Project Update: Connectivity Enhancement Study
The Stage 2 Light Rail Transit project will extend the O-Train farther south, east, and west, bringing 77% of residents within five kilometres of rail.
Construction is underway with design efforts advancing across all three extensions.
The City of Ottawa has finalized the connectivity enhancements that will be implemented as part of the Stage 2 LRT Project.
Ensuring that key local pedestrian and cyclist networks are integrated into the Stage 2 LRT alignment, including stations, is a critical element of the project. Stage 2 will encourage active transportation through the creation of multi-use pathways (MUPs), cycle-tracks and pedestrian bridges. This will add roughly $20 million of infrastructure to advance the City of Ottawa’s pedestrian and cyclist network by providing critical connections, as well as fully accessible pathways to each Stage 2 LRT station.
Stage 2 stations have been designed to include the following connectivity features:
- Barrier-free path of travel to entrances of stations
- Accessible fare gates at each entrance, providing easy access for customers using mobility devices or service animals
- Clear, open sight lines and pedestrian design that make wayfinding simple and intuitive
Building on the Stage 2 LRT Connectivity Study completed in 2017, the City of Ottawa and Alta Planning and Design led a review of Stage 2 station connectivity. The following connectivity enhancements have been reviewed and many will be included in scope of the Stage 2 LRT project. Enhancements that have not been included within the scope of the LRT project will be referred for future consideration as part of the Transportation Master Plan.
Should you require more information, please contact
Stage 2 O-Train East extension Connectivity Review
The O-Train East extension will see the following enhancements as part of the Stage 2 Project.
Trim Station

Trim Station area will include the following connectivity enhancements:
A. A fare-paid pedestrian bridge from bus loop and park and ride lot on the south side of Highway 174, to Trim Station within the centre median.
B. Cross ride/walks on east and north legs of Trim Road/ OR 174 intersection.
C. 3-metre wide sidewalk along north side of park and ride lot.
D. A Multi-Use Pathway along the east side of the realigned Trim Road.
E. Retention of Multi-Use Pathway connections to Cardinal Creek community.
The following connectivity enhancements are beyond the scope of the Stage 2 project and will be referred for future consideration.
F. Upgrade sidewalk on north side of park and ride to a Multi-Use Pathway and extend to new realigned Trim Road.
G. Add Multi-Use Pathway on west side of new realigned Trim Road.
Place d'Orléans Station

Place d’Orléans Station area will include the following connectivity enhancements:
A. New fare-paid pedestrian bridge from bus loop to station, permitting the existing pedestrian bridge to remain open for non-transit users.
B. Addition of a bi-directional crossride across Champlain Street (north side) and widen existing pathway between Alpine Street and Champlain.
C. Formalize existing footpath between park and ride lot and Bilberry Drive to a standard Multi-Use Pathway.
D. Provide a Multi-Use Pathway along the south side of Highway 174, along Place d’Orléans Drive, south to Centrum Boulevard.
The following connectivity enhancements are beyond the scope of the Stage 2 project and will be referred for future consideration:
E. Upgrade Willow-Borland path to a multi-use path. Note: This work was completed by the City’s Infrastructure Services Department in 2020.
F. Reconfigure Champlain Bridge to increase pedestrian and cycling safety and comfort.
G. A future Multi-Use Pathway along the south side of Highway 174 between St. Pierre and Champlain Streets.
Convent Glen Station (Orléans Boulevard)

Stage 2 construction in the Convent Glen Station area will include the following connectivity enhancements:
- Bicycle parking will be featured in equal quantities to the north and south of the station (20 each side) on Orléans Boulevard Bridge
- Three Passenger Pick Up and Drop Off (PPUDO) spaces will be conveniently located on either side of the station.
- The sidewalk from Lumberman to Fortune will be widened to 2.5 metres (with the exception of the sidewalk on the bridge structure) to accommodate pedestrian movements to the station.
Other connectivity enhancements for people walking and cycling will be considered by the City in the future.
Jeanne d’Arc Station

Jeanne d’Arc Station area will include the following connectivity enhancements:
A. Multi-Use Pathway along the northbound lanes leading toward the Jeanne d’Arc Boulevard bridge from both the north (Fortune Drive) and south (eastbound on-ramp).
B. Bicycle parking will be located in equal quantities to the north and south of the station (20 each side), immediately adjacent to the Jeanne d’Arc Boulevard Bridge.
C. Modify road configuration over the bridge with narrow fenced centre median.
D. Raised crossing with vehicles yielding to pedestrians and cyclists between Bob McQuarrie and traffic island
E. Modify existing westbound on-ramp to provide a minimum radius free flow ramp with yield controlled, raised pedestrian and bicycle crossing
F. Addition of 60 metre vehicle right turn lane at southern intersection
Cross-section looking toward the north prior to crossing the bridge:

