Roads: Continue to include design elements identified in the 30 km/h Design Guideline to achieve a 30 km/h target speed for new roadways, or reconstructions.
Automated Speed Enforcement: Install 24 new Automated Speed Enforcement Cameras in the vicinity of schools, playgrounds/parks and as per the direction of the Agricultural and Rural Affairs Committee, four pilot locations in rural areas.
Conduct a Review of the Best Delivery Model for School Bus Camera: Report back to Transportation Committee in 2025 with an implementation plan for the program based on the results of the work with the school bus consortia and stakeholders to review and establish the best delivery method for a school bus camera program.
Traffic Calming in School Areas: Following established program requirements, implement engineered traffic calming measures in the vicinity of up to 3 schools.
School Zone Flashing Beacon Update to Standards: Amendments to Regulation 615 and the introduction of the new signage necessitated the review of these existing school zones in 2022 to ensure that they are compliant with updated regulations. Upgrades related to signage and beacon placement are required at a number of existing flashing beacon sites.
Gateway Speed Limit Signs: Install Gateway Speed Limit signage to establish 40 km/h or 30 km/h speed limit areas within neighbourhoods as per existing policies to double number of annual installations to one per ward.
Raising awareness and creating a culture of road safety
Safer Roads Ottawa will continue to undertake a broad road safety communications program, including and beyond the emphasis areas of the Road Safety Action Plan, targeting all road users and encouraging them to ‘Think Safety, Act Safely’. These are some additional actions that will be undertaken to achieve this overall culture and behaviour change:
Road Safety Audits: Proactively implement road safety audits on City-led roadway design projects.
Road Safety Communications & Education Strategy: Continue the delivery of initiatives identified in the RSAP Communications/ Education Strategy with an emphasis on changing road safety culture of road users across the City.
Road Safety Training Course (Safety School): Continue to deliver virtual training sessions for all staff within the city who make decisions about the transportation network to help create a road safety culture within the City. The course focuses on contributing factors to collisions, human factors associated with design and how road users use the system.
Fatal Collision Review Committee (FCRC): Undertake review of all fatal collisions in the city to determine contributing factors and assess possible education and engineering countermeasures, and consider viability of enforcement deployment as per the terms of reference of the FCRC.
Various Community Outreach Activities: Organize and/or support 35 community engagement initiatives and events at various locations.
2024 Implementation Plan
2024 Implementation Plan
The goals of the 2024 Implementation Plan are to enhance existing programs and to introduce new strategies and tactics to make our roads safer.
Improving road safety for vulnerable users
Pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists are the most vulnerable users of our roads. These are some of the actions that will be undertaken to improve their safety this year:
Be Safe Be Seen: is focused on raising the awareness of all vulnerable road users to be more visible when travelling on Ottawa roads. As part of the initiative, reflective gear will be distributed to residents throughout fall with a focus on cycling and pedestrian safety.
Interactive Educational Event to Promote Cycling & Pedestrian Safety Near Heavy Vehicles: Conduct 4 interactive events using heavy vehicles, bicycles and life-sized pedestrian cut-outs situated around the heavy vehicle in various locations, including some visible to the driver and some in the large and dangerous blind spots.
Education and Outreach about New Pedestrian Infrastructure: Conduct education and outreach on new and existing pedestrian infrastructure to ensure all road users understand how to use the infrastructure appropriately.
Conduct a Review of Screening Criteria for the Pedestrian Safety Evaluation Program (PSEP): Conduct a review of the screening criteria for PSEP to incorporate both collision and conflict analysis in the identification of locations for geometric modification to improve on pedestrian safety. Report back to Transportation Committee in 2024 on the results of the new criteria.
Ladder Markings: Implement high-visibility ladder markings at 10 locations.
Decorative Ladder Markings Guideline: Conduct pilot study to assess the performance and safety factors associated with decorative pavement markings. Data collection and review will be conducted at a pilot site before and after to determine how they perform. That information, together with the national guidance from the Transportation Association of Canada will then be used to help the City develop a policy to evaluate and develop a standard process for the application of decorative pavement markings from a safety, human factors, operations, and maintenance perspective.
