Kanata West Concept Plan

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Kanata West Concept Plan

Executive Summary [ PDF 545 KB ]
Chapter 1 [ PDF 404 KB ]
Chapter 2 [ PDF 297 KB ]
Chapter 3 [ PDF 321 KB ]
Chapter 4a [ PDF 4.7 MB ]
Chapter 4b [ PDF 8.4 MB ]
Chapter 4c [ PDF 8.1 MB ]

Appendix A [ PDF 754 KB ]
Appendix B [ PDF 1.4 MB ]
Appendix C [ PDF 118 KB ]
Appendix D [ PDF 387 KB ]
Appendix E [ PDF 9.1 MB ]
Appendix F [ PDF 45 KB ]
Appendix G [ PDF 27 KB ]
Appendix H [ PDF 15 KB ]

Executive summary

1. Introduction

1.1. Background

In the past few years, Ottawa's high technology community has presented the region with a tremendous opportunity to grow and flourish. While high technology has recently slowed, the longer-term expectation is that strong growth will return to this industry with widespread benefits for Ottawa. It is also expected that the population of Ottawa will grow substantially in
coming years, with a projected population of 1.2 million by the year 2021.

Regional Official Plan Amendment #9 (ROPA 9) enacted on October 11, 2000, expanded Ottawa's urban area by approximately 725 hectares (1791 acres). This expansion was aimed primarily at addressing the need for an adequate supply of land to meet the anticipated growth of the high technology sector.

Through ROPA 9, the forty-two landowners within the expansion area were given the responsibility of developing a Concept Plan for the area. The preparation of the Kanata West Concept Plan (KWCP), guided by a Landowner Steering Committee (LSC) and a Project Steering Committee (PSC), has also engaged a diverse range of community participants and stakeholders. The Plan establishes a vision for these lands, which when approved will guide future subdivision and development applications.

1.2 Site Setting

The Kanata West Concept Plan area straddles Highway 417 and is surrounded by the former Township of West Carleton, the former Township of Goulbourn, and the former City of Kanata. Most of the land has been cleared and was previously used for agriculture. Environmental studies have noted a few key terrestrial and aquatic natural environments within and running through the site. Existing uses within the area are limited, but include the Corel Centre and related offices along Highway 417, the City of Ottawa Works Yards adjacent to the Carp River, the Wesleyan Church of Canada, and a variety individual residential dwellings.

The land uses surrounding the site include residential and commercial development, areas of industrial use and resource extraction, as well as agricultural lands. In addition to Highway 417 and the Palladium interchange, major transportation routes to and through the site include Hazeldean Road, Terry Fox Drive, and Huntmar Drive.

2. Framework for Concept Planning

2.1 Regional Official Plan Amendment 9

In October 1997, the Regional Official Plan was up-dated and approved by Regional Council. The up-date included a specific policy which directed that a study be undertaken on how the Corel Centre and the Palladium interchange could be used for increased economic activity and employment opportunities.

The Economic Study of the Corel Centre Area (1990) recommended that Regional Council consider the development of a Prestige Business Park north of Highway 417 and a Sport and Leisure Area south of the highway. Lands between Maple Grove Road and Hazeldean Road were recommended for longer-term business park use. In response to the findings of the Economic Study of the Corel Centre Area, Regional Council directed staff to prepare a Regional Official Plan amendment for
the Corel Centre area.

On September 27, 2000, former Regional Council approved ROPA 9, and on October 1, 2000 the amendment was enacted by by-law. As noted, ROPA 9 expands the urban boundary and designates new lands to be developed primarily for Business Park. The amendment designated the lands between Hazeldean Road and Maple Grove Road as General Urban Area.

ROPA 9 was further influenced by a Planning and Development Committee motion on March 8, 2001 which directed that the expansion area be planned as "an innovative mixed-use urban development where people will be able to live, work, and play." As a result, a new Framework for Concept Planning was approved to guide the concept planning exercise, as follows:

The Concept Plan should:

  1. Enable a world-class business park at relatively high densities, with a range of parcel sizes.
  2. Achieve a sustainable1 mix of uses - a place where people can live, work and play.
  3. Have regard for the vitality of Main Street, Stittsville and the Kanata Town Centre.
  4. Consider the appropriate mix and density of uses between Maple Grove and Hazeldean Road.
  5. Include high level urban design guidelines.
  6. Support high quality transit service and transportation demand management at the outset, with a phased implementation of a transit strategy.
  7. Facilitate walking, cycling and recreation by linking the area and adjacent communities.
  8. Preserve/enhance environmental features and resource areas.
  9. Transition to existing residential neighbourhoods, and control cut-through traffic.
  10. Explore the desirability of maintaining some buffer to Kanata and Stittsville.

