Project overview
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Project description
The City of Ottawa has identified a requirement for the rehabilitation of portions of Mackenzie King Bridge. The project limits are from Elgin Street to Nicholas Street. The overall purpose of the project is to undertake structural rehabilitation and lifecycle renewal requirements of the bridge structures. The project also includes rearrangement and reconstruction of the surface roadway elements.

Project purpose and background
The Mackenzie King Bridge is a set of four continuous bridge structures that span from Elgin Street to Nicholas Street. The project includes the rehabilitation of three of the four structures. Those are:
- National Arts Centre (NAC) Structure
- Rideau Canal Structure
- Steel Viaduct Structure
The fourth structure, Nicholas Street Overpass, is in good condition and does not require structural rehabilitation at this time.
The project involves the rehabilitation of the roadway on Mackenzie King Bridge, from Elgin Street to Nicholas Street. The project includes reconstruction of streetscape elements and transportation components within the Mackenzie King Bridge right of way based on the following completed studies:
- A Detailed Condition Assessment and Renewal Options Report was prepared in July 2017.
- The post Light Rail Transit (LRT) repurposing Functional Design Study which included repurposing the bridge deck was completed in January 2019.
Key project aspects:
- Rehabilitation of three (3) connected bridge structures.
- Rehabilitation / replacement of expansion joints, concrete repairs, waterproofing, drainage structures, and other lifecycle renewal requirements.
- Reconstruction of streetscape elements and transportation components.
- Reconfiguration of the roadway from a four-lane road to a two-lane road, with raised cycle tracks and widened sidewalks.
- Public spaces that integrate benches, waste receptacles, bike rings / bike racks, and granite stools.
- Median bike lane improvements near the east project limit, on the west side of the Nicholas Street / Waller Street intersection.
Photo 1: Final condition - section on Rideau Canal structure, view towards Nicholas Street

Photo 2: Final design showing proposed street furniture, view towards Elgin Street / NAC