Leading Pedestrian Interval & No Right Turn on Red: Proactively review 300 locations applying leading pedestrian interval (LPI) criteria, implementing LPI and/or No Right Turn on Red, where criteria is met.
Joined Pedestrian Signal Phasing: Continue to install signal timing feature to allow the walk signal to appear when a vehicle detection triggers the traffic signal to change to side street green, where appropriate. This expands upon the software and criteria developed in 2021.
Pedestrian Crossover Enhancements: Allocate funding to the PXO Program to address locations with low compliance.
Pedestrians Safety Enhancements: Allocate additional funding to the Pedestrian Safety Evaluation Program (PSEP) to proceed to construction of pedestrian safety improvements at two intersections (Carling Avenue and Edgeworth Avenue; LaFontaine Avenue and McArthur Avenue). Allocate additional funding to the 2024 Pedestrian Safety Evaluation Program for detailed design of selected 2024 location (to be selected through new PSEP screening process).
Pedestrian Accessibility Enhancements: Allocated additional funding to the Pedestrian Accessibility and Intersection Ramping Program (PAIR) to help address required accessibility retrofits for PAIR Program locations in a more timely fashion.
Motorcycle Safety Courses: Provide training for 100 riders through a subsidized training program.
Motorcycle Safety Strategy: Implement education, engineering and enforcement measures identified in the motorcycle safety strategy. This includes continued input from key internal and external stakeholders through the motorcycle safety working group and conducting annual collision data monitoring.
Cycling Safety Enhancements During Resurfacing: Allocate funding to the Cycling Safety Improvement Program to implement measures to enhance cycling safety as part of resurfacing projects (thermo, signage, pavement markings).
Cycling Safety Enhancements Allocate construction funding to the Cycling Safety Improvement Program to implement cycling enhancements at the intersection of;
- Elgin St. & Laurier Ave.
- Laurier from Queen Elizabeth Driveway to Elgin.
Allocate funding for functional and detailed design of three high volume cycling safety locations:
- Ogilvie Road and Cummings Avenue
- King Edward Street and Sussex Drive
- Alta Vista Drive and Industrial Avenue.
Amber Lock: With the completion of software development, locations will continue to be reviewed on an as request basis and implement per criteria in future.
Cycling Detection Feedback Bollard: Continue to pilot the installation of cycling detection feedback bollards at signalized intersections or multi-use pathway crossings, where appropriate.
Improving road safety at intersections
More than half of all fatal and major injury collisions each year happen at intersections. These are some of the actions that will be undertaken to improve intersection safety this year:
Protected Left-Turns: Implement protected left turn phasing at up to 5 locations where no geometric revisions are required. Allocate construction funding to complete geometric modifications at the intersection of Earl Armstrong Drive and Spratt Road, required for protected left turn installation. Allocate funding for functional design for the intersections Alta Vista Drive and Smyth Road and Bantree Street and Innes Road, to allow for protected left turn installation.
Rail Safety Studies: Complete Detailed Safety Assessments (DSA) jointly with the rail authority at 5 at-grade rail crossing.
Traffic Control Devices: Allocate funding to the New Traffic Control Devices Program for the construction of Percy Street and Laurier Avenue and for the functional and detailed design of 2 locations that meets warrants for traffic control signals (Longfields Drive and Jockvale Road and Bridgestone Drive and Eagleson Road)
Improving road safety on rural roads
Approximately 20 per cent of fatal and major injury collisions happen on our rural roads, despite much lower traffic volumes than other roads in the city. The following are some of the actions that will be undertaken to make rural roads safer:
Education and Outreach: Motorized Recreational Vehicles Conduct education and outreach related to the operation of Motorized Recreational Vehicles in schools in the rural area to ensure all road users are aware of hazards and safe operation.
Rural Curve Enhancements: Enhanced delineation on horizontal curves identified through the new network screening process to improve safety. Enhance up to 5 locations.
Rural Roadway Signage and Lighting: Proactively identify rural stop locations for upgrading ex. oversized stop sign, stop ahead sign, flashing LED beacon and/or marker lighting at intersections based on network screening. Implement upgrades at up to 10 locations.