Following the directives in ROPA 9 and the Framework for Concept Planning, the consulting team began the initial task of developing broad development goals for the site. These were informed by the existing site conditions, opportunities and constraints, and by three public workshops.

The initial public open house identified community values, objectives, and ideas for the development of the Kanata West Concept Plan. Approximately three months later, the second public open house presented three Alternative Concepts Plans for public consideration. A preferred concept plan emerged and became the basis for more analysis and refinement by the consulting team. The third public open house was held ten months later. The open house presented the results of the analysis and refinement of the preferred concept plan that had occurred since the second work-shop. At the open house, participants voiced both their likes and dislikes of the proposed plan however, the overall response was supportive of the work.

3. The Recommended Concept Plan

The recommended Concept Plan and accompanying report establishes the framework to guide for future development of Kanata West. The Plan focuses on a full complement of opportunities for people to live, work, play and learn. It provides for approximately 25,000 jobs, 5,000 residential units, and supporting services, all set within a framework of natural corridors and waterways. The mix of uses include office, housing, retail, institutional, entertainment and leisure activities.

Kanata West will be urban in character and will develop at densities that make efficient use of land, in a form that incorporates transit facilities as a integral part of the development. The Concept Plan calls for a mix of uses in distinctive land use areas, which are summarised as follows:

3.1 High Profile Employment, Entertainment, and Leisure Hub

The High Profile Employment, Entertainment, and Leisure Hub is situated around the Corel Centre and future transitway corridor. The employment focus takes advantage of Queensway visibility and accessibility. The entertainment and leisure component reinforces the Corel Centre sport and entertainment theme.

The highest intensity uses, such as offices, hotels and high-rise apartments will focus on the future transit-way and 417/Huntmar intersection to create a visual gateway to the area. Free standing, lower profile uses are encouraged to the perimeter of the area. Retail and community-serving activities will be sited to create a strong pedestrian orientation to the street. Surface parking areas, which serve retail, leisure or entertainment uses, may be shared as appropriate with the higher intensity uses. Over time, surface parking will redevelop to more intense uses, with parking structures.

The plan acknowledges the opportunity to link the transit system with the Corel Centre. Extensive surface parking around the Corel Centre should also redevelop to an urban profile, with structured parking and transit to accommodate major events. A future park-and-ride facility at the Corel Centre is also envisaged when the transitway is extended to this location.

3.2 Mixed Use Area

The Mixed Use area is the heart of this new community with three integrated land use concepts – the Community Core Zone, the Major Facilities Zone, and the Institutional/Corporate Campus Zone. The core will provide opportunities for a mix of activities – a place where people can live, work and play. The goal is to encourage a range of institutional, corporate and civic uses such as colleges/universities, recreation complexes and community facilities in close association with the community core uses. The potential exists to develop a knowledge-based environment to promote the creation, integration and advancement of knowledge. Public/private partnerships could be the catalyst to initiate the development of this community.

Flexible zoning will permit housing, neighbourhood-serving uses and offices to co-exist throughout the area, as-of-right. The Mixed Use area is sized to allow reasonable walking distances between uses. Active uses, for example, bars, personal service businesses, restaurants and outdoor patios, and retail stores will be directed to the "Main Street" commercial area.

3.3 Intensive Employment Area

The Intensive Employment Area will provide a high quality environment for high technology, and supporting uses, set in a medium profile urban environment. This area benefits from excellent highway access, proximity to the new north-south arterial and Huntmar Drive, and proximity to transit service. An emphasis is placed on pedestrian connectivity both within the area, and to adjoining areas like the Mixed-Use Core. To increase transit use and to provide a pedestrian friendly, urban environment buildings will be asked to address the street. Each proposal will have to demonstrate how surface parking could redevelop over-time to more intense use, with structured parking.

