Strandherd Drive widening (Maravista Drive to Jockvale Road)

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Project status

Project overview

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Project description

Strandherd Drive is being widened to a four-lane cross section from Maravista Drive to Jockvale Road in Barrhaven. This is a major and complex infrastructure project and a significant investment in Barrhaven.

Key plan [ PDF – 3.96 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)

The project is approximately 3.3 kilometres in length. It will provide capacity for existing and future traffic volumes during peak periods and facilitate the movement of cyclists and pedestrians through the corridor as well as provide the underground infrastructure to support growth.

This project includes:

  • improvements and extensions to watermain and sewers
  • the construction of two temporary road detours
  • widening Strandherd Drive to four lanes
  • cycle tracks in both directions
  • sidewalks
  • a grade separation over the existing VIA Rail line (vehicular bridge over the tracks)

Strandherd Widening Roll Plan [ 17.2 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)

To support new development south of Strandherd Drive, the project also includes the expansion and retrofit of the Kennedy-Burnett Stormwater Management Facility to improve water quality. A multi-use pathway will also be constructed throughout the stormwater pond limits and will include a new pedestrian bridge.

Kennedy-Burnett Stormwater Management Facility Retrofit [ 11.6 MB ] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)

Project budget

The estimated total projected budget for the Strandherd Drive widening is approximately $113 million.
The total project budget for the Kennedy-Burnett Stormwater Management Facility Retrofit is $15.8 million.

Public involvement and engagement

The City of Ottawa has a proactive communication approach to dealing with construction projects and potential impacts to the public. As part of the City’s construction project process, various opportunities to share information will be used, including updates on, Public Service Announcements and Social Media.


Accessibility is an important consideration for the City of Ottawa. The City makes every effort to provide access through and around construction sites. If you require a disability-related accommodation, please contact the project team listed below. Accessible formats(link is external) and communication supports are available, upon request.


The City of Ottawa is committed to safety in and around project sites. The project team continues to work closely with the industry and to comply with recommendations provided by municipal, provincial and federal health officials, as well as the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development.

Contact information

For general project information, please email the project team(link opens email application) or contact the City’s Project Manager.

Matthew Raymond(link opens email application), P.Eng.
Engineer, Infrastructure Projects
City of Ottawa – Design & Construction Municipal
100 Constellation Drive, Ottawa, ON K2G 6J8
Tel: 613-580-2424, ext. 21813

Madrid Avenue - Traffic impacts (June 17 to July 5, 2024)

This notice is to inform you of the upcoming traffic impacts on Madrid Avenue for road resurfacing.

What: The construction work will include the removal of curb and sidewalk followed by the installation of new sidewalk, curb, and road resurfacing.

Why: The work is needed to address drainage concerns at the intersection of Strandherd Drive and Madrid Avenue.

When: The work is scheduled to begin on Monday, June 17 and anticipated to be completed by Friday, July 5, 2024.

Where: The work will occur on Madrid Avenue at the intersection of Strandherd Drive. Local access will be maintained via Madrid Avenue.

Who: The City of Ottawa has retained the contractor, Thomas Cavanagh Construction Limited, to complete the work.

Local access

Access from Strandherd Drive will be prohibited during construction. Following completion of the work, access will be reinstated. Local traffic access will be maintained during construction via Madrid Avenue.

Parking impacts

To facilitate completion of the works, localized parking restrictions will be required on Madrid Avenue for the duration of construction.

Construction disruptions

The contractor will take every precaution to minimize interruptions to the everyday life of your family and/or operation of your business. As is often the case with this type of work, there may be some inconvenience during the course of the construction work, such as delays and traffic detours, parking restrictions, noise and dust. You may also feel vibrations due to heavy equipment operations. Vibrations from construction activities are quite common and rarely cause any problems. We would like to thank you for your patience and co-operation. For construction activity hours of work, the City of Ottawa follows provincial requirements and the City’s Noise By-law (2017-255).

Vibrations and Frequently Asked Questions

Construction activities and heavy equipment associated with the Strandherd Drive Widening project and the Kennedy-Burnett Stormwater Management Retrofit project will produce low intensity ground vibrations. This is quite common and typical observed vibrations are unlikely to cause damage to adjacent structures. The vibrations are more noticeable in this part of Barrhaven because the clay soils in the area tend to carry vibrations further from the source.

Human Perception vs. Potential for Building Damage

It is important to note that people and buildings react differently to vibration. While a person might be able to feel vibrations, it does not mean that damage to building elements has occurred. Although tolerance levels vary considerably, people are much more sensitive to vibrations than buildings. A person may be able to feel vibrations that are 50 times less than the level of vibration typically estimated to cause damage to a building or its structural components. Construction vibrations expected under this project are more of a nuisance than a cause of property damage. The vibrations are not expected to reach the levels that can cause damages to homes or buildings.