Rural Skewed Intersections Enhancements: Allocate additional funding to implement geometric modifications at 1 rural skewed intersection (Dunrobin Road and Constance Bay Road). Allocate funding for functional and detailed design of two skewed intersections (Leitrim Road and Russell Road, and Canon Smith Drive and Fitzroy Street).
Safety Edges: Implement safety edges on Rural Roads as part of the 2024 resurfacing program. Total number of corridors to be determined.
Rumble Strips: Implement rumble strips on Rural Roads as part of future resurfacing. Total number of corridors to be determined.
Shoulder Maintenance in Rural Areas: Continue to review the shoulder maintenance priority process developed under 2020 RSAP. Upgrade approximately 20 linear km of gravel shoulders on rural roads to help reduce the occurrence of edge drop-off related incidents.
Reducing High-Risk Driving
- OPS Intelligence-led Traffic Enforcement Plan: Support education and enforcement initiatives outlined in the intelligence-led Integrated Enforcement Initiative deployment model based on Road Safety Action Plan emphasis areas
- Teen Safety Week: Deliver an impaired (drugs and alcohol) and distracted driving educational initiative targeted towards teens.
- Impaired driver enforcement: Deliver impaired driver enforcement blitzes through the RIDE program and other impaired driver countermeasures throughout the City based on the OPS intelligence-led Traffic Enforcement Plan.
- ‘Leave the phone alone’: Enforce distracted driver laws throughout the city on an ongoing basis.
- Automated License Plate Recognition (ALPR) Enforcement; Deploy Automated License Plate Recognition devices across the city to enforce suspended drivers..
- 30 km/h Designs for Local Roads: Include design elements identified in the 30 km/h Design Guideline to achieve a 30 km/h target speed for new roadways, or reconstructions.
- Automated Speed Enforcement: Install 20 new Automated Speed Enforcement Cameras in the vicinity of schools and playgrounds/parks.
- Gateway Speed Limit Signs: Install Gateway Speed Limit signage to establish 40 km/h or 30 km/h speed limit areas within neighbourhoods as per existing policies to double number of annual installations to one per ward.
- Traffic Calming in school areas: Following established program requirements, implement engineered traffic calming measures in the vicinity of 3 schools. Provide additional funding to Broadview Avenue Traffic Calming Project (partially funded by 2022 RSAP Implementation Plan School Zone Flashing Beacon Update to Standards: Amendments to Regulation 615 and the introduction of the new signage necessitated the review of these existing school zones in 2022 to ensure that they are compliant with updated regulations. Upgrades related to signage and beacon placement are required at a number of existing flashing beacon sites.
- Speed Policy Review: Review best practices and develop an update to the existing policy. The updated policy will also include a new School Zone Policy for selecting school areas and zone. Updated policy and criteria, as approved by Council, to be in effect by Q1, 2025.
Raising awareness and creating a culture of road safety
Safer Roads Ottawa will continue to undertake a broad road safety communications program, including and beyond the emphasis areas of the Road Safety Action Plan, targeting all road users and encouraging them to ‘Think Safety, Act Safely’. These are some additional actions that will be undertaken to achieve this overall culture and behaviour change:
- Road safety communications and education strategy: Deliver initiatives identified in our upcoming events and awareness campaigns..
- Various community outreach activities: Undertake 35 community engagement initiatives and events at various locations.
- Road safety training course (‘Safety School’): Deliver virtual training sessions for all staff within the city who make decisions about the transportation network to help create a road safety culture within the City. The course focuses on contributing factors to collisions, human factors associated with design and how road users use the system. Deliver 2 training sessions for staff. Deliver 2 training sessions related to specific road safety issues impacting various departments.
- Road safety audits Proactively implement road safety audits on City-led roadway design projects. Integrate through the Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) process, RSA requirements for developer-led transportation projects within the City right-of-way
- Fatal Collision Review Committee: Undertake review of all fatal collisions in the city to determine contributing factors and assess possible education and engineering countermeasures, and consider viability of enforcement deployment as per the terms of reference of the FCRC.
- Pilot advanced technology for road safety: Pilot new and innovative technologies and services related to enhancing road safety for all road users.
2023 Implementation plan
The goals of the 2023 Implementation Plan are to enhance existing programs and to introduce new strategies and tactics to make our roads safer.