3.4 Auto-Park

The Intensive Employment Area also includes the approved Palladium Auto-Park – a collection of dealerships, in a planned condominium arrangement. This use is located in the vicinity of the Palladium inter-change, as identified on the Concept Plan. The plans for this property anticipate up to 12 automotive dealerships and related accessory uses. The first phase of this development is currently underway.

The design guidelines will enhance the arrival points to the Auto-Park and individual dealerships. Consistent standards of landscaping, lighting, signage, buffering and pedestrian movement will be established. The opportunity is also established for the property to redevelop more intensely as the uses permitted in both the High Profile Employment, Entertainment, and Leisure Hub and in the Intensive Employment Area will also apply to these lands.

3.5 Prestige Business Park

This area provides for a more traditional campus-style work environment for high technology. Uses within the Park will feature research and development facilities, high technology offices, laboratories, and training centres set in a land extensive environment. Low profile building form and generous landscaping will set the character for the Prestige Business Park. This will also allow for the sensitive integration of local wood lots to provide valuable aesthetic and landscaping assets to the community.

Parking facilities used by the businesses during the day may be available to accommodate after hours parking needs for the outdoor amenities and facilities such as sports fields. Individuals will be presented with opportunities to walk or cycle to the Prestige Business Park through a linked open space network.

3.6 Residential Areas (A and B)

These two residential areas respond to the character of surrounding areas. Residential Area A provides for a transition to existing housing in Stittsville. While the Plan provides for a diversity of housing types, low-rise apartments will be directed to the proposed north-south arterial. Residential Area B is similarly designed to permit a range of residential dwelling types in a transit-integrated and pedestrian friendly environment. In contrast to Area A, low-rise apartments are permitted throughout the zone.

Urban residential densities are encouraged in these areas, in keeping with post-war communities such as Ottawa South and the Glebe. These densities are based on the premise that this will result in less land consumption, and a more efficient use of services and transit.

The development pattern emphasises grid or modified grid streets to increase interconnectivity. A close relationship of house to street is also encouraged. The guidelines reduce the impact of the car on the streetscape, with parking located at the side or rear of properties and the garages set back to the front building face of the homes. Street design will facilitate pedestrian and cycle connections to facilities and services in area.

3.7 Prestige Business Park / Residential Area

The lands identified in the north east quadrant of the Concept Plan have a dual designation of Prestige Business Park or Residential Area. This provides the flexibility for this area to develop for either type of use, depending on the market interest, but not both. While either use is considered appropriate, once a commitment is made to proceed with a use, the entire lands must be planned for this activity.

Should the lands be developed as Prestige Business Park, the land use and design guidelines set out for this land use will apply. Should the lands be developed for housing, the land use and design guidelines set out in this report for Residential (Area B) will apply. In this area, the higher intensity/profile uses should be directed to the extended Campeau Drive.

3.8 Community Level Retail

The Plan recognises the benefit of locating retail facilities near residential areas, but also accepts that the lands adjacent to Hazeldean Road and Terry Fox Drive (north of Highway 417) are ideally suited from a market perspective to retail. In addition, a range of uses is recommended in Community Level Retail areas to encourage a clustering of activities over time, particularly where the north-south arterial and transitway corridor cross Hazeldean Road.

Design guidelines will result in non-linear retail areas, where parking is not the dominant feature. A generous green corridor along the north side of Hazeldean Road will create a visual and functional link with the community, and also provide pedestrian and cycle access to the commercial area. This greenspace will also create a recreational link to the natural corridors of the Carp River and a redefined Hazeldean Creek corridor. The guide-lines also address the orientation of buildings to the street, the treatment of parking areas, and the transition to the residential neighbourhoods.

3.9 Conformity with ROPA #9

The Concept Plan meets the municipal intent for development in the study area, as established in The Framework for Concept Planning. How-ever, the shift in approach from a traditional campus style business park, as proposed in the approved ROPA 9, to a mixed-use area as directed by the City and as recommended in the Concept Plan, necessitates changes to both the policies and schedules of the approved Regional Official Plan.

4. The Implementation Strategy

4.1 Urban Design Guidelines

The Urban Design Guidelines guide the form and character of development in Kanata West. The guidelines inform urban design decisions and the evaluation of submissions for approval.
The design guidelines begin at the level of broad objectives. These are expanded to form a set of design principles, which begin to express how development will accomplish the design objectives. The design principles discuss urban character and articulate an approach for the key community form-givers. As such, they set out broad comprehensive approaches that deal with the urban structure of Kanata West.