Vibration Monitoring

In recognition of the potential for production of vibrations from the construction work, the City has implemented a vibration monitoring program to monitor construction induced vibration levels. Vibration monitors have been installed at adjacent properties within close proximity to the construction site. The vibrations are monitored on a continuous basis and the contractor is required to carry out the work in a manner to keep the vibrations, as monitored by the instruments, below acceptable levels. The acceptable threshold of vibration levels for this project is very conservative and are in line with the industry standards to prevent damage to nearby properties and homes.

Vibration Levels

People (and animals) are very perceptive to a small amount of vibration. However, without scientific instruments (seismographs), people cannot accurately place a value on the amount of vibration generated. Human perception of vibration is around a peak particle velocity (PPV) of between 0.2 mm/s and 0.5 mm/s. By comparison, the industry accepted PPV for residential structures is 50 mm/s for frequencies above 40 Hz. A door slamming, thunderstorm activity and wind all produce vibrations that we feel but are ignored since these are “everyday” events. The acceptable PPV levels for this project were set at 5 mm/s for frequencies less than 10 Hz and 5 mm/s to 45 mm/s for frequencies between 10 Hz and 40 Hz (sliding log scale).

Pre-Construction Surveys

Pre-construction surveys were offered to homeowners with a building or structure within 30 meters of the work zone. The objective of the pre-construction surveys is to document the state of the buildings and structures prior to commencement of construction for the purpose of documenting a baseline and resolving possible claims by residents or building owners located in the vicinity of the construction site. If you are more than 30 meters from the work zone and you are concerned about vibration damage, you may wish to complete your own pre-construction condition survey of your property. Your survey should include dated photographs and / or video. Construction will be ongoing until the fall of 2023. It is not too late to complete a pre-construction survey.

Cracks Do Not Equal Damage

Cosmetic cracks do not necessarily mean there is structural damage. The average person is not aware of the stresses that a home in Canada must endure. The Building Code requires that homes be designed to be flexible to try and accommodate these stresses. There are many reasons for appearance of cracks. Shortly after a new building is constructed, cracks may appear due to drying of construction materials. In older buildings, cracks often occur as a result of extreme environmental conditions or simply aging materials. They may also occur due to the building settling and adjusting to external forces caused by environmental factors.

The foundation is the strongest part of a house. Ground vibrations intense enough to crack foundations consisting of concrete and masonry would have to greatly exceed the accepted vibration levels for this project.

Suggestions to the Homeowner

To reduce the frustration from construction vibration you may wish to:

  • Separate items in china cabinets or other display cases;
  • Place tissue paper between stacked dishes such as cups and saucers;
  • Ensure that furniture is not touching the walls of the home; and,
  • Check picture frames and wall-hangings to ensure they are secure.

We thank residents and homeowners for their continued patience during the construction period.

Contact Information

For any emergency outside normal working hours, please call the City at 3-1-1.
For general project information, visit the City website at or contact the City’s Project Manager.

City Project Manager
Justin Trudel(link opens email application), P.Eng.
Design and Construction - Municipal
Tel.: 613-580-2424, ext. 15304

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Are construction induced vibrations worse in the winter?

A1: Soil conditions, particularly the frost layer in winter and the level of ground water table, may influence the level of induced vibrations. However, the extent of this influence is not clear. In a study of vibrations induced by buses in Winnipeg, Sutherland (1950) reported that vibrations measured in winter, while the topsoil was frozen, were significantly less than those measured in summer. On the other hand, subway-induced vibrations in buildings that were measured more recently in Toronto were found to be slightly higher in winter (while the topsoil was frozen) than in summer. Officials of many cities in Canada indicate that vibration complaints are more frequent during the thaw period in spring than in other seasons.

Construction induced vibrations may vary depending on the soil conditions at any given time of the year. However, vibrations dissipate at a rapid rate as they radiate out from the source (i.e. construction site). In order to mitigate and control these vibrations, monitors have been installed at several properties within close proximity to the construction site to ensure that vibration levels are within the project limits at all times.

Q2: Does the duration of vibration have an impact on the likelihood of building damage?

A2: If the vibrations remain under the accepted levels, building damage is unlikely, regardless of the vibration duration.

Q3: Why aren’t you using smaller equipment to reduce vibrations?

A3: For some work, using smaller equipment is not an option. For other works, using smaller equipment is possible but the construction would take much longer. The City has selected the vibration limits to allow the contractor to carry out the work within a reasonable time period while minimizing the potential for damage to homes. The City is monitoring vibrations to keep them within acceptable limits, while trying to balance the need to minimize the construction duration and, by extension, the length of construction disruption to residents of the adjacent neighbourhoods.

Q4: Could I get the results of the vibration monitoring?

A4: Because the vibration monitoring is continuous and includes multiple monitoring points, the amount of data collected is extensive and not practical to share. The highest vibration level of a specific date and location can be shared if requested.

Q5: What do I do if I find damage?

A5: The General Contractor, Thomas Cavanagh Construction Limited is required by the City to carry liability insurance for this project and is assuming full responsibility for the construction work, including any proven related damages. If you find damage, email your claim to Russ Perry(link opens email application) with a description of the damage, photos and contact information.