Public Works and Infrastructure Committee

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Terms of Reference


The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee is responsible for overseeing all issues related to the City’s transportation planning and infrastructure in accordance with the Transportation Master Plan, including pedestrian and cycling networks, long-term planning of the rapid transit network, parking operations, road construction and maintenance, traffic operations and mitigation methods, fleet maintenance and operations, designated truck routes, streetlights, sidewalks, street signage and furniture, and snow removal.


Membership of the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee shall consist of Members of Council, as appointed by Council. The Mayor is an ex-officio member.

General responsibilities

The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee shall:

  1. Be responsible directly to Council for those items related to transportation issues emanating primarily from:
    1. The Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development Department;
    2. The Public Works Department; 
    3. The Infrastructure and Water Services Department;
    4. Advisory Committees or Sub-committees that are within the area of responsibility of the Transportation Committee; and
    5. Local boards, agencies and corporations that are created by, and report to, this Committee.
  2. Have the authority to receive briefings on litigious matters related to transportation issues and to give direction to the City Solicitor on such matters where it is consistent with current Council direction or policy.
  3. Consider, for recommendation to Council, operating and capital budget amendments pertaining to items within the Committee mandate, subject to the budgetary powers and duties assigned to the head of Council under the Municipal Act, 2001 and associated regulations and any Council-approved budget process.
  4. Consult with the Agricultural and Rural Affairs Committee on transportation issues having an effect on the City’s rural residents and businesses or relating to items of interest for the agricultural and associated industries.
  5. Receive reports from staff regarding the exercise of delegated authority on items within the Committee’s mandate.
  6. Receive delegations from the public and hold public hearings as required by statute and Council.
  7. Address all matters related to and arising from, Advisory Committees or Sub- committees under the Standing Committee’s responsibility and that are in line with the established Committee and Council Strategic Plans.
  8. Review and recommend to Council revisions to the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee Terms of Reference, as required.
  9. Recommend to Council, the City of Ottawa’s participation in federal or provincial cost-sharing programs for matters within the mandate of the Committee.
  10. Monitor federal and provincial legislation with a distinct impact on transportation matters.
  11. Have the delegated authority to decide matters that are consistent with the application of federal and/or provincial statutes and/or regulations that are within the mandate of the Committee.
  12. Recommend to Council proposed by-laws that are under the Committee’s jurisdiction.
  13. Recommend for approval by Council, the membership and participation of its Members as municipal representatives in relevant public associations and other government organizations, such as the Ontario Good Roads Association (OGRA).
  14. Pursuant to the Delegation of Authority By-law, approve Councillors’ travel and attendance at conferences that are related to the Committee’s mandate.

Specific responsibilities

The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee shall:

  1. Facilitate the development and maintenance of a safe, efficient, and sustainable transportation network for residents that focuses on the following objectives:
    1. Provide a range of modal choice, including walking and cycling, in all areas of the City, and encourage residents to choose alternatives to driving;
    2. Move people and goods efficiently and in a manner that promotes a healthy environment and safe communities;
    3. Develop a system that is adaptable to emerging and probable changes in technology and capable of expansion to accommodate growing needs;
    4. Identify and consider the full costs and benefits of transportation alternatives to maximize economic sustainability of the transportation system;
    5. Minimize disruption and inconvenience to established and future neighbourhoods; and
    6. Ensure high quality of operations and maintenance that supports overall transportation objectives.
  2. Ensure co-ordination and consultation with other Standing Committees and departments where responsibilities overlap on transportation matters and on issues relevant to the mandate of more than one Committee.
  3. Recommend to Council new transportation policies or revisions to existing ones.
  4. Provide direction to staff for the implementation of the transportation goals outlined in the Official Plan and Transportation Master Plan documents.
  5. Oversee and make recommendations to Council on the update of the Transportation Master Plan including the legislative process and methods for public consultation.
  6. Recommend to Council modifications to the road network and other transportation infrastructure, based on priorities identified in the Transportation Master Plan, with the objective of encouraging the desired modal splits, mitigating unacceptable congestion, and minimizing neighbourhood traffic infiltration and air pollution.
  7. Recommend to Council ways to manage the City’s transportation system so that it minimizes environmental impacts, including effects on water resources and vegetation, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and potential for noise pollution.
  8. Monitor and ensure the City’s adherence to the provincial and federal requirements for Environmental Assessments, including the implementation of the public notification and consultation process.
  9. Receive and provide direction to staff on Statement of Work reports relating to Environmental Assessments concerning transportation projects, including transit infrastructure.
  10. In collaboration with the Transit Commission, review and make recommendations to Council on transit infrastructure matters, such as rapid transit corridors and traffic management, to achieve the transit goals of the City’s Official Plan and the Transportation Master Plan.

Roads and traffic

  1. Recommend to Council revisions to levels of service for road maintenance.
  2. Monitor traffic-management programs, projects and activities carried out by staff and make recommendations to Council on improvements to optimize traffic flow, including the potential use of emerging technologies.
  3. Make recommendations to Council on the implementation of a comprehensive Road Safety Plan to improve the safety of road users through engineering, education, and enforcement.
  4. Oversee and make recommendations to Council on the efficient operation of the City’s roads and intersections.
  5. Monitor and make recommendations to Council on the Area Traffic Management process to address community concerns about resolving ongoing traffic issues.

Active transportation

  1. Oversee the implementation of the active transportation network, as outlined in the Transportation Master Plan, and recommend any modifications to Council to further address the needs of pedestrians and cyclists, and to encourage walking/cycling as attractive travel alternatives.
  2. Oversee and provide recommendations to Council on the planning and maintenance of all cycling/pedestrian infrastructure, including pathway repairs, lighting provisions and safety.
  3. Be responsible to Council for the continued collaboration with the National Capital Commission on the development and maintenance of the multi-use pathway system.


  1. Oversee and make recommendations to Council on the City’s parking operations and programs, including on- and off-street parking facilities, meter rates and administration.
  2. Recommend new or revised parking by-laws, policies, and guidelines to City Council.
  3. Oversee and make recommendations to Council on the enforcement of parking restrictions to ensure a safe and efficient street network for residents.
  4. Make recommendations to Council on the City’s Parking Management Strategy to maximize the benefits of short-term parking, limit the availability of long-term parking, and minimize land consumption by parking facilities.

Approved by City Council on February 8, 2023

Meetings, agendas and minutes

Meeting agendas, minutes and videos for City Council, its committees and select local boards can be accessed through the City’s agendas and minutes web portal(link is external)

See using the City’s Agendas and minutes web portal for more information.

The following is available through the portal:

  • Meeting schedules
  • Agendas
  • Minutes
  • Meeting documentation
  • Live streams
  • Meeting recordings for meetings held on or after June 27, 2022

Live meeting streams and archived meeting videos continue to be available on the Ottawa City Council YouTube Channel(link is external). More information is available in the Watch or listen to Council and committee meetings article.

Meeting documentation from January 2001 to June 2012 can be accessed through the legacy agendas and minutes application(link is external).

If at any time you are unable to find a document or access the links above, please send an email to opens email application).