The design guidelines are organised by land use area. They describe the essential templates for block pattern, open space and parks, streetscape and building siting and massing in order to establish both form and character the districts within Kanata West. The urban design objectives, principles, and guidelines are illustrated by the Demonstration Plan (see Figure 4-1). The Demonstration Plan is conceptual in nature and serves to demonstrate a pattern of development that could result when applying the design guidelines. The proponent is responsible for ensuring that a proposal fits with the established guidelines.

4.2 Environmental Guidelines

The environmental analysis of the Kanata West area identified several environmental features that were considered in concept planning and in directing future development of the area. These features are:

  • The local White Pine grove and ancient Eastern Hemlock;
  • The White Cedar grove;
  • The value of wetlands to downstream fish habitat; and
  • Existing and potential wildlife corridors along Poole Creek, Feedmill Creek, and the Carp River.

The recommended environmental guidelines state the importance of identifying the conditions necessary to maintain the significant features and their ecological function. The stream corridors within the study area are comprised of Carp River, Poole Creek and Feedmill Creek. The Poole and Feedmill Creek corridors are significant ecological features that provide aquatic habitat, aesthetic and social benefits. The guidelines protect existing vegetation buffers in the creek valley lands and implement stormwater management practices that protect and enhance creek quality.

The Carp River Watershed/Subwatershed study concludes that the creation of a riverine wetland could significantly improve the health and function of the Carp River. The analysis suggests that a linked open space network located along the Poole Creek, Feedmill Creek, and Carp River corridors will address the ecology while accommodating both wildlife and passive recreation.

The local White Pine grove and ancient Eastern Hemlock are located primarily on lands proposed as Prestige Business Park. The land extensive nature of these uses will allow for their sensitive integration through site design. Similarly, the White Cedar grove is located in the proximate location of the proposed major park and can also be addressed through site planning. Roadway alignments and land use boundaries are conceptual and, by definition, flexible to be able to respond to these design considerations.

4.3 Transportation Strategy

The transportation plan and analysis for Kanata West is based on the following assumptions:

  • Full development by the year 2021 superimposed onto the Official Plan's 2021 land use and traffic projections;
  • 30% of the residential population will be internally employed; and
  • 32% transit for external trips.

The analysis is also based on projections that volumes will be highest in the afternoon peak period. To create an effective transportation system, the following objectives were defined:

Meet mobility needs of pedestrians, cyclists, transit, vehicular traffic and goods movement;
Integrate all travel mode systems in the area, with those of adjacent communities; and
Develop a land use pattern and transportation system that maximises walking, cycling and transit.

These objectives have been implemented in the Plan by addressing the orientation of development, road patterns, and pedestrian/cyclist amenities.

Orientation of Development

  • Both the primary roadway and rapid transit corridor penetrate the centre of Kanata West thereby maximising efficient travel distribution;
  • The high density, high travel generation land uses are located adjacent to the rapid transit corridor and adjacent to the primary roads on which the supporting surface bus system will operate;
  • The intent is to locate buildings up against the road edge, with parking behind, thereby creating a strong streetscape along road edges which encourages pedestrian interaction and maximises transit ridership; and
  • Locating the higher density land uses adjacent to Highway 417 and the north-south arterial will result in efficient traffic distribution that will reduce traffic circulation through this community and adjacent communities.

Road Pattern

  • The road grid network facilitates interaction between blocks and neighbourhoods, thus making it easier for walking and cycling;
  • The road network is designed to efficiently connect with existing collector and arterial road networks in adjacent communities, with flexibility to extend the plan's road network into adjacent undeveloped areas, or to connect to Main Street in Stittsville; and
  • The local street pattern adjacent to John Street encourages pedestrian and cyclist interaction, but discourages vehicular interaction, to minimize cut-through traffic on John Street.

Pedestrian / Cyclist Features

  • 2.0 m wide sidewalks will be provided on both sides of arterial and collector roads;
  • A minimum 3.0 m recreation pathway system will be provided in the natural land and watercourse corridor; this will link communities and connect with the area's road and sidewalk system; and
  • 2.0 m wide curb-side delineated bicycle lanes will be provided in both directions on the north-south arterial; and wide shared-use curb lanes (4.25 m to 4.5 m) will be provided on the remaining arterial and primary collector roads to accommodate cyclists, parking and traffic as appropriate.

