Gallery 112

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About Gallery 112

Owned and operated by the City of Ottawa Archives, Gallery 112 features archival exhibits and juried artwork by local and regional artists.



Gail Bourgeois - 2020: one year at home

May 30 to July 23, 2024

During the first year of the pandemic, I collected the media data available, wrote daily comments and made interpretive drawings. I was motivated to draw and write by an impulse to counter forgetfulness through carefully recording and giving critical attention to the data that represented human suffering.

Gail Bourgeois maintains a drawing practice where themes and methods of working express the tension between academic knowledge and more experimental forms of knowledge based on her interest in collective practices and local engagement. In 2023, she completed a four-year research project on the first year of the pandemic.

Image of the artist's journal cover: a visual and written testament to the collective struggle and resilience amidst unprecedented times.

Photo: Gail Bourgeois, Journal cover, 2020 : Une année chacun chez soi (2020: one year at home), 2023, digital print on paper, courtesy of the artist

Location and hours

Central Archives - James K. Bartleman Centre
100 Tallwood Drive
Ottawa, ON, K2G 6J9

Hours of Operation:
Tuesday to Friday: 9 am to 4 pm
Saturday: 10 am to 5 pm
Sunday and Monday: Closed