Proposed street furnishings
LED street lighting, waste receptables, bike rings/bike racks, granite stools, accessible wood and granite benches.
Project budget
Approved project funds to date are $24.6 million.
Project timing
Design: completed
Construction: summer 2022
Final completion: August 2026
Communications and working with the stakeholders during construction
The City of Ottawa is committed to working collaboratively and continuously with the community and stakeholders during the construction period. The City will:
- Notify stakeholders of ongoing and upcoming work via the City’s website;
- Keep lines of communication open between the City, its contractor, area institutions, businesses and residents;
- Make best efforts to schedule construction activities that work around special events;
- Actively involve community stakeholders in implementing solutions to manage the project's construction period disruption; and
- Provide regular project updates and notification of traffic impacts through e-newsletters and posting on the City’s Traffic Impacts webpage
Accessibility is an important consideration for the City of Ottawa in the design process and during construction. The City makes every effort to provide access through and around construction sites. If you require a disability-related accommodation, please contact the project team. Accessible formats(link is external) and communication supports are available, upon request.
The City of Ottawa is committed to safety in and around project sites. The project team continues to work closely with the industry and to comply with recommendations provided by municipal, provincial and federal health officials, as well as the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development.
Contact information
For any emergency outside normal working hours, please call the City at 3-1-1.
For general project information, please email the project team(link opens email application) or contact the City Project Manager.For construction related questions or concerns, please contact the Contractor Representative or the Contract Administrator.
City Project Manager
Vipin Bansal(link opens email application), MBA, P. Eng.
Senior Engineer, Infrastructure Services
City of Ottawa
100 Constellation Drive, Ottawa, ON K2G 6J8
Tel: 613-580-2424 ext. 21276
Contractor Representative
Ryan Paquette(link opens email application), P.Eng.
Project Manager
R.W. Tomlinson Limited
Tel: 613-809-0135
Contract Administrator
Jeremy Smith(link opens email application), P.Eng.
Parsons Canada
Tel: 613-295-0191
Project update (July 2024)
Since January 2024, the following works have been completed on the Mackenzie King Bridge (within the current traffic staging):
- Relocation and removal of utilities required for concrete repairs inside the NAC garage
- Full depth and partial depth concrete repairs on NAC structure and inside garage
- Installation of new enhanced waterproofing under the new median and new sidewalk along NAC building and new median
- Placement of new concrete sidewalk for the new median and on the north side along NAC building
- Placement of new, innovative tactile delineator strip between the new sidewalk and cycle track
- Placement of concrete overlay over the NAC deck in current staging
Expected work (July 2024-Dec 2024):
- Complete all work related to remaining portions of cycle track, waterproofing and asphalt on NAC structure in the current traffic staging
- Install access platform over the Rideau Canal
- Investigate and perform concrete repairs under the Rideau Canal structure
- Switch the traffic over the newly placed asphalt and switch the traffic staging to work on south side of the NAC structure
- Concrete repairs on all structures in the new staging area
Due to the deteriorated conditions of the NAC bridge deck, the project has had to add additional work related to the concrete repairs and the need to relocate utilities inside the NAC garage. The project is now expected to be completed by the end of 2025.
Traffic impacts
The north sidewalk along the NAC building, from the Rideau Canal to Elgin Street will remain closed until the middle of August 2024.
One travel lane in each direction (eastbound and westbound) will remain operational at all times. Access to all businesses and properties is open and pedestrians and cyclists are accomadated through the work zones.
OC Transpo and STO bus service across the Mackenzie King Bridge in both directions is being maintained, including pedestrian access to bus stops.
For up-to-date traffic impacts, you can visit the City’s interactive traffic map(link is external) or follow the City’s traffic account on Twitter(link is external).
Project update (December 2023)
Since April 2023, the following works have been completed on the Mackenzie King Bridge:
- Removals of existing road and sidewalk surfaces in current traffic staging
- Relocation and removal of utilities required for concrete repairs inside the NAC garage
- Full depth and partial depth concrete repairs on NAC structure and inside garage
- Placement of new concrete sidewalk on the north side of the NAC structure between expansion joints
- Placement of black concrete in the raised cycle track along the newly placed concrete sidewalks, north side of the roadway
- Placement of new, innovative tactile delineator strip between the new sidewalk and cycle track
- Investigation of concrete repairs under the National Arts Centre (NAC) structure, Rideau Canal structure, Colonel By Drive and Lawrence Freiman Lane.
Winter work (early January to end of March 2024):
- Full depth and partial depth concrete repairs on top of NAC structure deck and inside the NAC parking garage.
Expected work in 2024:
- Complete all work related to the placement of new concrete overlay, remaining portions of concrete sidewalk and cycle track, waterproofing and asphalt on structures in the current traffic staging
- Install access platform over the Rideau Canal
- Investigate and perform concrete repairs under the Rideau Canal structure
- Switch the traffic over the newly placed asphalt and switch the traffic staging to work on south side of the NAC structure
- Concrete repairs on all structures in the new staging area
Due to the deteriorated conditions of the NAC bridge deck and increased scope related to increased concrete repairs and the relocation of utilities inside the NAC garage, the project is now expected to be completed by the end of 2025.
Traffic and transit impacts
Beginning on Wednesday, July 27, the Mackenzie King Bridge will be reduced to one lane in each direction for the duration of the Mackenzie King Bridge Renewal project. When the project is complete in approximately August 2024, the four-lane bridge will be renewed with two-lanes, raised cycle tracks and widened sidewalks.
Workers will be rehabilitating the three connected bridge structures including the rehabilitation and/or replacement of expansion joints, concrete repairs, waterproofing, drainage structures and other lifecycle renewal requirements as part of this important project.
Traffic impacts
The majority of the construction work will be done in stages. During construction, one travelling lane in each direction (eastbound and westbound) will be open at all times.
Access to all businesses and properties will be maintained and pedestrians and cyclists will be accommodated through the work zones.
Transit impacts
Some bus stops along the bridge within the existing mid-block signalized pedestrian crossing will be temporarily relocated to the east during construction. OC Transpo and STO bus service across the Mackenzie King Bridge in both directions will be maintained, including pedestrian access to bus stops. Visit OC Transpo’s(link is external) website for more information.
Pedestrian impacts
Pedestrian crossings will be maintained around the work zone. Pedestrian access to private properties, the CF Rideau Centre south entrances, Department of National Defence and the Confederation Park staircase will remain open at all times during construction.
Construction notice (June 2022)
In early July, the City will begin construction in your neighbourhood. This work is being done to improve infrastructure and will involve renewal of the Mackenzie King Bridge.
Why: The City of Ottawa will be proceeding with construction due to the age and condition of existing bridge structures and to improve the streetscape elements and the Public Realm.
What: The work will involve:
- Rehabilitation of three (3) connected bridge structures.
- Rehabilitation / replacement of expansion joints, concrete repairs, waterproofing, drainage structures, and other lifecycle renewal requirements.
- Reconstruction of streetscape elements and transportation components.
- Reconfiguration of the roadway from a four-lane road to a two-lane road, with raised cycle tracks and widened sidewalks.
- Public spaces that integrate benches, planters, waste receptacles, bike rings / bike racks, and granite stools.
- Median bike lane improvements near the east project limit, on the west side of the Nicholas Street / Waller Street intersection.
When: Work is expected to begin early July and completion is anticipated by the end of fall 2024.
Where: Mackenzie King Bridge (between Elgin Street and Nicholas Street/Waller Street)
Who: The City of Ottawa has retained the Contractor, R.W. Tomlinson Limited, to complete the work.
Traffic management
The majority of the construction work will be done in stages. During construction, one travelling lane in each direction (eastbound and westbound) will be operational at all times. Pedestrian access and access to Businesses and all properties will also be maintained at all times.
Construction disruptions
The Contractor will take every precaution to minimize interruptions to the everyday life of your family and/or operation of your business, but, as you can appreciate, there may be some inconvenience during the course of the work, such as traffic delays, noise and dust. You may feel vibrations at your home or business due to the use of heavy equipment needed to complete this work. This is quite common and typically not an issue for existing structures. The Contractor will monitor vibrations during these operations. We would like to thank you for your patience and co-operation.
Property damage caused by construction activities
The Contractor is fully responsible for any damage to private property as a result of their construction activities. If you think that damage has occurred to your property as a result of construction, please contact the General Contractor directly. The contractor is required by the City to carry liability insurance before any work may proceed. For daytime construction activity hours of work, the City of Ottawa follows provincial requirements and the City’s Noise By-law (2017-255).