In order to achieve the desired transportation system, a number of improvements to the existing transportation network will be required. As described below, these include improvements to rapid transit and off-site improvements, as well as improvements to internal roads.

Rapid Transit
To achieve the required level of transit ridership at full development, the transit corridor should be extended and in place from the Kanata Town Centre to the Corel Centre; and
Rapid transit is not required south of this location to serve Kanata West itself; although the corridor should be protected south through the study area to accommodate possible future extension beyond Hazeldean Road if/when required.

Off-Site Improvements

  • Off-site improvements vary depending on whether MTO's proposed Highway 417 widening includes 6 or 8 lanes;
  • Based on an 8-lane highway, off-site road improvements include:Widening of Terry Fox Drive from 4 to 6 lanes between Campeau Drive and Hazeldean Road;
  • Widening of Hazeldean Road from 4 to 6 lanes between Huntmar Road and Terry Fox Drive; and
  • Widening of Eagleson Road from 2 to 4 lanes between Fallowfield Road and Hope Side Road.

Internal Roads
The internal road network has sufficient capacity to accommodate traffic generated by the Plan, with spare capacity to accommodate background traffic related to other existing and proposed area development.

4.4 Servicing Strategy

Water Supply and Servicing

  • The principal goal is to provide a reliable water supply system with ad-equate treatment facilities, pumping stations, storage facilities and watermains to deliver high quality potable water to all customers to meet all consumer demands. To achieve this goal, the following guiding principles must be incorporated into the design of all new facilities:
  • Provision of adequate pumping, storage and piping to meet peak daily demands and the fire flow needs of the customers;
  • Provision of secondary sources of water where appropriate to ensure an reliable supply of water; and
  • Minimise travel times in the distribution system to maintain high quality water "at the tap".

For Kanata West a new internal water distribution system is required, consisting of watermains and hydrants and valving. These pipes can be constructed along road corridors within the area.

Stormwater Management
The Plan recognises that the underground storm drainage system would follow the street network. During storm events excess flows will follow the street network to a dedicated outlet into a watercourse or to a storage area. The drainage system will be managed so that storm sewer outlets are directed to Carp River and peak flows along Poole and Feedmill Creeks will not increase. The stormwater management plan will also include measures to remove sediment loading from the storm runoff prior to discharge to the Carp River.

For control of flows from the proposed development during storms events less frequent than the 5-year storm, on-site storage is recommended for the commercial / industrial areas. Residential area flows can be routed along the streets and conveyed to the storm drainage outlets.

Sanitary Servicing
Sanitary sewer flows will be conveyed in pipes to the Robert O. Pickard Environmental Centre for treatment. For the Kanata west area a new treatment plant would most likely not be acceptable due to cost and location, and it is highly unlikely that the Carp River could assimilate the dis-charged flows. Septic beds would not be acceptable within this urban area and would most likely limit the amount of building space and area for
development. The best practice would be to service the area with sanitary sewer pipes by gravity to a new pumping station. The pumping station would discharge the flows to the

Glen Cairn Collector.
The existing Signature Ridge Pumping Station has spare capacity that presents an opportunity for cost savings. If spare capacity could be used in the initial phases of development, then benefits are realised as the existing utilities can operate at designed capacity and the new infrastructure costs can be deferred.

The proposed development area is split between the Hydro One Networks Inc. service area and the Hydro Ottawa service area along Huntmar Road and then westerly along Maple Grove. Hydro One will act as the lead representing both utility companies. There is adequate capacity to serve initial loads in the Hydro One development area through existing facilities. As loads exceed the capacity of these lines and stations, new sources will be brought in to the area. There are no foreseen constraints with respect to electrical supply.

Two service providers - Bell and Telecom Ottawa - have expressed an interest in providing communications facilities in the Kanata West area. Funding is in place by both Telecom Ottawa and Bell to invest in separate large fibre optic cable facilities, which would allow subscribers to be connected to diverse routed fibre (fibre ring). There are no foreseen constraints with respect to this communication facility that would hinder the development of the concept plan.