Montréal Station

Montréal Station area will include the following connectivity enhancements:
A. Uni-directional cycle tracks and a 2.5 metre wide sidewalk on both sides of Montreal Road between the on-and-off-ramps.
B. Multi-Use Pathway connecting the south end of Rainbow Street to Montreal Road.
C. Multi-Use Pathway along the north side of Highway 174 from Blair Road, continuing along the south side of Montreal Road with a cross ride/walk at signalized westbound off-ramp/ Montreal Road intersection, and continuing east to provide a connection to the Sir George Etienne Cartier Parkway. Specific details of this are noted in the next section.
D. Buffered bike lanes from Montreal Station to Bearbrook Road.
E. Provide an opening to connect the east-west Multi-Use Pathway to the corner of Shefford Road and East Acres Road.
Multi-use path between Blair Station and Montreal Station

Blair to Montréal Station area will include the following connectivity enhancements:
The connectivity review team has assessed the Blair Road to Montreal Road corridor with the following being implemented to provide connections to key community points of interest:
A. A new 2.7-kilometer Multi-Use Pathway will be built between Blair Station and Montreal Station, along the north side Highway 174. This continuous pathway will continue east from Montreal Road to the Sir George Etienne Parkway connecting to the new Green’s Creek Pedestrian Bridge, creating a key active transportation link between Ottawa’s eastern communities and the downtown core.
B. Connection from the new Multi-Use Pathway toward 2012 Ogilvie Road
C. Connection from the new Multi-Use Pathway toward Trillium Park
D. Connection from the new Multi-Use Pathway toward Arrowsmith Drive
E. Connection from the new Multi-Use Pathway toward Pine Grove Bible Church
F. Connection from the new Multi-Use Pathway toward East Acres Road and Shefford Road (also listed above under Montreal Rd enhancements)
Stage 2 O-Train West Extension Connectivity Review
The O-Train West extension will see the following enhancements as part of the Stage 2 Project.
Tunney’s Pasture Station

Tunney’s Pasture Station area will include the following connectivity enhancements:
A. New bridge and intersection at Goldenrod Driveway / Smirle Avenue and Scott Street with sidewalks on Goldenrod Driveway
B. Plaza on north side of station with pedestrian connection to west
C. Bus loop relocated to west
D. Add 40 bike parking spaces on north side of station with space allocated to double when required
E. Two passenger pick up and drop off spaces on Scott Street
F. Maintain the two-way multi-use pathway between Goldenrod Driveway to bicycle parking and bus stop on west side of station on Scott Street
Westboro Station

Westboro Station area will include the following connectivity enhancements:
A. Station plaza with six passenger pick up and drop off spaces and bike parking for 40 bikes with space allocated to double in future when required
B. Multi-use pathway connection to northwest with cross-ride across bus staging area to west
C. Add pedestrian crossover to northeast and northwest, across bus loop.
The following connectivity enhancements are beyond the scope of the Stage 2 project and will be referred for future consideration.
D. Upgrade existing pathway to northeast leading to Lanark Avenue to City multi-use pathway standards with lighting subject to agreement and land acquisition from the property owner.
Kichi Zìbì Station

Kichi Zìbì Station area will include the following connectivity enhancements:
A. Replacement of pedestrian bridge over rail corridor at Roosevelt Street.
B. Station plaza with three passenger pick up and drop off spaces and bike parking for 60 bikes with space allocated to double in future when required
C. New at-grade signalized crossings of Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway at Rochester Field and at Dominion Station with pathway connection to Workman Avenue.
D. Sidewalk on Berkley Avenue to Richmond Road
E. Multi-use pathway with lighting along south side of alignment between Kichi Zìbì Station and Churchill Street.
The following connectivity enhancements are beyond the scope of the Stage 2 project and will be referred for future consideration.
F. Provide multi-use pathway connection through Ottawa Community Housing Lands (requires support from Ottawa Community Housing).
G. Cycling crossing at Golden Avenue and Richmond Road.
Sherbourne Station

Sherbourne Station area will include the following connectivity enhancements:
A. Complete street including cycle tracks along Richmond Road, Byron Linear Park improvements, sidewalk on south side of Byron Avenue.
B. Station Plaza - with 6 passenger pick-up and drop-off spaces and bike parking for up to 20 bikes with space allocated to double in future when required.
C. Close Redwood Avenue between Richmond Road and Byron Avenue.
D. Two new pedestrian crossovers across Richmond Road at Lockhart Street and west of Sherbourne Road.
E. New multi-use pathway connection from Sherbourne Station to Ottawa River pathway, including underpass at the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway.
The following connectivity enhancements are beyond the scope of the Stage 2 project and will be referred for future consideration.
F. Add contra-flow bike lane on Redwood Avenue north of Keenan.
New Orchard Station

