Open House Thursday, April 26, 2012
Open House Presentation
Part 1 [PDF 4.2 MB] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Part 2 [PDF 7.1 MB] Opens in a new tab or window(link is external)
Bayshore Station to Prince of Wales Drive Planning and Environmental Assessment Study
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Sir Guy Carleton High School,
55 Centrepointe Drive,
6 to 9 p.m., presentation: 7 p.m.
The Project
The City of Ottawa has initiated a planning and environmental assessment study for the proposed Baseline Road Transit Intensive Corridor (BTIC). The City’s current Transportation Master Plan (TMP) identifies Baseline Road as a future Transit Intensive Corridor with connections to Bayshore and Baseline Transitway Stations. This study will consider alternative options and designs for transit improvements and result in the expansion and improvement of the City’s transit network within the study area shown above.
There will be ongoing public consultation activities during the course of the study, including a series of Open Houses. The first Open House has been scheduled to provide an overview of the work underway, including information on the project need and justification, the existing socio-economic and natural environment within the study area, and the identification of alternative corridor alignments and design concepts.
The Process
The study is being undertaken in accordance with the transit project assessment process as prescribed in Ontario Regulation 231/08, In addition, you can send comments by E-mail, regular mail or fax using the following contact information:
Jabbar Siddique, P. Eng.
Senior Project Manager
110 Laurier Avenue West, 4th Floor
Tel: 613-580-2424, ext. 13914
Fax: 613-580-2578 opens email application)
Effective consultation will play a key role in the success of this project. The City has created three separate Consultation Groups representing various agency, business and public stakeholders, to provide direct input and feedback during the course of the study.
Consultation with the following groups is occurring throughout the study:
Agency Consultation Group (ACG)
The ACG is comprised of representatives from:
- Agriculture Canada
- Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
- Environment Canada
- Health Canada
- Infrastructure Canada
- National Capital Commission
- Natural Resources Canada
- Public Works and Government Services Canada
- Transport Canada
- Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
- Ontario Ministry of Tourism and Culture
- Ontario Ministry of the Environment
- Ontario Ministry of Transportation
- City of Ottawa (various departments)
- Algonquins of Ontario
- Bell Canada
- Enbridge
- Hydro One Networks Inc.
- Hydro Ottawa Ltd.
- Rideau Valley Conservation Authority
- Rogers Cable
- Transport Action Canada
Business Consultation Group (BCG)
The BCG is comprised of representatives from:
- Algonquin College
- Bayshore Shopping Centre
- Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA)
- Canadian Federation of Independent Business
- College Square
- French Catholic School Board
- National Capital Business Alliance
- Ottawa Carleton District School Board (OCDSB)
- Ottawa Catholic School Board
- Ottawa Chamber of Commerce
- Ottawa French Public School Board
- Ottawa Student Transportation Authority (OSTA)
- Ottawa Tourism and Convention Authority
- Pinecrest Memorial Services
- Queensway-Carleton Hospital
- SmartCentres (Laurentian Place)
Public Consultation Group (PCG)
The PCG is comprised of representatives from:
- City Councillor Representatives
- Ward 7 (Bay)
- Ward 8 (College)
- Ward 9 (Knoxdale-Merivale)
- Ward 16 (River)
City of Ottawa Advisory Committees
- Accessibility Advisory Committee
- Arts, Heritage and Culture Advisory Committee
- Business Advisory Committee
- Environmental Advisory Committee
- Ottawa Built Heritage Advisory Committee
- Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
- Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Committee
- Roads and Cycling Advisory Committee
Community Associations
- Bayshore Community Association
- Carleton Heights and Area Community Association
- Central Park Community Association
- Cityview Community Association
- Fisher Heights Community Association
- Leslie Park Community Association
- Qualicum-Graham Park Community Association
Special Interest Groups
- Citizens for Safe Cycling
- Federation of Citizens Associations of Ottawa-Carleton
General Public
The General Public will have the opportunity to build awareness, knowledge and understanding of the study through:
- Public Open Houses and Presentations (4)
- Media Coverage
- Newspaper Notices
- Study Reports
- Comment-Questionnaires
- Written Submissions
- Study Website and E-mail
Additional Consultation
- City of Ottawa Transportation Committee
- Interim reports and final study recommendations will be presented to Transportation Committee, and City Council, for approval
- An opportunity for public input is provided at the Committee meeting.
National Capital Commission
The study will be presented to the National Capital Commission to obtain input from:
- Executive Management Committee (EMC)
- Advisory Committee on Planning, Design and Realty (ACPDR)
Context, need and justification
Study context and overview
- Ottawa’s Transportation Master Plan (TMP) identifies a network of inter-linked transit corridors comprised of three key components:
- Primary rapid transit corridors
- Transit intensive corridors
- Transit priority corridors
- Baseline Road is identified in the TMP as a Transit Intensive Corridor between Richmond Road and Prince of Wales Drive, with connections to the Bayshore and Baseline Transitway Stations
- Transit Intensive Corridors are defined as:
- Linking to the primary network, these high ridership potential corridors will have all-day, dedicated, continuous and exclusive transit facilities for use by buses or trains, operating at grade with priority at signalized intersections
- Some transit priority measures are already present along the corridor
- Additional measures will be implemented in the short-term (1-3 years)
Relationship between this study and other rapid transit projects/studies