Improving road safety for vulnerable users
Pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists are the most vulnerable users of our roads. These are some of the actions that will be undertaken to improve their safety this year:
- Ladder markings: Implement high-visibility ladder markings at 10 locations.
- Leading pedestrian interval signal timing and no right turn on red signage: Proactively assess 300 locations for the benefit of adding leading pedestrian interval timing to the signals or 'No right turn on red' signage.
- Joined pedestrian signal phasing: Continue to install signal timing feature to allow the walk signal to appear when a vehicle detection triggers the traffic signal to change to green for the side street, where appropriate.
- Pedestrian crossover enhancements: Install various enhancements at PXO locations with compliance issues.
- Pedestrian safety enhancements: Implement low-cost measures to address pedestrian safety issues at one location.
- Education and outreach: Conduct education and outreach on new and existing pedestrian infrastructure to ensure all road users understand how to use the infrastructure.
- ‘Be safe, be Seen’: Distribute reflective gear to residents as part of the ‘Be safe, be seen’ program.
- Motorcycle safety strategy: Implement education, engineering and enforcement measures identified in the motorcycle safety strategy. This includes continued input from key internal and external stakeholders through the motorcycle safety working group and conducting annual collision data monitoring.
- Motorcycle safety courses: Provide training for 100 riders through a subsidized training program.
- Cycling safety enhancements: Implement measures to enhance cycling safety at up to three high-volume cycling/vehicle interaction locations.
- Cycling safety enhancements during road resurfacing: Implement measures to enhance cycling safety as part of resurfacing projects, such has green thermoplastic pavement markings, signage, pavement markings.
- Cycling detection feedback bollard: Continue installing cycling detection feedback bollards at signalized intersections or multi-use pathway crossings.
- Amber lock: Locations will continue to be reviewed on an as request basis and amber lock traffic signal functions will continue to be implemented where warranted.
- School bus cameras: Provide an implementation plan for the school bus camera program.
- School-based booster seat and passenger safety awareness program (‘BestFit Booster’): Provide education on the proper installation of booster seats and passenger safety through school-based programs geared towards grades 1-3 students.
Improving road safety at intersections
More than half of all fatal and major injury collisions each year happen at intersections. These are some of the actions that will be undertaken to improve intersection safety this year:
- Protected left turns: Implement protected left turn signals at up to five locations.
- Rail safety studies: Complete detailed safety assessments with the rail authority at four at-grade rail crossings.
- Traffic control devices: Allocate partial funding to the New Traffic Control Signal Program for the construction of one intersection that meets warrants for traffic control signals.
Improving road safety on rural roads
Approximately 20 per cent of fatal and major injury collisions happen on our rural roads, despite much lower traffic volumes than other roads in the city. The following are some of the actions that will be undertaken to make rural roads safer:
- Education and outreach: Conduct education and outreach at rural schools about motorized recreational vehicles to ensure drivers and other road users are aware of the hazards and safe operation.
- Rural curve enhancements: Enhance the delineation on rural roadway curves at up to five locations as identified through a safety screening process.
- Signage and lighting: Identify up to 10 rural stop locations for upgrading, such as the need for an oversized stop sign, ‘Stop ahead’ sign, flashing beacon and/or street lighting.
- Advanced technology: Pilot new technology in rural areas such as LED chevrons and temporary rumble strips.
- Rural skewed intersection enhancements: Implement geometric modifications at two rural skewed intersections.
- Safety edges: Implement safety edges during resurfacing work; total number of locations to be determined.
- Rumble strips: Implement rumble strips during resurfacing work; total number of locations to be determined.
- Shoulder maintenance: Upgrade approximately 22 linear km of gravel shoulders to help reduce the number of edge drop-off incidents.
Reducing High-Risk Driving
Of 673 fatal and major injury collisions between 2017 and 2021, 67 per cent involved high-risk driving behaviours - aggressive, distracted, or impaired driving. The following are some of the actions that the City of Ottawa’s partners will undertake to reduce high-risk driving.
- Intelligence-based traffic enforcement: The Road Safety Action Plan emphasis areas will be incorporated into the Ottawa Police Service’s Traffic Unit’s data-driven, intelligence-led Integrated Enforcement Initiative.