New Orchard Station area will include the following connectivity enhancements:
A. Complete street including cycle tracks along Richmond Road, Byron Linear Park improvements, sidewalk on south side of Byron Avenue
B. Station plaza with two passenger pick up and drop off spaces and bike parking for up to 20 bikes with space allocated to double in future when required
C. Two pedestrian crossovers across Richmond Road at Allison Avenue and at Hartleigh Avenue/Richardson Avenue
D. Improve Lawn Avenue Parkette and multi-use pathway
E. Formalize the restriction of vehicular access to/from Edgeworth Avenue at Richmond Road and add cycling and pedestrian access
The following connectivity enhancements are beyond the scope of the Stage 2 project and will be referred for future consideration.
F. Improve existing sidewalk from asphalt to concrete along New Orchard Avenue North.
G. Complete east-west cycling link along Lawn Avenue and Flower Avenue.
Lincoln Fields Station

Lincoln Fields Station area will include the following connectivity enhancements:
A. Replace the Woodroffe pedestrian bridge across alignment, south of station, to accommodate the LRT.
B. Multi-use pathway along east and west side of alignment, from Richmond Road to new Woodroffe pedestrian bridge south of Carling Avenue (noted as Item A), including reconstruction of pathway to Rosewood Avenue.
C. Station plaza with 9 passenger pick-up and drop-off spaces and bike parking for 60 bikes with space allocated to double in future when required.
D. Cycle tracks on Carling, in front of station entrance.
E. Signalized crossing including crossrides at Carling Avenue at station entrance, and west of station at a point mid-block between the station entrance and the ramps connecting Carling Avenue to Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway.
F. Add lighting to NCC pathway, from the pedestrian crossing at the SJAM to Richmond Road.
G. Provide more space in front of station plaza for pedestrians and cyclists by removing a lane of traffic in the westbound direction.
Iris Station

Iris Station area will include the following connectivity enhancements:
A. New bridge with six passenger pick up and drop off spaces (three each side) and multi-use pathway south side
B. Bike parking for 40 bikes with space allocated to double in future when required
C. Southbound cycle track on Woodroffe from Iris to Pinecrest Creek multi-use pathway and north-south crossrides through intersection of Woodroffe and Iris
D. Crossride across Woodroffe at Pinecrest Creek multi-use pathway
E. New MUP on west side of LRT alignment south of Iris Street
F. Reduce lane widths and add painted cycle tracks on both sides of Iris Bridge.
Algonquin Station

Algonquin Station area will include the following connectivity enhancements:
A. New pedestrian bridge from southern station entrance to ACCE building
B. Bike parking for 60 bikes near station entrances with space allocated to double in future when required
C. North-south multi-use pathway connection from Navaho Drive to Pallister Pvt. and crossing Navaho Drive to realigned Pinecrest Creek Pathway north of Navaho Drive
D. Connection from north-south multi-use pathway at Pallister Private to future multi-use pathway at Woodroffe Avenue south of station
The following connectivity enhancements are beyond the scope of the Stage 2 project and will be referred for future consideration.
E. Include design of cycle tracks along Navaho Drive from realigned Pinecrest Creek Pathway to planned east-west cycling facilities from Woodroffe Avenue to Baseline Road
F. New MUP on Woodroffe Avenue south of station. Note: project was implemented by Transportation Planning in 2022. Connection to north will be completed by Stage 2.
Queensview Station

Queensview Station area will include the following connectivity enhancements:
A. Pedestrian bridge across Highway 417 to Baxter Road
B. Station plaza with six passenger pick up and drop off spaces and bike parking for 20 bikes with space allocated to double in future when required
C. Multi-use pathway along alignment, east of the station to Connaught Avenue, and Connaught Park multi-use pathways from Severn Avenue and Hanlon Avenue
D. Multi-use pathway on east side and sidewalk on west side of Leon's to Queensview Drive
E. Sidewalk on north-west side of Baxter Road
F. Add cycling facility along Baxter Road from Iris Street to the station.
H. Cut through multi-use pathway to Queensway Terrace North community from Queensview Drive to Severn Avenue - being implemented
The following connectivity enhancements are beyond the scope of the Stage 2 project and will be referred for future consideration.
G. Lighting along path in Connaught Park with NCC.
Pinecrest Station

