Transportation Master Plan Update

Moving in the right direction
Ottawa has grown into a city of one million residents. Over the next 25 years, that number is expected to grow to more than 1.4 million. With that kind of growth, we need to revisit how people, vehicles and goods move through our city.
As we update the Transportation Master Plan, we have important decisions to make as individuals and as a city. While some might be easy, others will require more thought. We need to have thoughtful and meaningful discussions to ensure Ottawa becomes the most liveable mid-sized city in North America.
Transportation decisions affect all of Ottawa’s residents and businesses. No matter if you walk, drive, cycle, bus, take the light rail transit or scoot, whether you ship products or have them delivered, or whether you own or share a car, how people and goods move through the city affects you. All the choices we make moving forward will require some give and take. Tell us what’s important to you and how our transportation system can move us in the right direction for decades to come.
Stay involved!
Sign up for updates on the many upcoming opportunities for public and stakeholder engagement at each phase of the master plan update.
Moving in the right direction
Ottawa has grown into a city of one million residents. Over the next 25 years, that number is expected to grow to more than 1.4 million. With that kind of growth, we need to revisit how people, vehicles and goods move through our city.
As we update the Transportation Master Plan, we have important decisions to make as individuals and as a city. While some might be easy, others will require more thought. We need to have thoughtful and meaningful discussions to ensure Ottawa becomes the most liveable mid-sized city in North America.
Transportation decisions affect all of Ottawa’s residents and businesses. No matter if you walk, drive, cycle, bus, take the light rail transit or scoot, whether you ship products or have them delivered, or whether you own or share a car, how people and goods move through the city affects you. All the choices we make moving forward will require some give and take. Tell us what’s important to you and how our transportation system can move us in the right direction for decades to come.
Stay involved!
Sign up for updates on the many upcoming opportunities for public and stakeholder engagement at each phase of the master plan update.
Phase 5 Transportation Master Plan public consultations
Share Phase 5 Transportation Master Plan public consultations on Facebook Share Phase 5 Transportation Master Plan public consultations on Twitter Share Phase 5 Transportation Master Plan public consultations on Linkedin Email Phase 5 Transportation Master Plan public consultations link26 Mar 2025The City is getting ready to launch the Transportation Master Plan Phase 5 public consultation! We will share draft recommendations for the Transportation Master Plan's Capital Infrastructure Plan, including the proposed transit and road networks, project priorities, and implementation plan. Stay tuned for consultation materials that will be posted at the end of March.
The City will host online and in-person public consultation sessions on the Transportation Master Plan's Capital Infrastructure Plan. Virtual sessions will include a presentation followed by a question-and-answer period. In-person sessions will have display boards showcasing project information, and members of the project team will be available to answer questions. The same information will be presented at all sessions, but discussions at each session may focus on projects specific to the local geographic area. You are welcome to attend any of the sessions, regardless of your place of residence.
Tuesday, April 8
6:30 to 8:30 pm
John G. Mlacak Centre
2500 Campeau DriveThursday, April 24
6:30 to 8:30 pm
Virtual – Register here(External link)East
Monday, April 14
6:30 to 8:30 pm
Virtual – Register here(External link)Tuesday, April 29
6:30 to 8:30 pm
Ray Friel Recreation Centre
1585 Tenth Line RoadSouth
Thursday, April 17
6:30 to 8:30 pm
Nepean Sportsplex
1701 Woodroffe AvenueThursday, May 6
6:30 – 8:30 pm
Virtual – Register here(External link)Central
Thursday, April 10
6:30 to 8:30 pm
Overbrook Community Centre
33 Quill StreetThursday, May 1
6:30 – 8:30 pm
Virtual – Register here(External link)For more information, please email link)
Baseline Road transit improvements update: Webinar January 17
Share Baseline Road transit improvements update: Webinar January 17 on Facebook Share Baseline Road transit improvements update: Webinar January 17 on Twitter Share Baseline Road transit improvements update: Webinar January 17 on Linkedin Email Baseline Road transit improvements update: Webinar January 17 link20 Jan 2025
On January 16, Councillor Johnson hosted a webinar to share information about the Baseline Transitway project. Slides from the webinar are now available. As discussed in the webinar, the City expects the Baseline Transitway to remain a high priority in the Transportation Master Plan Update. Further information will be provided as part of the next phase of consultation, in March. -
Phase 4 Transportation Master Plan public engagement is now complete
Share Phase 4 Transportation Master Plan public engagement is now complete on Facebook Share Phase 4 Transportation Master Plan public engagement is now complete on Twitter Share Phase 4 Transportation Master Plan public engagement is now complete on Linkedin Email Phase 4 Transportation Master Plan public engagement is now complete link03 Sep 2024Thank you to all participants who took part in the Phase 4 public information session, provided comments to the link) project inbox, and responded to the Mapping transportation issues and Transportation Investment Priorities surveys from June 12 to August 30, 2024.