Need and justification
Existing Situation
- Present transit service along Baseline Road operates in mixed traffic. This service provides:
- Frequent service during weekday peak periods
- Regular service during off-peak periods
- East-west cross-town connections avoiding downtown
- Existing traffic conditions within the corridor affect the speed and reliability of transit service through:
- Traffic control delay
- Congestion delay
- The Official Plan emphasizes urban intensification and increased mixed-use development centered on rapid transit corridors to address travel demand and encourage transit use
- To support this strategy, the updated 2008 Transportation Master Plan (TMP) sets a 30% transit modal split goal for 2031
- The TMP identified an expanded rapid transit network as a key component to achieving this objective
- The recommended TMP rapid transit network was approved by City Council in November 2008 and forms the basis for the need and justification for the proposed project
Existing conditions
Existing Conditions – Transportation (Transit)

Existing Conditions - Transportation (Pedestrians and Cyclists)

Existing Conditions – Transportation (Roads and Traffic)

Existing Conditions – Municipal infrastructure

Existing Conditions – Land use planning

Existing Conditions – Land use and development activity

Existing Conditions – Property ownership and environmental contamination

Existing Conditions - Archaeological potential

Existing Conditions – Surficial geology and natural areas

Existing Conditions – Watersheds

Potential corridor alignments
Potential corridor alignments being considered
- The alternative alignments for the Transit Intensive Corridor are located within the Baseline Road corridor through most of the study area
- Alternative alignments in the western and central parts of the study area and will be explored further to provide connections to Bayshore Shopping Centre and through the Algonquin College/Centrepointe Town Centre areas
- Key considerations will include:
o Speed and reliability of transit service
o Transit service and ridership
o Adjacent land use type
o Connection with other City transit projects
o Cycling and pedestrian needs
o Full evaluation of potential impacts
o Cost

Western area corridor alignments
Queensway-Carleton Hospital
- Ring Road
- East of Hospital
- Baseline Road/Richmond Road
Bayshore Access
- Holly Acres Road
- Richmond Road/Bayshore Drive

Central area corridor alignments
Algonquin College/Centrepointe Town Centre
- Baseline Road/Woodroffe Avenue
- Baseline Road/Constellation Crescent
- Navaho Drive
- College Avenue

Design concepts
The planning and design of the Transit Intensive Corridor will consider and balance the interrelated needs of transit, pedestrians, cyclists, goods movement and automobile traffic to develop a Recommended Plan for the corridor.
The Recommended Plan will address short and long-term implementation staging of proposed changes and develop potential “quick win” measures to address existing issues affecting transit service along the corridor.
The following boards illustrate design concepts which will be considered as part of the study
Transit priority features
Transit Signal Priority

Queue jump lanes

Dedicated bus lanes

Transit Priority Measures

Other considerations
- Service improvements
- Bus stop locations and amenities
- Roadway modifications
- Turn restrictions
- New traffic signals
Active transportation and land use integration
- Integration of pedestrians and cyclists
- Cycling facilities
- Segregated bicycle lanes
- Sidewalk improvements
- Public art, landscaping and urban design
- Adjacent land use
- Centrepointe Town Centre
- Proposed development

Next steps
Following this Open House:
- Your comments on the study will be reviewed along with input received from the Consultation Groups
- The Consultation Groups will be involved in the development and evaluation of alternative corridor alignments and design options
- The evaluation of alternative corridor alignments and a preliminary preferred corridor alignment will be presented at a second Open House in the fall of 2012
- Information about the study will continue to be posted on the City’s website as it becomes available
Thank you for taking an interest in the Baseline Road Transit Intensive Corridor study.
Comments can be submitted to opens email application)
Study objectives and process
Study goals
The key goals for this study are to:
- Undertake the development and evaluation of alternative corridor alignment options to determine the appropriate transit intensive corridor alignment through the study area
- Complete a planning study to determine the preferred design for a transit intensive corridor that will support the urban development and land use objectives identified in the Official Plan and Community Design Plans, as well as the TMP mode split targets, and relevant provincial, NCC and federal plans, strategies and policies
- Address federal and provincial EA requirements and document the project’s impacts on the environment, including the necessary mitigation to offset any negative impacts
- Reach and proactively consult all stakeholders and the public during the planning and environmental assessment phases so they can effectively contribute to the decision-making process

Study process
The City of Ottawa is proceeding with the preparation of a Planning and Environmental Assessment (EA) Study for the expansion and improvement of its rapid transit network to accommodate existing and future travel demand.
The Study will follow a two-step process:
- A Planning and Functional Design Phase (underway) to determine the transit alignment, station locations and layouts as well as to address local planning issues
- An Environmental Assessment Phase to meet the requirements of the provincial Transit Project Assessment Process and the federal Canadian Environmental Assessment Act
At the end of the Planning Phase, the study findings will be presented to the City’s Transportation Committee, and to City Council before the environmental assessment phase is initiated.