Leitrim Parks 2 and 9

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Project status

Overview - Leitrim Parks 2 and 9

Leitrim Parks 2 and 9 are new parks that are proposed to be developed within the Cowan’s Grove and Lilythorne subdivisions in Leitrim.

Leitrim Park 2

A 3.12 hectare community park located at 100 Highgarden Terrace in the Cowan’s Grove and Lilythorne subdivisions. Proposed park amenities include a full-size soccer field, double tennis courts, permanent boarded rink and multi-use court, playground equipment, splash pad, gazebo, open play area, parking lot, pathways, site furnishings, and landscape planting.

Leitrim Park 9

A 0.37 hectare parkette located at 235 Shuttleworth Drive in the Cowan’s Grove subdivision. Proposed amenities include playground equipment, benches, pathways and landscape planting.


Burl Walker, MCIP, RPP
Parks and Facilities Planning
Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services
City of Ottawa
613-580-2424, extension 27891

Update: March 25, 2020

Thank you to everyone who participated in the public consultation in 2019 for Leitrim Parks 2 and 9. The project team is proceeding to make the following changes to the park designs in response to the comments that were received:

  • Leitrim Park 2
    • The parking area will be expanded from 24 to 31 parking spaces
    • Tennis/pickleball court lighting will be added
    • The playground area will be shifted to the northwest to increase the setback from Longworth Avenue and to provide visibility from the parking area.
    • The potential to provide additional junior playground equipment will be considered further during the detail design phase.
    • Two additional picnic tables will be provided
  • Leitrim Park 9
    • A saucer swing will be added to the playground

A public consultation summary is provided in the document below.

Public consultation summary [ PDF - 162 KB ]

Construction of both parks is anticipated to commence in 2020.

Update: May 10, 2021

Construction has commenced at Leitrim Parks 2 and 9.

Please note that the bids received through the tender process exceeded the project cost estimate. To keep within budget, the project scope for Leitrim Parks 2 and 9 has been reduced including the following:

  • The parking area at Leitrim Park 2 was reduced in size back to 24 parking spaces
  • The proposed tennis/pickleball court lighting was removed
  • Three park benches, the two additional picnic tables and one waste receptacle were removed
  • The quantity of tree planting was reduced
  • The park signs were removed

Construction of both parks is anticipated to be completed in late summer or fall 2021. Please note that it may take approximately two years after the seeding of the soccer field at Leitrim Park 2 for the turf to be sufficiently established and ready for field bookings.