Pinecrest Station area will include the following connectivity enhancements:
A. Pedestrian crossover at Dumaurier Avenue and 3 passenger pick up and drop off spaces.
B. Station entrance plaza with multi-use pathway to Dumaurier Avenue and Pinecrest Road, and bike parking for 20 bikes with space allocated to double in future when required.
C. Bidirectional cycle tracks along west side of Pinecrest Road, from station entrance north to Queensview Drive.
The following connectivity enhancements are under review for consideration.
D. Multi-use pathway from Dumaurier Avenue to Pinecrest Road north of the bus loop.
E. Add multi-use pathway from Pinecrest bridge directly to station.
F. Bi-directional cycle track along west side of Pinecrest Highway 417 Bridge from station to Morrison Drive.
Bayshore Station

Bayshore Station area will include the following connectivity enhancements:
A. Pedestrian crossover at Woodridge Crescent at the station entrance.
B. Station plaza with bike parking for 40 bikes with space allocated to double in future when required.
C. Multi-use pathway from Woodridge Crescent to Holly Acres Road on the north side of the station.
The following connectivity enhancements are beyond the scope of the Stage 2 project and will be referred for future consideration.
E. Cycling facility along Woodridge Crescent east of the station.
Moodie Station

Moodie Station area will include the following connectivity enhancements:
A. Controlled pedestrian crossing and sidewalk across Corkstown at station entry.
B. Station plaza with two passenger pick up and drop off spaces and bike parking for 30 bikes with space allocated to double in future when required.
C. Multi-use pathway from station entrance to Moodie Drive and Corkstown Road intersection via the north side of Corkstown Road.
D. Sidewalk on west side of Moodie Highway 417 Bridge from Corkstown Road to the eastbound Highway 417 off-ramp.
The following connectivity enhancements are beyond the scope of the Stage 2 project and will be referred for future consideration.
E. Continue multi-use pathway connection along west side of Moodie Drive into Bells Corners.
F. Upgrade sidewalk to multi-use pathway along west side of Moodie Drive Bridge from Corkstown Road to the eastbound Highway 417 off-ramp.
Stage 2 O-Train South Extension Connectivity Review
The O-Train South extension will see the following enhancements as part of the Stage 2 Project.
Corso Italia Station

Corso Italia Station area will include the following connectivity enhancements:
A. Provide pedestrian and cyclist activated crosswalk/crossride at multi-use pathway crossing at Gladstone Avenue.
B. Construction of a Station plaza with 20 bike parking spaces.
C. Provide bus shelters on Gladstone Avenue.
D. Entrance on the north side of Gladstone Avenue.
E. Double bike parking to 40 spaces.
The following connectivity enhancements are beyond the scope of the Stage 2 project and will be referred for future consideration.
F. Add cycling facility along Gladstone.
G. Add multi-use pathway along west side of alignment. Note: this was implemented in the Gladstone Station District Secondary Plan.
Dow’s Lake Station

Dow’s Lake Station area will include the following connectivity enhancements:
A. On street westbound bus stop and shelter, and accessible route to station fare gates
The following connectivity enhancements are beyond the scope of the Stage 2 project and will be referred for future consideration.
B. Increase bike parking to 20 spaces. Note: This will be completed through the adjacent development
C. Add shared bike and transit lanes along Carling. Note: this will be completed by the City’s Infrastructure Services Department.
Carleton Station

Carleton Station area will include the following connectivity enhancements:
A. Expand the existing underpass to 9 metres south of the station.
B. Addition of Carleton University pedestrian tunnel segment north of the station for future connection to University’s underground tunnel system and Carleton station.
C. Addition of pedestrian/cycling bridge over the Rideau River.
D. 32 bike parking spaces.
Mooney’s Bay Station

Mooney’s Bay Station area will include the following connectivity enhancements:
A. Existing entrance to remain.
B. Addition of lighting to multi-use pathway from station to Brookfield/Flannery round-about
C. Additional bike parking and shelter
Walkley Station

Walkley Station area will include the following connectivity enhancements:
A. Station plaza with widened sidewalks.
B. Reconstruct and widen the existing path on the east side of the station from Walkley Road to the parking lot south of the station.
C. Double bike parking to 40 spaces.
D. Addition of passenger pick-up and drop off area east of station.
E. Provide cycling facilities through Walkley Road bridge reconstruction. The platform in front of Walkley Station has been widened to accommodate a future two-way cycling facility.
Greenboro Station