An As We Heard It Report will be posted in the coming months to summarize input received.
City-wide virtual information session - Wednesday June 26, 2024
Share City-wide virtual information session - Wednesday June 26, 2024 on Facebook Share City-wide virtual information session - Wednesday June 26, 2024 on Twitter Share City-wide virtual information session - Wednesday June 26, 2024 on Linkedin Email City-wide virtual information session - Wednesday June 26, 2024 link21 Jun 2024To kick-off consultation for Part 2 of the Transportation Master Plan Update, there was a virtual city-wide virtual information session on Wednesday June 26 from 6:00 to 8:00 PM.
This session gave an overview of the Transportation Trends Report and the Needs, Opportunities and Uncertainty Report and the implications on how the City plans its future transit and road networks.
To view the French version of this blog post, please click here(External link).
Launch of Phase 4 of the Transportation Master Plan consultations and public engagement event
Share Launch of Phase 4 of the Transportation Master Plan consultations and public engagement event on Facebook Share Launch of Phase 4 of the Transportation Master Plan consultations and public engagement event on Twitter Share Launch of Phase 4 of the Transportation Master Plan consultations and public engagement event on Linkedin Email Launch of Phase 4 of the Transportation Master Plan consultations and public engagement event link12 Jun 2024The City began consultation on the Transportation Master Plan Part 2 following the approval of the Transportation Master Plan Part 1 in 2023. The Transportation Master Plan Part 2 will identify the transit and road projects that are needed to accommodate growth and achieve the City’s objectives for a healthy, livable city. It will also identify a subset of projects that are affordable within the City’s long-range financial plans, along with the corresponding timelines for implementation.
As part of this phase of consultation, residents were invited to tell the City about the transportation issues they experience when travelling by car or transit using the survey below. Residents also gave feedback on their transportation investment priorities.
Residents were invited to review the Transportation Trends Report presenting the results of the 2022 Origin-Destination household travel survey. This survey provides a snapshot of residents’ daily travel, including trip origins and destinations, modes of travel, and trip purposes. Key findings are summarized in the Transportation Trends Highlights document. Finally, the Needs, Opportunities and Uncertainty Report discusses the implications of the Origin-Destination survey results on how the City plans its future transit and road networks. It also provides a summary of the approach that will be used for forecasting future travel activity in the next phase of the study. All three reports can be found in the Document Library on this page.
The City hosted an online virtual engagement on Wednesday, June 26 from 6 pm to 8 pm.
Survey #1: Mapping transportation issues - Surveys are closed.
Survey #2: Transportation Investment Priorities - Surveys are closed.
In the coming months, work will continue on the Transportation Master Plan Part 2. This will include finalizing the travel forecasting model and identifying locations where transportation improvements are needed to support growth. The Transportation Master Plan team will then identify and evaluate transit and road projects; update the City’s future transportation networks; prioritize projects; and develop an implementation plan.
For more information, please email link)
To view the French version of this blog post, please click here(External link).
If a resident does not have access to the internet to complete the survey, or would like additional support filling out the survey, please contact 3-1-1 for assistance.
Approved Transportation Master Plan – Part 1
Share Approved Transportation Master Plan – Part 1 on Facebook Share Approved Transportation Master Plan – Part 1 on Twitter Share Approved Transportation Master Plan – Part 1 on Linkedin Email Approved Transportation Master Plan – Part 1 link01 May 2023The Transportation Master Plan – Part 1 was approved at the City Council meeting of April 26, 2023. The staff report, supporting materials and recordings of the Transportation Committee and Council meetings can be found on the City’s website(External link).
Part 1 included the Transportation Master Plan's policies, active transportation projects and networks, and Transit and Road Project Prioritization Frameworks for the Transportation Master Plan Part 2, development of the Capital Infrastructure. The document library on this website contains these documents.
The next step is the development of the Transportation Master Plan's Capital Infrastructure Plan, including additional public engagement on travel patterns and trends, transit and road projects, and network investment scenarios. Please continue to watch this project website and subscribe to the newsletter for updates.
To view the French version of this blog post, please click here(External link).
Special meeting of the Transportation Committee
Share Special meeting of the Transportation Committee on Facebook Share Special meeting of the Transportation Committee on Twitter Share Special meeting of the Transportation Committee on Linkedin Email Special meeting of the Transportation Committee link13 Apr 2023Staff brought forward Part 1 of the Transportation Master Plan Update at a special meeting of the Transportation Committee on Monday, April 17, 2024. The staff report and supporting materials are available on the City’s website(External link).
Thank you to all participants in Part 1 of the Transportation Master Plan Update. The document library on this website includes reports on consultation results and changes to the materials following consultation.