- Teen Safety Week: Deliver an impaired (drugs and alcohol) and distracted driving educational initiative targeted towards teens.
- Impaired driver enforcement: Deliver monthly RIDE (Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere) Program(s) throughout the city. Provide additional staffing for the Summer Market Enforcement Blitz in the Byward Market.
- ‘Leave the phone alone’: Enforce distracted driver laws throughout the city on an ongoing basis.
- Automated license plate recognition enforcement: Deploy automated license plate recognition devices across the city to identify and charge suspended drivers.
- 30 km/h designs: Include design elements to achieve a 30 km/h target speed for new local roadways or reconstructions.
- Automated speed enforcement: Install 13 new automated speed enforcement cameras at schools and playgrounds or parks plus, as a pilot study, four others at high-speed locations identified as having significant speeding violations.
- Gateway speed limit signs: Create 40 km/h or 30 km/h speed limit areas within neighbourhoods and double the number of annual installations to one per ward.
- Traffic calming in school areas: Implement engineered traffic calming measures in the vicinity of three schools.
- School zone flashing beacon update: Upgrade existing signage and flashing beacon lights to meet new provincial regulations.
Raising awareness and creating a culture of road safety
Safer Roads Ottawa will continue to undertake a broad road safety communications program, including and beyond the emphasis areas of the Road Safety Action Plan, targeting all road users and encouraging them to ‘Think Safety, Act Safely’. These are some additional actions that will be undertaken to achieve this overall culture and behaviour change:
- Road safety communications and education strategy: Deliver initiatives identified in the 2023 Communications/ Education Strategy.
- Various community outreach activities: Undertake 35 community engagement initiatives and events at various locations.
- Road safety training course (‘Safety School’): Deliver four virtual training sessions for staff who make decisions about the transportation work at the City and one virtual session for elected officials. The course focuses on factors contributing to collisions, human factors associated with design and how road users use the system.
- Road safety audits Implement guidelines and support various stakeholders in the road safety audit process. Continue to consult with development industry and seek input on road safety audit requirements for developer-led projects within the City right-of-way.
- Fatal Collision Review Committee: Undertake review of all fatal collisions in the city to determine contributing factors and assess possible education and engineering countermeasures and consider the viability of enforcement.
- Pilot advanced technology for road safety: Pilot new and innovative technologies and services related to enhancing road safety for all road users.
Many City of Ottawa policies are critical to road safety by considering the safety of all road users during the planning and design of new transportation infrastructure, including:
- Transportation Master Plan
- Building Better and Smarter Suburbs
- Ottawa Active Transportation Plan Update
- Complete Streets Implementation Framework
- Arterial Road Corridor Design Guidelines
- 30 Km/h Speed Limit Policy
- Traffic Calming Design Guidelines
- Road Safety Audits
Safety Improvement Program
The City's Safety Improvement Program primarily focuses on engineering modification to improve road safety. The program selects locations to study, carries out in-depth studies of collision patterns and recommends countermeasures. Locations with existing road safety issues based on collision trends and safety risks are selected for improvements.
The program is carried out on an annual basis, when year-end traffic collision and volume data becomes available. The study takes all road users, including pedestrians and cyclists, into consideration. Program assessments lead to recommended changes to signage, pavement markings, traffic control signal timings and phases and/or the installation of skid-resistant asphalt and roadway geometric modifications.
The collection and analysis of the City's collision data is critical to the success of the Safety Improvement Program. Multiple police services forward copies of their collision reports to City staff, who maintain a database of relevant information. The analysis of this information is summarized in annual Collision Statistics Reports.
Annual safety reports
Annual collisions reports provide statistical data on all reported collisions on City of Ottawa roads within a five year period. It provides data to agencies and individuals involved in road safety, allowing them to make sound decisions and evaluate the performance of road safety programs, policies and strategies.
Each report reflects only reported collisions in the jurisdiction of the City of Ottawa. Unreported collisions and collisions on private property are not included.
All annual collision data is available on Open Data Ottawa.
2020 Ottawa Road Safety Report [PDF - 112 KB]
2019 Ottawa Road Safety Report [PDF - 135 KB]
2018 Ottawa Road Safety Report [PDF - 136 KB]