Greenboro Station area will include the following connectivity enhancements:
A. Provide a multi-use pathway connection from Bank Street to the station.
The following connectivity enhancements are beyond the scope of the Stage 2 project and will be referred for future consideration
B. Provide crossride / crosswalk at Bank Street and Johnston Road.
C. Increase bike parking from 28 spaces to 40 spaces. Note: This is being implemented through OC Transpo’s secure bike parking pilot.
D. Add cycling facility along Johnston Road to Southgate Road.
South Keys Station

South Keys Station area will include the following connectivity enhancements:
A. Station plaza with 40 bike parking spaces.
B. Provide a one-way drive aisle with a passenger pick up and drop off, east of the station plaza.
C. Provide a continuous multi-use pathway link to the Sawmill Creek Pathway system.
D. Provide a continuous multi-use pathway along the east side of the alignment over Hunt Club Road via a multi-use bridge to Bowesville Station.
E. Future proof station to double bike parking.
The following connectivity enhancements are beyond the scope of the Stage 2 project and will be referred for future consideration
G. Uni-directional cycle tracks and crossrides along Daze Street and Cahill Drive.
Uplands Station

Uplands Station area will include the following connectivity enhancements:
A. Provide a pedestrian sidewalk connection, a minimum of 4 metres between the bus stop and Uplands Station.
B. Provide a multi-use pathway with lighting from the Station to Uplands Road.
C. Reconfigure the existing parking lot to provide direct pedestrian access to the Station from the EY Centre entrance, perpendicular to the Station, and with a minimum sidewalk width of 3.6 metres.
D. Provide pedestrian lighting at the backside of the sidewalk connecting the EY Centre to the Station.
Airport Station

A. Direct connection from rail platform to airport terminal
Leitrim Station
Getting to the station:

Leitrim Station area will include the following connectivity enhancements:
A. Multi-use pathway along the east side of the LRT corridor.
B. Provide a crosswalk and crossride at the intersection of Gilligan Road and Quinn Road.
The following connectivity enhancements are beyond the scope of the Stage 2 project and will be referred for future consideration.
C. Add controlled crossing at Quinn Road and Albion Road.
D. Formalize connection to Findlay Creek community.

Leitrim Station area will include the following connectivity enhancements:
A. Station Plaza with 20 bike parking spaces
B. Provide a multi-use pathway with lighting along the north side of the station and park and ride facility to Gilligan Road.
C. Provide sidewalks with lighting within reconfigured park and ride.
D. Future proof station to double bike parking to 40 spaces.
Bowesville Station
Getting to the station

Bowesville Station area will include the following connectivity enhancements:
A. Multi-use pathway along the south side of Earl Armstrong Road.
B. A signalized intersection including a crosswalk/crossride at the junction of Earl Armstrong Road and the multi-use pathway leading to station plaza.
C. Multi-use pathway along south/ east side of LRT corridor.
D. New connection from the multi-use pathway to the Osgoode Trail.
At the station

Bowesville Station area will include the following connectivity enhancements:
A. Station plaza with 40 bike parking spaces.
B. Fare-paid pedestrian underpass to the rail platforms.
C. Provide a 3-metre-wide multi-use pathway with lighting from Earl Armstrong Road to the station plaza.
D. Future proof station to double bike parking to 80 spaces.
The following connectivity enhancements are beyond the scope of the Stage 2 project and will be referred for future consideration.
E. Provide a multi-use pathway from the station entry to the west side of Bowesville Road, connecting to the new multi-use pathway along the LRT corridor.
Limebank Station

Limebank Station area will include the following connectivity enhancements:
A. Pedestrian crossing between eastbound and westbound bus stops and plaza
B. Raised cycle tracks, sidewalks and three passenger pick up and drop off spots along east of Limebank Road.
D. 3 metre wide multi-use pathway along the east side of the future Main Street.
E. Future-proof station to double bike parking to 80 spaces.
The following connectivity enhancements are beyond the scope of the Stage 2 project and will be referred for future consideration.
C. 3 metre wide multi-use pathway along Limebank Road from Transit Street to Earl Armstrong Road.
F. Change the multi-use pathways along Limebank Road (in C above) to a 2-metre-wide uni-directional cycle track and 2 metre sidewalk on each side.
G. Provide crossride at future Main Street and Transit Street. Note: this intersection will be modified through the Site Plan Application process for 1515 Earl Armstrong Rd.
H. Add multi-use pathway connection along north side of Earl Armstrong Road to Riverside South community. Note: the cycling facility will be constructed through the Site Plan Application process for 1515 Earl Armstrong Rd.
I. Connection through vacant site – Note: Development Review for implementation through Site Plan Application process for 1515 Earl Armstrong Rd.