4.5 Financial Strategy

The recommended financial strategy for Kanata West is based on the premise that development must fund its cost attribution related to hard services - major roads, water, sanitary sewer and storm water management. The following costs are attributable to the development:

  • Share of Major Roads: $28 - 59 million
  • (6 or 8 lane Highway 417)
  • Water attribution: $4.0 million
  • Sewer attribution: $1.2 million

In order to enable the development, the approach to funding costs is a combination of applying the uniform Development Charge (DC) By-law, plus a special Area Development Charge. For internal sanitary sewers, water and storm water management, an area specific DC By-law (or alternative means) will also be utilised, similar to other developments in the City.

Revenue generated by the development, under the uniform DC By-law is sufficient to fund all attributable water and sanitary sewer costs for Kanata West.

Kanata West will also contribute $15 million to the transitway through the uniform DC By-law, in addition to providing land for the corridor. Additionally, under the 6-lane Hwy 417 option, an area specific DC charge to fund $25.2 million will be required. This area specific charge is approximately $58,000 per net hectare ($23,000 per net acre).

Economic Benefits

  • The following key economic benefits are expected from the Kanata West development:
  • Significant private investment;
  • 8,400 person years of direct employment, plus a further 4,300 jobs created indirectly in Ontario;
  • Based on an overall employment of around 27,000 jobs, a further 9,000 jobs created at other businesses;
  • Spending by persons employed in Kanata West estimated in the range of $533 million annually; and
  • Annual property tax revenue for the City of Ottawa, estimated at more than $37 million.
4.6 Phasing Strategy

Initiating development relies primarily the ability to provide cost-effective services and the logical extension of both area roads the bus service (until rapid transit arrives).

Municipal Services
The preferred option for municipal servicing is to use the residual capacity in the Signature Ridge Pumping Station and defer the expenditure for the new major pumping station. This option requires the scheduled expansion of the Glen Cairn Pumping Station. Depending on growth in Kanata, two other water projects required to strengthen the entire distribution system are also needed in the short term.

If Kanata West cannot access the Signature Ridge Pumping Station, then the new major Pumping Station is required. This new facility provides sanitary capacity for the entire area, in keeping with the timing of growth-related improvements planned by Ottawa, and funded through development charges.

Major infrastructure is generally located along the east boundary of the site. Logical, cost-effective development should proceed from east to west. The area around the Corel Centre is also economical to expand, since it has urban services. Lands north of Highway 417, west of Carp River are also appropriate for early development because of its close proximity to First Line Road services. Lands south of Poole Creek, north of Hazeldean Road require a second pumping station to move sanitary to the new major Pumping Station.

From a transportation perspective, land use development could proceed initially with minimal road costs and traffic impacts along Hazeldean Road, adjacent to Palladium Drive, adjacent to Huntmar Road north of Highway 417, and between Huntmar Road and the interchange north of Highway 417. When the following projects are in place, there are few, if any, off-site restrictions that would affect the phasing of on-site development:

  • Widening/extend Terry Fox Drive and upgrade Terry Fox inter-change;
  • Construct Castlefrank Road interchange;
  • Widen Hazeldean Road; and
  • Widen Highway 417 to 6 or 8 lanes.

Prior to rapid transit, the site would be best served by an efficient extension of the area's existing bus service. Initial development along Hazeldean Road and Palladium Drive would be most compatible with existing transit service. The extension of Campeau Drive would facilitate providing transit service to the area and should be a priority with the development of lands north of Highway 417 between the Carp River and Huntmar Road. The extension of Huntmar Road south to Hazeldean Road would also facilitate transit service and should also be a priority with the development of lands in this vicinity of this alignment, north of Hazeldean Road.

4.7 Strategy to Implement the Concept Plan

An integrated planning strategy is recommended to achieve the 'vision' and 'guidelines' for Kanata West. It is recommended that:

  • A 'Demonstration Report' should be required with the submission of any application to subdivide and rezone lands in KWCP. This report, in addition to the technical studies that may be required, must demonstrate how the vision and guidelines for the KWCP will be met by the proposal.
  • Applications to rezone and subdivide land should be submitted concurrently, so that a complete picture of how the proposal fits with the Concept Plan is provided.
  • A dedicated Review Team should be established at the City to implement the vision and guidelines for Kanata West. This Team will be the 'gatekeepers' of the approved plan.
  • The City of Ottawa should establish Kanata West as a significant 'economic development' tool and market this unique mixed-use high technology park globally.
  • The City, as a major landowner in the area, should establish a budget and work program to explore the potential for public/private partnerships to facilitate the vision for the Mixed-Use area in this Plan.