The next step in the Transportation Master Plan Update process is the development of the Capital Infrastructure Plan (Part 2 of the Transportation Master Plan), including additional public engagement on proposed transit and road projects and network investment scenarios.
Updated TMP Part 1 is now posted
Share Updated TMP Part 1 is now posted on Facebook Share Updated TMP Part 1 is now posted on Twitter Share Updated TMP Part 1 is now posted on Linkedin Email Updated TMP Part 1 is now posted link10 Mar 2023We are releasing updated TMP Part 1 materials, refined based on feedback received from residents and stakeholders during TMP Phase 3 Public Engagement. The updated materials include the following:
- TMP Policies and “Highlights” document
- Active Transportation project lists and network maps
- Road and Transit Project Prioritization Frameworks for the TMP Capital Infrastructure Plan
Part 1 of the TMP Update will be finalized in the coming months as staff prepare to bring forward a report for approval to a special Transportation Committee meeting and Council in April.
Thank you to all participants in the TMP Phase 3 Public Engagement. Along with the updated materials, the Document library includes reports on consultation results and changes to the materials following consultation.
The next step in the TMP update process is the development of the Capital Infrastructure Plan (Part 2 of the TMP), including additional public engagement on proposed transit and road projects and network investment scenarios.
If you have any questions or would like to provide comments, you can always do so through link).
Updated TMP Policies and Highlights now posted
Share Updated TMP Policies and Highlights now posted on Facebook Share Updated TMP Policies and Highlights now posted on Twitter Share Updated TMP Policies and Highlights now posted on Linkedin Email Updated TMP Policies and Highlights now posted link10 Mar 2023The updated TMP Polices document will guide our transportation decisions to 2046 and help Ottawa fulfill its vision of becoming the most liveable mid-sized city in North America. For an overview of the TMP Policies, a Highlight document is also available.
The TMP Policies were refined based on the results of the TMP Phase 3. A supporting report summarizes the changes to the draft Policies.
Updated Active Transportation Project List and Network Maps now posted
Share Updated Active Transportation Project List and Network Maps now posted on Facebook Share Updated Active Transportation Project List and Network Maps now posted on Twitter Share Updated Active Transportation Project List and Network Maps now posted on Linkedin Email Updated Active Transportation Project List and Network Maps now posted link10 Mar 2023The updated Active Transportation Projects List is available for viewing in the Document library section of the website.
You can also view the updated active transportation networks at the links below:
- Crosstown Bikeways Network
- Active Transportation Major Structures
- Rural Active Transportation Networks
Staff are currently working to update GeoOttawa to reflect the Active Transportation Project changes and this should be available shortly. Changes to the proposed projects are the result of additional work undertaken by staff as well as in response to feedback received from the public and are documented in this report. Summaries of the TMP Phase 3 and Phase 2 engagement, including active transportation topics, are available for viewing in the Document library.
Who's listening
Director, Transportation Planning (Acting)
Phases of engagement
June 2019
Transportation Master Plan Update has finished this stageTransportation Master Plan and the associated Ottawa Cycling Plan and Ottawa Pedestrian Plan Scopes of Work approved by Transportation Committee and Council.
Phase One - Transportation Master Plan Directions - December 2019 to January 2020
Transportation Master Plan Update has finished this stagePublic engagement on existing conditions, vision and guiding principles.
Phase Two - Policy connections - February to October 2020
Transportation Master Plan Update has finished this stagePublic engagement on TMP priority issues identified in Phase 1, new mobility, pedestrian and cycling policies and priorities, and equity considerations. An online tool will also allow residents to identify missing links in the pedestrian and cycling networks.
Phase Three - The path forward - Winter to Spring 2022.
Transportation Master Plan Update has finished this stagePublic engagement on policies and the Active Transportation projects.
Part 1 Completion – Spring 2023
Transportation Master Plan Update has finished this stageTMP Policies and Active Transportation Projects approval by Transportation Committee (April 17) and Council (April 26)
Phase Four - Travel Patterns and Mobility Needs - Spring and Summer 2024
Transportation Master Plan Update has finished this stagePublic engagement on Origin Destination Survey results and future travel demand.
Phase Five - March to May 2025
Transportation Master Plan Update is currently at this stagePublic engagement on draft Capital Infrastructure Plan and investment scenarios
Part 2 Completion - July 2025
this is an upcoming stage for Transportation Master Plan UpdateTMP Capital Infrastructure Plan approval by Transportation Committee and Council
Click here to play video Transportation Master Plan Update – Phase 2 The City of Ottawa is updating the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) to review the ways in which people, vehicles and goods move through our city – and how this can be achieved responsibly and sustainably for all. Closely tied to the TMP Update is Ottawa’s Active Transportation Plan, a new plan that will combine the Ottawa Pedestrian Plan and the Ottawa Cycling Plan into one and guide the policies and actions for the development of the city’s pedestrian and cycling network. Starting the week of September 21 and until October 23, 2020, the public is invited to fill out an online questionnaire as part of the Phase 2 of public engagement for the TMP Update. For this phase of engagement, the public is invited to provide input on: the Active Transportation Plan; what a fair and equitable transportation system looks like; and, new technologies that could change the way we move around the city.
Document library
January 2025
June 2024
April 2023
TTW_Transit&RoadsEvalFramework_2022-10-25-AODA.pdf (879 KB) (pdf)
Transportation Master Plan - Policy Document 2023-11-06-AODA.pdf (20.4 MB) (pdf)
TMP Active Transportation Projects EN-AODA.pdf (4.4 MB) (pdf)
TMP Active Transportation Networks-BIL-AODA-v2.pdf (9.45 MB) (pdf)
Doc 2 - TMP Policies - Highlights (EN).pdf (14 MB) (pdf)
March 2023
TMP Policies March 2023.pdf (19.6 MB) (pdf)
Transit and Road Project Prioritization Frameworks March 2023.pdf (746 KB) (pdf)
Active Transportation Projects March 2023.pdf (3.95 MB) (pdf)
Rural Active Transportation Network Mar 2023.pdf (1.02 MB) (pdf)
Crosstown Bikeway Network March 2023.pdf (1.21 MB) (pdf)
Active Transportation Major Structures Map March 2023.pdf (2.25 MB) (pdf)
Prioritization Frameworks Consultation Summary Report Mar 2023.pdf (709 KB) (pdf)
TMP Policy Highlights March 2023.pdf (13.9 MB) (pdf)
Changes to the Policies and Projects March 2023.pdf (475 KB) (pdf)
Background Documents
As We Heard It Report – TMP Policies.pdf (1.28 MB) (pdf)
As We Heard It Report – Active Transportation Supplement.pdf (733 KB) (pdf)
Road Project Evaluation Framework_06.06.22.pdf (582 KB) (pdf)
How Candidate Projects Were Selected.pdf (204 KB) (pdf)
Healthy Streets within the TMP.pdf (332 KB) (pdf)
Phase 2 - Display Boards (11.7 MB) (pdf)
Active Transportation Plan Online Engagement Summary Report (14.1 MB) (pdf)
Climate Change and Transportation Discussion Paper.pdf (3.59 MB) (pdf)
Transportation Master Plan - Draft Part 1 Policies (25.7 MB) (pdf)
Phase 2 Summary Report (4.03 MB) (pdf)
New Mobility Discussion Paper.pdf (27.9 MB) (pdf)
Phase 1 Engagement Summary Report (1.8 MB) (pdf)
Transportation Master Plan Memo June 30, 2021 (110 KB) (pdf)
Transportation Master Plan Update Overview (1.2 MB) (pdf)
Transit Project Evaluation Framework.pdf (647 KB) (pdf)
Transportation Master Plan Schedule Update Memo (91 KB) (pdf)
Transportation Master Plan Update - Scope of Work approval (June 2019)
Notice of Commencement (497 KB) (pdf)
TMP Q&A - June 7 2022-AODA.pdf (424 KB) (pdf)
Draft Vision & Guiding Principles (471 KB) (pdf)
Active Transportation One Pager_ua.pdf (226 KB) (pdf)
15 minute neighbourhood TMP One Pager_ua.pdf (152 KB) (pdf)
Affordability and Capital Infrastructure One Pager_ua.pdf (205 KB) (pdf)
TMP FAQ.pdf (182 KB) (pdf)
Curb Space Management One Pager_ua.pdf (164 KB) (pdf)
Climate Change TMP One Pagers_ua.pdf (166 KB) (pdf)
Safe Roads & Complete Street TMP One Pager_ua.pdf (185 KB) (pdf)
2013 Transportation Master Plan
Equity and Inclusion TMP One Pager_ua.pdf (170 KB) (pdf)
Emerging Technologies One Pager_ua.pdf (151 KB) (pdf)
Movement of Goods One Pager_ua.pdf (183 KB) (pdf)
Pandemic One Pager_ua.pdf (160 KB) (pdf)
Sustainable Travel One Pager EN_ua.pdf (251 KB) (pdf)
Rural One Pager_ua.pdf (174 KB) (pdf)
Priority neighbourhoods TMP one pager_ua.pdf (185 KB) (pdf)
Transects One Pagers_ua.pdf (308 KB) (pdf)
TMP Open House - March 29 2022-AODA.pdf (2.99 MB) (pdf)
Transit One Pager_ua.pdf (186 KB) (pdf)
Capital Infrastructure Plan - TMP One Pager_ua.pdf (123 KB) (pdf)